I swear they are going to be one of the big groups soon. I feel it. We need to stay on their side. I seriously think they will he onenof the big groups. They are hot cutw funny talented! Lets stream! The comeback and show the ppl that greatguys is a group which deserves to be hyped
I swear they are going to be one of the big groups soon. I feel it. We need to stay on their side. I seriously think they will he onenof the big groups. They are hot cutw funny talented! Lets stream! The comeback and show the ppl that greatguys is a group which deserves to be hyped
I hope so 😿♥️
Yes i think so too i get that vibe
I hope your words come true😊😊😊
If we stay bu their side and keep sharing they’ll keep growing
ياربي حلوين ويجننو💜💜💜
The choreography is so cute I got a feeling "run" will be a dangerous choreography for us after this cute one lol !!!!
They are so cute I can't....I feel bad for their feet...they are stepping in water with shoes on....soggy feet 😔
the choreography is so cute. dongin with long hair tho wow
Los amo
I love them
We love you
So in love with the song
I’m so glad this was in my recommended! I love this type of summery sound so much
Even the start of the dance is cute^^
Too sweet ☺️
amo amo amo
This MV is so refreshing to see. Waiting anxiously for comeback.
No words can explain explain how amazing the MV and the song is. 😇💜
Son un amor. No los merecemos 😢😢😢😢
Son demasiado tiernos😍💝
👍👍👍❤ from Malaysia
Choreography by Jae I..our talented leader
Now I’m not saying that Dongin with long hair is the best thing to happen to the world.. but that’s exactly what I’m saying.
I hope they will be discovered in the future. They're really talented and i love their songs
😍❤saranghaeyo guys
Handsome ,love you
Los amo chicos
omg yas i can learn the full choreography now. woop
Haha good luck:) me too,maybe will try to learn it🤔(I am sorry,maybe I made a mistake/s because my english is bad😅)
The chromatography is amazing and adorable 🥺💜
Belleza pura ahí aca
Cute 😻
Estos chicos sob arte
i’m sorry but dongins laugh in this just melts my heart
Greatguys best guys 💙💛
amo la canción y la coreografía, tan lindos~
espero tengan ya el reconocimiento que merecen!
sigamos apoyando a GreatGuys ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Looking at them always makes my day better ❤️
Look how happy they seem ah 🙈
And they're so cute and talented~
1:35 & 3:26 I can't with him 😝❤️
Que lindos, me muero de amor. ♡
Wooow so beautiful's👏👏.
👋👋 i am from Argentina 👋
Talento né mores
اهم شي انو لا مشاهدة
و 30 لايك
ilove it woooooow
dongin i love you so much
i love you guys
I'm arb fan from iraq
Great guys great guys great guys 💜💜💜💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ellos son realmente lindos y tiernos~
Este tema les hace tan bien, tanto que me relaja escucharles uwu
Son hermosos nwn.
Cuál es tu bias?
its time to learn a full choreographyyyy
Amazing👍 💕💓❤
Hakuna matata
É lindo dizer
son tan lindos, cuídense chicos, los amooooooo ❤️❤️❤️❤️
pretty babies, fighting!!
Los amoooooooooooo💕💗💕💕
I love it, I love it! I never get tired of seeing it, they are really talented, I love them always
나는 세상에서 가장 사랑스러운 형제, 당신을 사랑합니다
fun, cute and fresh to watch ♥
Jae I fue el coreógrafo 🥺❤️
Quedó super cute 🥰
Hi guy's great video I love the beach so much you all had have fun on a summer day.love y'all
Oh..this is so cute....😄
Great performance 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
they're look so cute tho 💓
I love you🤩🤩🤩🤩💜💜💜💜
What a beautiful performance! This guys definitely stole my heart 😆❤️
So cute 😭💜
The choreo is so simple and cute
이 노래가 너무 달콤 해 I love this song ❤️ I love your songs 😍💗
que buen mv siiiii a esta if le encanta
Hermoso me encantó 😍😍😍😍
멋져요 멋진녀석들 👍👍
Semangat ya greatguys ^_^
You guys are really talented.....fighting💓💓😇
Omg i Love u so much... 🇧🇷💕💕
AMAZING 🥰 I absolutely love it 😍 Love you guys ❣️
Belle chorégraphie et performances
support great guys grace ✨✨
saudades de praia!
Great guys💜💜💜💜
Bailar en la tierra es muy incómodo y ellos lo hicieron con tanta naturalidad y tan bien... ay, son demasiado lindos y talentosos estos chicos TT
Yesss stream guysss
They are so cute 😍😍
This is adorable
How can they change from this cute choreography to danger choreography (RUN)???
my miver you
This is the cutest!
I need to see them live🥺 this song is so good the dance too great vocals great rappers omg i’m inlove
los amoo chicos❤❤❤❤❤
Great Guys vs. high tide
wow jaei you're did great the choreographer so cool🥺🥺
hell yeah the cutest boys are back