thanks for the video! sorry this is all new to me. you mentioned turning the reticle on / that done by the emulation software and game by game?
@@alvinlawanto Yeah just have to calibrate it a couple times but it's pretty accurate. Follow the steps in this video exactly and you'll get it pretty much dead on.
I didn’t know there was a way to calibrate on batocero 35 thanks for the info. It was pulling slightly left by default. I also have an aimtrak Lightgun do you know if there is a way to calibrate that one too?
Aimtrak gun you need to hold the red button for 5 seconds and then wait for the crosshair to appear on screen, top left corner and shoot it then repeat for each corner of your tv/monitor. You may need to recalibrate for different games it's not universal setting.
Hey I have an issue. I have 2 Sinden light guns. If I put in only one, it works perfect. It doesn't matter which one I use, it works perfect. But when I put in the second gun, the dot is in the left upper corner and I cannot calibrate it. The buttons work. How can I fix this issue with the second gun?
the flickering is driving me mad haha i tried to configure it with the sinden light gun software, set resolution to 60, mouse speed max, light gun firmware updated and no lights on apart from the window that is behind me. i also tried to change my distance from the monitor. not sure what else to do!
I'm not sure what their site says but it definitely needs calibration to tighten up the aim on screen. Sometimes it's on point by default but I found it pulled left significantly without calibrating.
Great video but I'm still having issues. If I hold left on the sinden D-Pad it scrolls through but never stops dead centre after five seconds like in your video. Do you have any idea what's going wrong?
Just wanted to say for anyone else with the same issue as me, I fixed my issue by updating the sinden lightgun firmware. Anything below v1.5 won't support the left D-Pad calibration.
@@kutla I am new to this and just got my light guns with a raspberry pi 400 for my 65" TV. How do I update the firmware? The game will start with the guns but will not aim or shoot.
@@WOLF-wu2rc House of the dead depending on the version you aren't going to have crosshairs at all. You should be able to enable them but they don't automatically show up in most cases. I assume you've tried to calibrate by holding Left d pad until the crosshairs reset on the center of your screen and then carefully lining up your shot with the centered crosshair. Next I would look to your setup. How far back are you from your screen. 4-6 ft is ideal. Make sure there is no light source between your gun and your screen. If there's even the slightly glare it will throw off the sensor. Lights behind your gun should be fine as long as they aren't bouncing off your tv. In my game room I have a LED light right above my tv which throws everything off. I have to turn the lights off above me 100% to eliminate the glare. Once I do this my gun works perfect. If not, the crosshairs bounce all over endlessly.
@@OfficialChaseBrogan Yeah I've tried all of that once I saw your video and it still didn't work. Some guy in the comment said something about an update. I'll have to figure out if it's on the newest update to see if that could be the problem. Do you happen to know how I could check what version it has and if an old version how to update it?
@@OfficialChaseBroganmany thanks for quick reply. it doesn't appear still in the centre. It appears still on far left of screen. This is after 5 seconds hold. I can then shoot it on far left, but the calibration is then way out.
There's an option to show crosshairs if you go into the sinden gun setting. Go to main menu then controller settings and while the sinden gun is plugged in you'll see additional options for sinden. You can also find these for games if you go into the advance game options for each title you'll see an option to show crosshairs or disable them.
thanks for the video! sorry this is all new to me. you mentioned turning the reticle on / that done by the emulation software and game by game?
Have you use the sinden software for the setup?
With batocera 35 you don't need to
@@OfficialChaseBrogan is it acurate?
@@alvinlawanto Yeah just have to calibrate it a couple times but it's pretty accurate. Follow the steps in this video exactly and you'll get it pretty much dead on.
I didn’t know there was a way to calibrate on batocero 35 thanks for the info. It was pulling slightly left by default. I also have an aimtrak Lightgun do you know if there is a way to calibrate that one too?
Aimtrak gun you need to hold the red button for 5 seconds and then wait for the crosshair to appear on screen, top left corner and shoot it then repeat for each corner of your tv/monitor. You may need to recalibrate for different games it's not universal setting.
Love this and I guess I need to add the dot on the screen for me too Thanks buddy
@@xxKUTAKIxx Thanks a lot for the help
Any time!
Hey I have an issue.
I have 2 Sinden light guns. If I put in only one, it works perfect. It doesn't matter which one I use, it works perfect.
But when I put in the second gun, the dot is in the left upper corner and I cannot calibrate it. The buttons work. How can I fix this issue with the second gun?
aim your gun at the crosshair in the upper left corner and pull trigger. Should free it up and allow it to track freely.
If you want to use it with arcade bartop, the light of marquee, would be a problem???
the flickering is driving me mad haha
i tried to configure it with the sinden light gun software, set resolution to 60, mouse speed max, light gun firmware updated and no lights on apart from the window that is behind me. i also tried to change my distance from the monitor. not sure what else to do!
I'm confused, i thought these guns didn't need calibration? it even says it on the website? can you explain?
I'm not sure what their site says but it definitely needs calibration to tighten up the aim on screen. Sometimes it's on point by default but I found it pulled left significantly without calibrating.
Great video but I'm still having issues. If I hold left on the sinden D-Pad it scrolls through but never stops dead centre after five seconds like in your video. Do you have any idea what's going wrong?
Just wanted to say for anyone else with the same issue as me, I fixed my issue by updating the sinden lightgun firmware. Anything below v1.5 won't support the left D-Pad calibration.
Thanks for sharing this information! That's likely what the issue is for most.
@@kutla I am new to this and just got my light guns with a raspberry pi 400 for my 65" TV. How do I update the firmware? The game will start with the guns but will not aim or shoot.
I'm having trouble calibrating the sinden light guns to my 65" big screen. It's running off of a Pi 400.
Is it not tracking right or is it bouncing all over the screen
@@OfficialChaseBrogan nothing is coming up at all.
@@OfficialChaseBrogan on some games it's bouncing all over the outter edge of the screen. On House of the dead nothing is coming up.
@@WOLF-wu2rc House of the dead depending on the version you aren't going to have crosshairs at all. You should be able to enable them but they don't automatically show up in most cases. I assume you've tried to calibrate by holding Left d pad until the crosshairs reset on the center of your screen and then carefully lining up your shot with the centered crosshair. Next I would look to your setup. How far back are you from your screen. 4-6 ft is ideal. Make sure there is no light source between your gun and your screen. If there's even the slightly glare it will throw off the sensor. Lights behind your gun should be fine as long as they aren't bouncing off your tv. In my game room I have a LED light right above my tv which throws everything off. I have to turn the lights off above me 100% to eliminate the glare. Once I do this my gun works perfect. If not, the crosshairs bounce all over endlessly.
@@OfficialChaseBrogan Yeah I've tried all of that once I saw your video and it still didn't work. Some guy in the comment said something about an update. I'll have to figure out if it's on the newest update to see if that could be the problem. Do you happen to know how I could check what version it has and if an old version how to update it?
how do you get a crosshair to show without a game loaded?
Does that once batocera registers the sinden light gun has been connected
i press left direction more than 5 second but nothing happen, restart and unlug lightgun usb got the same result not working
Does anyone know why mame games shoot to left after 5 secs hold?. Thanks
Did you line up the test shot after the hold. You have ti sight it in on the centered crosshairs
@@OfficialChaseBroganmany thanks for quick reply. it doesn't appear still in the centre. It appears still on far left of screen. This is after 5 seconds hold. I can then shoot it on far left, but the calibration is then way out.
Did you get the answer to this please? It's doing it sliding left on Operation Thunderbolt MAME for me
i have retrostation pc 4 u can not get it to work please help
How to hide the cross of sinden on the screen??
There's an option to show crosshairs if you go into the sinden gun setting. Go to main menu then controller settings and while the sinden gun is plugged in you'll see additional options for sinden. You can also find these for games if you go into the advance game options for each title you'll see an option to show crosshairs or disable them.
No matter how many times I calibrate it just shoots at the top left corner. Robbed I've been
Bull crap. this thing is a jittery mess. you can clearly see it. do not buy
You don’t show how to calibrate anything.