Top 10 reasons to play warrior: 1. Straight forward to understand and learn; 2. Bloodwhetting; 3. Heals more than SCH; 4. Fell Cleave; 5. Inner Release; 6. Fell Cleave; 7. Inner Chaos; 8. Fell Cleave; 9. Chaotic Cyclone; 10. Fell Cleave; 10. Primal Rend; 10. Fell Cleave. I didn't mention glam, because their class Glam is some of the worst in the game.
@@Akira-xm9ck So far my favorite glam for warrior is the neo-ishgardian gear. While it doesn't look so much like armor by any stretch of the imagination, it looks amazing and so pretty on my bunny girl.
Tanking glam in general is pretty shit if you're not wearing a good looking full set. Don't even get me started on the amount of butt capes in this game.
I tried warrior on a whim and fell in love with the raw power of the animations. Playing warrior makes me feel like a badass and I love it. It’s my 2nd favorite job after red mage.
Hearing “Warrior is great for newbies” was almost enough to make me switch to Dark, then I remembered last night in Lapis Manalis the healer and dragoon died at the knock back puddle and so me and a dancer duo’d the boss from 60% to 0. Nacent Flash is surprisingly good. I’ve also managed to save treasure map runs XD I will be staying my Femroe Warrior self. 💙
Thank you so much for your videos! They're incredibly fun and focus more on the actual experience of playing the job than the meta of it which I really like. You've convinced me to try out dancer once I come back for Dawntrail, I can't wait. Would you maybe like to do a video on bard next? I'm a bard main and I would love to see you make a video on my favorite job.
Warrior is my main tank job, which I got mainly for aesthetics and ended up learning how to tank, which I never did in other MMOs. There's just something satisfying about whacking things with a giant axe while enraged that just satisfies that piece of the abyss that abides in our souls. Edit: just got done watching the other videos in this series. I'm looking forward to what you think of my favorite/main job, Machinist.
Excellent video! I started with marauder when I first got into XIV, and I felt so cheated in the class quests line being "Hit a rock" "Okay, you hit a rock. Now hit a bigger rock." And I fell out of the class at 50, switching to DRK when my group got to heavensward. I have since gone back and leveled warrior up to 90, and boy, did I stop at the worst point, as it just became so much more fun after 50. I've had so many glorious moments where the healer died or d/c'd in a boss fight, and I just pushed through to win the fight anyway. It really does feel so good to play.
As a scholar, I am always happy when the tank is a warrior. They are the most "low maintanance" tanks you can get. They have plenty of self-heal, some self-shielding, but unlike with the Dark Knight you don't need to worry about blocking them out of triggering the Darkest Night bonus, by shielding them at the wrong moment.
letsgooo warrior is super fun and my go-to roulette job! it's just so comfy and safe most of the time. Also, FELL CLEAVE!! I still love Reaper a bit more and might try one of the new jobs for MSQ but maybe the lvl100 job changes will make me like Warrior more, who knows.
I am enjoying your 10 reasons to play class videos. Keep them up! I wouldn't mind seeing one of my main jobs, gunbreaker, next. That being said, as to not trigger your tank anxiety, I would recommend dragoon.
Warrior is when I want to shut my brain off and spam Bloodwhetting to take pressure off of my healers. It’s very therapeutic. Joking aside, it’s a damn good job, and easy to pick up. Tank privilege is very nice when you get better at just smashing things to pieces and get tickled by enemies with good cooldown usage. Must just be my masochistic side as a Dark Knight main preferring that style of tanking. Cheers Avy. 💜
I started FFXIV just this month and decided to be a tank through all my years of MMO i have never volunteered to be the tank class same as the reasons you mentioned. I chose paladin however. After seeing your video as of right now, maybe I shouldve started off with Warrior. but it's too late now. I'm already a lvl72 paladin lol.
I rly only played PLD till recently so im eager to see how easy WAR is in comparison, whenever i heal and see a WAR i love them sm cos of the self healing bit
About a year ago I finally got 3 friends to consistently play so when we are together I get pushed to a tank job, War has been my go-to tank ever since! How about a physical Dps next like Sam or Reaper?
You've done every other category of job so can you do a melee class next? Dragoon was my first class/job so I'm a bit biased on that front but any of them will be fun to see you talking about them.
The Tank-xiety was real when I 1st started MRD/WAR w a healer yank rescuing me ahead to pull more mobs in multiple Leveling dungeons. But once I got used to the rotations, the job became more fun.
Thanks for showing the cutscenes that I skipped in that quest where Curious Gorge goes berserk and Dogoro falls in love with him... and then proceeds to hit on my female Lalafell who quickly kicks her ass. XD
For the other side of the easy to hard heal tanks you could try DRK. If you want a tank that at least at 90 is almost as relaxed as WAR try PLD. If you wanna show of a melee next, I would rec SAM.
I played back when stormblood was out. Didn't really like playing as dps. Came back for after endwalker had been out a while. This time I played warrior and oh my word it's a much better experience. Instant roulettes, bonuses for playing tank, people love you, and my highlander is having the time of his life.
Im a tank main and a raider and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if you want to learn how to tank, WAR is the best choice. It is the safest and most self-sufficient, so it is great if you're not the most comfortable in the tank role
I find it kinda fucking boring to press 1 button 7 times in a row.. Only to then press 123 for the next minute until you can press the extra damage button for another 7 times.. It's so sad that they kept buffing this mess of a job to the point everyone needs to take one into every piece of endgame content... War is killing my love for the role tbh.
Warrior is so fun to play ! Even though i gave up on the responsibilities of tanking... If i ever want to try again, i must know : what is this axe at 6:19 ?!
I played tank since I started FF. And I started warrior, but I admit I like Grunbreaker more. I think it`s because I like the action it brings with its OCDs. But warrior sure was a great starting job for me. I will also agree that the animations look awesome. Warrior has big smashes and effects, while Gunbreaker looks like he is slicing the enemy into pieces with those fast cuts. But it is less flashy for sure.
Love my warrior, but yeah the anxiety is real. Especially when you die..I feel terrible when our healer has to revive me cause I messed up somewhere. As for the warrior storyline, absolutely a great one. You really go in thinking you about to give BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!! But not really, most of it is fun and playing wingman to your boy Gorge as he tries to fall in love with a pretty Au Ra lady with rage in her blood.
WAR is too head empty for me. I have to play complex jobs because my mind will wander and I'll make mistakes if I'm not focused enough. Hence I play SCH, PLD, RDM, NIN, stuff I have to really concentrate on.
Hey I need your help this drive me crazy, I Google, I watched tons of TH-cam videos and nobody tells me if I have too pay for Endwalker or anything to be able too play warrior? if so they have to start with ( YOU HAVE TO PAY TOO BE ABLE TO START WARRIOR).
Warrior is really good to do absolutely massive pulls but only at like. 80. I hated the job the whole way through leveling it up until I hit 90. By then it just clicked. I'm a dark knight main so the swing between survivability is insane. Tho I'm very willing to sacrifice big heals for big damage. Also Fray my beloved ♥️ ❤️ 💖 💕 💓 💗 ♥️
12 days later but here I am. AS A WARRIOR MAIN! YOU CAN DRESS UP WIZARD! No, seriously Warriors have a STAFF as an Giant Axe. To anyone wanting to know what is is it's called Replica Allagen Battleaxe. Find a wizards hat a amazing robe and BOOM! FELL CLEAVE WIZARD! But seriously if your new to Tanking Warrior is the way to go it's the best turn your brain off head empty class in the game. From your locale Fell Cleave Wizard of Mateus since patch 2.2. If anyone wanna ask this warrior any questions let me know here.
Fast queues are such a lie. DF is perma "Tank in need" across the board, yet if you queue as one it takes few mins at best. Then switch to healer during "tank in need"(FU LOL), queue pops before before you can even sign up for one and yet tanks are showered with bonus materia and gil when actual role in need are healers. SMH.
this has been the case in Light(Eu) for nearly 2 years. I don't even care that I have to heal, I'm healer main anyway, but I want the system to not lie to me when there are surplus of tanks and no one seemingly wants to heal.@@AlleluiaElizabeth
After the War player base kept crying for endless buffs when it stopped needing them over a year ago, no tank really does anything better than War anymore. ''War main'' Is more of a badge of shame at this point.
10 Reasons to play Dark Knight! And for an extra challenge, be the first youtuber to talk about DRK without saying the word "edgy" for the entire video 😂
Goddammit you convinced me to play dancer because of the promised waifus! Now you telling me the WAR job quest is just like Hildebrand quests? Good Lord stop this woman she's too good!
Unga bunga?
Top 10 reasons to play warrior:
1. Straight forward to understand and learn;
2. Bloodwhetting;
3. Heals more than SCH;
4. Fell Cleave;
5. Inner Release;
6. Fell Cleave;
7. Inner Chaos;
8. Fell Cleave;
9. Chaotic Cyclone;
10. Fell Cleave;
10. Primal Rend;
10. Fell Cleave.
I didn't mention glam, because their class Glam is some of the worst in the game.
You may have forgotten Fell Cleave. At least twice.
Yeah, you might be right.@@filipprochazka4961
Honestly true I like warriors animations but I can't think of any good glams for them
@@Akira-xm9ck So far my favorite glam for warrior is the neo-ishgardian gear. While it doesn't look so much like armor by any stretch of the imagination, it looks amazing and so pretty on my bunny girl.
Tanking glam in general is pretty shit if you're not wearing a good looking full set. Don't even get me started on the amount of butt capes in this game.
I tried warrior on a whim and fell in love with the raw power of the animations. Playing warrior makes me feel like a badass and I love it. It’s my 2nd favorite job after red mage.
What? Warrior barely has any animations or VFX, it's the most underwhelming tank, I'd love to level it but theres just barely any visuals
You're right. Violence is never the answer. Violence is the question. The answer is YES.
Warrior: "I'm fuckin invincible, Jack! You can't hurt me!"
Hearing “Warrior is great for newbies” was almost enough to make me switch to Dark, then I remembered last night in Lapis Manalis the healer and dragoon died at the knock back puddle and so me and a dancer duo’d the boss from 60% to 0. Nacent Flash is surprisingly good. I’ve also managed to save treasure map runs XD
I will be staying my Femroe Warrior self. 💙
Thank you so much for your videos! They're incredibly fun and focus more on the actual experience of playing the job than the meta of it which I really like. You've convinced me to try out dancer once I come back for Dawntrail, I can't wait. Would you maybe like to do a video on bard next? I'm a bard main and I would love to see you make a video on my favorite job.
That moogle was all, "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"
You forgot a "Kupo" at the end
One of my biggest Tankxieties is about Trials and Raids. The moment another tank is involved, I have absolutely no idea when to taunt off.
The worst thing I do as a tank is getting lost is some of the ARR dungeons
I get lost in Cutter's Cry all the time. The layout in that place is so gods damn awful.
Warrior is my main tank job, which I got mainly for aesthetics and ended up learning how to tank, which I never did in other MMOs. There's just something satisfying about whacking things with a giant axe while enraged that just satisfies that piece of the abyss that abides in our souls.
Edit: just got done watching the other videos in this series. I'm looking forward to what you think of my favorite/main job, Machinist.
Same. Favorite job is Machinist, then Monk. This video makes me want to try Warrior.
If you hear the sound of an axe dragging along the ground, run. A lalafell Warrior is about to cut your ankles off.
My first job, and still my favourite job! i love WAR so much. Best tank for beginners by far in any mmo
Wake up everyone new avycatte!!
Cant wait for your DRK video to be next 🖤
Excellent video!
I started with marauder when I first got into XIV, and I felt so cheated in the class quests line being "Hit a rock" "Okay, you hit a rock. Now hit a bigger rock." And I fell out of the class at 50, switching to DRK when my group got to heavensward. I have since gone back and leveled warrior up to 90, and boy, did I stop at the worst point, as it just became so much more fun after 50. I've had so many glorious moments where the healer died or d/c'd in a boss fight, and I just pushed through to win the fight anyway. It really does feel so good to play.
As a scholar, I am always happy when the tank is a warrior. They are the most "low maintanance" tanks you can get. They have plenty of self-heal, some self-shielding, but unlike with the Dark Knight you don't need to worry about blocking them out of triggering the Darkest Night bonus, by shielding them at the wrong moment.
Yeah, Warrior is overpowered at the moment.
Warrior will forever be my main. It's a great class that is easy to learn and fits my play style.
I'm so happy you're able to overcome your tankxiety with one of my favorite classes, sweetie! You are capable of everything!
Biggest reason for me is the action sounds. I want Inner Beast back after leveling up to Fell Cleave, because the WHONK sound was my favorite
letsgooo warrior is super fun and my go-to roulette job! it's just so comfy and safe most of the time. Also, FELL CLEAVE!! I still love Reaper a bit more and might try one of the new jobs for MSQ but maybe the lvl100 job changes will make me like Warrior more, who knows.
As a simple brained WHM main, this gives me hope :) I love the fun and light way your videos are narrated-. Thank you for sharing with us!
Violence is not the answer it’s a question and the answer is YES
I am enjoying your 10 reasons to play class videos. Keep them up! I wouldn't mind seeing one of my main jobs, gunbreaker, next. That being said, as to not trigger your tank anxiety, I would recommend dragoon.
*Gasp! Squee!* I'm in her video
Warrior is when I want to shut my brain off and spam Bloodwhetting to take pressure off of my healers. It’s very therapeutic.
Joking aside, it’s a damn good job, and easy to pick up. Tank privilege is very nice when you get better at just smashing things to pieces and get tickled by enemies with good cooldown usage. Must just be my masochistic side as a Dark Knight main preferring that style of tanking. Cheers Avy. 💜
Warrior main here, they're a lot of fun. I like to describe the class as "hee hee axe go brr".
what warrior weapon is that at 6:14 i really want to get it
Yessssss its my time, WARRIORS ASSEMBLE!
The greatest strength of WAR is that it turns your healer into a another DPS.
Warriors Never Die!
was wondering what boots you used, dungeon gear maybe? can't seem to find it on market board.
i just got warrior yesterday XD thanks for the video
liking this series! :)
I started FFXIV just this month and decided to be a tank through all my years of MMO i have never volunteered to be the tank class same as the reasons you mentioned. I chose paladin however. After seeing your video as of right now, maybe I shouldve started off with Warrior. but it's too late now. I'm already a lvl72 paladin lol.
I rly only played PLD till recently so im eager to see how easy WAR is in comparison, whenever i heal and see a WAR i love them sm cos of the self healing bit
GNB. The slickest tank with, imo, the best outfits, and of course, dadcred.
About a year ago I finally got 3 friends to consistently play so when we are together I get pushed to a tank job, War has been my go-to tank ever since! How about a physical Dps next like Sam or Reaper?
Now we just need SMN and others😊❤
Warrior is the ultimate Unga bunga job in this game.
The one tank job you can't blame the healer if you get knocked out.
You've done every other category of job so can you do a melee class next? Dragoon was my first class/job so I'm a bit biased on that front but any of them will be fun to see you talking about them.
Me on warrior day 1: AXE GO WOOSH
Me, 4007 hours into the game: AXE GO WOOSH BUT MORE
The Tank-xiety was real when I 1st started MRD/WAR w a healer yank rescuing me ahead to pull more mobs in multiple Leveling dungeons. But once I got used to the rotations, the job became more fun.
Violence is never the answer. It is the question, and the answer is YES.
Thanks for showing the cutscenes that I skipped in that quest where Curious Gorge goes berserk and Dogoro falls in love with him... and then proceeds to hit on my female Lalafell who quickly kicks her ass. XD
They told me to try the warrior and so far I have loved it
I main tank. Started as warrior and went to gunbreaker. Gunbreaker literally speaks to me on a spiritual level for some reason lol
6:13 what axe is that :0
For the other side of the easy to hard heal tanks you could try DRK. If you want a tank that at least at 90 is almost as relaxed as WAR try PLD.
If you wanna show of a melee next, I would rec SAM.
I came to the shores of eorzea as a warrior loved the Job and played it till I got gunbreaker, been wanting to come back to them again
I played back when stormblood was out. Didn't really like playing as dps. Came back for after endwalker had been out a while. This time I played warrior and oh my word it's a much better experience. Instant roulettes, bonuses for playing tank, people love you, and my highlander is having the time of his life.
I love these. Hope you do one for Gunbreaker someday :)
does anyone know what the axe is on the left a 1:19 is?
Warrior main since I started and you nailed it with this video. No thoughts, only unga bunga...and fel cleave
Im a tank main and a raider and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if you want to learn how to tank, WAR is the best choice. It is the safest and most self-sufficient, so it is great if you're not the most comfortable in the tank role
Yeah after countless undeserved buffs to War, none of the other tanks do anything better than it anymore..
I started as paladin and I have major tankxiety so maybe I'll try warrior
Being greedy as a tank is called "Tank Privilage".
Fell Cleave is a hell of a drug, and sister? I’m a lifetime addict.
I find it kinda fucking boring to press 1 button 7 times in a row.. Only to then press 123 for the next minute until you can press the extra damage button for another 7 times.. It's so sad that they kept buffing this mess of a job to the point everyone needs to take one into every piece of endgame content... War is killing my love for the role tbh.
Warrior is so fun to play ! Even though i gave up on the responsibilities of tanking...
If i ever want to try again, i must know : what is this axe at 6:19 ?!
It's the augmented hellhound axe!
@@avycatte thank you ! I just saw it comes from the Wolves Den, too bad
Have a nice day and fun playing
Thanks for the great vid! It would be awesome if you did Reaper next 😊
War and Sage enter a dungeon. They forget anyone else is around.
As a Sage main.... Accurate...
How about White Mage next?
I clicked on this video because I've been a war main since 2.1 and I didn't know there were TEN reasons.
Catgirls are the best job class FIGHT ME NYA❤❤❤❤
I played tank since I started FF. And I started warrior, but I admit I like Grunbreaker more. I think it`s because I like the action it brings with its OCDs.
But warrior sure was a great starting job for me.
I will also agree that the animations look awesome. Warrior has big smashes and effects, while Gunbreaker looks like he is slicing the enemy into pieces with those fast cuts. But it is less flashy for sure.
Love my warrior, but yeah the anxiety is real. Especially when you die..I feel terrible when our healer has to revive me cause I messed up somewhere.
As for the warrior storyline, absolutely a great one. You really go in thinking you about to give BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!
But not really, most of it is fun and playing wingman to your boy Gorge as he tries to fall in love with a pretty Au Ra lady with rage in her blood.
My main!! 😄😄
It's an overpowered easy to play tank
ooohhh, new avy vid
WAR is too head empty for me. I have to play complex jobs because my mind will wander and I'll make mistakes if I'm not focused enough. Hence I play SCH, PLD, RDM, NIN, stuff I have to really concentrate on.
How about Dark Knight next? :0
7:56 Min.: Astro like i say befor its my main. Reasons under the scholar video :3
Hey I need your help this drive me crazy, I Google, I watched tons of TH-cam videos and nobody tells me if I have too pay for Endwalker or anything to be able too play warrior? if so they have to start with ( YOU HAVE TO PAY TOO BE ABLE TO START WARRIOR).
You being a au ra xaela is perfect for this video
Warrior is really good to do absolutely massive pulls but only at like. 80. I hated the job the whole way through leveling it up until I hit 90. By then it just clicked. I'm a dark knight main so the swing between survivability is insane. Tho I'm very willing to sacrifice big heals for big damage. Also Fray my beloved ♥️ ❤️ 💖 💕 💓 💗 ♥️
12 days later but here I am.
YOU CAN DRESS UP WIZARD! No, seriously Warriors have a STAFF as an Giant Axe. To anyone wanting to know what is is it's called Replica Allagen Battleaxe. Find a wizards hat a amazing robe and BOOM! FELL CLEAVE WIZARD! But seriously if your new to Tanking Warrior is the way to go it's the best turn your brain off head empty class in the game.
From your locale Fell Cleave Wizard of Mateus since patch 2.2. If anyone wanna ask this warrior any questions let me know here.
I hope you do Sage soon!!!
My dad beats me.
Warriors in this game are like Nabbit from Super Luigi U. Sure you can TECHNICALLY die but no enemies can hurt you.
I chose gladiator at first but was like man those big constant slams are sick and switched and never went back
whats funny about this is when you play a warrior at level 80 and 90.. its like experiencing pure joy.
shoutout to my fellow PLD brothers and sisters.
if only you knew you don't get to heal till 58
summoner next? :3c
Lemme break it down for you.
Its the Warrior of Light.
Not the Samuri of Light.
Not the White Mage of Light.
Warrior of Light.
We do have a brain cell but you have to reserve it 6 months in advance on The Balance.
Fast queues are such a lie. DF is perma "Tank in need" across the board, yet if you queue as one it takes few mins at best. Then switch to healer during "tank in need"(FU LOL), queue pops before before you can even sign up for one and yet tanks are showered with bonus materia and gil when actual role in need are healers. SMH.
Not how its worked for me, usually. Might be server-specific.
this has been the case in Light(Eu) for nearly 2 years. I don't even care that I have to heal, I'm healer main anyway, but I want the system to not lie to me when there are surplus of tanks and no one seemingly wants to heal.@@AlleluiaElizabeth
*Fleece Johnson voice* Imma…Imma WAR’YA!!!
Warriors are fun. Love it.
YES!! Ever since I tried WAR, I'm now a proud WAR main. It feels so good being a angy lizard with queue privileges
After the War player base kept crying for endless buffs when it stopped needing them over a year ago, no tank really does anything better than War anymore. ''War main'' Is more of a badge of shame at this point.
Do Green DPS, otherwise known as Sage
in the last trile i playd (seccond of DT) i managed to get up to 7 Vuln stacks, and i lived
Second video on which I request "10 reasons to play blue mage."
Excuse me, which tank has most self sustain at lv70 free trial ?
You can't be a warrior of light without being a warrior.
10 Reasons to play Dark Knight!
And for an extra challenge, be the first youtuber to talk about DRK without saying the word "edgy" for the entire video 😂
"Easy Tank to start with." Me - *Starts tanking with GNB and DRK* Lmao. I love DRK and PLD most out of the tanks.
Goddammit you convinced me to play dancer because of the promised waifus! Now you telling me the WAR job quest is just like Hildebrand quests? Good Lord stop this woman she's too good!
You could say warriors love to look smashing.
Grab a heal friend and DRK, for real the quest chain alone is worth it ⭐️⭐️