If you are reading this try and pay for school as you go and not take out loans. If you can’t pay your loans due to a hardship get a deferment instead of forbearance because they don’t tell you much about the capitalized interest which is added to your principle and can cause your principal to get even bigger.
If you are reading this try and pay for school as you go and not take out loans. If you can’t pay your loans due to a hardship get a deferment instead of forbearance because they don’t tell you much about the capitalized interest which is added to your principle and can cause your principal to get even bigger.
Thank you for your advice!
I’m learning the hard way. I hope someone else doesn’t have to.
When should u pick each of the four plans
Nice video
I have watch these video it me to learn about student loan and student aid its very interesting 😊😊😊😊😊
I need some money for my business
ok 👍
Yo no avlo inglés
I'm Rohingya but I have something to say to you....