You confuse me; he basically said he found success without your kind of services. Isn't your whole business model/ goal for content creators to use you???
"Everyone that comes to TH-cam now wants to be three years ahead of where they are" is the best quote for anyone looking to make content. I've been wanting to make videos for years now and I'm always waiting on it for 'just the right time' where I can put in the effort to make every video amazing, and here I am, having created nothing. Gotta just start doing it.
I've been making videos on and off for a bit but recently I started really dedicating time to it and honestly what gets popular and what doesn't is a crap shoot but you just gotta jump in and enjoy every second of it. My best video is just withers from baldurs gate going "yes, no"
"Ok I'm gonna steal what you're doing and just add a British accent..." Lets be for real. This is probably the recipe for instant success. As an American, idk why but, when I hear a British accent, I'll pay attention. I love JSH, Kira, TheLazyPeon, Thoughty2, Simon Whistler. Hell I could listen to David Attenborough talk about any thing.
My take on that would be that the way brits talk is sort of more articulated and tad coarse, putting some pressure on words, whereas american english is more fluid and soft when spoken. And it's that contrast that makes you pay attention, cause it's not something you hear around you all the time.
This is a rebuke of the modern Millennial speak And millennial writing. Nobody "pays attention" to people who talk to them like babies. Someone who is very articulate like Jordan Peterson demands your attention with every other word. Jacksepticeye got popular from enthusiasm and an Irish accent getting loud. Pewdiepie got popular from enthusiasm and a funny swedish accent getting scared. Markiplier got famous from enthusiasm and a really deep voice. On and on but they each could actually communicate well in English to their audience and didn't use too much slang.
I don't often get externally inspired by things and people but Josh has genuinely been an inspiration for me to improve my own work in my content creation journey since I've been watching him.
Holy shit. Wow. You actually said literally everything that was giving me anxiety to start uploading. Hopefully this was the motivation I needed to take the jump
I completely agree with keeping everything in perspective, even in just my profession alone I have to remember that sometimes. I'm a land surveyor, and sometimes I still end up outside in 100+ degree weather, on the side of a mountain, with hours of the day left to go before I can say I gave it a good effort, and I still can't find any monumentation, and I start thinking "omfg this is the worst," but then I remember I'm no longer a construction surveyor, I'm not pounding wooden hubs into cement hard dirt for the entire day, my coworkers are all great now and I don't have some old fuck yelling at me to go faster while he gets to stand off to the side in the shade behind the instrument, and it's a quick reminder that "I guess this isn't so bad," and it actually makes it so much easier to keep going on those rough days. I recommend trying to attain such a mentality for anyone in any profession, and if you honestly can't, you're not bullshitting yourself just so you can complain, you actually have nothing else worse to call onto to make a rough day feel better, then it's time to look for work elsewhere, simple as that. Unless you're a billionaire's baby and have lived such a privileged life that you don't and can't understand what a bad day truly is, then yeah you obviously don't need to find work elsewhere but you can in fact stfu lol
I recently discovered Josh's content and been watching through his worst mmo series. Was really enjoyable to see his list of paterons at the end of his videos keep growing!
Probably the only thing I have in common with Josh, using OBS to record and then using a free editing software. If folks enjoy your content, they enjoy your content. Don't truly need to paying an editor upwards of 400$ a video just to ad sound effects and some other small visual effects.
Sound fx, graphics and quick cuts are great if you're trying to build an audience of 12 year Olds. Josh days he didn't want a fortnite audience. He's smart.
I would love it if Josh did an April Fool's Day video reviewing Fortnite in the Worst MMO series. It IS technically an MMO after all, and he has a TON of meme fodder to work with!
@Pilvenuga You seem to have missed the part where this is an April Fool's Day joke video idea. Guess you got so mad you forgot the first half of what you read. 🤣
"Do what you love" But he did cancel the mmo history video series a few years back because it did not do well. So there's that. And that's a big fat shame since it was super educational.
The only videos that should be unlisted are the ones that are outdated. That way, the newer, updated videos can rank. This is mainly geared towards video game how-to or tutorial type videos. It's frustrating to come across old videos whose information is no longer relevant to what you're seeking to learn from because the game has been updated so much that old video is no longer relevant.
Pretty much success comes from making the video content that gets views, with TH-cam it's very much settling into your niche then that's where you stay.,
This is why i dont understand reaction content. you have people going through burnout from making reaction videos to shows and movies.... obviously they started doing it because they enjoyed the content and hey easy money right? then they start making like 8k a month on patreon and their upload frequency goes from like 4-5 times a week to 4-5 times a month... and then when they live at home with their parents and have no overhead outside of maybe paying for google drive or dropbox its like wtf. you are making more in a month than people doing back breaking mind numbing depressing work that makes you hate being alive meanwhile these people are burnt out from watching tv......
I remember watching Josh when he was a lot smaller and he started a new series where he broke down Sword Art online episodes and reviewed how good of an mmo it would be. The views really picked up and he seemed to love the videos. It was super unfortunate the company who owns the anime immediately flagged all of his videos and forced him to delete the series. I could tell it was rough for Josh and I was worried it would make him lose passion for youtube. Thankfully I feel like Asmon started reacting to his videos and greatly boosted Josh's viewership. So happy for him.
TRIPLE JUMP IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHANNELS. Watch them religiously Steal from the best. Would love a collaboration between Josh, Ben and Peter. Y’all are brilliant, fun and clever and have the most soothing voices Josh their playthroughs of Outlast pretty much got me through an entire few months. Please play Outlast. You don’t have to, obviously but. I hope you try it some day even if not for a video. Or evil within especially 2. Very interesting gameplay.
Heard how much josh says he took from other ppl and all i could think is "josh strife steals" Ps day like 21 of asking josh to put frebch mmo wakfu on his list for worst mmo ever
did JSH watch TTJ when they were double or even Viidiots or hell the worst game ever began on WC.... apparently good vat for talent but not so good place to work at given that many ran away from it. i thin Jules, Ash and Simon might still wotk there but err both Adams, entire Cultaholic, the now Tripple jump folk they left like weeks from one another.
I've followed that advice about doing what you feel passionate about but after 10 years my videos still get 100 views and only 2000 subs. That advice doesn't work, at least not for everyone, there has to be something I can do to get out there. This is not the channel I'm talking about by the way, this is my personal account. I must be doing something wrong and it has to do with the algorithm.
Unsearchable name, probably don't do anything to engage your audience and you most likely don't do anything to cross over with other audiences to actually build a community to watch your video, I'm assuming you post and expect they'll be found but don't do anything with the titles to make them searchable in the algorithm
Not necessarily 'wrong'. Creative fields are subject to one of the hardest forms of Price's Law and the Pareto Distribution; for any given productive endeavor, the square root of the number of people involved generate half of the output/value, and success tends to snowball. Most people never get past effectively zero, and that will always be the case in efforts to monetize creativity and entertainment as human time, attention, and resources are finite. There is not anything that guarantees success in that sort of industry; while you can do a lot to maximize your likelihood of opportunities and capitalizing on them, there is inevitably a degree of fortune necessary. None of which is to say that your aims are doomed; some people rise very quickly after a fortunate break and their backlog helps to further it. Or some content is poorly marketed, or out-of-sync with the audience demand at the time. While 'passion' is vital to success more often than not, there are no guarantees.
@@NickMC512 You mean the very public cheating on Heidi with someone else's wife? Pretty sure all the parties verified that. And I'm not seeing any evidence that the people exchanging photos were lying, other than his denials that they were underage at the time, so please feel free to point me towards the sources discrediting them.
@@shadowcollectorcheating when he was in a relationship that was opened ? Someone else's wife who was already separated and in the process of a divorce and was encouraged by his bitch of an ex wife? You really do just love blaming men for women's shitty underhanded abuse don't you. Pathetic excuse for a person
I mean they know each other, I'm sure he was watching the videos about the allegation and your entitled ass sitting here believing you know better? Narcissistic behaviour
Passion is everything on TH-cam 💪
You confuse me; he basically said he found success without your kind of services. Isn't your whole business model/ goal for content creators to use you???
A British accent is everything on youtube.
"I taught acting, and then I went to university to study acting". My man.
"Everyone that comes to TH-cam now wants to be three years ahead of where they are" is the best quote for anyone looking to make content. I've been wanting to make videos for years now and I'm always waiting on it for 'just the right time' where I can put in the effort to make every video amazing, and here I am, having created nothing. Gotta just start doing it.
That makes two of us, Gotta at least throw everything to the wall first.
Most underrated comment of the entire vid. Everyone wants the end results without putting in the actual work.
@@lordchaa1598 Even with putting in the actual work there is no 100% guarantee for success, mate. Them's the breaks.
I've been making videos on and off for a bit but recently I started really dedicating time to it and honestly what gets popular and what doesn't is a crap shoot but you just gotta jump in and enjoy every second of it. My best video is just withers from baldurs gate going "yes, no"
That’s something I struggle with, you just gotta hit record and not worry about the end result. Good luck to you!
I love hearing how Josh got started, it’s such an authentic story 👍 keep it up
He's an authentic dude as far as I can tell. I guess that's why we love him
What in the former eso player. Fancy seeing you on a Josh Strife Hayes podcast with OSRS content creators 😂
oh hi sawman, fancy meeting you here !
"Ok I'm gonna steal what you're doing and just add a British accent..." Lets be for real. This is probably the recipe for instant success. As an American, idk why but, when I hear a British accent, I'll pay attention. I love JSH, Kira, TheLazyPeon, Thoughty2, Simon Whistler. Hell I could listen to David Attenborough talk about any thing.
My take on that would be that the way brits talk is sort of more articulated and tad coarse, putting some pressure on words, whereas american english is more fluid and soft when spoken. And it's that contrast that makes you pay attention, cause it's not something you hear around you all the time.
This is a rebuke of the modern Millennial speak
And millennial writing.
Nobody "pays attention" to people who talk to them like babies. Someone who is very articulate like Jordan Peterson demands your attention with every other word.
Jacksepticeye got popular from enthusiasm and an Irish accent getting loud. Pewdiepie got popular from enthusiasm and a funny swedish accent getting scared. Markiplier got famous from enthusiasm and a really deep voice.
On and on but they each could actually communicate well in English to their audience and didn't use too much slang.
I like all these too but its cause im english i think 😅😅
Oddly I feel the same way except with Australian accents. I find Aussie accents very calming.
Spiffing Brit is great too lol
Josh, I have been watching you for years, and I am still amazed at how thoughtful and thorough your commentary is.
Thanks for sharing your story, Josh. All those experiences led to you being here with the skills you have.
I don't often get externally inspired by things and people but Josh has genuinely been an inspiration for me to improve my own work in my content creation journey since I've been watching him.
Holy shit. Wow. You actually said literally everything that was giving me anxiety to start uploading. Hopefully this was the motivation I needed to take the jump
"hey son, what did your teacher teach you today "well, Mr.Hayes said he was using the "shotgun method"
So the point is Stealing is Good. Lesson learned teacher
Theft of knowledge to pass on to the next. arigatou senseides
Good artists borrow
Great artists steal
Well, acting is pretending to be someone else, you know.
Leaving old videos up is good tbh. Interesting to see how channel and creators evolve.
I completely agree with keeping everything in perspective, even in just my profession alone I have to remember that sometimes.
I'm a land surveyor, and sometimes I still end up outside in 100+ degree weather, on the side of a mountain, with hours of the day left to go before I can say I gave it a good effort, and I still can't find any monumentation, and I start thinking "omfg this is the worst," but then I remember I'm no longer a construction surveyor, I'm not pounding wooden hubs into cement hard dirt for the entire day, my coworkers are all great now and I don't have some old fuck yelling at me to go faster while he gets to stand off to the side in the shade behind the instrument, and it's a quick reminder that "I guess this isn't so bad," and it actually makes it so much easier to keep going on those rough days.
I recommend trying to attain such a mentality for anyone in any profession, and if you honestly can't, you're not bullshitting yourself just so you can complain, you actually have nothing else worse to call onto to make a rough day feel better, then it's time to look for work elsewhere, simple as that.
Unless you're a billionaire's baby and have lived such a privileged life that you don't and can't understand what a bad day truly is, then yeah you obviously don't need to find work elsewhere but you can in fact stfu lol
I recently discovered Josh's content and been watching through his worst mmo series. Was really enjoyable to see his list of paterons at the end of his videos keep growing!
Love this video
Probably the only thing I have in common with Josh, using OBS to record and then using a free editing software. If folks enjoy your content, they enjoy your content. Don't truly need to paying an editor upwards of 400$ a video just to ad sound effects and some other small visual effects.
Sound fx, graphics and quick cuts are great if you're trying to build an audience of 12 year Olds. Josh days he didn't want a fortnite audience.
He's smart.
cant believe josh is reacting to 3 ppl at the same time
It's funny how Josh wanted to be Pierce Brosnan only to look like a slightly sexier Pierce Brosnan.
Can we get josh in the warhammer tv series alongside Henry Cavill.
I would love it if Josh did an April Fool's Day video reviewing Fortnite in the Worst MMO series. It IS technically an MMO after all, and he has a TON of meme fodder to work with!
please stop confusing arena games with MMOs
@Pilvenuga You seem to have missed the part where this is an April Fool's Day joke video idea. Guess you got so mad you forgot the first half of what you read. 🤣
@@Pilvenuga Well it's
Massively Multiplayer
and you Roleplay as a fortnite character in the Game
So yeah, MMORPG :)
@@hazeltree7738it doesn't even need to be RPG, the series is called Worst MMO Ever!
Josh Strife for next Wolverine.
I just got reminded of how much time I spent grinding to get full rune zammy lol
I love how his streamer friends think he’s straight.
So... i should just start creating content... I can't hold a job, i like to teach, but come home every day feeling shattered....
A gigachad's origin story.
"Do what you love"
But he did cancel the mmo history video series a few years back because it did not do well. So there's that. And that's a big fat shame since it was super educational.
The only videos that should be unlisted are the ones that are outdated. That way, the newer, updated videos can rank. This is mainly geared towards video game how-to or tutorial type videos. It's frustrating to come across old videos whose information is no longer relevant to what you're seeking to learn from because the game has been updated so much that old video is no longer relevant.
Pretty much success comes from making the video content that gets views, with TH-cam it's very much settling into your niche then that's where you stay.,
Don't forget the cosplay vids Josh! They were gold!
Wooooh! Team tripple jump!
shotcut, same
Oh my god there’s Josh Dead Space content??? Did he like the remake
I studied acting. I made more money teaching acting than I ever made acting.
the difference a good mic and a waistcoat can make
This is why i dont understand reaction content. you have people going through burnout from making reaction videos to shows and movies.... obviously they started doing it because they enjoyed the content and hey easy money right? then they start making like 8k a month on patreon and their upload frequency goes from like 4-5 times a week to 4-5 times a month... and then when they live at home with their parents and have no overhead outside of maybe paying for google drive or dropbox its like wtf. you are making more in a month than people doing back breaking mind numbing depressing work that makes you hate being alive meanwhile these people are burnt out from watching tv......
I remember watching Josh when he was a lot smaller and he started a new series where he broke down Sword Art online episodes and reviewed how good of an mmo it would be. The views really picked up and he seemed to love the videos. It was super unfortunate the company who owns the anime immediately flagged all of his videos and forced him to delete the series.
I could tell it was rough for Josh and I was worried it would make him lose passion for youtube. Thankfully I feel like Asmon started reacting to his videos and greatly boosted Josh's viewership. So happy for him.
I love your accent.
i pronounce his name "Pro Jared" like rhymes with "Herrod" or "Hair-Red"
Steal from the best. Would love a collaboration between Josh, Ben and Peter. Y’all are brilliant, fun and clever and have the most soothing voices
Josh their playthroughs of Outlast pretty much got me through an entire few months. Please play Outlast. You don’t have to, obviously but. I hope you try it some day even if not for a video. Or evil within especially 2. Very interesting gameplay.
Heard how much josh says he took from other ppl and all i could think is "josh strife steals"
Ps day like 21 of asking josh to put frebch mmo wakfu on his list for worst mmo ever
did JSH watch TTJ when they were double or even Viidiots or hell the worst game ever began on WC.... apparently good vat for talent but not so good place to work at given that many ran away from it.
i thin Jules, Ash and Simon might still wotk there but err both Adams, entire Cultaholic, the now Tripple jump folk they left like weeks from one another.
Hah, I have done like 10,000 hours of Ankou grind on my RS3 F2P HCIM for no real reason. I just love slapping those things.
I've followed that advice about doing what you feel passionate about but after 10 years my videos still get 100 views and only 2000 subs. That advice doesn't work, at least not for everyone, there has to be something I can do to get out there. This is not the channel I'm talking about by the way, this is my personal account. I must be doing something wrong and it has to do with the algorithm.
Unsearchable name, probably don't do anything to engage your audience and you most likely don't do anything to cross over with other audiences to actually build a community to watch your video, I'm assuming you post and expect they'll be found but don't do anything with the titles to make them searchable in the algorithm
Not necessarily 'wrong'. Creative fields are subject to one of the hardest forms of Price's Law and the Pareto Distribution; for any given productive endeavor, the square root of the number of people involved generate half of the output/value, and success tends to snowball. Most people never get past effectively zero, and that will always be the case in efforts to monetize creativity and entertainment as human time, attention, and resources are finite.
There is not anything that guarantees success in that sort of industry; while you can do a lot to maximize your likelihood of opportunities and capitalizing on them, there is inevitably a degree of fortune necessary.
None of which is to say that your aims are doomed; some people rise very quickly after a fortunate break and their backlog helps to further it. Or some content is poorly marketed, or out-of-sync with the audience demand at the time. While 'passion' is vital to success more often than not, there are no guarantees.
To the warehousejob > You have to put that in perspective. That was the worst for you. A lot of people like doing these kind of jobs.
It isn’t terrible and it isn’t awful. The world is a god awful place to be escaped.
Uh Josh ... You may have missed something about Jared 😬
you need to revisit it a lot of those allegations have been debunked, but the damage was already done.
The allegations were already debunked. Source: look it up. Stop spreading misinformation, please.
@@NickMC512 You mean the very public cheating on Heidi with someone else's wife? Pretty sure all the parties verified that. And I'm not seeing any evidence that the people exchanging photos were lying, other than his denials that they were underage at the time, so please feel free to point me towards the sources discrediting them.
@@shadowcollectorcheating when he was in a relationship that was opened ?
Someone else's wife who was already separated and in the process of a divorce and was encouraged by his bitch of an ex wife?
You really do just love blaming men for women's shitty underhanded abuse don't you. Pathetic excuse for a person
I mean they know each other, I'm sure he was watching the videos about the allegation and your entitled ass sitting here believing you know better? Narcissistic behaviour
do you plan on doing any more games or just talk about nothing
It's a podcast you retard