Shame on TH-cam it was a great music video helped visualize and amplified the meaning and sound but audio is also great the guitar with the whole instrumental and vocals gives me chills especially the solo with the blast beat on drums and ending with that melancholic again melody shame on TH-cam for taking down original one
Que excelente melodía! Esta es una obra maestra del Black metal depresivo... Una canción que resume en cuatro minutos y medio lo que realmente significa la vida, tan solo un episodio lleno de melancolía, dolor y sufrimiento...
Man no entiendo por que youtube borro todas tus obras de arte si eso es nada mas musica y arte y lamente que perdieras tus obras de arte ya que llevaba escuchandote hace mucho espero que pronto lo recuperes tu antigua cuenta DECALIUS💔🥃🎧 Aqui estare siempre oyendote
My son played this as we were driving into the sunset…I never thought I’d ever feel anything again, and now I’m breaking apart into a thousand pieces- what the effin eff!? I can’t stop listening to this!
I'm from Mexico and I really love your songs. I identify with almost all of your songs, especially Unfair. You do a great job and I admire you a lot. Keep it up, Decalius ❤️
Yo no era muy fan del DSBM, pero tú trabajo me hizo adentrarme más en él. Shotgun es mi canción favorita del género; debo decir que incluso el tema que me dan unos aires medios de "Shoegaze" (No Blackgaze) pero sin perder esa escencia pura del DSBM. Sigue con el buen trabajo, esperemos más temas como este.
Mi cancion favorita de decalius no tiene mucho que lo descubri pero, tiene tantos sentimientos y ritmos como la guitarra de esta cancion esos arreglos que hacen que se destaque y me guste tanto y esa voz desgarrada y los gritos llenos de tristeza... es arte♡
Bu şarkının karanlığı aslında çok hüzün ve yaşanmışlık dolu ve insanoğlunun yaşadığı tüm olumsuz duyguları (hüzün, nefret, öfke gibi) bir eserde toplamak ve bunu ustalıkla ifade etmek gerçekten emek ve enerji isteyen harikulade bir iş. TEŞEKKÜRLER DECALİUS🖤🖤🖤
Braulio espero me leas, te felicito es un gran tema Shotgun sigo el DSBM desde el 2010 pero este tema le tengo un especial cariño especialmente a mis 30 años, michas gracias por traer esas memorias profundas 🌧
No sé si veas este comentario, pero pille tus canciones hace unos tres días cuando subiste el albúm de Dehumanizing Loneliness y mierda, wea buena. Keep up the great work man, shit really sends shivers, this is my favourite song so far.
Smoking this birthday cigar. This is how I want to spend my evening. Good death smoke, good melancholy music for a dreary night. Thanks for the amazing vibe. \m/
anyone else feels like this music could be a theme for a game over screen, but like in real life. Like you lose, blow your head off and this goes during the credits or smthn? (the best part is this applies to multiple songs from Decalius) Like they have this unique vibe to their songs that makes me think this.
Recientemente di xon tus canciones y dejame decirte Master que no sabes como me han ayudado para entrenar mas pesado simplemente motivación pura ☠️🦇 Gracias 🫂
It's useless to ignore this pain When loneliness reminds me of it It's useless to extract this pain When the pain is hidden inside my brain It's useless, it's useless But I have a shotgun, and a date with my lonely chair I'm not pessimist when I said it's all over for me I am realistic, I am realistic It's over, life shot me in the head The walls are stained with blood and failure, just like my life There is no remorsе Whatever is next, it's bеtter than this fucking curse Fuck you, fuck everyone No more days, no more months No more years, no more loneliness No more pain, no more life
Pocas bandas como Psychonaut 4 o Nocturnal Depression me ponen realmente triste y decaído, considero que esta es una de ellas, para mi el dsbm mas que retratar tristeza retrata una desesperación que sientes con esa atmosfera tan densa y pesimista, no se por que ahora tengo una adicción a sentirme mal con esta música.
Shame on TH-cam it was a great music video helped visualize and amplified the meaning and sound but audio is also great the guitar with the whole instrumental and vocals gives me chills especially the solo with the blast beat on drums and ending with that melancholic again melody shame on TH-cam for taking down original one
Didnt get to see the vid, you think someone archived it?
get use to disappointment
×2 @@cciale
I’m really curious. No one has the video?
@@Kyefe have you found it?
I've never felt this connected to music like I do with yours. Its painful yet beautiful. Makes my heart ache.
Simple, elegante, bello, poco más se puede pedir.
Best musical piece ever created.
Im so glad i was born at the perfect time to experience decalius’s glorious music.
Nice pfp
will i be able to speak
i always admire your tremolo riffs , so .melodic yet hauntingly beautiful 🫶
100% Agree, man. It's so weird how certain sounds just sound so inherently sad and emotional. Decalius is awesome
Que excelente melodía! Esta es una obra maestra del Black metal depresivo... Una canción que resume en cuatro minutos y medio lo que realmente significa la vida, tan solo un episodio lleno de melancolía, dolor y sufrimiento...
Im new here, i just discovered this band, the first time i listened to them was the album dehumanizing loneliness.......... I was crying.
actual perfection i wish i discovered it on release
I get this stuck in my head ALL THE TIME❤
Losing the battle to killer instinct. Blood must be sheed. Justice will shine.
Man no entiendo por que youtube borro todas tus obras de arte si eso es nada mas musica y arte y lamente que perdieras tus obras de arte ya que llevaba escuchandote hace mucho espero que pronto lo recuperes tu antigua cuenta DECALIUS💔🥃🎧 Aqui estare siempre oyendote
Muchas gracias por el apoyo! es un gusto que aun haya gente regresando :)
Queeeeepedo con yt
a veces es por "insunuación al zv1c1d10" otras por gente resentida que reporta las obras
Estoy mal, pero decalius estuvo para hacerme sentir peor, te amo decalius
Música horrorosa 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@deividsobrenome6204ve a escuchar bad bunny
@@deividsobrenome6204 Horroroso son los corridos tumbados y esa mmda de Reguetón 🫵🏻
@@robertoproreyes367 kkkkkkkk
@@deividsobrenome6204 Ese es el que escucha noise y se cree superior
when my life sucks I always listenin to decalius
My son played this as we were driving into the sunset…I never thought I’d ever feel anything again, and now I’m breaking apart into a thousand pieces- what the effin eff!? I can’t stop listening to this!
Esto es hermoso ,el ritmo de la meldodia acompaña mi alma y me abraza la unica canción que me entiende
an amazing song so sentimental don't stop making songs friend I love your music
I'm from Mexico and I really love your songs. I identify with almost all of your songs, especially Unfair. You do a great job and I admire you a lot. Keep it up, Decalius ❤️
soy adicto a esta cancion, son riffs tan sentimentales, tocan el alma, es belleza
True ⭐
Wow this melody blews my head off
haha nice one
Just like my old friend Fr
I came from the same video
cancion toda hermosa. es arte del puro y duro y hermoso
Ese Toque Oscuro, que te hace querer escucharlo una y otra vez, ambientado por esas guitarras, gracias infinitas por esa obra maestra
одна из немногих групп, которая спасает от самовыпила
Favourite song.
Its back again finally :)
The sounds from "A miserable life", Loneliness, and this one is badass. Lyrics very relatable and deep so much so you can feel it. Well done 👏
Yo no era muy fan del DSBM, pero tú trabajo me hizo adentrarme más en él. Shotgun es mi canción favorita del género; debo decir que incluso el tema que me dan unos aires medios de "Shoegaze" (No Blackgaze) pero sin perder esa escencia pura del DSBM. Sigue con el buen trabajo, esperemos más temas como este.
Just had a break up, thank you for this decalius, i feel better.
Amo el solo de esta canción!!
It's a wonderful song that makes me think deeply, but at the same time I listen to it every second without getting tired of it.🤘
Thank you for your music and welcome back, I was searching it today high and low!
Decalius is an absolute legend!!!
Decalius lees mi mente o te atormenta lo mismo que musicones BRUTAL
Estoy llorando, por que son las músicas mas hermosas que he escuchado en toda mi vida 😿
i would give my life for this music.
saudações do Brasil 🇧🇷 banda espetacular
randomly found your songs on Tiktok and i really love them! especially this.
Great song. Total support!
Eu acabei de descobrir esse gênero musical e já me apaixonei nele. Suas obras são incríveis, decalius
Best and darkest black metal ever made, keep going🤘🖤
очень сочувствую, что твой старый канал удалили, надеюсь что его скоро восстановят обратно 🥲😞
I love you decalius, hope you're doing okay with your break from music. ❤
when i first heard this song i literally cried there is so much talent behind this music
Mi cancion favorita de decalius no tiene mucho que lo descubri pero, tiene tantos sentimientos y ritmos como la guitarra de esta cancion esos arreglos que hacen que se destaque y me guste tanto y esa voz desgarrada y los gritos llenos de tristeza... es arte♡
Bu şarkının karanlığı aslında çok hüzün ve yaşanmışlık dolu ve insanoğlunun yaşadığı tüm olumsuz duyguları (hüzün, nefret, öfke gibi) bir eserde toplamak ve bunu ustalıkla ifade etmek gerçekten emek ve enerji isteyen harikulade bir iş. TEŞEKKÜRLER DECALİUS🖤🖤🖤
Smoking a cigarette to this rn
edging the barrel of my shotgun to this rn
U lucky, I quit few years now. Ain't worth the money
Acabo de descubrir tu música, debo decirte que te admiro mucho espero llegar a sacar algún día temas tan buenos como los tuyos
Braulio espero me leas, te felicito es un gran tema Shotgun sigo el DSBM desde el 2010 pero este tema le tengo un especial cariño especialmente a mis 30 años, michas gracias por traer esas memorias profundas 🌧
No sé si veas este comentario, pero pille tus canciones hace unos tres días cuando subiste el albúm de Dehumanizing Loneliness y mierda, wea buena.
Keep up the great work man, shit really sends shivers, this is my favourite song so far.
Lejos lo mejor que he escuchado en años
😭I love this song 🥹Please keep em coming!
Smoking this birthday cigar. This is how I want to spend my evening. Good death smoke, good melancholy music for a dreary night. Thanks for the amazing vibe. \m/
late happy birthday bro and how you doin ? genuinely asking
@@জানিনা-ভ৫ঞ I'm ok. Life is getting better so I can't complain.
Man that sounds like a vibe fr
Me encantan tus canciones, eres tremendo musico
That little guitar riff after lyrics just brakes me everytime
Lately I've been having some strange ideas
Me too. Afraid when those ideas become stronger than my inner will
Guys, head up ! Yourself in first.
It's gonna be okay buddy ❤
anyone else feels like this music could be a theme for a game over screen, but like in real life. Like you lose, blow your head off and this goes during the credits or smthn? (the best part is this applies to multiple songs from Decalius) Like they have this unique vibe to their songs that makes me think this.
best way to describe their music is game over life is over music.
least autistic decalius listener
Tantos sentimentos ruins dentro de mim, e essa musica por algum motivo expressa tao bem a mistura de odio é melancolia que sinto
Greetings from Bulgaria... Keep going man, we love your work 👁️
Bro me sentí muy mal por lo de tu otro canal por un momento pensé que te había pasado algo que bueno que estas bien
Muchas gracias no hay de que preocuparse todo esta bien, gracias por seguir aqui!
I was here when this video had 500 views, and look at u now. Respect
es exitante escuchar su musica gracias
Que buen tema
0:48 my favourite part I can’t😖
This sounds amazing! The whole album is a 10/10. Keep up the good work :)
Yesss!! U still alive!
absolutely agonizing. love your stuff❤️🩹
This is fantastic!!! ⚰️🖤
You are a great Decalius, keep it up.
Amazing ❤️❤️
كل هل ابداع من شخص واحد تخيلو
Melhor banda de Black metal
Greetings from Bulgaria, nice stuff dude
Recientemente di xon tus canciones y dejame decirte Master que no sabes como me han ayudado para entrenar mas pesado simplemente motivación pura ☠️🦇 Gracias 🫂
good luck from here! 🖤🤘
💯👍..... greetings from Germany
I notice you. Geil das du das auch mega findest. Love you brother
This so damn good 😭 thank you
ديكاليوس بعد💘
Great at everything, that's art
Me encantan tus canciones decalius son perfectas para la soledad y una mente jodida :3 ❤
Aquí estamos brother, compartiendo el link de tu canal. Veremos si podemos recuperar lo mayor posible.
Muchas gracias! Se aprecia mucho el apoyo! :)
Eres uno de los mejores artistas musicales que he oído.
thanks for all dude,love your songs,always make me better,but now...shotgun lol
3:26-3:38 Just wanted to make sure we were paying attention
Chills brother 🤘 🔥
obra maestra
esto me llega hasta el alma y duele, pero es tan hermoso
Nunca estuve tan feliz de encontrar música para deprimirme jajaja Joder!! Que buena mierda!!!!
Absolutely in love so proud of you i hope you're resting while on break my dear 💞
I think I identify with songs like that (I don't know why.)
I love you brother
Truly one of the greatest songs ever written. One of the few things keeping me from killing myself
glad to be back here.
we love your music, keep do it please, for us
So deep…
How many feelings can make me feel... 🙏
It's useless to ignore this pain
When loneliness reminds me of it
It's useless to extract this pain
When the pain is hidden inside my brain
It's useless, it's useless
But I have a shotgun, and a date with my lonely chair
I'm not pessimist when I said it's all over for me
I am realistic, I am realistic
It's over, life shot me in the head
The walls are stained with blood and failure, just like my life
There is no remorsе
Whatever is next, it's bеtter than this fucking curse
Fuck you, fuck everyone
No more days, no more months
No more years, no more loneliness
No more pain, no more life
here before 100k 🖤🖤🖤
Pocas bandas como Psychonaut 4 o Nocturnal Depression me ponen realmente triste y decaído, considero que esta es una de ellas, para mi el dsbm mas que retratar tristeza retrata una desesperación que sientes con esa atmosfera tan densa y pesimista, no se por que ahora tengo una adicción a sentirme mal con esta música.
عالجرح ديكاليوس.