I bid 6S too, but Peter got a friendly defence for 1 off. Mine was more difficult and as a result by the time I knew clubs were 4-0 I could not hold it to 1 off any more. I checked Peters bidding to 6C and as far as it appeared, he was playing the same us ours, but denied his 4 card spade suit. Poor bidding from the robot IMO. As the hearts are 4 rag, I think 3S minor stayman is more likely to work......The opener can still sign off in 3NT if not liking the looks of a minor slam, but of course we do.
If it's any consolation, I misplayed 4S the same way you did... the spots show W can't have 7 diamonds. We reached the grand though after I keycarded and showed all the key cards... Lia then bid the grand. Yay!
I bid 6S too, but Peter got a friendly defence for 1 off. Mine was more difficult and as a result by the time I knew clubs were 4-0 I could not hold it to 1 off any more. I checked Peters bidding to 6C and as far as it appeared, he was playing the same us ours, but denied his 4 card spade suit. Poor bidding from the robot IMO. As the hearts are 4 rag, I think 3S minor stayman is more likely to work......The opener can still sign off in 3NT if not liking the looks of a minor slam, but of course we do.
If it's any consolation, I misplayed 4S the same way you did... the spots show W can't have 7 diamonds.
We reached the grand though after I keycarded and showed all the key cards... Lia then bid the grand. Yay!