I was thinking that the way to fix this is for all the members to get their own chibi/smol/furball form xD EDIT: Someone below had a great point though, not every member can afford to keep up with commissioned appearances and could be left behind others more financially successful hence the agreement.
Hololive: "We wouldn't want to unfairly provide special allowances to only select members." Risu: "IT'S UNFAIR THAT MY OSHI KORONE DOESN'T GET A MILLION NEW OUTFITS!!!"
@@carlosnava1471 for millions of times already, Irys’ artist got some problems or something. And if you haven’t known yet, she is about to have a redesign. So for all who have been bicching around on Irys’ costumes or 3D, learn some shyit information my dudes.
Ame made this happen for EN with her smol versions. That's worked out great like allowing them to do 3d collabs before they all had full 3d models. Just like Coco said, management keeps getting in the way of good innovations by artists and performers. Korone doesn't really see the problems with being literally owned, and that's pretty standard. It's not something to hold against her, but it is time for fans stop glorifying Yagoo just because he was born wealthy enough to own other people and their work.
As a Japanese fan, I would like to say this. I don't think Korone can say it on the air, but I think this is also a consideration for the silly antis and those who are trying to create drama. When making it by an individual, it depends on the person's economic power, and the quality of the product can be compared. Therefore, for example, if Korone make a lot of things and other people don't make them, there will be people who will ask other members, "Aren't you going to make these?" Also, there will be people who will compare the products they have made and say, “That one is better.” Antis will probably say things like, "Korone is one of our management's favorites, so they have them make a lot of and put them on the air." Hololive has a lot of animosity from antis and some other fans, and this kind of thing always sticks around.
@@durian111 For antis, IRyS would be a good target right now, unfortunately. If you're a fan, there are still areas where they can't say anything about it , but you can understand why it's delayed several things , and about re-design. It's troublesome not to give them a chance, but it's important.
I mean literally even people who are antis dont even think much of this, they just focus on cover instead, the percentage who cares on what Korone does to the furball suit is probably 0.3%
@@HumanoidCableDreadsi dont think its pandering. I think they focus on doing the best, least drama stuff with their talents, and so its easier to do that than make a fuss over antis
I really love the Furball Form, so I'm a bit sad to hear that it'll be a rare appearence. Korone's reasoning for it is so Korone, not wanting others to feel left out, or like she has special treatment. She's so darn considerate and sweet! I feel like the solution is obvious though, we simply get the other Gamers Furball Forms! Imagine all four of them together... the chaos energy could rival that of the Walfie Smol Myths.
I wonder if part of it is that Hololive owns all the models they produce and all Hololive streams\accounts. So this one form she made for herself creates issues in that Hololive doesn't own it but does own the stream. If there are issues that could create a huge mess.
I think it's mostly because it isn't official art for Korone "brand", so they don't allow her to use it whenever she wants. Because Korone's appearance is the brand Korone. At least that's what I got from what she said. She has to use her official appearances.
Sounds like Korone basically doesn't want to flex over the other girls, that she has a unique appearance for only her, and they don't. Even though they won't mind, Korone still doesn't want to bother them because of it. Truly a heart of gold
Pretty sure it’s a “maintaining your brand” thing. Where they prefer them to use official forms that they sell accompanying merch and is more recognizable as the talent,.
Think you are 100% right, I just wish Korone would dare to have a little more "gremlin ego energy" at times. But i guess then should would not be our cute loveable dog goddess.
@@KahlevN she literally says "ah if another member says how come only she has it? That's unfair" Why you here making up your own headcanon??? When the facts are right there???
I honestly doubt they care about "fairness" considering how some members have way more outfits/accessories or even kurokami fubuki literally. Safe to assume its just korone's own take on it.
Amelia is a somewhat different situation though, because her technical wizardry is somewhat of her niche within Hololive, and she uses her skills to the benefit of the community. It's very different to "I get lots of superchats and sponsorships, therefore I have all the models and cool stream assets".
@@Philweasel I think it might just be a cultural thing as well, with Japanese culture being hyper considerate. Probably not something the EN branch would really think about very hard.
So the impression I'm getting is that this is a Japanese politeness thing, because this would absolutely not be an issue amongst the EN girls, I think, especially when you think of all the cool stuff Ame experiments with.
I have to agree. Not just Ame, but EN as a whole has a wide variety of “Meme/joke” outfits for lack of a better term, some far more than others and you don’t really see any particular issues there. So it very well could just be a Japanese side thing.
I think EN has looser permissions, maybe because of the distance and level of direct support hololive can provide them. Its a way for the company to probably 'field test' new concepts and projects by letting EN or ID test them. Also given Ame's studio... I'm sure she might have more permission than anyone in EN to test things out because of how much she is supporting the others.
To me this because she got commission, and found it unfair to be just for her to used it only. Unlike the en girl when they just make it themselve which entirely different.
That being the case, it'd be great to see Fubuki, Mio and Okayu gain Furball forms (fox, wolf and kitten) as well to match. Then they could all use them together!
I think the implication here (and this is just my interpretation) is that it's less about a general feeling of unfairness or bitterness among members, and more about setting an unfair precedent and starting some kind of "character asset arms race". This is what I would be worried about if I were Hololive management. That is to say, if Korone spends her personal money to commission a special unique asset (such as an outfit or in this case character/model), and it gets really popular and she gains a ton of new viewers and stuff because of it, it incentivizes everyone else to do the same. The problem there is that it puts the talents who are already super popular (such as Korone) at a significant advantage over those who may have less disposable income, potentially forcing them to have to do things like choosing between spending money on assets to remain relevant vs those who are SUPPOSED to be allies, and things like paying rent and buying food. The purpose of vtuber agencies like Hololive is supposed to be built on a kind of "a rising tide raises all ships" philosophy, where pooled resources allow the success of some talents to increase the resources of others who might be less popular (or in a slump, on a break, etc), and also allowing girls with high popularity to also boost visibility of lesser known girls, whether through collabs or just increased brand recognition for Hololive as a whole. If girls start burning their own resources rather than drawing from the community pool, it becomes less "we're all in this together" and more "I got mine, time to get more, good luck with yours lol" I don't necessarily know if I agree with it in explicit terms. For example, Gura recently got her animated short and even though it cameoed other members it was very clearly a "Gura" thing. But I recognize the difference between what is functionally a piece of promotional media for the company that can further expand to involve other talents, and a personal asset that primarily exists to be individually promoted and marketed explicitly by a single talent. I do think it's a valid concern, and that they're not wrong to keep an eye on it.
Very well stated! As with all things, there's probably a lot of nuance to how that situation is best handled, but I'm glad the Talents are open to talking about it!
In conclusion: It's so that she won't stand out in unnecessary way that has the potential to cause drama no matter how small the chance is. At least that's how I perceive it.
the way she phrased it, to me at least it seemed like the furball Korone was made exclusively for her. kinda like how membership only posts are for members only. maybe the artist have certain clauses behind the showing of the art etc. I may be way off though. but I don't think it's because 'other members" don't have it. we already have smol Ame and Kurokami.
@@RazzySensei She clearly made it clear it's not a copyright issue and if you watched the entire thing it's more talking about a potential problem of "why does Korone get this and x doesn't" but that line isn't coming from the talents it's from overly invested fans.
@@venkaramon which still sounds like the most retarded reason of all time. You could apply the same logic to the girls who go in to do 3D stuff more often, or release music or music videos more often. The management is just fucking awful.
@@Oruta-skk Well its kinda weird there. Because Fubuki made a poll asking if Kurokami should appear more often in weeks or stay as rare occasion. So that means they could use it more frequently if they wanted. Meaning that Korone is doing it because she cares for the other members.
As far as I can tell its not complex its just that she doesn't know if she can spread a talk with management around. Japan has social pressures not to stand out(which causes some to want to abide by that and others to do the exact opposite) and as a naturally shy person Korone leans towards not standing out, so she went to talk to management and make rules around the use of the model she commissioned. The rules as best she clarified there are functionally 'must contact them ahead of time and receive permission to use it during x stream/s' which they probably would give since they haven't seemed very uptight about them so far. The main thing holding back the use is her own sensibilities and how she tends to treat every outfit as something for rare occasions. Like she was saying she could just pull it out every week or something but then explicitly gave a holiday for when she'd do so. She just thinks of her costumes a bit differently.
Honestly, that's the best thing about Korone's streams. You never know what you're gonna get. Some aspect is always changing, even when stuff is normal.
She is very, extremely, absolutely considerate and caring for the other Hololive members to the point that she doesn't want to show off her custom stuff despite the others being absolutely for it. That's a very good doggo, that's the Best Doggo!!!
Odd that most of the comments here seemed to have missed the point. I think this was what Korone was hinting at. Like, it's not in her personality to say "fans and antis will use this to whine to other talents and the management about this" (and tbh I don't think Cover will allow her to antagonize viewers like that) but I think that's what she wanted to say.
I just a part of every faction. But then again it's like she said, everyone is allowed to watch the stream however they wish. I love and enjoy doggo therefore I watch. That's it.
It’s wonderful how she garnered so many types of fans. And yeah, it would be nice if everyone get their own mascot-esque models like En. Council’s halloween models got memed and evolve non-stop to this day, imagine the fun JP and ID scene would get.
Korone is a very smart, and very sweet dog who has embraced being ultra popular for a while. Love how she knows she can't possibly please anybody so there's no point sweating it and trying to do it. The fact that she holds off on Furball Form just because the other girls don't have one is just... 💖
Related to this topic, Ame just said that she cannot use her bee form freely as well. So it's applied to everyone else as well. I still prefer Korone's original design so
Its ok Korone, you dont have to lie for our sakes, we know you hold back on breaking out furball ko'one, because the sheer cuteness it wields is more than enough to induce the happiest of heart attacks in your fans! Death by cutness, what a way to go! LOL
Looking at the growth and content of the comment section here, I can see that Korone and Cover's policy is wonderful again. It may be unavoidable if speculation is spread by silly things or if you do not understand Japanese considerations. There may be other rules, but I would like you to continue.
With this info in mind, what Ame does with all of her versions makes it the more impressive than it already is. All the planning required for one stream must me nuts.
Probably the "fairness" issue is prevalent, but it's also an issue of branding. It's something the fans made, not something that comes from Holo-live themselves so it can be seen as a dilution of their brand.
Interesting. I wonder if part of it is just Korone's heightened level of consideration for others or if it's something management put as a condition to allow her to stream with the model she commissioned herself, but this isn't exactly a foreign concept to anyone who works at an office, honestly. Humans are complex creatures, sometimes jealousy and feeling like others are getting preferential treatment can spawn from basically anywhere, so she might be front-running that possibility.
I imagine it has to do with hololive's software. Since it's her personal model, it's not uploaded to the team's official software internally. So to use it requires her to use 3rd party software most likely which means she can't change on the spot.
I wanna preface this by saying this is just my thought process on what she means, please correct me if i’m wrong. I think the reason why she doesn’t want to use her furball outfit too much is because it’s an extra outfit. I think by letting talents freely commission too many outfits will cause some members who possibly can’t afford to commission new outfits to be left behind. While the talents themselves likely won’t care (they love each other and love to see each other succeed). I think by having talents with more outfits than others might cause the fans to pressure other talents to commission a new outfit too. For example, let’s say talent A and talent B both have 3 official outfits and talent A commissions a 4th one, fans might pressure talent B who is in the same generation or cover corp to give talent B a new outfit too. I feel like by limiting the use of commissioned stuff, it just allows less drama. Idk this is just my thought process
I would say that your reasoning is the perfect one. When furball ko'one came out, every one want to see , the rest of hololive gamers to also have this. By using it more often. Other fan base most likely want their oshi to have same furball form from korone. Make extra work when it mean as an her own design
That's pretty reasoning. It's kinda sad for someone that don't get to see the furball form but they try to make everything seems fair for every talents is a strong valid point.
@@dudewithtimestoppingability Yea korone is a very sweet girl. She doesn’t want to put the rest of gamers (maybe other talents) in an awkward position where everyone is asking for them to get furball forms also.
I like that Korone literally said this wasn't because of management, but commenters still think it's because of them anyway. Like, did I miss something?🤷♂️
You know, fair enough. Those of us who enjoy the furball, will treasure it and look forward to it, as it will be a rather rare occurence, and thus it will be that much more valuable to see it happening. Those of us who don't really like it and prefer regular Korone don't have to worry since they'll be getting exactly that most of the time anyway. Us fans don't lose or miss out on anything, and she gets to do things in a way that's comfortable for her and considerate towards others, I see that as a win for everyone.
I solved the problem myself. I bought a bunch of Furball Korone stickers and put them on things. I also bought a SSRB sticker and put it on the wooden bottle I keep on my work desk.
The biggest problem for Korone if she use her furball form too often is the branding that Hololive/Cover corp has painstakingly built. Imagine if she's doing an advert on product, and people goes "who?" because some people only saw her furball form
Yup, it need to be for all her genmate and clear legal copyright, it also to avoid favoritism, i wouldn't be supprise in near future they all gonna have furball chibi.
While the furball is great, I do see the logic of why it has to be a special occasion. And I think it’s great she and everyone else was able to have a fair and mature discussion without any hurt feelings or “this isn’t in the rules!”
Honestly I wasn’t sure what to make of this like I’m hoping it’s a matter of “I want to use Furball mode on rare occasions to preserve the magic and specialness” but it’ll be a bummer if it’s something not good bts cause I remember she said she wants Furball to be a mascot someday like smol ame and Mikodanye but it’s only had one appearance so far. I’m hoping I’m just worrying too much and it’s all fine
From what I understand the furball model must've been something she commissioned/paid for herself (versus an "official" one provided by Cover). So it makes sense that you wouldn't want talents to go TOO overboard with that kind of thing, because you wouldn't want the others feeling pressured into doing similar things on their own dime/feeling inferior if they weren't able to.
The EN Girls, or at least EN branch in general seem to have more creative freedom when it comes to outsourcing? That somewhat extends to the ID branch.
It isn't that it's a copyright issue in that it belongs to someone else. It's an issue in that it doesn't belong to the agency and it was something that not everyone got.
At first I assumed she contractually has to use primarily the main model, but can't go too much into specifics because of NDA but by the end it sounded more informal?
Whatever form korone is, i love all the same...tho i admit im very weak to that furball form of hers LOL its too cute!!! I wish she would make a plushie or like shirt merch (or a jacket merch)
So what I'm hearing is everyone needs an adorable animal form.
I was thinking that the way to fix this is for all the members to get their own chibi/smol/furball form xD
EDIT: Someone below had a great point though, not every member can afford to keep up with commissioned appearances and could be left behind others more financially successful hence the agreement.
As they say, "Modern Problems require Modern Solutions"
Meanwhile, Tenchou has her entire “am zoo” series
Furball gamers is a thing that needs to happen.
@@EkatariZeen yet Ame singlehandedly becomes the gremlin that keeps on giving to EN on multiple forms. sigh
"all the Hololive members care about each other" she says as she locked 3 of them outside in the rain xD
Hololive: "We wouldn't want to unfairly provide special allowances to only select members."
hololive: we heard you and now we introduce SOAP korone
Irys: ...
@@lichmaster2 soap is too scary. Shampoo would be safer.
@@carlosnava1471 :c the fact that IRyS *still* hasn't had a new outfit.. it makes me so sad.
@@carlosnava1471 for millions of times already, Irys’ artist got some problems or something. And if you haven’t known yet, she is about to have a redesign.
So for all who have been bicching around on Irys’ costumes or 3D, learn some shyit information my dudes.
what a good doggo. I imagine she'd use furball form more often if every member got a "counterpart" like she has.
They actually do. Just not animated.
Kinda like smol ame and all them I spose
Duck Subaru?
All GAMERS need the furball mode, like in the fan arts.
Ame made this happen for EN with her smol versions. That's worked out great like allowing them to do 3d collabs before they all had full 3d models. Just like Coco said, management keeps getting in the way of good innovations by artists and performers. Korone doesn't really see the problems with being literally owned, and that's pretty standard. It's not something to hold against her, but it is time for fans stop glorifying Yagoo just because he was born wealthy enough to own other people and their work.
I thought she's gonna be like "the furball transformation takes a lot of energy, I have to charge it up for week."
As a Japanese fan, I would like to say this.
I don't think Korone can say it on the air, but I think this is also a consideration for the silly antis and those who are trying to create drama.
When making it by an individual, it depends on the person's economic power, and the quality of the product can be compared.
Therefore, for example, if Korone make a lot of things and other people don't make them, there will be people who will ask other members, "Aren't you going to make these?" Also, there will be people who will compare the products they have made and say, “That one is better.” Antis will probably say things like, "Korone is one of our management's favorites, so they have them make a lot of and put them on the air."
Hololive has a lot of animosity from antis and some other fans, and this kind of thing always sticks around.
Yup pretty much, you can even see they use irys to peddling their rrat when she already explain it months ago.
@@durian111 For antis, IRyS would be a good target right now, unfortunately. If you're a fan, there are still areas where they can't say anything about it , but you can understand why it's delayed several things , and about re-design. It's troublesome not to give them a chance, but it's important.
I mean literally even people who are antis dont even think much of this, they just focus on cover instead, the percentage who cares on what Korone does to the furball suit is probably 0.3%
I wish Cover would for once just ignore the antis instead of trying to make them happy. You're never going to appease them, they are miserable babies.
@@HumanoidCableDreadsi dont think its pandering. I think they focus on doing the best, least drama stuff with their talents, and so its easier to do that than make a fuss over antis
I really love the Furball Form, so I'm a bit sad to hear that it'll be a rare appearence. Korone's reasoning for it is so Korone, not wanting others to feel left out, or like she has special treatment. She's so darn considerate and sweet! I feel like the solution is obvious though, we simply get the other Gamers Furball Forms! Imagine all four of them together... the chaos energy could rival that of the Walfie Smol Myths.
Why isn't this a thing? Why must I wallow in misery, swim in bitter-sweet sorrow?
Well that's up to the artist to decide
@@Oruta-skk True, it's a fun idea to imagine though. Furball Fubuki, Okayu, and Mio would be absolutely adorable!
I wonder if part of it is that Hololive owns all the models they produce and all Hololive streams\accounts. So this one form she made for herself creates issues in that Hololive doesn't own it but does own the stream. If there are issues that could create a huge mess.
I think it's mostly because it isn't official art for Korone "brand", so they don't allow her to use it whenever she wants. Because Korone's appearance is the brand Korone. At least that's what I got from what she said. She has to use her official appearances.
I'm actually part of the Kedama branch. I love how adorable the art is.
My favorite Korone is the rarest Korone. The model where you can see her forehead. She's so embarrassed by it, but it's *so* cute
Forehead faction supremacy
@MutedRaven78 imagine an egg
Sounds like Korone basically doesn't want to flex over the other girls, that she has a unique appearance for only her, and they don't.
Even though they won't mind, Korone still doesn't want to bother them because of it. Truly a heart of gold
Pretty sure it’s a “maintaining your brand” thing. Where they prefer them to use official forms that they sell accompanying merch and is more recognizable as the talent,.
Think you are 100% right, I just wish Korone would dare to have a little more "gremlin ego energy" at times. But i guess then should would not be our cute loveable dog goddess.
@@KahlevN she literally says "ah if another member says how come only she has it? That's unfair"
Why you here making up your own headcanon??? When the facts are right there???
I honestly doubt they care about "fairness" considering how some members have way more outfits/accessories or even kurokami fubuki literally.
Safe to assume its just korone's own take on it.
@@KahlevN she clearly explained that this is not the case, how about trusting what she tells us instead of making what amount to conspiracy theories
It will absolutely blow Korone's mind if someone sends her a link to Ame's stream where she rates her 300 different forms.
The Council of Ames
Or Amano Pikamee's streams where she's been happily using her Isekai model, which she apparently paid like 5 figures for.
Amelia is a somewhat different situation though, because her technical wizardry is somewhat of her niche within Hololive, and she uses her skills to the benefit of the community. It's very different to "I get lots of superchats and sponsorships, therefore I have all the models and cool stream assets".
I mean, sure, but the other myth girls have the same "gremlin" mode.
@@Philweasel I think it might just be a cultural thing as well, with Japanese culture being hyper considerate. Probably not something the EN branch would really think about very hard.
So the impression I'm getting is that this is a Japanese politeness thing, because this would absolutely not be an issue amongst the EN girls, I think, especially when you think of all the cool stuff Ame experiments with.
I have to agree. Not just Ame, but EN as a whole has a wide variety of “Meme/joke” outfits for lack of a better term, some far more than others and you don’t really see any particular issues there. So it very well could just be a Japanese side thing.
Korone: I don’t want to use my extra forms too much, it’s unfair to other Holomems
Ame: I’m 42,069 timelines ahead of all of you!
@@97Multiphantom And in every one of said timelines she has 69,420 different forms!
I think EN has looser permissions, maybe because of the distance and level of direct support hololive can provide them. Its a way for the company to probably 'field test' new concepts and projects by letting EN or ID test them. Also given Ame's studio... I'm sure she might have more permission than anyone in EN to test things out because of how much she is supporting the others.
To me this because she got commission, and found it unfair to be just for her to used it only. Unlike the en girl when they just make it themselve which entirely different.
Korone showing her canine attributes. So loyal and kind, and wants her whole pack to be happy. She wouldn't want anyone to feel sad or left out.
That being the case, it'd be great to see Fubuki, Mio and Okayu gain Furball forms (fox, wolf and kitten) as well to match. Then they could all use them together!
I think the implication here (and this is just my interpretation) is that it's less about a general feeling of unfairness or bitterness among members, and more about setting an unfair precedent and starting some kind of "character asset arms race". This is what I would be worried about if I were Hololive management.
That is to say, if Korone spends her personal money to commission a special unique asset (such as an outfit or in this case character/model), and it gets really popular and she gains a ton of new viewers and stuff because of it, it incentivizes everyone else to do the same. The problem there is that it puts the talents who are already super popular (such as Korone) at a significant advantage over those who may have less disposable income, potentially forcing them to have to do things like choosing between spending money on assets to remain relevant vs those who are SUPPOSED to be allies, and things like paying rent and buying food. The purpose of vtuber agencies like Hololive is supposed to be built on a kind of "a rising tide raises all ships" philosophy, where pooled resources allow the success of some talents to increase the resources of others who might be less popular (or in a slump, on a break, etc), and also allowing girls with high popularity to also boost visibility of lesser known girls, whether through collabs or just increased brand recognition for Hololive as a whole. If girls start burning their own resources rather than drawing from the community pool, it becomes less "we're all in this together" and more "I got mine, time to get more, good luck with yours lol"
I don't necessarily know if I agree with it in explicit terms. For example, Gura recently got her animated short and even though it cameoed other members it was very clearly a "Gura" thing. But I recognize the difference between what is functionally a piece of promotional media for the company that can further expand to involve other talents, and a personal asset that primarily exists to be individually promoted and marketed explicitly by a single talent. I do think it's a valid concern, and that they're not wrong to keep an eye on it.
Knowing Korone, I think she was the one who told management that she was worried that issues may arise if she uses her furball model so often
I was under the assumption the furball model was just one of those milestone gifts Cover gives their talents. Was that not the case?
Very well stated! As with all things, there's probably a lot of nuance to how that situation is best handled, but I'm glad the Talents are open to talking about it!
In conclusion: It's so that she won't stand out in unnecessary way that has the potential to cause drama no matter how small the chance is. At least that's how I perceive it.
Koronesuki: “Why isn’t it possible?”
Korone: “It just isn’t.”
Koronesuki: “Why not you magnificent individual?”
Kedama Ko'one
Furball-chan is too powerful. She must be kept under lock and key until her power is truly needed
I'd love to see it more often, but I can understand why. That being said, at least when we see it, we instantly know that it's a special event.
i think its more of " the other members doesn't have furball form" so she cant use it as often as to not make others feel left out.
the way she phrased it, to me at least it seemed like the furball Korone was made exclusively for her. kinda like how membership only posts are for members only. maybe the artist have certain clauses behind the showing of the art etc. I may be way off though.
but I don't think it's because 'other members" don't have it. we already have smol Ame and Kurokami.
@@RazzySensei Well every holoEn have their own smol version, fubuki doesn't use kurokami that often
@@RazzySensei She clearly made it clear it's not a copyright issue and if you watched the entire thing it's more talking about a potential problem of "why does Korone get this and x doesn't" but that line isn't coming from the talents it's from overly invested fans.
@@venkaramon which still sounds like the most retarded reason of all time.
You could apply the same logic to the girls who go in to do 3D stuff more often, or release music or music videos more often.
The management is just fucking awful.
@@Oruta-skk Well its kinda weird there. Because Fubuki made a poll asking if Kurokami should appear more often in weeks or stay as rare occasion. So that means they could use it more frequently if they wanted.
Meaning that Korone is doing it because she cares for the other members.
"It's not really that complex of an issue" sure could've fooled me with her attempts to explain it
As far as I can tell its not complex its just that she doesn't know if she can spread a talk with management around. Japan has social pressures not to stand out(which causes some to want to abide by that and others to do the exact opposite) and as a naturally shy person Korone leans towards not standing out, so she went to talk to management and make rules around the use of the model she commissioned. The rules as best she clarified there are functionally 'must contact them ahead of time and receive permission to use it during x stream/s' which they probably would give since they haven't seemed very uptight about them so far. The main thing holding back the use is her own sensibilities and how she tends to treat every outfit as something for rare occasions. Like she was saying she could just pull it out every week or something but then explicitly gave a holiday for when she'd do so. She just thinks of her costumes a bit differently.
Honestly, that's the best thing about Korone's streams. You never know what you're gonna get. Some aspect is always changing, even when stuff is normal.
She is very, extremely, absolutely considerate and caring for the other Hololive members to the point that she doesn't want to show off her custom stuff despite the others being absolutely for it. That's a very good doggo, that's the Best Doggo!!!
Awww, she's so considerate and sweet. It only makes her cuter.
Hololive talents might not say things like that but we all know viewers would (and do...) say things like that.
Odd that most of the comments here seemed to have missed the point. I think this was what Korone was hinting at. Like, it's not in her personality to say "fans and antis will use this to whine to other talents and the management about this" (and tbh I don't think Cover will allow her to antagonize viewers like that) but I think that's what she wanted to say.
I just a part of every faction. But then again it's like she said, everyone is allowed to watch the stream however they wish. I love and enjoy doggo therefore I watch. That's it.
cute korone. great gen bonds, love to see the strength of the groups.
It’s wonderful how she garnered so many types of fans. And yeah, it would be nice if everyone get their own mascot-esque models like En. Council’s halloween models got memed and evolve non-stop to this day, imagine the fun JP and ID scene would get.
Korone: "it's kinda like, how do I put this, it's like that"
Koronesuki: "Naruhodont"
Korone is a very smart, and very sweet dog who has embraced being ultra popular for a while. Love how she knows she can't possibly please anybody so there's no point sweating it and trying to do it.
The fact that she holds off on Furball Form just because the other girls don't have one is just...
I hope there will be a furball form for all gamers !
Related to this topic, Ame just said that she cannot use her bee form freely as well. So it's applied to everyone else as well. I still prefer Korone's original design so
ONG imagine if Korone could run wild with her own creations on every stream www
Its ok Korone, you dont have to lie for our sakes, we know you hold back on breaking out furball ko'one, because the sheer cuteness it wields is more than enough to induce the happiest of heart attacks in your fans! Death by cutness, what a way to go! LOL
Looking at the growth and content of the comment section here, I can see that Korone and Cover's policy is wonderful again.
It may be unavoidable if speculation is spread by silly things or if you do not understand Japanese considerations.
There may be other rules, but I would like you to continue.
Gigachad: "Please flirt with me"
Another gigachad: "no, please safe it for okayu"
earned my respect, honesty goes a long way
oh shoot haha fubuki mio and iroha in the back scared me for a sec. i was too focused on reading the subs
Mega Ultra Cuteness Overload as ever, Korone.
With this info in mind, what Ame does with all of her versions makes it the more impressive than it already is. All the planning required for one stream must me nuts.
The Furball form is like a blue moon only, or when she gets happy about an occasion.
praying for the day we get a Smol Myth/Smol CouncilRyS collab with Furball Korone. seems like that's be a perfect time to use it
Meanwhile Ame have the 789th variant already, and use it like it just Tuesday.
Probably the "fairness" issue is prevalent, but it's also an issue of branding. It's something the fans made, not something that comes from Holo-live themselves so it can be seen as a dilution of their brand.
"Different people will have different tastes."
10/10 vid, made me understand the human condition
That is really sweet that she wants all her friends to be included
It’s fine for me as long as I can headpat this cute doggo along with worshiping the okakoro teetee I’m happy…
This is like smol EN. Sine Myth had it, the fans had been requesting Hope and Council to have it as well.
Interesting. I wonder if part of it is just Korone's heightened level of consideration for others or if it's something management put as a condition to allow her to stream with the model she commissioned herself, but this isn't exactly a foreign concept to anyone who works at an office, honestly. Humans are complex creatures, sometimes jealousy and feeling like others are getting preferential treatment can spawn from basically anywhere, so she might be front-running that possibility.
everything about Korone is that she is always cute
I imagine it has to do with hololive's software. Since it's her personal model, it's not uploaded to the team's official software internally. So to use it requires her to use 3rd party software most likely which means she can't change on the spot.
japanese custom of reading the room
fairness and respect. Well done
That's fully understandable
0:58 ... i like this line
I wanna preface this by saying this is just my thought process on what she means, please correct me if i’m wrong.
I think the reason why she doesn’t want to use her furball outfit too much is because it’s an extra outfit. I think by letting talents freely commission too many outfits will cause some members who possibly can’t afford to commission new outfits to be left behind. While the talents themselves likely won’t care (they love each other and love to see each other succeed). I think by having talents with more outfits than others might cause the fans to pressure other talents to commission a new outfit too. For example, let’s say talent A and talent B both have 3 official outfits and talent A commissions a 4th one, fans might pressure talent B who is in the same generation or cover corp to give talent B a new outfit too. I feel like by limiting the use of commissioned stuff, it just allows less drama.
Idk this is just my thought process
I would say that your reasoning is the perfect one. When furball ko'one came out, every one want to see , the rest of hololive gamers to also have this. By using it more often. Other fan base most likely want their oshi to have same furball form from korone. Make extra work when it mean as an her own design
That's pretty reasoning. It's kinda sad for someone that don't get to see the furball form but they try to make everything seems fair for every talents is a strong valid point.
@@dudewithtimestoppingability Yea korone is a very sweet girl. She doesn’t want to put the rest of gamers (maybe other talents) in an awkward position where everyone is asking for them to get furball forms also.
Yeah after watching it I agree. There's really no problem but they are trying to avoid a POTENTIAL problem some noisy people might make.
And there is Irys
Ahh, so the Furball Form is simply too powerful. Humu~ humu~. Makes sense.
They don't want to have to keep treating for fleas
She couldn't think of how to say it
ive never heard of a streamers fans narrowed down into "factions" but if i think about it, it only ever happens to korone
I like that Korone literally said this wasn't because of management, but commenters still think it's because of them anyway. Like, did I miss something?🤷♂️
People like to self project, I understand actually.
meanwhile Ame with her 76th alternate version of herself... *Gremlin laugh*
I am part of the "As long as they're happy" faction
As expected of Korone.
You know, fair enough. Those of us who enjoy the furball, will treasure it and look forward to it, as it will be a rather rare occurence, and thus it will be that much more valuable to see it happening.
Those of us who don't really like it and prefer regular Korone don't have to worry since they'll be getting exactly that most of the time anyway.
Us fans don't lose or miss out on anything, and she gets to do things in a way that's comfortable for her and considerate towards others, I see that as a win for everyone.
I guess in a way, it’s like Kurokami for Fubuking
You don’t see her very often, because she brands it as another entity for Fubuki’s persona
Kurokami is a mil sub gift, it official to her and she could use it whenever, just think of it like an outfit.
That’s surprising, I thought it’d be similar to smol ame
I solved the problem myself. I bought a bunch of Furball Korone stickers and put them on things.
I also bought a SSRB sticker and put it on the wooden bottle I keep on my work desk.
Korone has her furball form sealed behind several powerful seals, and can only be used when the world is in danger.
Guess it's basically just to ensure an unified aesthetic within the company or something like that.
I am in the "she's not sexy, she's cute" platonic fan camp.
so it's like pekora prisoner outfit
I wonder what would happen if they made a Smok collab in Furball costumes? (Subaru would be her Duck form)
The biggest problem for Korone if she use her furball form too often is the branding that Hololive/Cover corp has painstakingly built. Imagine if she's doing an advert on product, and people goes "who?" because some people only saw her furball form
I didn't even know she had that model
everybody needs a furball form
"Management only lets me use it sometimes" that's how you explain it.
Dang I love that outfit…
This is why she's the wholesome doggo who understand all the viewers.
Something like what ame did but since ame commissioned a set of smol myth it's much easier to use, and can easily be made official...
Yup, it need to be for all her genmate and clear legal copyright, it also to avoid favoritism, i wouldn't be supprise in near future they all gonna have furball chibi.
Meanwhile EN branch: Smoll avatars go brrrrrr.
brand managed furball
I thought the reason was because furball Korone will take over her channel 😂
as long as we get tree form
Meanwhile in the EN branch: Into the Ameverse.
To summon Furball DOOG you must sacrifice 10 Yubi cards, half your LP, Korone card, and a Kuriboh.
While the furball is great, I do see the logic of why it has to be a special occasion. And I think it’s great she and everyone else was able to have a fair and mature discussion without any hurt feelings or “this isn’t in the rules!”
0:30 damn, that would be me
she knows o_o
I guess it makes sense, everyone in the gen has to get an outfit in this style or Korone would stand out too much.
Honestly I wasn’t sure what to make of this like I’m hoping it’s a matter of “I want to use Furball mode on rare occasions to preserve the magic and specialness” but it’ll be a bummer if it’s something not good bts cause I remember she said she wants Furball to be a mascot someday like smol ame and Mikodanye but it’s only had one appearance so far. I’m hoping I’m just worrying too much and it’s all fine
From what I understand the furball model must've been something she commissioned/paid for herself (versus an "official" one provided by Cover). So it makes sense that you wouldn't want talents to go TOO overboard with that kind of thing, because you wouldn't want the others feeling pressured into doing similar things on their own dime/feeling inferior if they weren't able to.
Ot would be cute for all the anthrophomorphic hololive members to get a furball form it wouldatch well with Mio i think
That seems a little weird since Ame has small Ame and she uses that almost all the time and I am sure that wasn't given by management either.
The EN Girls, or at least EN branch in general seem to have more creative freedom when it comes to outsourcing? That somewhat extends to the ID branch.
@@Ahoge-dono I'd add that all of myth got the walfie model. So, there's no special treatment there.
@@stefanyuwono1909 yup
It isn't that it's a copyright issue in that it belongs to someone else. It's an issue in that it doesn't belong to the agency and it was something that not everyone got.
I will wait for that cute, furry, smug face as long as it takes.
At first I assumed she contractually has to use primarily the main model, but can't go too much into specifics because of NDA but by the end it sounded more informal?
The furball form takes too much power
So, she’s like a werewolf
I wonder if Fubuki getting that new alt Live 2D model for her alternate personality would be considered something similar?
Depends. If she commissioned it herself then yes. But if, like Mio assumes, it's something Fubuki asked for for reaching 1M subs then probably not.
Whatever form korone is, i love all the same...tho i admit im very weak to that furball form of hers LOL its too cute!!! I wish she would make a plushie or like shirt merch (or a jacket merch)