I want to come back here to eat Durian as well. Target next year August. Just visited Betong on 22nd Sept and managed to eat a few durians in one of the shop beside the market. Ganyau variety and its fruit drop by itself when ripe like in Malaysia. Unfortunately the majority is the cut variety from the tree. The durians I had was out of this workd. So yummy !
I want to come back here to eat Durian as well. Target next year August. Just visited Betong on 22nd Sept and managed to eat a few durians in one of the shop beside the market. Ganyau variety and its fruit drop by itself when ripe like in Malaysia. Unfortunately the majority is the cut variety from the tree. The durians I had was out of this workd. So yummy !
我載游客来的第一站就是万花园(一晚) 勿洞社区(住二晚) 因为有去陈平村.. 就没有安排风花雪月😅
Where.are.good.hotels 5:16 😊
There are some reasonably good hotels where you can look it up, but don't expect it to be very high quality, but overall it is clean and comfortable