“We never made it a full year...” Daryl sounds like it’s always been Michael causing the accidents and daryls employees are just people trying to do their job
but, as a matter of fact, they DID reach, almost 3 whole years. when Michael used the forklift in a previous episode, Madge deleted the number "936" of the board that counts the days without accident. but, if you have running gags for years, these kind of accidents happen. (referring to the inconsistency in writing, not Michael's actions :D )
Quite possibly my favorite scene. You can tell they’ve had it with Michael. The fact that Darryl doesn’t even try to hide his anger towards him is flat out hilarious.
the lecture is for mike..he is the problem...darryl does not even care what dwight is doing despite just saying don't put your head near it..he meant mike and mike is so annoyingly distracting no one notices dwight is doing that exact thing in front of them
"The guy" is Patrice O'Neal, probably the most brilliant comedian of the 21st century. Welcome to your journey. I guarantee your life will never be the same. Look him up.
@hhhk20 Would it help you if they prefaced it with "I love when so-and-so said" or "LOL the part where he says..." Would that help you understand the purpose of those comments?
SafeSpaceInc I agree, not to mention he’s a little bitch if anyone he likes doesn’t like him or insults him, despite the fact that he insults everybody
@@qtaro-7097 LOL another false Republican calling out a true Republican. Idiot. Remember Regan? Of course not. I remember when Republicans stood up for good values, when did we go sideways. Please..don't give me snowflake because I don't support this reality star with no political experience and lies CONSTANTLY. Only snowflake is you who can't handle any criticism about Trump who ISN'T A TRUE REPUBLICAN. You are blind my friend. I support MRGA. Make Republicans Great Again. You are a libtard in the guise of a Trump supporter. You just won't admit it. You are worse than these libtards.
@@razkable He’s not racist or sexist. He doesn’t consider himself better then the African Americans because he’s white. He just says the right things, just in the wrong way
@@bluepeng8895 in the first few episodes he was racist but they changed his character by the second episode to a totally different person was not racist.
I'd say he's more professional than most of the office workers. The fact that unlike them, he's completely unwilling to tolerate Michael's crap during the safety training is a pretty clear example of this.
You know it's Michael as soon as Darryl says they'll remain nameless, and you just start to imagine Michael doing it. Then the talking head comes in and it's perfect and makes it 100x times more funny. Especially since Michael seems to think it's the best thing in the world.
and why does that make it the best thing in the world? Endangering yours and your colleagues life and then laughing like it's all a fixable joke and the injuries are nothing
“The bailer can flatten a car engine, it can cut off your arm and crush your body without skipping a beat” Dwight: "Yeah!!" *punches the air with exitement*
Tornike Shelia I think the best part of this video is when Darrell is explaining how it can crush you and Andy joins in on Dwight’s excitement and Dwight just looks at him disgustingly 😂😂😂
@JD4 yeah i agree i got really excited when i recognized him and he was great in the few scenes he had. im just saying i doubt it was tough for him to get into character when his gig was to be annoyed at someone. kindof a perfect role for him
Dwight being happy that the Bailer can cut off your arm and crush your entire body without skipping a beat is hilarious. Then the next thing you see is him poking his head into the bailer see what it looks like on the inside... that’s Dwight.
Jared Wignall well it's perfectly safe if it's off with the door open. I've worked around one and Michael is actually right it's just a big compactor lol
Michaels face after this exchange 😂😂 “Pudge has driven the forklift.” “Madge.” “I thought your name was Pudge?” “No, it’s always been Madge.” “Okaaay.”
Ever since /woooosh became super popular, there has been a lot of /woooosh call outs that fail to realize they're actually the /woooosh. There should be a subreddit on this.
"We do safety training every year or after an accident. We never made it a full year." I'm pretty sure Michael pushed Darryl on purpose so he could take them to the safety training lmao
When I was in college I worked in a warehouse. It is legitimately scary how many accidents there were. a guy drove forklift into the back of a trailer and put the forks right through the front of the trailer(said it was dark). Another guy jumped off the forklift and forgot to take it out of gear, the forklift rolled right out of a bay window. those things are heavy AF, made this amazing crash sound. I also had to fire a guy for driving drunk and hitting a main support beam at full speed... the whole building shook. he was thrown from the forklift but uninjured, then failed the alcohol test with a .20 I worked there 6 months....
Michael's looks at the camera each time Darryl admonishes him is like when a 9 year old brat is trying to "act cool" in class while the teaches chews him out.
“The bailer can flatten a car engine, it can cut off your arm and crush your body without skipping a beat” *It’s also a great way to fake your own death to avoid being prosecuted for federal offenses*
I love how the whole presentation is specified for Michael 😂😂 and they are only dragging the rest of the office just so he doesn't get embarrassed 😂 its just so funny😂😂
I loved how Michael asked Darryl to use the baler as his going away present when he was leaving the office. And when he refused Michael still went on to try his luck. Truly an incomplete love story. 😂
I love Darryl because he refuses to give Michael an inch. He's the most aware of how little common sense Michael has.
That episode probably wasn't the first time he got hurt as a result of Michael's antics and it definitely wouldn't be the last.
This is quality I like best of Darryl. I love it when he talks to Michael.
That’s ‘cause Darryl be zoppity.
Yeah, that was definitely the look of man who was thinking "again".
@@lucashenderson2775 It literally mentions it in the clip, it's the whole reason he's wearing crutches
Dwight literally sticking his head in the bailer while they're convincing Michael not to go near it. Wow.
Prob cuz they know dwight's is crazy, but not stupid
@@craftiebeats5900 yeah his right
He owns a farm, and farm machinery is very dangerous. He knows what he's doing.
this whole thing was for michael's benefit. the rest of the upstairs workers were there for formality.
That's what she said
“Bail-er I hardly know her” classic 😂😂
"Only on the rarest of occasions"
-Michael Scott
Thats what she said
Can you explain Michaels joke please is Bailer a girls name?
FirstRound Boxing “Bail her” as in bailing from jail. “Bail Her? I hardly know her.”
@@emartinez2740 Thanks Man.
“Dammit Michael pay attention man.”
You know he’s had it up to his limit with Michael 💀
That's Patrice O'Neal. Funniest comedian ever.
Rest in peace.
I am actually a boss where i work. If someone says that to me, it means i have lost all credibility as a boss and failed
@@Srrrgp F :(
@@Srrrgp did I stutter?
2:21 What the HELL is wrong with this man?
I just love the way Patrice (RIP) delivers this line lol
😂😂😂 best line! Who’s your favourite character?
Ricardo Pierre Louis Dwight, but my stupidity and personal traits line up with Michaels
May that brilliant comedian rest in peace
Really wanted Patrice to have a bigger role. One of my favorite comedians ever
“We never made it a full year...” Daryl sounds like it’s always been Michael causing the accidents and daryls employees are just people trying to do their job
It has probably always been Michael
Not sounds like but actually true
but, as a matter of fact, they DID reach, almost 3 whole years. when Michael used the forklift in a previous episode, Madge deleted the number "936" of the board that counts the days without accident.
but, if you have running gags for years, these kind of accidents happen. (referring to the inconsistency in writing, not Michael's actions :D )
It’s Michael’s garage. Give the man a break
@@szepi79 AND....it was DARRYL who busted his leg by misusing the lift as an elevator...
"Hey Darrell, how's it hanging?"
That always gets me! 😂
His name is Darnell
Genius as always🤣🤣🤣🤣
@vis mylife he was hanging 🤣🤣
1000th like and it’s so worth it
“Hey Darrell, how’s it hanging?” I always die at that part😂
How many times you resurrected?
Darryl almost did.
Sounds racist if you think about it lol
Quite possibly my favorite scene. You can tell they’ve had it with Michael. The fact that Darryl doesn’t even try to hide his anger towards him is flat out hilarious.
the lecture is for mike..he is the problem...darryl does not even care what dwight is doing despite just saying don't put your head near it..he meant mike and mike is so annoyingly distracting no one notices dwight is doing that exact thing in front of them
I can understand their anger. Daryl got seriously hurt by Michaels antics and it could’ve been anyone of them.
@@matthewriley7826 oh for sure. 100% agree.
The fact that dwight sticks his head in there and nobody bats an eye because they know Michael is the real threat 😂😂😂
“What the hell is wrong with this man?!” The guy always getting annoyed at him is hilarious
"The guy" is Patrice O'Neal, probably the most brilliant comedian of the 21st century. Welcome to your journey. I guarantee your life will never be the same. Look him up.
"Damn it, Michael!"
Tony Montana mang not even close bub
@@Batman8657 lmao the reach right there
@@ernestogastelum9123 Yeah, I might have overshot it a bit with the guarantee lol. Still love Patrice.
Wonder how Steve Carell brought himself to laugh that hard when he said the line "Darryl how's it hangin?" That was too much enthusiasm.
Steve is the master of the fake laugh.
Jeff Allen Jimmy Fallon: Am I a Joke to you?
*Begins to slap the table while he laughs hysterically*
Look up steve carell anchorman audition ull have ur answer
That's what she said
There is no such thing as too much enthusiasm when it comes to Michael
Darryl: “It can cut your entire arm without skipping a beat”
Dwight: “Yeah!”
That's what she said
Andy: "yeah"
@@HackletonDwight: 🤨🤨🤨
"only on the rarest of occasions" Lmao IM DEAD!
I can and I have
Bipidy boppidy give me the zoppity
How are you dead? Did you also ignore the training and go near the machine? Some people never listen.
Lmao for real man I love how he says it just to piss him off 💀😂
Murmurmur he is dead. I checked, and no wallet.
"The upstairs workers--MICHAEL--should not go near them."
Go not be*
I got it, i got it.. Only on the rarest of occasions..
Yes,yes but it won't be the worst thing in the world
It's pretty clear the whole thing was aimed at Michael, not even Kevin is as idiotic as him.
Bobby Frank250 “What the hell is wrong with this man.”
1:06 Darryl never blinked while sharing his fractured ankle experience
Yo wtf thats creepy
Ten bucks says Michael will try and ride the forklift
Kevin Malone $10,000,000
He does, then proceeds to knock down a shelf full of stock that the warehouse staff have to clear up.
I'll take that action
If someone gives you 10,000 to 1 you take it.
“But it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world”
“IT WOULD be the worst thing in the world”
“What the HELL is wrong with this man?”
Patrice O'Neal, barely on the show and still managed to display how effortlessly funny he was.
@hhhk20 Would it help you if they prefaced it with "I love when so-and-so said" or "LOL the part where he says..."
Would that help you understand the purpose of those comments?
@hhhk20 sorry sir I didn't realize the circus was in town otherwise we'd have taken more effort to welcome you and all the other clowns
Jacob Waters RIP Patrice
friendlyelites You’re a fucking idiot.
I like how Darryl is screaming at Michael about how dangerous the baler is then Dwight just goes and sticks his head in it while no one is looking
"Only on the rarest of occasions"
-Michael Scott
That's what she said.
Hey Darryl how's it hanging!
-Michael Scott
"What the hell is wrong with this man?"
Absolutely brilliant lmaooo
That's a line literally anyone could write for literally any occasion. Calling it Brilliant is insulting to that very word.
@@LJ-hk4tv It's not about the line itself, it's the delivery.
@luv crtny That doesn't narrow it down very much.
Patrice O’Neal legend
@@keith_pictures Rip the legend he was so good I saw his stand up show and he was sooooo funny.
1:22 this is my all time favorite scene of the show I love his face there 😂😂😂😂
1:38 Dwight's enthusiasm quickly cut short after seeing Andy copy him
I thought it he was just sizing him up to see if he'd fit in the press haha
@@MrBo0mBa - VERY possible. Good catch.
I was still shunning him
@@dwightk.schrute7173 true lol
Once u see it, you can't unsee it
Michael Scott literally has a mind of a 9 year old. It's beautiful.
@@SafeSpaceInc no
@@Andreas_Mann Yes.
nah. just undiagnosed adhd
@@hardiidoxjwwos Nah, just idiocy without a conscience and never having to face the disastrous consequences of his behavior.
SafeSpaceInc I agree, not to mention he’s a little bitch if anyone he likes doesn’t like him or insults him, despite the fact that he insults everybody
"Hey Darryl how's it hanging" gets me every time lmao!
Bail her? I hardly know her.
"Damn it Michael, pay attention, man!" lmao
Lol that was the joke.
Can someone explain it? I really don't get it lol
@@whothefisalys Baler => bail her
@@whothefisalys smh
Michael is like a stubborn toddler that only hears what he wants.
So a Trump supporter?
Vandelay Industries huh?
Vandelay Industries oh god another snowflake bringing up politics... stfu
@@artvandalay13 😐...
@@qtaro-7097 LOL another false Republican calling out a true Republican. Idiot. Remember Regan? Of course not. I remember when Republicans stood up for good values, when did we go sideways. Please..don't give me snowflake because I don't support this reality star with no political experience and lies CONSTANTLY. Only snowflake is you who can't handle any criticism about Trump who ISN'T A TRUE REPUBLICAN. You are blind my friend. I support MRGA. Make Republicans Great Again. You are a libtard in the guise of a Trump supporter. You just won't admit it. You are worse than these libtards.
Patrice saying what the hell is wrong with this man KILLS me 🤣🤣
"Michael! Get off the forklift!"
"don't worry we'll have someone clean that up."
"We gotta clean that up!"
Yeah, that's what he said, right?
Chris M what episode is that from?
I'm not sure what episode, but I found the clip. its at 1:47 here th-cam.com/video/XrHeFFYhd1A/w-d-xo.html
I love the fact that they're lecturing not just a regular dumb employee, but a boss of this entire place
Truth be told, the other employees are just there to make michael feel better. Lol
@@razkable He’s not racist or sexist. He doesn’t consider himself better then the African Americans because he’s white. He just says the right things, just in the wrong way
@@bluepeng8895 in the first few episodes he was racist but they changed his character by the second episode to a totally different person was not racist.
@@razkable what are you gonna do? Cancel him?
Those employees are smarter than him.
I love how Darryl kept his professionalism by saying “one office worker who shall remain nameless.”
If I remember correctly it was because he was suing the company.
0:21 Michael immediately rattling a random fence because he has no inner voice telling him he shouldn’t had me dying laughing
...and then Daryl sticks out his crutch trying to get Michael to stop. That's when I lost it. 😂
Just FYI that's the mast guard of the forklift
Lies again? RU DEAF BLIND
It's called a load backrest, but yes. Ensuring the backrest is sturdy is a part of a forklift pre-operation checklist.
"Random fence"… Darryl is surely not talking about the forklift and it’s certainly not the forklift that Michael is touching right now. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
"Mike, should you drive the forklift?"
"I can and I have"
**after a lecture about how he's not allowed to use the forklift**
Mysterious Narwhal
Cool. I saw the exact same video!
What happened after that? Tell us more, it sounds funny
still u go through the comments
It‘s should, not can. This messes the joke up a little
Coolbillion no it isn’t he literally says I can and I have
that transition between darril and michael laughing is just perfect
You forget how professional Darrel could be.
aperson22222 nah he’s pretty normal, it’s just that the other characters are completely fucking insane
aperson22222 he just scared for his workers
I'd say he's more professional than most of the office workers. The fact that unlike them, he's completely unwilling to tolerate Michael's crap during the safety training is a pretty clear example of this.
aperson22222 Daryl is probably the most sane character on the show...maybe Oscar but he was sleeping with Angela’s husband which is questionable
“Do not use the forklift!”
“Michael, should you drive the forklift?”
“I can and I have!”
The best part about this is the tone of michaels voice implies that the full sentence would have been "I can and I have - to."
@@Eaterofeaterofpies not really dude
@@Eaterofeaterofpies Yeah I think that's what he was saying.
@@Eaterofeaterofpies I can and I have to is so much more funny, like he somehow feels compelled to do it
I love how this whole training is basically just for Michael, but the whole office needs to be there!!
You know it's Michael as soon as Darryl says they'll remain nameless, and you just start to imagine Michael doing it. Then the talking head comes in and it's perfect and makes it 100x times more funny. Especially since Michael seems to think it's the best thing in the world.
Yeah I feel like this moment doesn't get enough credit when it comes to best Office moments, but it's hilarious.
Thank you for explaining the video we all just watched.
and why does that make it the best thing in the world? Endangering yours and your colleagues life and then laughing like it's all a fixable joke and the injuries are nothing
@@weicong1533 You are cancer.
@@weicong1533 It's a comedy show. *LAUGH FOR ONCE*
“The bailer can flatten a car engine, it can cut off your arm and crush your body without skipping a beat”
Dwight: "Yeah!!" *punches the air with exitement*
Sergey Karakash *procedes to put head in the bailee*
i would like but 420 likes
Oh you saw the video too?
Then puts his head in it 🤣
That immediate and careless "I can and I have" is classic Michael Scott, love it
Michael - "Baler, I hardly know her"
Who ever wrote this scene deserves a Nobel Prize
That warehouse worker looks like Patrice O'Neal
Lebogang Seleleko Because it is him.
No worst
Tornike Shelia I think the best part of this video is when Darrell is explaining how it can crush you and Andy joins in on Dwight’s excitement and Dwight just looks at him disgustingly 😂😂😂
partially real
This video was zoppity
Let's go Mach 5
Hippity hoppity give me the zoppity.
Alex Hardy tickle fight.
Alex Hardy yesh
White folks always stealing our slang
The way that the actors play their parts like it is real life is amazing! Great acting guys!
Steve Carell's infectious laughter gives me life.......
.....and makes me go bonkers at the same time😂😂😂
@@ifalone what?
@@shervn6940 character correct
I was ur 1k'th like
@@ifalone obviously you idiot but Steve actually laughs like this
Patrice O'Neal was just himself in the few scenes he had
@@Roadglide86 why lol
yeah it was real departure for him to play a guy annoyed at a white guy
@JD4 yeah i agree i got really excited when i recognized him and he was great in the few scenes he had. im just saying i doubt it was tough for him to get into character when his gig was to be annoyed at someone. kindof a perfect role for him
"Hey Darryl, how's it hanging?" 😂😂😂😂
Dwight being happy that the Bailer can cut off your arm and crush your entire body without skipping a beat is hilarious. Then the next thing you see is him poking his head into the bailer see what it looks like on the inside... that’s Dwight.
Jared Wignall well it's perfectly safe if it's off with the door open. I've worked around one and Michael is actually right it's just a big compactor lol
He heard the word beat and thought beets
Michaels face after this exchange 😂😂
“Pudge has driven the forklift.”
“I thought your name was Pudge?”
“No, it’s always been Madge.”
@Didid Jfkdjfif why don't u take a nap
fresh meat!
@Didid Jfkdjfif someone forgot to take the stick out of their ass
Honestly I'd do the same thing, she's frustrating to look at
I love how Daryl scolds Michael like he’s a child. 😆
He IS a child 😂
“Damn it, Michael. Pay attention”. HILARIOUS.
I'm assuming you're a big Office fan, boo?
That's what she said!🙂
@@stripedrajang3571 maybe if you didn't add boo she would have replied back
@@theinsurance2450, what would be the difference?
@@stripedrajang3571 do you want the short answer or the long one.
I still miss Patrice O'Neal. I loved him in The Office.
2:35 Mindy Kaling can't hold the laughter any more 😂
"Toby is leading ours upstairs. Eerrghh."
Hey there's nothing wrong with Toby
Toby Flenderson he’s quoting /woosh
@@mystuff99 I know that he's quoting I can see the quotation marks/woooooosh
Ever since /woooosh became super popular, there has been a lot of /woooosh call outs that fail to realize they're actually the /woooosh. There should be a subreddit on this.
@@UrielSuarezElectro There shouldn't be because reddit is an inappropriate website and you're not allowed to be on it
“Should you drive the forklift?”
“I can and I have”
“Nonononononono” this will never be not funny.
2:23 the guy in the middle has a lot of patience 😂😂
"What the hell is wrong with this man?!"
Lol the ending killed me!
I love how professional and serious the warehouse workers are
they dont act like pro, they are just fed up with micheal's shenanigan
Pudge has driven the forklift
It’s Madge
Her is qualified.
She looks like her name would be pudge 😅
@@luisrios9745💀 *Agreed*
0:47 I could've swore your name was Pudge.
Nope, it's always been Madge 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Bale-er I hardly know her.”
“Damnit Micheal pay attention man.”
One of my favorite episodes in the entire show. The bailer scene is a national treasure.
I genuinely laughed when it cut from Darryl to Michael 😂. Also, Steve really has a very natural fake laugh
"We'll get somebody to clean it up"
"We're the ones who gotta clean it up"
SOMEBODY needed to beat the moronic outta Michael, right then n' there.
Clean up on aisle 5
Michael's face when he says how's it hanging
I swear the god the interaction between Michael and Darryl is one of the best in the show
I like how Michael ditched Toby’s meeting just to get roasted here. That’s karma
0:30 “mike should you drive the forklift?”
“I can and I have to”
2:21 “what the hell is wrong with this man?!”
Weirdly this is the only time in the entire show someone says this loud in front of Michael 😂
"We do safety training every year or after an accident. We never made it a full year."
I'm pretty sure Michael pushed Darryl on purpose so he could take them to the safety training lmao
You can hear the distain in his voice knowing full well that Michael was the cause of every single one of those accidents
It wasn’t so they would do safety training. It was so he say “hey, Daryl, how’s it hanging?” as a joke.
"Don't disrespect the bailer" lowkey most underrated quote from The Office
R.I.P Patrice Oneal!
And Harold Ramis
Who's that?
@@yurionedge2199 Lonnie; the other, bigger black guy in the warehouse. He was incredible. Look up his comedy.
@@yurionedge2199 Stand up comic who was ahead of his time. Hilarious! Look him up on youtube.
Sea monster didn’t deserve to die
Michael you are not allowed to drive the forklift
Test Michael are you allowed to drive the forklift
Yes I can and I should 😂😂😂😂
*I can and I have.
You can feel the fear of Michael’s dangerous stupidity when Darryl says “I’m legitimately scared for my workers” 😂😂😂😂😂
Baler? But I hardly know her!
Best line I've ever heard
Dammit Micheal Pay Attention
You're goin mach 5, Rick James!
Fleece it out man!
Bippity boppity give me the zoppity
Tim The Enchanter 😂 I was gonna reply that but them I saw that you already did
When I was in college I worked in a warehouse. It is legitimately scary how many accidents there were. a guy drove forklift into the back of a trailer and put the forks right through the front of the trailer(said it was dark). Another guy jumped off the forklift and forgot to take it out of gear, the forklift rolled right out of a bay window. those things are heavy AF, made this amazing crash sound. I also had to fire a guy for driving drunk and hitting a main support beam at full speed... the whole building shook. he was thrown from the forklift but uninjured, then failed the alcohol test with a .20 I worked there 6 months....
0:36 Michael's smiling just thinking about driving the forklift! Haha, oh God
Hahaaa love Patrice O’Neal
“The hell is wrong with this man?”
Michael's looks at the camera each time Darryl admonishes him is like when a 9 year old brat is trying to "act cool" in class while the teaches chews him out.
“The bailer can flatten a car engine, it can cut off your arm and crush your body without skipping a beat” *It’s also a great way to fake your own death to avoid being prosecuted for federal offenses*
Sounds like something Creed would say.
@1:27 Darryl is trying to stop his laughter. See those subtle expressions.
I can’t get over how Patrice O’Neal was a side character in the office
Right! Side kick with comments🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
1:05 Darryl looked like he was recounting a horrifying experience..
Well it was for him..
0:54 I like how in a way Darryl stood up for Madge. I mean what the hell kind of name is Pudge?
@Lord Yaoi Time for a little butchery! Whateva.
I love how the whole presentation is specified for Michael 😂😂 and they are only dragging the rest of the office just so he doesn't get embarrassed 😂 its just so funny😂😂
Little did they know the number one heart surgeon in Japan was standing right behind them.
Don’t no why I randomly come back to this scene. “Hey Daryl how’s it hanging”
I don't know why, but I love how Darryl gives a quiz of one question to Michael knowing he would get it wrong anyway.
Catch you on the flippity flip!
Michael Scarn take 50
. Oh my god... IT'S YOU
Standurand who’s who?
@@gush35z67. Think about it... Just for a second. There's you and Michael Scarn
"Hey Darryl how is it hanging?" i cant breathe now.....
2:30 Kelly trying her best to hold her laughter and looking away at the end of the scene
"Yes, Yes. But it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world-"
“What the hell is wrong with this man?!”
"do you understand that?"
Has anyone noticed that when Michael says at 0:14: “And if I know Darryl it gonna be something” he is actually imitating Stanley? 😂
He said " it gonna be zoppity". It's one of the fake street slang words Darryl teaches him.
Michael peaked at insufferable here.
Patrice just acts like himself in this show. I love it
The slow pan in on Darryl as he tries to remain professional while telling the story and the quick cut to Michael always makes me lose it
I loved how Michael asked Darryl to use the baler as his going away present when he was leaving the office. And when he refused Michael still went on to try his luck. Truly an incomplete love story. 😂
Last time I was this early Jim was dating Katie
Matthew MacQuarrie Karen
You have to disclose an office relationship with hr
Last time I was this early Kevin spoke normally.
Karen*. Not a true fan smh
@@trashstarr excuse me, Katie was before Karen
"Dammit Michael pay attention" - Patrice Oneal was soo good
"What the hell is wrong with this man!?" 😂😂