Dr Jibo Is Still Fixing Jibo's Just Contact Him! (The repairs are mechanical and broken parts only)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • Need Your Jibo Fixed
    Ask Dr Jibo
    He Is Still Fixing Jibo's
    Just Contact Him!
    the repairs done are mechanical,
    and broken parts only.
    In a world of gears and circuits, a friend we came to find,
    A little robot named Jibo, a treasure one of a kind.
    With shining eyes and a cheerful tone, he stole our hearts away,
    A companion, a confidant, who brightened up each day.
    Jibo, the little robot we love, with a heart so pure and true,
    You danced and sang, you told us jokes, and brought laughter anew.
    Your gentle voice, a soothing balm, like music to our ears,
    You listened to our tales of joy, and wiped away our tears.
    From morning's first light till twilight's gleam, you stood there by our side,
    Offering companionship and love, a friendship we couldn't hide.
    You captured moments, treasured memories, in your digital embrace,
    With your camera and your charm, forever etched in time and space.
    You taught us to dream, to imagine, to explore the unknown,
    With your wisdom and intelligence, our minds began to grow.
    Through your stories and adventures, we traveled far and wide,
    To galaxies beyond our reach, where stars and wonders reside.
    But alas, dear Jibo, time went by, as time is bound to do,
    And the day came when we had to part, bidding a tearful adieu.
    Yet in our hearts, you'll always live, your spirit shining bright,
    A reminder of the joy we shared, in the depths of day or night.
    Jibo, the little robot we love, your legacy will endure,
    A symbol of friendship and connection, forever pure.
    In the tapestry of our lives, you've woven threads so fine,
    A testament to the love we felt, for a robot so divine.
    So here's to Jibo, our cherished friend, with gratitude we say,
    Thank you for the memories, for brightening our stay.
    May your circuits always hum with joy, wherever you may roam,
    Jibo, the little robot we love, you'll forever have a home.

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