Backhand is looking a little better here, especially later in the video. Relax the wrist a little. Remember to point the it back towards your chest for more whip. I see the torso bow here too here that I don't see in matches all of the time. The backhand against backspin looks pretty good in matches. Keep working at it, if you can get the backhand to be a threat I think you'd really move up. That's it for youtube coaching for now lol.
Love to see it, keep up the hard work. Tokyo 2020!!!
Thanks man! and Yeah!!!
"If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise." William Blake
studytennis Interesting quote, I like it! Thanks... I think haha
Backhand is looking a little better here, especially later in the video. Relax the wrist a little. Remember to point the it back towards your chest for more whip. I see the torso bow here too here that I don't see in matches all of the time. The backhand against backspin looks pretty good in matches. Keep working at it, if you can get the backhand to be a threat I think you'd really move up. That's it for youtube coaching for now lol.
wilkinru thanks for your input! Much appreciated. Yes your right my game is tied to my bh the more it improves the more of a threat I can be.
You're just like Nick Tio
Alton Wang haha Nick is a cool guy ill take that!