Muaj hmoo hnav li mo thiaj pjim nws nws thiaj tseem tseem tub hluas os kom nws hnav li no os yog nws xyaum xyaum nkauj mus tom ntej mas nws lib suab yuav zoo heev os
Neb tus tub xwm neb twb tsis tau coj mus rau lawv cov ua nkauj es luag twb yog ib tug kawm hu nkauj thiab kawm tiav lawm es coj mus rau lawv qhia suab thiab muab suab rau ab xwm kawm kho suab kom zoo zoo thiab kho tub xwm lub suab kom zoo zoo tso pob nws lub suab tam sim no nws lub suab tseem yog suab me nyuam yaus xb me tub xwm lub suab tseem tsis tau plws suab kiag li nawb
Hmo no tub muaj hmoo zoo nraug kawg li 😊
Good job 👍👍👍
Muaj hmoo hnav li mo thiaj pjim nws nws thiaj tseem tseem tub hluas os kom nws hnav li no os yog nws xyaum xyaum nkauj mus tom ntej mas nws lib suab yuav zoo heev os
Ua cas hnub no muaj hmoo hu Tsis zoo kiag li. Zaj nkauj no Tsis phim nws lub suab li a. No no
What happen to all his friends?
I guess everyone have their own celebration at home
Neb tus tub xwm neb twb tsis tau coj mus rau lawv cov ua nkauj es luag twb yog ib tug kawm hu nkauj thiab kawm tiav lawm es coj mus rau lawv qhia suab thiab muab suab rau ab xwm kawm kho suab kom zoo zoo thiab kho tub xwm lub suab kom zoo zoo tso pob nws lub suab tam sim no nws lub suab tseem yog suab me nyuam yaus xb me tub xwm lub suab tseem tsis tau plws suab kiag li nawb
Tub no twb Tsis yog xwm na. Tus no yog tub muaj hmoo.