Oh but I want to tell you… There's been a change in the creators calendar and scripture substantiate this...these things are being restored to us in this time because we are living in the latter days and just as Moses was given a correction to the calendar… Drawing the Israelites away from the pagan way of observing the calendar…we today have also been given the restoration of the creators calendar…
You have some very compelling arguments in this series, and I look forward to learning more. I have a friend who is practicing the lunar sabbath, and learning about it but is as of yet unable to answer any of my questions. I do find some issues with your statements, and I think some holes in your teaching... First, I don't see in Lev. 23, in the part about the feast of Unleavened Bread in the first month, vs. 5-8, any mention of a weekly sabbath, as you claimed in one of your other videos (pt 1/3). In the Hebrew it says qodesh miqra where the KJV says "holy convocation" (vs.7&8) and v.8 mentions seven days, and the seventh day, but not "shabath". Similarly, in the festivals of the seventh month, from v. 23 to the end of the chapter, the only mention of a sabbath (shabbath) is on the 10th day of the month, the Day of Atonement. At v. 32 it is called a "shabbath shabbathown", sabbath of rest (KJV), or sabbath of complete rest (JPS). The Day of Trumpets, the first day of Tabernacles and the Great Last Day (Eighth Day) are also called "shabbathown", complete rest, but not "shabbath", sabbath. I have considered this conundrum, and it seems to me that if there is a day that restarts the count to sabbath, it must be the Day of Atonement, as it is the only one of the High Sabbaths that is actually described with the same Hebrew word as the weekly sabbath. Second, (and I must admit, I may have not reached the part in your video(s) where you address this, if you do) your lunar sabbath does not seem to account for the count of 50 days from the "morrow after the sabbath" (First Fruits) following the passover to the "morrow after the seventh sabbath" (Shabuoth). Lev. 23 vs. 15 & 16 clearly states "... seven sabbaths shall be complete: (16) Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days;..." And the word in Hebrew is "shabbath". If you are not counting days of the dark moon it may work, but I don't think that is allowed. You must count seven sabbaths, and the total must be 50 days. The lunar sabbath doesn't work. This brings me to the third point, which is where you seem to have followed in the error of the Jews, who did not receive the sign of Jonah (Yonah), who was in the belly of the fish for THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS. "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Mt 12:40) If Yahusha were killed on the 14th of the month at evening (and we know He was), and He was in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights (and we know He was), that means he was in the grave on the 15, the 16th and the 17th, and rose on the 18th. This means that the weekly sabbath had to be on the 17th of the month that particular year. The 15 of the month Abib is the first day of Unleavened Bread, a High Sabbath, a qodesh miqra, but not a weekly sabbath. The Pharisees and the Sadducees and the scribes knew what day the weekly sabbath was, but they counted the First Fruits as the day after the High Sabbath, on the 16th of Abib, as they do today. They did not receive the sigh of Yonah. They probably lost this in Babylon. Or maybe when the Levites took the crown during the time of the Maccabees. Either way, they have the wrong day, and consequently they also have the wrong day for Shabuoth (Pentecost to the cristians). I do agree with you that the Gregorian, Julian, Roman, Persian, Babylonian, etc. calendar is messed up, and we need to find the true calendar of Yahuah. And we better find it fast! I will watch the rest of your videos on this subject, and I hope you can point out any errors I have stated in this post. I do not wish to spread any errors. Please, also, let me know if you did learn anything. Thanks.
Wow! That part @27:00 and finishing with Exo 13 (particularly) answers a lot. I've been studying the lunar calendar for over a year, and I still have questions. These two parts (and I'm looking forward to the third) have been great. This point of חָג chag was amazing. Reading Exo (and even Leviticus) now it simply reads that the feast is a 7 day feast, which will span over a Sabbath, and the writing is simply saying, that Sabbath is still a Sabbath and is to be treated as such, in relation to the other 6 days of the feast, which are work days. Wow! This means that there is no holy convocation on the 21st. Just last week I was studying this very information as those arguing against the lunar Sabbath bring this point up (and me without an answer). P.S. The video is still choppy at parts...
I did a little translation work on this with Google Translate. Not the bible of translators, but the best I have. Lev 23:8 in the English translation reads after the Hebrew of the Modern Hebrew Translation. והקרבתם אשה ליהוה שבעת ימים ביום השביעי מקרא קדש כל מלאכת עבדה לא תעשו But you shall present a food offering to the LORD for seven days. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any ordinary work. The second word (remember from the right) of the Hebrew is written in the Hebrew transactions with those three characters [together]. אשה Google translate this as "Woman". Well, even if that's a bad translation, knowing the letters (particularly the 1st character) can actually be a conjunction or preposition I played around in Google Translate with putting spaces in between the three letters. א שה = a lamb אש ה = the fire Firstly, I think this could be a testimony of how intertwined the Hebrew language is, for putting those two things together, it makes sense that the original word would mean "a lamb by fire" or basically cooking the lamb, which is exactly what happened during the Passover and this time. Secondly, I did this with all the words of this sentence. Some stayed as they were, and others separated (in Google Translate) offered in my opinion a pretty fair interpretation to consider. So if one looks carefully at the sentences (below), one will notice the differences from the original sentence (above). These are some I picked with perhaps a more workable English sentence in brackets. I don't know if there's some more for the second sentence that might make better sense than a past tense sentence. והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב יום ה שביעי מקרא קדש .כ ל מלאכת עבד ה לא ת עשו And sacrifice a lamb to the LORD seven days from the day seventh in a holy convocation. Around to work the servant is not a done. [And sacrifice a lamb to the LORD seven days from the day seventh in a holy convocation. Around to work: the servant is not to done.] [And sacrifice a lamb to the LORD seven days from the day seventh in a holy convocation. The servant is not to do work.] והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כ ל מלאכת עבד ה לא ת עשו And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to work the servant of the Lord did not. [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to work: the servant of the Lord does not.] [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. The servant of the Lord does not work.] והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כ ל מלאכת עבד ה לא תעשו And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to the slave work do not. [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to the slave work: do not.] [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. do not do slave work.] והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כל מלאכת עבד ה לא ת עשו And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Every work of God's servant did not the. [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Every work of God's servant: did not the.] [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Of God's servant: Do not every work.] [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Do not every work of God's servant.] והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כל מלאכת עבד ה לא תעשו And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Worked all the work you do not. [And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. You do not work all the work.] Pretty interesting with the understanding that we cannot go around rewriting the scriptures.
Wow! Proof is everywhere....John 7:22 Circumcision was done on the 8th day, a Sabbath per the Messiah. 1/8/15/22/29...Look for the moon and stop following man.
KJV translators intermingled (Yareach moon) and (Chodesh Month) The word for Month is Chodesh H2320 The word for Moon is Yareach H3394 doesn’t exist till Genesis 37:9 King James Version translated H2320 Chodesh Month 276x and mistranslated 20x as New Moon ALL say ((H2320 Chodesh Month)) 1 Sam 20:5, 1 Samuel 20:18 1 Samuel 20:24 2 Kings 4:23 1 Chronicles 23:31 2 Chronicles 2:4 2 Chronicles 8:13 2 Chronicles 31:3 Ezra 3:5 Nehemiah 10:33 Psalms 81:3 Isaiah 1:13,14 Isaiah 66:23 twice, Ezekiel 45:17 Ezekiel 46:1,3,6 Hosea 2:11 Amos 8:5 Also in New Testament Colossians 2:16 Should be translated as New Month not new moon Greek word G3561 neomenia G3501 Neo = new G3376 men = month
Yes, I know it is renewed Moon...to Moon. Still Moon...Not a paper calendar. Gen 1:16 And Elohim made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Gen 1:14 And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
That is a lie, Sir! Not on the 4th. Gen 1:5 And Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Hebrew repeats few verses as emphasis, if you notice throughout scripture.
Sir, where is the head of the month on the Gregorian? None. Blow the Trumpet on the first day, renewed Moon day.... Psa 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. You believe whatever you want. I follow the renewed Moon to Moon as in the kingdom. Will never follow Men again, they think to change and are UNABLE TO TOUCH HIS CLOCK. As in the days of Noah/Flood, so shall the end be....5 Moons/Months, 150days...only works with 360, so does Prophecy....1260d/42m/3 1/2 years. Jews add an entire month every leap year, you can thank Hillel and Constantine for the fixed calendar. Enough said.
there are 12 month scriptural years, and there are 13 month scriptural years. the proof is in the Word. at the end of the 12 th month. if the barley is not ripe.yet, you declare another month. And by the end of the 13th month that year, the barley will be ripe. this keeps the months in synch with the seasons of the year. Approx. every 3 years I believe an additional month is added to make a 13 month year. But dont take my word for it. Check the proof in scripture for yourself and be convinced: creationcalendar.com/CalendarIssue/15-The13thMonthInEzekiel.doc
Question: ... In Leviticus 23, what about the spring feasts?... So the 14th day of the 1st month is passover. The 15th day is the feast of unleavened bread (and would also be a regular, weekly, 7th day sabbath as well right?... and then in verse 8 it says they were to offer and offering made by fire to the Lord for 7 days. The 1st day beginning on the 15th, and the 7th day was to be a holy convocation and rest day too.... in which that would then land on the 21st day of the month, and would actually be a day before the weekly sabbath, if the weekly sabbath is on the 22nd of the month.... I'm just having a hard time comprehending all this. : (
Chris Tian .................. 14th Passover = Tuesday died 14th = Tuesday night buried right before Wednesday's break of dawn 15th first day of Feast of Unleavened Bread annual Sabbath 18th weekly Sabbath = Saturday Romans Col.1:18 First born from the dead 21st last days of Unleavened Bread = Tuesday annual Sabbath 26th = Sunday Lev.23:10-16,Jos.5:10-11 wave the Sheaf/First Fruits start Omar count
view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=http%3A%2F%2Fcreationcalendar.com%2FCalendarIssue%2F24-NewMoon.FullMoon.doc&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK Is the full moon the new moon?
view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=http%3A%2F%2Fcreationcalendar.com%2FCalendarIssue%2F24-NewMoon.FullMoonII.doc&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK And more on the subject.
Waffleone3 ... Sorry Troy .... you are talking about Yahu-Shuah attending a Temple. Which Temple did He attend? The rebuilt 2nd Temple was defiled by the "Jew" Herod ... Did Yahu-Shuah have any business with a defiled Temple? Like why didn't He snap His fingers and bring the Temple down?
A sliver of the Moon it's not a Sabbath it is always the new moon that is a Sabbath not a separate day Ben will have a Sabbath every seventh day not interrupting the WIC I Sabbath every seventh day
The claim you don't calculate, the ancients calculated all the time. That's exactly what you do Troy when you observe the phases of the moon and change your predictions for one day to the other. When the ancient kohenym sent out scouts to sight the FVC they were calculating. If they didn't see the FVC they simply CALCULATED that it would appear the next evening. With this information the kohenym could declare the Chodesh thus the following Shabbat. Troy that's all you do is calculate, calculate, calculate; any fool with common sense can see that.
So, we're using "Acts" to calculate a Creators calendar? Flawed. What about Enoch 72 and Jubilees 16, which BOTH point to 12 months of 30 days for a total of 360 days, with 4 Intercalary days separating the seasons. Works MUCH better. This is a false teaching because it relies on extra scriptural writings to support its FLAWED theology.
If there is evidence of a 13 month year in the bible, would this prove that they were using the moon for months and not Enoch's system? Because 12 moon months would not equal the 365 day cycle of the earth around the sun, but would rather be 354 days, 11 short of the 365 day year. So every 3 years another month was added to the year, in order to keep the yearly calendar approximately in line with the planting and harvesting seasons. Here's the proof: creationcalendar.com/CalendarIssue/15-The13thMonthInEzekiel.doc
KJV translators intermingled (Yareach moon) and (Chodesh Month) The word for Month is Chodesh H2320 The word for Moon is Yareach H3394 doesn’t exist till Genesis 37:9 King James Version translated H2320 Chodesh Month 276x and mistranslated 20x as New Moon ALL say ((H2320 Chodesh Month)) 1 Sam 20:5, 1 Samuel 20:18 1 Samuel 20:24 2 Kings 4:23 1 Chronicles 23:31 2 Chronicles 2:4 2 Chronicles 8:13 2 Chronicles 31:3 Ezra 3:5 Nehemiah 10:33 Psalms 81:3 Isaiah 1:13,14 Isaiah 66:23 twice, Ezekiel 45:17 Ezekiel 46:1,3,6 Hosea 2:11 Amos 8:5 Also in New Testament Colossians 2:16 Should be translated as New Month not new moon Greek word G3561 neomenia G3501 Neo = new G3376 men = month
Happy Sabbath,
May YAHUSHUA's name be praised forever.
Thank you for sharing, I Praise Yah, for this wonderful teaching on His True calendar, Shalom :))
This video has been reloaded as there was a glitch in original upload. Please advise if there are any problems with this video. Thanks!
+waffleone3 where can i get more videos of this gentleman? his presentations have captivated me.
Just click on the link above and enter your email. Also, there is much more info on the lunar sabbath on the home page.
+waffleone3 thank you, I just have. I await the response
Yes it gets mangled at 10.42 of video.P;ls can u write what is missing from it or reupload whole video .Thanks
@waffleone3 ...check out rabbi Tovia singer on TH-cam.
shalom, please subtitle in french, it's so interresting please. Bless you
Oh but I want to tell you… There's been a change in the creators calendar and scripture substantiate this...these things are being restored to us in this time because we are living in the latter days and just as Moses was given a correction to the calendar… Drawing the Israelites away from the pagan way of observing the calendar…we today have also been given the restoration of the creators calendar…
You have some very compelling arguments in this series, and I look forward to learning more. I have a friend who is practicing the lunar sabbath, and learning about it but is as of yet unable to answer any of my questions.
I do find some issues with your statements, and I think some holes in your teaching...
First, I don't see in Lev. 23, in the part about the feast of Unleavened Bread in the first month, vs. 5-8, any mention of a weekly sabbath, as you claimed in one of your other videos (pt 1/3). In the Hebrew it says qodesh miqra where the KJV says "holy convocation" (vs.7&8) and v.8 mentions seven days, and the seventh day, but not "shabath". Similarly, in the festivals of the seventh month, from v. 23 to the end of the chapter, the only mention of a sabbath (shabbath) is on the 10th day of the month, the Day of Atonement. At v. 32 it is called a "shabbath shabbathown", sabbath of rest (KJV), or sabbath of complete rest (JPS). The Day of Trumpets, the first day of Tabernacles and the Great Last Day (Eighth Day) are also called "shabbathown", complete rest, but not "shabbath", sabbath. I have considered this conundrum, and it seems to me that if there is a day that restarts the count to sabbath, it must be the Day of Atonement, as it is the only one of the High Sabbaths that is actually described with the same Hebrew word as the weekly sabbath.
Second, (and I must admit, I may have not reached the part in your video(s) where you address this, if you do) your lunar sabbath does not seem to account for the count of 50 days from the "morrow after the sabbath" (First Fruits) following the passover to the "morrow after the seventh sabbath" (Shabuoth). Lev. 23 vs. 15 & 16 clearly states "... seven sabbaths shall be complete: (16) Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days;..." And the word in Hebrew is "shabbath". If you are not counting days of the dark moon it may work, but I don't think that is allowed. You must count seven sabbaths, and the total must be 50 days. The lunar sabbath doesn't work.
This brings me to the third point, which is where you seem to have followed in the error of the Jews, who did not receive the sign of Jonah (Yonah), who was in the belly of the fish for THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS. "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Mt 12:40) If Yahusha were killed on the 14th of the month at evening (and we know He was), and He was in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights (and we know He was), that means he was in the grave on the 15, the 16th and the 17th, and rose on the 18th. This means that the weekly sabbath had to be on the 17th of the month that particular year. The 15 of the month Abib is the first day of Unleavened Bread, a High Sabbath, a qodesh miqra, but not a weekly sabbath. The Pharisees and the Sadducees and the scribes knew what day the weekly sabbath was, but they counted the First Fruits as the day after the High Sabbath, on the 16th of Abib, as they do today. They did not receive the sigh of Yonah. They probably lost this in Babylon. Or maybe when the Levites took the crown during the time of the Maccabees. Either way, they have the wrong day, and consequently they also have the wrong day for Shabuoth (Pentecost to the cristians).
I do agree with you that the Gregorian, Julian, Roman, Persian, Babylonian, etc. calendar is messed up, and we need to find the true calendar of Yahuah. And we better find it fast! I will watch the rest of your videos on this subject, and I hope you can point out any errors I have stated in this post. I do not wish to spread any errors. Please, also, let me know if you did learn anything.
@bruthalouv ...the Torah observant orthodox Jews have the truth. Check out rabbi Tovia singer, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and tenaktalk on TH-cam.
Wow! That part @27:00 and finishing with Exo 13 (particularly) answers a lot. I've been studying the lunar calendar for over a year, and I still have questions. These two parts (and I'm looking forward to the third) have been great. This point of חָג chag was amazing. Reading Exo (and even Leviticus) now it simply reads that the feast is a 7 day feast, which will span over a Sabbath, and the writing is simply saying, that Sabbath is still a Sabbath and is to be treated as such, in relation to the other 6 days of the feast, which are work days.
This means that there is no holy convocation on the 21st. Just last week I was studying this very information as those arguing against the lunar Sabbath bring this point up (and me without an answer).
P.S. The video is still choppy at parts...
I did a little translation work on this with Google Translate. Not the bible of translators, but the best I have.
Lev 23:8 in the English translation reads after the Hebrew of the Modern Hebrew Translation.
והקרבתם אשה ליהוה שבעת ימים ביום השביעי מקרא קדש כל מלאכת עבדה לא תעשו
But you shall present a food offering to the LORD for seven days. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any ordinary work.
The second word (remember from the right) of the Hebrew is written in the Hebrew transactions with those three characters [together].
Google translate this as "Woman". Well, even if that's a bad translation, knowing the letters (particularly the 1st character) can actually be a conjunction or preposition I played around in Google Translate with putting spaces in between the three letters.
א שה = a lamb
אש ה = the fire
Firstly, I think this could be a testimony of how intertwined the Hebrew language is, for putting those two things together, it makes sense that the original word would mean "a lamb by fire" or basically cooking the lamb, which is exactly what happened during the Passover and this time.
Secondly, I did this with all the words of this sentence. Some stayed as they were, and others separated (in Google Translate) offered in my opinion a pretty fair interpretation to consider.
So if one looks carefully at the sentences (below), one will notice the differences from the original sentence (above). These are some I picked with perhaps a more workable English sentence in brackets. I don't know if there's some more for the second sentence that might make better sense than a past tense sentence.
והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב יום ה שביעי מקרא קדש .כ ל מלאכת עבד ה לא ת עשו
And sacrifice a lamb to the LORD seven days from the day seventh in a holy convocation. Around to work the servant is not a done.
[And sacrifice a lamb to the LORD seven days from the day seventh in a holy convocation. Around to work: the servant is not to done.]
[And sacrifice a lamb to the LORD seven days from the day seventh in a holy convocation. The servant is not to do work.]
והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כ ל מלאכת עבד ה לא ת עשו
And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to work the servant of the Lord did not.
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to work: the servant of the Lord does not.]
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. The servant of the Lord does not work.]
והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כ ל מלאכת עבד ה לא תעשו
And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to the slave work do not.
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Around to the slave work: do not.]
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. do not do slave work.]
והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כל מלאכת עבד ה לא ת עשו
And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Every work of God's servant did not the.
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Every work of God's servant: did not the.]
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Of God's servant: Do not every work.]
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Do not every work of God's servant.]
והקרבתם א שה ל יהוה שבע ת ימי ם ב שביעי יום ה מקרא קדש .כל מלאכת עבד ה לא תעשו
And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. Worked all the work you do not.
[And sacrifice a lamb to the Lord seven days from the seventh day in the holy assembly. You do not work all the work.]
Pretty interesting with the understanding that we cannot go around rewriting the scriptures.
What about unleavened bread? Where the first day of the seven day feast is a Sabbath and the last day is a Sabbath making the work days only 5?
What about the day of Atonement? It is a Sabbath on the 10th day?
great questions. I actually don't think about this stuff any more. None of it.
Wow! Proof is everywhere....John 7:22 Circumcision was done on the 8th day, a Sabbath per the Messiah. 1/8/15/22/29...Look for the moon and stop following man.
KJV translators intermingled (Yareach moon) and (Chodesh Month)
The word for Month is Chodesh H2320
The word for Moon is Yareach H3394 doesn’t exist till Genesis 37:9
King James Version translated H2320 Chodesh Month 276x and mistranslated 20x as New Moon
ALL say ((H2320 Chodesh Month))
1 Sam 20:5,
1 Samuel 20:18
1 Samuel 20:24
2 Kings 4:23
1 Chronicles 23:31
2 Chronicles 2:4
2 Chronicles 8:13
2 Chronicles 31:3
Ezra 3:5
Nehemiah 10:33
Psalms 81:3
Isaiah 1:13,14
Isaiah 66:23 twice,
Ezekiel 45:17
Ezekiel 46:1,3,6
Hosea 2:11
Amos 8:5
Also in New Testament Colossians 2:16
Should be translated as New Month not new moon
Greek word G3561 neomenia
G3501 Neo = new
G3376 men = month
Yes, I know it is renewed Moon...to Moon. Still Moon...Not a paper calendar.
Gen 1:16
And Elohim made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Gen 1:14
And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
That is a lie, Sir! Not on the 4th. Gen 1:5
And Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Hebrew repeats few verses as emphasis, if you notice throughout scripture.
Sir, where is the head of the month on the Gregorian? None. Blow the Trumpet on the first day, renewed Moon day.... Psa 104:19
He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
You believe whatever you want. I follow the renewed Moon to Moon as in the kingdom. Will never follow Men again, they think to change and are UNABLE TO TOUCH HIS CLOCK. As in the days of Noah/Flood, so shall the end be....5 Moons/Months, 150days...only works with 360, so does Prophecy....1260d/42m/3 1/2 years. Jews add an entire month every leap year, you can thank Hillel and Constantine for the fixed calendar. Enough said.
Eva Cardoso ............the moon is used as a second witness every 3yrs the sun rules the day...
For your help Guarding ABIB with the Sun, Moon, & Stars and Enoch's New Moon Vs. Babylon's New Moon as per Mikal shabbat
Wheres the rest of part 1 pls?It ended mid sentence.Thanks
@sarahisaiah1 ...orthodox Torah observant rabbis are the ones ordained to teach Torah, No one else. Check out rabbi Tovia singer.
@@TorahisthetruthPsalmsHo hum.
Who is Joey pls and where is his video?Thanks
Is it true when people say if you follow the moon calendar you'll eventually get off track of the seasons? Or is that BS?
there are 12 month scriptural years, and there are 13 month scriptural years. the proof is in the Word. at the end of the 12 th month. if the barley is not ripe.yet, you declare another month. And by the end of the 13th month that year, the barley will be ripe. this keeps the months in synch with the seasons of the year. Approx. every 3 years I believe an additional month is added to make a 13 month year. But dont take my word for it. Check the proof in scripture for yourself and be convinced:
There’s no fruit trees for a 13th month. Only 12 types of fruit trees for 12 months. A Shaneh year has to be equal every year.
Question: ... In Leviticus 23, what about the spring feasts?... So the 14th day of the 1st month is passover. The 15th day is the feast of unleavened bread (and would also be a regular, weekly, 7th day sabbath as well right?... and then in verse 8 it says they were to offer and offering made by fire to the Lord for 7 days. The 1st day beginning on the 15th, and the 7th day was to be a holy convocation and rest day too.... in which that would then land on the 21st day of the month, and would actually be a day before the weekly sabbath, if the weekly sabbath is on the 22nd of the month.... I'm just having a hard time comprehending all this. : (
Chris Tian .................. 14th Passover = Tuesday died
14th = Tuesday night buried right before Wednesday's break of dawn
15th first day of Feast of Unleavened Bread annual Sabbath
18th weekly Sabbath = Saturday Romans Col.1:18 First born from the dead
21st last days of Unleavened Bread = Tuesday annual Sabbath
26th = Sunday Lev.23:10-16,Jos.5:10-11 wave the Sheaf/First Fruits start Omar count
15+7=22nd not the 21st
@@mikha007Yea, but would begin on the 21st day of the new moon at evening, right?
@@ChrisTian-tz3eq no the next day at morning
@@mikha007 ... According to the pattern of Pesach ( Lev 23 : 5 ) and Yom Kippur ( Lev 23 : 32 ), it would begin on the evening prior...
Isn't the 2nd new moon also called a Sabbath in Acts 20? This is Darla Wright.
Bein keeping lunar Sabbath 3 months Sabbath was last thursday
Is the full moon the new moon?
And more on the subject.
Your next assignment.,
Learn how to stop worshiping an idol and
uttering Babylonian moonthly names!
Waffleone3 ... Sorry Troy .... you are talking about Yahu-Shuah attending a Temple. Which Temple did He attend? The rebuilt 2nd Temple was defiled by the "Jew" Herod ... Did Yahu-Shuah have any business with a defiled Temple? Like why didn't He snap His fingers and bring the Temple down?
A sliver of the Moon it's not a Sabbath it is always the new moon that is a Sabbath not a separate day Ben will have a Sabbath every seventh day not interrupting the WIC I Sabbath every seventh day
The claim you don't calculate, the ancients calculated all the time. That's exactly what you do Troy when you observe the phases of the moon and change your predictions for one day to the other. When the ancient kohenym sent out scouts to sight the FVC they were calculating. If they didn't see the FVC they simply CALCULATED that it would appear the next evening. With this information the kohenym could declare the Chodesh thus the following Shabbat. Troy that's all you do is calculate, calculate, calculate; any fool with common sense can see that.
So, we're using "Acts" to calculate a Creators calendar? Flawed. What about Enoch 72 and Jubilees 16, which BOTH point to 12 months of 30 days for a total of 360 days, with 4 Intercalary days separating the seasons. Works MUCH better. This is a false teaching because it relies on extra scriptural writings to support its FLAWED theology.
If there is evidence of a 13 month year in the bible, would this prove that they were using the moon for months and not Enoch's system? Because 12 moon months would not equal the 365 day cycle of the earth around the sun, but would rather be 354 days, 11 short of the 365 day year. So every 3 years another month was added to the year, in order to keep the yearly calendar approximately in line with the planting and harvesting seasons. Here's the proof: creationcalendar.com/CalendarIssue/15-The13thMonthInEzekiel.doc
KJV translators intermingled (Yareach moon) and (Chodesh Month)
The word for Month is Chodesh H2320
The word for Moon is Yareach H3394 doesn’t exist till Genesis 37:9
King James Version translated H2320 Chodesh Month 276x and mistranslated 20x as New Moon
ALL say ((H2320 Chodesh Month))
1 Sam 20:5,
1 Samuel 20:18
1 Samuel 20:24
2 Kings 4:23
1 Chronicles 23:31
2 Chronicles 2:4
2 Chronicles 8:13
2 Chronicles 31:3
Ezra 3:5
Nehemiah 10:33
Psalms 81:3
Isaiah 1:13,14
Isaiah 66:23 twice,
Ezekiel 45:17
Ezekiel 46:1,3,6
Hosea 2:11
Amos 8:5
Also in New Testament Colossians 2:16
Should be translated as New Month not new moon
Greek word G3561 neomenia
G3501 Neo = new
G3376 men = month