The tenth series of Thomas & Friends was first broadcast in September 2006. This was the only series with twenty-eight episodes until the twentieth series; it was narrated by Michael Angelis in the UK and Michael Brandon in the US.
In the film, the song plays when the train of the same name is chugging throughout the U.S. towards the next circus event. It then ends when he stops at the spot where the circus is to be performed while the next song "Roustabouts" plays. A minor version of it is heard when Casey trudges through the rain after the pyramid disaster. Max Medici (the film's version of the Ringmaster) sings the song in the 2019 live action remake. An instrumental version is incorporated in the opening soundtrack, when Casey Junior is travelling through America.
Casey, Jr.'s comin' down the track Comin' down the track With a smoky stack Hear him puffin' comin' 'round the hill Casey's here to thrill Every Jack and Jill Every time his funny little whistle sounds (Train whistle blowing) Everybody hurries to the circus grounds Time for lemonade and cracker jack Casey, Jr.'s back Casey, Jr.'s back
The tenth series of Thomas & Friends was first broadcast in September 2006. This was the only series with twenty-eight episodes until the twentieth series; it was narrated by Michael Angelis in the UK and Michael Brandon in the US.
Casey JR
In the film, the song plays when the train of the same name is chugging throughout the U.S. towards the next circus event. It then ends when he stops at the spot where the circus is to be performed while the next song "Roustabouts" plays. A minor version of it is heard when Casey trudges through the rain after the pyramid disaster.
Max Medici (the film's version of the Ringmaster) sings the song in the 2019 live action remake. An instrumental version is incorporated in the opening soundtrack, when Casey Junior is travelling through America.
Casey, Jr.'s comin' down the track
Comin' down the track
With a smoky stack
Hear him puffin' comin' 'round the hill
Casey's here to thrill
Every Jack and Jill
Every time his funny little whistle sounds (Train whistle blowing)
Everybody hurries to the circus grounds
Time for lemonade and cracker jack
Casey, Jr.'s back
Casey, Jr.'s back
Nice, I got an idea, can you make the train from Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas?
Could you make the itchy and scratchy movie train 🚂 from the Simpsons please thanks
make a wiedo how downald it
There is chanel youtube who share it. Try search it