학교에서 이런 명시를 배울 수 있다는 점이 부럽고, 시대를 초월한 명시를 문화유산으로 잘 보존했다는 점에 존경을 표합니다. 백거이와 비슷한 처지에 처했을 때 이 시를 알게되어 이 노래를 들을면서 많이 울었고, 제일 마지막 행, '강주사마 청상습'에서는 오열을 했던 적이 있습니다. 그러나 이제는 공직을 떠났고 슬픔없이 노래를 감상할 수 있게 되었습니다. 시간과 공간을 초월하여 인생사를 뛰어난 묘사와 압축된 절제미로 담아낸 이 시를 사랑합니다. '상인중리경별리'에서는 인간부류의 속성이 '무성승유성'에서는 비파연주의 뛰어남이, '강주사마청삼습'에서는 나락으로 떨어진 사람들간의 애환과 슬픔이 응축된 듯 하여 여과없이 마음에 스며들었습니다. 아름다운 곡을 듣고 벅찬 마음에 몇 자 남겨보았습니다.
Those long ballards and poems are impossible to memorize, unless there is music to go with them. Fortunately, a classmate whose mother knew many such poems with tunes had taught her, and she taught me. Decades later, I still remember them. Too bad this was not one of them because I have always loved this famous sad ballard of a poet and his friend meeting a pipa player at night and learning about her tragic life. The ballard is so beautiful, it gives me goosebumps every time I read it. 琵琶行 唐代白居易詩 元和十年,予左遷九江郡司馬。明年秋,送客湓浦口,聞舟中夜彈琵琶者,聽其音,錚錚然有京都聲。問其人,本長安倡女,嘗學琵琶於穆、曹二善才,年長色衰,委身為賈人婦。遂命酒,使快彈數曲。曲罷憫然,自敍少小時歡樂事,今漂淪憔悴,轉徙於江湖間。予出官二年,恬然自安,感斯人言,是夕始覺有遷謫意。因為長句,歌以贈之。 潯陽江頭夜送客,楓葉荻花秋瑟瑟。 主人下馬客在船,舉酒欲飲無管絃。 醉不成歡慘將別,別時茫茫江浸月。 忽聞水上琵琶聲,主人忘歸客不發。 尋聲暗問彈者誰?琵琶聲停欲語遲。 移船相近邀相見,添酒回燈重開宴。 千呼萬喚始出來,猶抱琵琶半遮面。 轉軸撥絃三兩聲,未成曲調先有情。 弦弦掩抑聲聲思,似訴平生不得志。 低眉信手續續彈,説盡心中無限事。 輕攏慢捻抹復挑,初為霓裳後六幺。 大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私語。 嘈嘈切切錯雜彈,大珠小珠落玉盤。 間關鶯語花底滑,幽咽泉流冰下難。 冰泉冷澀弦凝絕,凝絕不通聲暫歇。 別有幽愁暗恨生,此時無聲勝有聲。 銀瓶乍破水漿迸,鐵騎突出刀槍鳴。 曲終收撥當心畫,四弦一聲如裂帛。 東船西舫悄無言,唯見江心秋月白。 沉吟放撥插弦中,整頓衣裳起斂容。 自言本是京城女,家在蝦蟆陵下住。 十三學得琵琶成,名屬教坊第一部。 曲罷曾教善才服,妝成每被秋娘妒。 五陵年少爭纏頭,一曲紅綃不知數。 鈿頭銀篦擊節碎,血色羅裙翻酒污。 今年歡笑復明年,秋月春風等閒度。 弟走從軍阿姨死,暮去朝來顏色故。 門前冷落鞍馬稀,老大嫁作商人婦。 商人重利輕別離,前月浮樑買茶去。 去來江口守空船,繞船月明江水寒。 夜深忽夢少年事,夢啼妝淚紅闌干。 我聞琵琶已嘆息,又聞此語重唧唧。 同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必曾相識! 我從去年辭帝京,謫居卧病潯陽城。 潯陽地僻無音樂,終歲不聞絲竹聲。 住近湓江地低濕,黃蘆苦竹繞宅生。 其間旦暮聞何物?杜鵑啼血猿哀鳴。 春江花朝秋月夜,往往取酒還獨傾。 豈無山歌與村笛?嘔啞嘲哳難為聽。 今夜聞君琵琶語,如聽仙樂耳暫明。 莫辭更坐彈一曲,為君翻作琵琶行。 感我此言良久立,卻坐促弦弦轉急。 悽悽不似向前聲,滿座重聞皆掩泣。 座中泣下誰最多?江州司馬青衫濕。
@@dazaiandchuuya4081 It's ok. I'm doing this because we need to memorise this paragraph for our chinese lesson. But after I had done this our teacher said that it had appeared in previous exams so we don't have to memorise it because it most likely won't show up in this year.(I know there is a lot of grammatical problems 😂 just ignore it or could you correct it for me and I’m also not sure that will you understand what I’m saying😂)
been searching so long for this song TT came across it ages ago and couldnt type it cuz i didnt know what it said so happy i found ittttttt its so good
English version of the Poem, translated by 许渊冲 One night by riverside I bade a friend goodbye; In maple leaves and rushes autumn seemed to sigh. My friend and I dismounted and came into the boat; Without flute songs we drank our cups with heavy heart; The moonbeams blended with water when we were to part. Suddenly o’er the stream we heard a pipa sound; I forgot to go home and the guest stood spell-bound. We followed where the music led to find the player, But heard the pipa stop and no music in the air. We moved our boat towards the one whence came the strain, Brought back the lamp, asked for more wine and drank again. Repeatedly we called for the fair player still. She came, her face half hidden behind a pipa still. She turned the pegs and tested twice or thrice each string; Before a tune was played we heard her feelings sing. Each string she plucked, each note she struck with pathos strong, All seemed to say she’d missed her dreams all her life long. Head bent, she played with unpremeditated art On and on to pour out her overflowing heart. She lightly plucked, slowly stroked and twanged loud The song of “Green Waist” after that of “Rainbow Cloud”. The thick strings loudly thrummed like the pattering rain; The fine strings softly tinkled in a murmuring strain. When mingling loud and sot notes were together played, You heard orioles warble in a flowery land, Then a sobbing stream run along a beach of sand. But the stream seemed so cold as to tighten the string; From tightened strings no more song could be heard to sing. Still we heard hidden grief and vague regret concealed; Then music expressed far less than silence revealed. Suddenly we heard water burst a silver jar, And the clash of spears and sabers come from afar. She made a central sweep when the music was ending; The four strings made one sound, as if silk one was rending. Silence reigned left and right of the boat, east and west; We saw but autumn moon white in the river’s breast. She slid the plectrum pensively between the strings, Smoothed out her dress and rose with a composed mien. “I spent,” she said, “in the capital my early springs, Where at the foot of Mount of Toads my home had been. At thirteen I learned on the pipa how to play, And my name was among the primas of the day. I won my master’s admiration for my skill; My beauty was envied by songstresses fair still. The gallant young men vied to shower gifts on me; One tune played, countless silk rolls were given with glee. Beating time, I let silver comb and pin drop down, And spilt-out wine oft stained my blood-red silken gown. From year to year I laughed my joyous life away On moonlit autumn light as windy vernal day. My younger brother left for war, and died my maid; Days passed, nights came, and my beauty began to fade. Fewer and fewer were cabs and steeds at my door; I married a smug merchant when my prime was o’er. The merchant cared for money much more than for me; One month ago he went away to purchase tea, Leaving his lonely wife alone in empty boat; Shrouded in moonlight, on the cold river I float. Deep in the night I dreams of happy bygone years, And woke to find my rouged face crisscrossed with tears.” Listening to her story, I signed again and again. Both of us in misfortune go from shore to shore. Meeting now, need we have known each other before? “I was banished from the capital last year To live degraded and ill in this city here. The city’s too remote to know melodious song, So I have never heard music all the year long. I dwell by riverbank on a low and damp ground In a house with wild reeds and stunted bamboos around. What is here to be heard from daybreak till nightfall But gibbon’s cry and cuckoo’s homeward-going call? By blooming riverside and under autumn moon I’ve often taken wine up and drunk it alone. Thought I have mountain songs and village pipes to hear, Yet they are crude and strident and grate on the ear. Listening to you playing on pipa tonight, With your music divine e’en my hearing seems bright. Will you sit down and play for us a tune once more? I’ll write for you an ode to the pipa I adore.” Touched by what I said, the player stood for long, Then sat down, tore at strings and played another song. So sad, so drear, so different, it moved us deep; Those who heard it hid the face and began to weep. Of all the company at table who wept most? It was none other than the exiled blue-robed host.
been secarching so long for this song TT Cameron across it ages and couldnt type it cuz I didnt konw what it said so happy I found ittttttt its so good
Dear Friend: The Pi Pa Xing MTV has got version 4 for better Karaoke wording. It is now moved to th-cam.com/video/8Zed8czcVgI/w-d-xo.html 亲爱的朋友:Pi Pa Xing MTV 已经有第4版,可更好地播放卡拉OK文字。 现在已移至 th-cam.com/video/8Zed8czcVgI/w-d-xo.html
I like the song & want to know the singer's name..but can't read that language..can u guys halp me with the singer's name..plz write it in English..thanks🥰
当初学习的时候只恨诗太长, 现在听来居然泪视眼眶。。😢😢😢
학교에서 이런 명시를 배울 수 있다는 점이 부럽고, 시대를 초월한 명시를 문화유산으로 잘 보존했다는 점에 존경을 표합니다. 백거이와 비슷한 처지에 처했을 때 이 시를 알게되어 이 노래를 들을면서 많이 울었고, 제일 마지막 행, '강주사마 청상습'에서는 오열을 했던 적이 있습니다. 그러나 이제는 공직을 떠났고 슬픔없이 노래를 감상할 수 있게 되었습니다. 시간과 공간을 초월하여 인생사를 뛰어난 묘사와 압축된 절제미로 담아낸 이 시를 사랑합니다. '상인중리경별리'에서는 인간부류의 속성이 '무성승유성'에서는 비파연주의 뛰어남이, '강주사마청삼습'에서는 나락으로 떨어진 사람들간의 애환과 슬픔이 응축된 듯 하여 여과없이 마음에 스며들었습니다. 아름다운 곡을 듣고 벅찬 마음에 몇 자 남겨보았습니다.
作词 白居易。 好美的中国文化!
Those long ballards and poems are impossible to memorize, unless there is music to go with them. Fortunately, a classmate whose mother knew many such poems with tunes had taught her, and she taught me. Decades later, I still remember them. Too bad this was not one of them because I have always loved this famous sad ballard of a poet and his friend meeting a pipa player at night and learning about her tragic life. The ballard is so beautiful, it gives me goosebumps every time I read it.
太好聽了 上音樂課時老師讓我們聽 直接洗腦 回家查來聽
When I first heard it , I felt deja vu because its vibes and air has been in my mind since childhood
《琵琶行》 课文背诵
zhuǎn zhóu bō xián sān liǎng shēng , wèi chéng qǔ diào xiān yǒu qíng 。
xián xián yǎn yì shēng shēng sì , sì sù píng shēng bù dé zhì 。
dī méi xìn shǒu xù xù tán , shuō jìn xīn zhōng wú xiàn shì 。
qīng lǒng màn niǎn mǒ fù tiǎo , chū wéi 《 ní cháng 》 hòu 《 liù yāo 》
dà xián cáo cáo rú jí yǔ , xiǎo xián qiè qiè rú sī yǔ 。
cáo cáo qiè qiè cuò zá tán , dà zhū xiǎo zhū luò yù pán 。
jiàn guān yīng yǔ huā dǐ huá , yōu yè quán liú bīng xià nán 。
bīng quán lěng sè xián níng jué , níng jué bù tōng shēng zàn xiē 。
bié yǒu yōu chóu àn hèn shēng , cǐ shí wú shēng shèng yǒu shēng 。
yín píng zhà pò shuǐ jiāng bèng , tiě jì tū chū dāo qiāng míng 。
qǔ zhōng shōu bō dāng xīn huà , sì xián yī shēng rú liè bó 。
dōng chuán xī fǎng qiǎo wú yán , wéi jiàn jiāng xīn qiū yuè bái 。
Omg thank you so much for this...
I don't speak or understand Chinese and this really helped me pronouns the letters thank you ♡
@@dazaiandchuuya4081 It's ok. I'm doing this because we need to memorise this paragraph for our chinese lesson. But after I had done this our teacher said that it had appeared in previous exams so we don't have to memorise it because it most likely won't show up in this year.(I know there is a lot of grammatical problems 😂 just ignore it or could you correct it for me and I’m also not sure that will you understand what I’m saying😂)
@@鹿艺白 uhhhh I don't understand Chinese so I don't know what part is incorrect lol
Thanks 😊
xún yáng jiāng tóu yè sòng kè
浔 阳 江 头 夜 送 客
fēng yè dí huā qiū sè sè
枫 叶 荻 花 秋 瑟 瑟
zhǔ rén xià mǎ kè zài chuán
主 人 下 马 客 在 船
jǔ jiǔ yù yǐn wú guǎn xián
举 酒 欲 饮 无 管 弦
zuì bù chéng huān cǎn jiāng bié
醉 不 成 欢 惨 将 别
bié shí máng máng jiāng jìn yuè
别 时 茫 茫 江 浸 月
hū wén shuǐ shàng pí pá shēng
忽 闻 水 上 琵 琶 声
zhǔ rén wàng guī kè bù fā
主 人 忘 归 客 不 发
xún shēng àn wèn dàn zhě shuí
寻 声 暗 问 弹 者 谁
pí pá shēng tíng yù yǔ chí
琵 琶 声 停 欲 语 迟
yí chuán xiāng jìn yāo xiāng jiàn
移 船 相 近 邀 相 见
tiān jiǔ huí dēng zhòng kāi yàn
添 酒 回 灯 重 开 宴
qiān hū wàn huàn shǐ chū lái
千 呼 万 唤 始 出 来
yóu bào pí pá bàn zhē miàn
犹 抱 琵 琶 半 遮 面
zhuàn zhóu bō xián sān liǎng shēng
转 轴 拨 弦 三 两 声
wèi chéng qǔ diào xiān yǒu qíng
未 成 曲 调 先 有 情
xián xián yǎn yì shēng shēng sī
弦 弦 掩 抑 声 声 思
sì sù píng shēng bù dé zhì
似 诉 平 生 不 得 志
dī méi xìn shǒu xù xù dàn
低 眉 信 手 续 续 弹
shuō jìn xīn zhōng wú xiàn shì
说 尽 心 中 无 限 事
qīng lǒng màn niǎn mǒ fù tiāo
轻 拢 慢 捻 抹 复 挑
chū wéi ní cháng hòu liù yāo
初 为 霓 裳 后 六 幺
dà xián cáo cáo rú jí yǔ
大 弦 嘈 嘈 如 急 雨
xiǎo xián qiè qiè rú sī yǔ
小 弦 切 切 如 私 语
rú sī yǔ
如 私 语
cáo cáo qiè qiè cuò zá dàn
嘈 嘈 切 切 错 杂 弹
dà zhū xiǎo zhū luò yù pán
大 珠 小 珠 落 玉 盘
luò yù pán
落 玉 盘
jiān guān yīng yǔ huā dǐ huá
间 关 莺 语 花 底 滑
yōu yè quán liú bīng xià nán
幽 咽 泉 流 冰 下 难
bīng quán lěng sè xián níng jué
冰 泉 冷 涩 弦 凝 绝
níng jué bù tōng shēng zàn xiē
凝 绝 不 通 声 暂 歇
bié yǒu yōu chóu àn hèn shēng
别 有 幽 愁 暗 恨 生
cǐ shí wú shēng shèng yǒu shēng
此 时 无 声 胜 有 声
shèng yǒu shēng
胜 有 声
yín píng zhà pò shuǐ jiāng bèng
银 瓶 乍 破 水 浆 迸
tiě qí tū chū dāo qiāng míng
铁 骑 突 出 刀 枪 鸣
dāo qiāng míng
刀 枪 鸣
qǔ zhōng shōu bō dāng xīn huà
曲 终 收 拨 当 心 画
sì xián yì shēng rú liè bó
四 弦 一 声 如 裂 帛
rú liè bó
如 裂 帛
dōng chuán xī fǎng qiāo wú yán
东 船 西 舫 悄 无 言
wéi jiàn jiāng xīn qiū yuè bái
唯 见 江 心 秋 月 白
qiū yuè bái
秋 月 白
chén yín fàng bō chā xián zhōng
沉 吟 放 拨 插 弦 中
zhěng dùn yī shang qǐ liǎn róng
整 顿 衣 裳 起 敛 容
zì yán běn shì jīng chéng nǚ
自 言 本 是 京 城 女
jiā zài há má líng xià zhù
家 在 虾 蟆 陵 下 住
shí sān xué dé pí pá chéng
十 三 学 得 琵 琶 成
míng shǔ jiào fāng dì yí bù
名 属 教 坊 第 一 部
qǔ bà céng jiāo shàn cái fú
曲 罢 曾 教 善 才 服
zhuāng chéng měi bèi qiū niáng dù
妆 成 每 被 秋 娘 妒
wǔ líng nián shào zhēng chán tóu
五 陵 年 少 争 缠 头
yì qǔ hóng xiāo bù zhī shù
一 曲 红 绡 不 知 数
diàn tóu yín bì jī jié suì
钿 头 银 篦 击 节 碎
xuè sè luó qún fān jiǔ wū
血 色 罗 裙 翻 酒 污
jīn nián huān xiào fù míng nián
今 年 欢 笑 复 明 年
qiū yuè chūn fēng děng xián dù
秋 月 春 风 等 闲 度
dì zǒu cóng jūn ā yí sǐ
弟 走 从 军 阿 姨 死
mù qù cháo lái yán sè gù
暮 去 朝 来 颜 色 故
mén qián lěng luò ān mǎ xī
门 前 冷 落 鞍 马 稀
lǎo dà jià zuò shāng rén fù
老 大 嫁 作 商 人 妇
shāng rén fù
商 人 妇
shāng rén zhòng lì qīng bié lí
商 人 重 利 轻 别 离
qián yuè fú liáng mǎi chá qù
前 月 浮 梁 买 茶 去
mǎi chá qù
买 茶 去
qù lái jiāng kǒu shǒu kōng chuán
去 来 江 口 守 空 船
rào chuán yuè míng jiāng shuǐ hán
绕 船 月 明 江 水 寒
jiāng shuǐ hán
江 水 寒
yè shēn hū mèng shào nián shì
夜 深 忽 梦 少 年 事
mèng tí zhuāng lèi hóng lán gān
梦 啼 妆 泪 红 阑 干
hóng lán gān
红 阑 干
wǒ wén pí pá yǐ tàn xī
我 闻 琵 琶 已 叹 息
yòu wén cǐ yǔ zhòng jī jī
又 闻 此 语 重 唧 唧
tóng shì tiān yá lún luò rén
同 是 天 涯 沦 落 人
xiāng féng hé bì céng xiāng shí
相 逢 何 必 曾 相 识
wǒ cóng qù nián cí dì jīng
我 从 去 年 辞 帝 京
zhé jū wò bìng xún yáng chéng
谪 居 卧 病 浔 阳 城
xún yáng dì pì wú yīn yuè
浔 阳 地 僻 无 音 乐
zhōng suì bù wén sī zhú shēng
终 岁 不 闻 丝 竹 声
zhù jìn pén jiāng dì dī shī
住 近 湓 江 地 低 湿
huáng lú kǔ zhú rào zhái shēng
黄 芦 苦 竹 绕 宅 生
qí jiān dàn mù wén hé wù
其 间 旦 暮 闻 何 物
dù juān tí xuè yuán āi míng
杜 鹃 啼 血 猿 哀 鸣
chūn jiāng huā zhāo qiū yuè yè
春 江 花 朝 秋 月 夜
wáng wǎng qǔ jiǔ hái dú qīng
往 往 取 酒 还 独 倾
qǐ wú shān gē yǔ cūn dí
岂 无 山 歌 与 村 笛
ǒu yǎ zhāo zhā nán wéi tīng
呕 哑 嘲 哳 难 为 听
jīn yè wén jūn pí pá yǔ
今 夜 闻 君 琵 琶 语
rú tīng xiān lè ěr zàn míng
如 听 仙 乐 耳 暂 明
mò cí gèng zuò dàn yì qǔ
莫 辞 更 坐 弹 一 曲
wéi jūn fān zuò pí pá xíng
为 君 翻 作 琵 琶 行
pí pá xíng
琵 琶 行
gǎn wǒ cǐ yán liáng jiǔ lì
感 我 此 言 良 久 立
què zuò cù xián xián zhuǎn jí
却 坐 促 弦 弦 转 急
xián zhuǎn jí
弦 转 急
qī qī bú sì xiàng qián shēng
凄 凄 不 似 向 前 声
mǎn zuò zhòng wén jiē yǎn qì
满 座 重 闻 皆 掩 泣
jiē yǎn qì
皆 掩 泣
zuò zhōng qì xià shuí zuì duō
座 中 泣 下 谁 最 多
jiāng zhōu sī mǎ qīng shān shī
江 州 司 马 青 衫 湿
qīng shān shī
青 衫 湿
jiāng zhōu sī mǎ qīng shān shī
江 州 司 马 青 衫 湿
You’re wrong!
❤ 0:36
@@luluart1424 他翻譯的是另一種中文寫法..
讀訟白居易琵琶行,感受人間無常,夢幻泡影 ,應把握今生,活在當下。珍惜對你有恩的人,愛惜所享有的一切,感恩天地國家社會人人,給我們的生活一切所需。
古詩新唱 讚讚讚
潯陽江頭夜送客 楓葉荻花秋瑟瑟
舉酒欲飲無管絃 醉不成歡慘將別
移船相近邀相見 添酒回燈重開宴
千呼萬喚始出來 猶抱琵琶半遮面
轉軸撥絃三兩聲 未成曲調先有情
弦弦掩抑聲聲思 似訴平生不得志
低眉信手續續彈 說盡心中無限事
輕攏慢撚抹復挑 初為霓裳後六麼
小弦切切如私語 如私語
大珠小珠落玉盤 落玉盤
間關鶯語花底滑 幽咽泉流冰下難
冰泉冷澀弦凝絕 凝絕不通聲暫歇
此時無聲勝有聲 勝有聲
鐵騎突出刀槍鳴 刀槍鳴
四弦一聲如裂帛 如裂帛
唯見江心秋月白 秋月白
沉吟放撥插弦中 整頓衣裳起斂容
自言本是京城女 家在蝦蟆陵下住
十三學得琵琶成 名屬教坊第一部
曲罷曾教善才服 妝成每被秋娘妒
五陵年少爭纏頭 一曲紅綃不知數
鈿頭銀篦擊節碎 血色羅裙翻酒汙
今年歡笑復明年 秋月春風等閒度
弟走從軍阿姨死 暮去朝來顏色故
老大嫁作商人婦 商人婦
前月浮樑買茶去 買茶去
繞船月明江水寒 江水寒
夢啼妝淚紅闌干 紅闌干
我聞琵琶已嘆息 又聞此語重唧唧
相逢何必曾相識 我從去年辭帝京
潯陽地僻無音樂 終歲不聞絲竹聲
黃蘆苦竹繞宅生 其間旦暮聞何物
春江花朝秋月夜 往往取酒還獨傾
嘔啞嘲哳難為聽 今夜聞君琵琶語
為君翻作琵琶行 琵琶行
卻坐促弦弦轉急 弦轉急
滿座重聞皆掩泣 皆掩泣
江州司馬青衫溼 青衫溼
GOOSEBUMPS! Every freaking time I listen to this song!! ❤❤❤
Mi piace tantissimo questa musica e straordinaria grazie a TH-cam conosciamo anche la musica culturale Chinese ❤👍🥰🇨🇮😄🎶🎶💃💃
😍 wonderful atmosphere 💗 heartfelt thanks 🌼🙏🌼
😍 wonderful atmosphere 💗 hearfelt
thanks 🌼 🙏🌼
我甚至不是中国人,但这首歌非常好听 ❤
真好聽 我都會背了
how did I end up listening to chinese music
because why not
Nae n word song? Lol
Nae nigga nae nae
it’s okay dude me too
I love this song
love from canada🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
轻拢慢捻抹复挑,初为《霓裳》后《六幺》。(六幺 一作:绿腰)
冰泉冷涩弦凝绝,凝绝不通声暂歇。(暂歇 一作:渐歇)
曲罢曾教善才服,妆成每被秋娘妒。(服 一作:伏)
钿头银篦击节碎,血色罗裙翻酒污。(银篦 一作:云篦)
been searching so long for this song TT came across it ages ago and couldnt type it cuz i didnt know what it said so happy i found ittttttt its so good
A very pathetic story.
@@gansirlouis156 wtf 🤣
Searched alot..finally found...
Great song!! I wish I knew what it was about 😯
The lyrics of this song are taken from the《琵琶行》 by Bai Juyi, an ancient Chinese poet。You can search《琵琶行》 for on the Internet
Best song. But where can i find the instrumental version. Please share ty
ngl I like this
kind of a banger im ngl
Naw it IS a banger
beautifuuul sonnng i love it💖
name of the song pleaase🙏🙏
琵琶行 - Pipa Xing. th-cam.com/video/GteGCSuj_4A/w-d-xo.html
عقبال ٤٠٠.٠٠٠ مشترك
English version of the Poem, translated by 许渊冲
One night by riverside I bade a friend goodbye;
In maple leaves and rushes autumn seemed to sigh.
My friend and I dismounted and came into the boat;
Without flute songs we drank our cups with heavy heart;
The moonbeams blended with water when we were to part.
Suddenly o’er the stream we heard a pipa sound;
I forgot to go home and the guest stood spell-bound.
We followed where the music led to find the player,
But heard the pipa stop and no music in the air.
We moved our boat towards the one whence came the strain,
Brought back the lamp, asked for more wine and drank again.
Repeatedly we called for the fair player still.
She came, her face half hidden behind a pipa still.
She turned the pegs and tested twice or thrice each string;
Before a tune was played we heard her feelings sing.
Each string she plucked, each note she struck with pathos strong,
All seemed to say she’d missed her dreams all her life long.
Head bent, she played with unpremeditated art
On and on to pour out her overflowing heart.
She lightly plucked, slowly stroked and twanged loud
The song of “Green Waist” after that of “Rainbow Cloud”.
The thick strings loudly thrummed like the pattering rain;
The fine strings softly tinkled in a murmuring strain.
When mingling loud and sot notes were together played,
You heard orioles warble in a flowery land,
Then a sobbing stream run along a beach of sand.
But the stream seemed so cold as to tighten the string;
From tightened strings no more song could be heard to sing.
Still we heard hidden grief and vague regret concealed;
Then music expressed far less than silence revealed.
Suddenly we heard water burst a silver jar,
And the clash of spears and sabers come from afar.
She made a central sweep when the music was ending;
The four strings made one sound, as if silk one was rending.
Silence reigned left and right of the boat, east and west;
We saw but autumn moon white in the river’s breast.
She slid the plectrum pensively between the strings,
Smoothed out her dress and rose with a composed mien.
“I spent,” she said, “in the capital my early springs,
Where at the foot of Mount of Toads my home had been.
At thirteen I learned on the pipa how to play,
And my name was among the primas of the day.
I won my master’s admiration for my skill;
My beauty was envied by songstresses fair still.
The gallant young men vied to shower gifts on me;
One tune played, countless silk rolls were given with glee.
Beating time, I let silver comb and pin drop down,
And spilt-out wine oft stained my blood-red silken gown.
From year to year I laughed my joyous life away
On moonlit autumn light as windy vernal day.
My younger brother left for war, and died my maid;
Days passed, nights came, and my beauty began to fade.
Fewer and fewer were cabs and steeds at my door;
I married a smug merchant when my prime was o’er.
The merchant cared for money much more than for me;
One month ago he went away to purchase tea,
Leaving his lonely wife alone in empty boat;
Shrouded in moonlight, on the cold river I float.
Deep in the night I dreams of happy bygone years,
And woke to find my rouged face crisscrossed with tears.”
Listening to her story, I signed again and again.
Both of us in misfortune go from shore to shore.
Meeting now, need we have known each other before?
“I was banished from the capital last year
To live degraded and ill in this city here.
The city’s too remote to know melodious song,
So I have never heard music all the year long.
I dwell by riverbank on a low and damp ground
In a house with wild reeds and stunted bamboos around.
What is here to be heard from daybreak till nightfall
But gibbon’s cry and cuckoo’s homeward-going call?
By blooming riverside and under autumn moon
I’ve often taken wine up and drunk it alone.
Thought I have mountain songs and village pipes to hear,
Yet they are crude and strident and grate on the ear.
Listening to you playing on pipa tonight,
With your music divine e’en my hearing seems bright.
Will you sit down and play for us a tune once more?
I’ll write for you an ode to the pipa I adore.”
Touched by what I said, the player stood for long,
Then sat down, tore at strings and played another song.
So sad, so drear, so different, it moved us deep;
Those who heard it hid the face and began to weep.
Of all the company at table who wept most?
It was none other than the exiled blue-robed host.
你好厉害 我可能要两周😅
been secarching so long for this song TT came across it ages and couldnt type it cuz i didnt know what it said so happy i found ittttt its so good
been secarching so long for this song TT
Cameron across it ages and couldnt type it
cuz I didnt konw what it said so happy I
found ittttttt its so good
been secarching so long for this song
TT came across it ages and couldnt
trype it cuz i didnt know what it sad so
happy i found ittttt its so good
been secarching so long for this
song TT came across it ages and
couldnt type it cuz i didnt know what
it said so happy i found itttttt its so
The Pīnyīn please 😑
As I expected, Chinese classical music and classical art suit traditional Chinese more than simplified Chinese.
🗿Actually the lyrics are a mix of traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese.
Eu amo essa versão e também o do luo yunxi
0:35 ~2:20 背課文
Dear Friend: The Pi Pa Xing MTV has got version 4 for better Karaoke wording. It is now moved to
亲爱的朋友:Pi Pa Xing MTV 已经有第4版,可更好地播放卡拉OK文字。 现在已移至
bài này tên tiếng việt là gì vậy ạ ?
Tì Bà Hành nhé
@@TramNguyen-lm8rm cảm ơn bạn nhiều
為了國文不被當前來 祝我明日段考順利
0:06 1:29
往往取酒还(huan)独倾 huan huan。。。。
I like the song & want to know the singer's name..but can't read that language..can u guys halp me with the singer's name..plz write it in English..thanks🥰
Pi pa xing
Singer name :奇然
He’s chinese, maybe you can use copy.
The author of this song is Qiran
In English the singer name was Leo Luan
kenapa huruf sederhana dan huruf asli dicampur ditempelkan?
@@先秦塬上 kurang kerjaan
@@wenlo4348 啊?我就看到的时候提醒一下博主啊,的确不会怎么样
@@在下焦糖布丁 兩個字讀音一樣 甚至有時可以通用 (中文系路過
Nae niga nae
क्या यह चीनी प्राचीन कविता है 🤔
Cho em xin tên nhạc, tên viết bằng trung quốc em nhìn ko hiểu 😅
Tỳ Bà Hành. Kênh của người Trung người ta viết tiếng Trung là đúng rồi😂
@@richardp7815 那可以聽這個版本的,他是書法th-cam.com/video/GteGCSuj_4A/w-d-xo.html
Боже, мне так нравится эта песня... Я тут что, одна русская что-ли? :)
не одна)
Держись, подруга, я с тобой