Interesting, I have the same socket and extension set, along with an adapter to use the sockets with a standard ratchet, but the ratchet I have is a more traditional ratchet with a comfort grip & offset beam from the handle. It does retain the extensions and sockets quite well. It came separate from the sockets. They were sold on a plastic rail. I believe you could get everything together in a single set, but those were sold out by the time I bought the individual components on clearance. Likewise, I really like the design and versatility of the set and use it occasionally at work.
Interesting, I have the same socket and extension set, along with an adapter to use the sockets with a standard ratchet, but the ratchet I have is a more traditional ratchet with a comfort grip & offset beam from the handle. It does retain the extensions and sockets quite well. It came separate from the sockets. They were sold on a plastic rail. I believe you could get everything together in a single set, but those were sold out by the time I bought the individual components on clearance.
Likewise, I really like the design and versatility of the set and use it occasionally at work.