I just received mine yesterday, the laser install was very easy, I put a 9mm laser bore sight in the chamber, aligned the two laser dots, and presto! I'll test tomorrow at the range for accuracy. However, the holster is only for RH, IWB. I, being a little pudgy, prefer OWB. I don't see that the holster is modifiable. Caveat Emptor.
I was about to place an order on a holster and lima365 laser that was going to cost me $233 total cost, but I ordered a Warrorland deal instead after watching your video. Hope I made the right decision. Hahaha
Nice 👍 they make allot of nice lasers including laser light combos another one I’ve been running I really like is their MA1 Crossbow, it comes with a concealed carry holster for g19 and g17 for only $130
Im pretty sure I just figured out why you're always so pissed at soybeans. Your hands, they are so thin and dainty. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to be raised on tofu sandwhiches to have hands like that as an adult male?
Just so you know the video your referencing did not use my audio it was an audio mix from TH-cam, also I appreciate the compliments on my hands. The way I see it if a full grown man takes the time to compose a insult or reprimand me, and the best he could come up with is, (hahaha you have tiny hands) I must be doing much much better than I give my self credit for.
I just received mine yesterday, the laser install was very easy, I put a 9mm laser bore sight in the chamber, aligned the two laser dots, and presto! I'll test tomorrow at the range for accuracy. However, the holster is only for RH, IWB. I, being a little pudgy, prefer OWB. I don't see that the holster is modifiable. Caveat Emptor.
I was about to place an order on a holster and lima365 laser that was going to cost me $233 total cost, but I ordered a Warrorland deal instead after watching your video. Hope I made the right decision. Hahaha
Nice 👍 they make allot of nice lasers including laser light combos another one I’ve been running I really like is their MA1 Crossbow, it comes with a concealed carry holster for g19 and g17 for only $130
Is there a link to this combo?
Great video.
How you are
Cara muito bom valeu por compartilhar deixando o Like 👍👍👍👍
Im pretty sure I just figured out why you're always so pissed at soybeans. Your hands, they are so thin and dainty.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to be raised on tofu sandwhiches to have hands like that as an adult male?
Just so you know the video your referencing did not use my audio it was an audio mix from TH-cam, also I appreciate the compliments on my hands. The way I see it if a full grown man takes the time to compose a insult or reprimand me, and the best he could come up with is, (hahaha you have tiny hands) I must be doing much much better than I give my self credit for.