Я зараз теж на війні, майже 2 роки. І на жаль таких відео у мене нескінченно , бо я на дроні. Парням дяка, що прониклися ситуацією. Як би важко мені не було , я буду до Перемоги вбивати ворогів! Слава Україні!!!
3:34 He is talking "...Those who are happy to launch Shahed into the children's room...". "Shahed", an Iranian attack drone, which the Russians launch every night over Ukraine, where civilians and children are constantly dying...
Thank you for taking a heart to Yarmak, Ukrainian music and to what people in my country are going through. There is always things you can do if you wish to help from donating to non-profits to bringing awareness and even sharing a couple warm words for our guys in the trenches. It is a war of survival for us and I feel Yarmak conveys a lot of how our people feel and what we are going through. Thank you for your support in these troubling and hard times!
Watch the movie "20 days in Mariupol". Just write in TH-cam: “20 days in Mariupol(full documentary)”, it is only an hour and a half long, but it describes a terrible picture of the occupation and destruction of Mariupol (a large industrial city of Ukraine in the Donbass).
Thanks for the reaction💙💛 The word Shahed that you heard mean the munition that russia uses for attacking Ukrainian cities. You can look up for more information, there were lots of attacks of Odesa civilians houses with this drones during last month💔🕯️
6:32 This is exactly how every Ukrainian thinks. That now our life seems to be on pause, we could live, but now we are surviving and we are thinking how we will survive and whether the country will survive. After all, human resources are not eternal... Yarmak was a singer who immediately took up arms and went to defend the country, which is why his songs and lyrics changed.
This song has touched my soul 💔 the words, the deeds, the facts, the music 🎶 ...my heart bleeds for Ukraine's losses already, but now it beats in resonance also... ❤️🔥⚔️ until "Everything is Ukraine" once more. Bless you Yermack✨️💖✨️ thank you for the love 🫶
Дякую за реакцію, можете ще записати реакції на інші кліпи Ярмака. Лайк за підтримку❤ Maryinka is a city of Ukraine that lived its life before the war, now there are fierce battles and complete destruction, all that remains of the city is land
Thank you for sharing and moment of this song. It is really telling a story of our country at the moment. Our soldiers are heroic people and if all our nation will not fight further - all our land will be like Maryinka on this video. People will be tortured, and it can be the worse than two previous Holodomor that our country already had
Yarmak is ukrainian soldier who is on frontline from the first day. All that you can see on the video it's the way how many cities and villages looks like on east of Ukraine right now. Orcs came to "Save" us and you can see how they did it with one of hundreds villages. That's what they want to do with all Ukraine and if we won't stop them it will be just a beginning..
personally, I am proud of this singer.. he creates real works in which our life is.. eternal memory to all those who gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.. Thank you for this track and comments.. Glory to Ukraine! Слава Україні!
I was the person who told my friends on February 23, 2022, that war is not possible in the civilized world. And I woke up on February 24 to the sounds of bombing. I am Ukrainian, I live in Kyiv now, and it hurts me to see this. The town of Maryanka is no more.
Maryinka is a city in Ukraine, it is shown on the video, or rather all that is left of it, and "Shahed" is a drone that russians launch over peaceful cities
Imagine how a drone operator feels watching Russians attack Ukrainian positions. It's when you can't help those under enemy fire, those surrounded, those whose bunker is being bombarded with grenades. Imagine how it feels when you steer an FPV drone towards an enemy APC carrying paratroopers. Imagine the smell of gunpowder becoming routine. Imagine now knowing how to kill people trying to kill you. Blood, bodies, and weapons mixed with dirt and broken trees - that's what Ukrainian forests look like. Imagine having to check for mines when arriving at a new location... Friends from Britain showed me that the English feel the same as Ukrainians. Thank you for your support.
You are loved... Hero of Ukraine 🇺🇦 for who you are and what you've given. For standing in the breach against a massive opponent who means you and your people harm, gives no quarter, takes no prisoners, and has no mercy or honor. Hero of Ukraine... You are loved for the sacrifices you've made and the tragedies you've witnessed and the fact that it's not over yet. Hero of Ukraine... You are loved because you are in the dirt and the blood, suffering from short ammo and supplies to carry out your missions against the odds. Hero of Ukraine... You are loved 💋 and you are seen by the world even if it does not feel like it. -by Denise Lover-of-Life
Yes!! Your reactions on our ukrainian artists are very important!! You pay attention on this war, russian invasion!! Thanks a lot! I`'m from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Now rus bombs shelling our city every day!! Please don't stop to share our pain!!
Shahed- це дрон камікадзе який несе 45 кг вибухівки. Вони щоночі запускають їх по Україні, і вони влучають у житлові будинки, цивільну інфраструктуру, електростанції тощо.
Shahed, these are UAVs with which Russia is firing at Ukraine. They are made in Iran P.S. I lived in Marinka until Russia destroyed my house. Thank you for helping us. We need it
thanks for the reaction also FYI there are words in the chorus "За териконами сонце встає" "Behind the slagheap/tericons the sun rises" in the east of Ukraine there is( or was) a lot of heavy industry, coal industry, mines. and accordingly there are many slagheap/tericons. so, it means that the sun rises in the east of the country I also saw how some locals from the east joked that the sun rises in Donbas (the eastern region is mostly occupied)
This was a town of Mariinka. There used to be houses and people and life. The video started with fields near the town, where used to grow crops. On the video you won’t find even one home still standing. All was turned to rubble. The black spots you see are places where artillery shells landed as they were erasing this town of the face of the earth. You can still see the lines where streets used to be, but there is no more people who would walk them.
What you can see on the video is all that remains of the city of Marinka, Donetsk region of Ukraine (coordinates for google maps 47.942411142907424, 37.50461502681261)... the city doesn't exist anymore. Shakhed is a kamikadze drone which russians use to attack Ukraine and usually they hit civilian houses. All that black spots on a field is a result of selling.
(С). Ми також не розуміли і не хотіли війни. Думали, що немає різниці, яка мова та прапор буде на нашій землі, що влада і так домовиться між собою, а нам не буде різниці, хто над нами править. .. АЛЕ! коли російські війська почали брутально бомбити наші міста о 5 ранку, як нацисти... коли ми побачили, який режим фашизму несе нам кремлівська влада... коли побачили, як чиїсь сини та татусі скидають авіа-бомби на пологові будинки та на театр, де ховаються діти (із написом на асфальті "ДІТИ")... як вони ґвалтують наших дівчат та бабусь із словами "щоб не могли народжувати"... коли окупанти залишають розвалені будинки де їх фікалії посеред ліжка, у ванній, у колисці, на кухні..., а на стінах напис "хто вам дозволив так добре жити?".... коли вони самі не цікавляться нічим, окрім як вийти достроково із в'язниці або не бути ув'язненим у себе на Батьківщині... І усе це лайно та справжнє обличчя нашого сусіда ми побочили і зрозуміли: МИ КРАЩЕ ПОМРЕМО АЛЕ ТАК, як нав'язують росіяни ЖИТИ НЕ БУДЕМО! Ми одразу відчули, наскільки ми любимо свою Україну, нашу мову та наших людей... Ми відчули різницю у цінностях... культурі та рівні інтеллекту... Не усі пішли чи підуть воювати, але не означає, що нам не боляче від ран, які зробив нашим людям ворог, - це значить, що воїн зміг перебороти свій страх, бо люті на ворога більше за цей страх, і відповідальності за нашу Країну та наш народ більше, більше сили духу Багато українців волонтери, донатимо щодня майже усі українці по світу. Якщо західні політики примусять Україну заморозити війну (наш супротив), то це лише дасть відпочинок росіянам та можливість накопичити ресурси, ворог не змириться із зупинкою, вони заатакують знову! Це сценарій 2014-2022! Це вже було! Кремль не задовільниться 20% України чи шматками Грузії чи Азербайджану, чи Молдови, чи Фінляндії... Як серійний ман'як зробить це знову. Війна дуууже високої інтенсивності, артилерії та ракет треба дуже багато, бо на нас напала орда, яка йде як зомбі по своїх трупах. Нам не вистачає навіть, щоб їх стримувати. Вони йдуть, бо ззаду є кулеметники як у Другу Велику Війну. Наші Військові могли б відбити усі українські законні території, але не голими руками проти артилерії та авіації... Для усіх гуманістів скажу, що ми не хочемо війни, ми хочемо справедливості, законності та щоб війна не прийшла до нас знову. Тому найкраще провчити нікчем, взяти Україну в НАТО та Євросоюз. Не бачила ніде, щоб кордони альянсу Кремль хоч раз порушив.
Чесно кажучи, я думаю що цей текст писав не "Ярмак". Цей чувак посередній артист який, не сильно зважав на глибину текстів і мову до війни. Але кожен рядок цього тексту - істина! Тому хто, нписав ці рядки - честь і слава! Дякую!
They destroyed so many towns, often with their inhabitants unfortunately(( You see a lake there!.. Residents of Marynka rested there on weekends.. Maybe someone was fishing, and someone was just spending time with their family.. Now everything is destroyed there... people ran away or died, unfortunately! Unfortunately, there are many such cities - where every piece of land is riddled with traces of bombing and often the same place several times...
I highly recommend these Ukrainian songs СТАСІК - Колискова для ворога / STASIK -A lullaby for the enemy th-cam.com/video/40WD9RDAMVc/w-d-xo.html СТАСІК - Герої вмирають / STASIK - Heroes die th-cam.com/video/JTUxJNb4LBg/w-d-xo.html SKLADNO | НА ТВОЄМУ БОЦІ / ON YOUR SIDE th-cam.com/video/fRrz7QITpiM/w-d-xo.html Skladno | Azovstal | Азовсталь Hard th-cam.com/video/eZZ5hMAFPSs/w-d-xo.html Surface Tension - Добро (ENG Subs) / Good th-cam.com/video/954wTJXMfEc/w-d-xo.html
Hi. Let me explain something to you because you might have missed some details. 04:21 Translation of these lines in English: "There are those who rejoice in launching Shahed into the children's room. Just a mistake of God, an unfinished code." Shahed refers to Iran's drones, which Iran sells to russia. russia has sent hundreds of them to civilian buildings for over two years. Many kids were killed by these Shaheds. 05:26 These are Ukrainian fields for grain. russia is destroying cities and fields that have fed 30% of the Earth. 07:07 Yeah, these black dots are from bombs and artillery shells. russia sends over 10,000 artillery shells alone (plus bombs, drones, missiles) every day during these three years on Ukrainian land. 08:25 Here is one of hundreds of the cities that russia wiped off the land. 12:40 There was a city here before. russia totally destroyed it. 12:51 "Beyond the spoil heaps (these are mountains in the Donbass region in Ukraine. These mountains are formed by miners and are typical only of Donbass), the sun rises. The world lets the convinced take" You are able to see them at 13:10 on the horizon. 15:02 It was one of the cities which russia wiped - Mariinka. 15:11 Guys, thank you for the support. But prayers are not enough, and if Ukrainians do not stop this evil, you will face the same fate. So everybody can help, and a lot of UK guys are helping (cars,drones,medical stuff), and you can too, at least continue to show this kind of truth. Check my channel. We do a lot. Glory to Ukraine!
"launching Shahed into a child's room" means launching the explosive kamikaze drone called " Shahed ". Orcs literally doing this and celebrate in media of a successfully destroyed building.
This is the Ukrainian city of Marinka, military operations were carried out here in the city itself, in fact, it no longer exists, it was destroyed by Russian troops, Yaramak himself. In the ZSU, he and his brigade conducted military operations in this direction, according to Yarmak, he conveyed in this wonderful song everything that he felt over these years, this is only just short shots of what is happening in Ukraine; this is just one city burned to the ground. These are not only traces of air bombs exploding, there was real HELL, the Russians shelled the city every day, killed all the children, old people, and so on, they shot at schools, kindergartens, yellow houses. These are not people! YARMAK'S COMMENT UNDER THE VIDEO! Watch this video from the first to the last second! This is the Mariana direction, on which we are. This is what the horde of darkness is carrying, this is what will happen to the world if they are not stopped!
These black things - are holes from bombs and artillery strikes. Why they are horrible? Such an ammo must be high presicion and such ammo is very expensive. But Russia have so much of them, that they hit not the precise targets, but just kilometers of fields just to hit everybody and everything. Thats why this image is horrible and unhuman
In this video the city of Marinka "During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the city was largely destroyed as a result of fighting, with no civilians living in the city since November 2022" Wiki (C)
the privilege of not knowing what SHAHED is... it's a type of drone, russians use to terrorise civilians and military alike. Also yes, the black marks are from bombs and there are also destroyed houses too by the river. What you see WAS a city and rather beautiful one BEFORE russia came annd destroyed it. Of course, he's lines are pure pain and on point - he had seen it firsthand due to being in the military himself
Yarmak is also a soldier, he serves in the Ukrainian army and protects Ukraine from the Russian horde. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
Yarmak not only rapper, he's an warrior of UAF. Don't have words, just pain. Thanks for reaction.
Ярмак, дуже відважний, гордівливий чоловік, воїн-захистник , незламної України 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💙💛❤️
Я зараз теж на війні, майже 2 роки. І на жаль таких відео у мене нескінченно , бо я на дроні. Парням дяка, що прониклися ситуацією.
Як би важко мені не було , я буду до Перемоги вбивати ворогів! Слава Україні!!!
The 5 minutes of UAV footage rams the reality of the message in the lyrics, deep into the heart 💔 almost subliminally.
Героям слава, козаче!
Друже огромная благодарность тебе и спасибо! Береги себя!
Дякую Тобі Воїне, мої теж, але тут ще трупів не видно.
Тримайся Брате!
3:34 He is talking "...Those who are happy to launch Shahed into the children's room...".
"Shahed", an Iranian attack drone, which the Russians launch every night over Ukraine, where civilians and children are constantly dying...
До війни у Ярмака були також глибокі пісні. Дякую за реакцію)
Thank you for taking a heart to Yarmak, Ukrainian music and to what people in my country are going through. There is always things you can do if you wish to help from donating to non-profits to bringing awareness and even sharing a couple warm words for our guys in the trenches. It is a war of survival for us and I feel Yarmak conveys a lot of how our people feel and what we are going through. Thank you for your support in these troubling and hard times!
Watch the movie "20 days in Mariupol". Just write in TH-cam: “20 days in Mariupol(full documentary)”, it is only an hour and a half long, but it describes a terrible picture of the occupation and destruction of Mariupol (a large industrial city of Ukraine in the Donbass).
The craters on the field are all the consequences of explosions of artillery shells and air bombs.
Thanks for the support, hello from Ukraine 💙💛
Thanks for the reaction💙💛 The word Shahed that you heard mean the munition that russia uses for attacking Ukrainian cities. You can look up for more information, there were lots of attacks of Odesa civilians houses with this drones during last month💔🕯️
6:32 This is exactly how every Ukrainian thinks. That now our life seems to be on pause, we could live, but now we are surviving and we are thinking how we will survive and whether the country will survive. After all, human resources are not eternal...
Yarmak was a singer who immediately took up arms and went to defend the country, which is why his songs and lyrics changed.
Thank you for your attention! With love from UA
Mariinka was a city in Ukraine. Before russian invasion everything you see WAS a city.
That's part of the impact... the slow flying drone conveys so much visual the impact can not be avoided, it's overwhelming 😢
10 000 people before the war
Yes, these are all battlefields. The native land of Ukraine, wounded by explosions. Thanks guys!
Так це вирви від бомб 😢😢😢😢😢
Thank you for your reaction, for your support.🟦🟨
Yarmak's song touches the soul.
This song has touched my soul 💔 the words, the deeds, the facts, the music 🎶 ...my heart bleeds for Ukraine's losses already, but now it beats in resonance also... ❤️🔥⚔️ until "Everything is Ukraine" once more. Bless you Yermack✨️💖✨️ thank you for the love 🫶
4:07 That word "Shahed". HESA Shahed 136 - in russian service, is an Iranian loitering munition in the form of an autonomous pusher-prop drone.
Thank you. There is a very cool clip "Хай нам, брате, пощастить" (Let us, brother, be lucky).
Thanks brother's for yor reaction ! Thank for your support!!!
Дякуємо за інтерес до 🇺🇦👍🙏
Guys thanks for your reaction it really makes my mood better when I see that someone actually cares
Thank you guys for sharing one more of the Yarmak's masterpiece. Everyone should see what unknown terrorist country has done to Ukraine.
Дякую за реакцію, можете ще записати реакції на інші кліпи Ярмака. Лайк за підтримку❤ Maryinka is a city of Ukraine that lived its life before the war, now there are fierce battles and complete destruction, all that remains of the city is land
There is no life there anymore - there is nothing there anymore(((People died there(((
And it was a wonderful city!
Україні болить🙏🩵💛
Дякую за увагу до нашої країни!!!❤
Дякую за реакцію хлопці ❤
thanks a lot for your support, words and help
These are minefields and funnels from artillery shells.
Thank you for sharing and moment of this song. It is really telling a story of our country at the moment. Our soldiers are heroic people and if all our nation will not fight further - all our land will be like Maryinka on this video. People will be tortured, and it can be the worse than two previous Holodomor that our country already had
Yarmak is ukrainian soldier who is on frontline from the first day. All that you can see on the video it's the way how many cities and villages looks like on east of Ukraine right now. Orcs came to "Save" us and you can see how they did it with one of hundreds villages. That's what they want to do with all Ukraine and if we won't stop them it will be just a beginning..
И не только с Украиной..... Им нужен весь мир ...." Тень коммунизма ходит по Европе". Эта фраза звучала раньше в 80-90
Yes, a cloud of death and destruction has formed in the east, thank you Ukraine for holding back the darkness ❤️🔥⚔️🌻
personally, I am proud of this singer.. he creates real works in which our life is.. eternal memory to all those who gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.. Thank you for this track and comments.. Glory to Ukraine! Слава Україні!
I was the person who told my friends on February 23, 2022, that war is not possible in the civilized world. And I woke up on February 24 to the sounds of bombing. I am Ukrainian, I live in Kyiv now, and it hurts me to see this. The town of Maryanka is no more.
Thanks for your reaction ❤. Subscribed.
Ми нові інженери буття...
Ярмак - Дике поле.. Заціни
Дякую за перегляд ❤. Україна втрачає найкращих своїх героїв, Україна бореться зі злом, за майбутнє своє і ваше, цінуйте, допомогайте Україні!!!!😢🇺🇦
Thank you very much for your support and feeling
This was a city. Very green and nice.
Maryinka is a city in Ukraine, it is shown on the video, or rather all that is left of it, and "Shahed" is a drone that russians launch over peaceful cities
Imagine how a drone operator feels watching Russians attack Ukrainian positions. It's when you can't help those under enemy fire, those surrounded, those whose bunker is being bombarded with grenades. Imagine how it feels when you steer an FPV drone towards an enemy APC carrying paratroopers. Imagine the smell of gunpowder becoming routine. Imagine now knowing how to kill people trying to kill you. Blood, bodies, and weapons mixed with dirt and broken trees - that's what Ukrainian forests look like. Imagine having to check for mines when arriving at a new location...
Friends from Britain showed me that the English feel the same as Ukrainians. Thank you for your support.
You are loved...
Hero of Ukraine 🇺🇦 for who you are and what you've given. For standing in the breach against a massive opponent who means you and your people harm, gives no quarter, takes no prisoners, and has no mercy or honor.
Hero of Ukraine...
You are loved for the sacrifices you've made and the tragedies you've witnessed and the fact that it's not over yet.
Hero of Ukraine...
You are loved because you are in the dirt and the blood, suffering from short ammo and supplies to carry out your missions against the odds.
Hero of Ukraine...
You are loved 💋 and you are seen by the world even if it does not feel like it.
-by Denise Lover-of-Life
@@lover-of-life "Thank you for your support. May peace be with you."
great lyric
Thanks for the reaction!
fields are full in holes from 152/155mm artilerry or morthars
Дякую вам.
Я з Києва, коли слухаю цю композицюю, завжди сльози.
Велике ДЯКУЮ!
Great songs, мy recommendation.
Антитіла - Фортеця Бахмут
OTOY - FIND MY COUNTRY (Lyric video)
YARMAK - Хай нам, брате, пощастить(Frames of Honor)
Thank you guys!
Yarmak has another cool video with TNMK group -
“plus, plus + + “,
it's very powerful, every line is on target
Lo miro desde España! Gracias por el apoyo!! ❤
Yes!! Your reactions on our ukrainian artists are very important!! You pay attention on this war, russian invasion!! Thanks a lot! I`'m from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Now rus bombs shelling our city every day!! Please don't stop to share our pain!!
Thank you for bringing attention to all those horries
it was streets 13:03
Shahed- це дрон камікадзе який несе 45 кг вибухівки. Вони щоночі запускають їх по Україні, і вони влучають у житлові будинки, цивільну інфраструктуру, електростанції тощо.
in the video is a Ukrainian city in which 10 thousand people lived before the Russian invasion.
Thank U.
Я родом з тих місць у відео
Shahed, these are UAVs with which Russia is firing at Ukraine. They are made in Iran
P.S. I lived in Marinka until Russia destroyed my house. Thank you for helping us. We need it
thanks for the reaction
also FYI there are words in the chorus
"За териконами сонце встає" "Behind the slagheap/tericons the sun rises"
in the east of Ukraine there is( or was) a lot of heavy industry, coal industry, mines. and accordingly there are many slagheap/tericons. so, it means that the sun rises in the east of the country
I also saw how some locals from the east joked that the sun rises in Donbas (the eastern region is mostly occupied)
This was a town of Mariinka. There used to be houses and people and life. The video started with fields near the town, where used to grow crops. On the video you won’t find even one home still standing. All was turned to rubble. The black spots you see are places where artillery shells landed as they were erasing this town of the face of the earth. You can still see the lines where streets used to be, but there is no more people who would walk them.
What you can see on the video is all that remains of the city of Marinka, Donetsk region of Ukraine (coordinates for google maps 47.942411142907424, 37.50461502681261)... the city doesn't exist anymore.
Shakhed is a kamikadze drone which russians use to attack Ukraine and usually they hit civilian houses.
All that black spots on a field is a result of selling.
Burla - мова
Крута реакція! Дякую Америці за допомогу Україні!
How could we not, there is no thanks needed *big hug* UA
🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦... it needs to be more and faster.
Вони британці. Британії ми вдячні не менше за Америку, а навіть більше за їхню рішучість і безкомпромісність ❤
(С). Ми також не розуміли і не хотіли війни. Думали, що немає різниці, яка мова та прапор буде на нашій землі, що влада і так домовиться між собою, а нам не буде різниці, хто над нами править. ..
АЛЕ! коли російські війська почали брутально бомбити наші міста о 5 ранку, як нацисти... коли ми побачили, який режим фашизму несе нам кремлівська влада... коли побачили, як чиїсь сини та татусі скидають авіа-бомби на пологові будинки та на театр, де ховаються діти (із написом на асфальті "ДІТИ")... як вони ґвалтують наших дівчат та бабусь із словами "щоб не могли народжувати"... коли окупанти залишають розвалені будинки де їх фікалії посеред ліжка, у ванній, у колисці, на кухні..., а на стінах напис "хто вам дозволив так добре жити?".... коли вони самі не цікавляться нічим, окрім як вийти достроково із в'язниці або не бути ув'язненим у себе на Батьківщині...
І усе це лайно та справжнє обличчя нашого сусіда ми побочили і зрозуміли: МИ КРАЩЕ ПОМРЕМО АЛЕ ТАК, як нав'язують росіяни ЖИТИ НЕ БУДЕМО! Ми одразу відчули, наскільки ми любимо свою Україну, нашу мову та наших людей... Ми відчули різницю у цінностях... культурі та рівні інтеллекту...
Не усі пішли чи підуть воювати, але не означає, що нам не боляче від ран, які зробив нашим людям ворог, - це значить, що воїн зміг перебороти свій страх, бо люті на ворога більше за цей страх, і відповідальності за нашу Країну та наш народ більше, більше сили духу Багато українців волонтери, донатимо щодня майже усі українці по світу.
Якщо західні політики примусять Україну заморозити війну (наш супротив), то це лише дасть відпочинок росіянам та можливість накопичити ресурси, ворог не змириться із зупинкою, вони заатакують знову! Це сценарій 2014-2022! Це вже було! Кремль не задовільниться 20% України чи шматками Грузії чи Азербайджану, чи Молдови, чи Фінляндії... Як серійний ман'як зробить це знову.
Війна дуууже високої інтенсивності, артилерії та ракет треба дуже багато, бо на нас напала орда, яка йде як зомбі по своїх трупах. Нам не вистачає навіть, щоб їх стримувати. Вони йдуть, бо ззаду є кулеметники як у Другу Велику Війну.
Наші Військові могли б відбити усі українські законні території, але не голими руками проти артилерії та авіації...
Для усіх гуманістів скажу, що ми не хочемо війни, ми хочемо справедливості, законності та щоб війна не прийшла до нас знову. Тому найкраще провчити нікчем, взяти Україну в НАТО та Євросоюз. Не бачила ніде, щоб кордони альянсу Кремль хоч раз порушив.
Чесно кажучи, я думаю що цей текст писав не "Ярмак". Цей чувак посередній артист який, не сильно зважав на глибину текстів і мову до війни. Але кожен рядок цього тексту - істина! Тому хто, нписав ці рядки - честь і слава! Дякую!
Shahed - is a battle drone 50 kilo TNT.
Шкода, що знищених міст і селищ стало більше 😢😢😢. Цілодобово гинуть люди, тварини, ліси...в Харківській області 😢😢😢
Was very interesting
Thx m8
Слава Україні! Слава моїй Нації, яку знищують!
A lot of people was killed over there
We got Usyk❤
They destroyed so many towns, often with their inhabitants unfortunately((
You see a lake there!.. Residents of Marynka rested there on weekends.. Maybe someone was fishing, and someone was just spending time with their family.. Now everything is destroyed there... people ran away or died, unfortunately!
Unfortunately, there are many such cities - where every piece of land is riddled with traces of bombing and often the same place several times...
Try react to otoy - find my country. Its Ukranian raper
I highly recommend these Ukrainian songs
СТАСІК - Колискова для ворога / STASIK -A lullaby for the enemy
СТАСІК - Герої вмирають / STASIK - Heroes die
Skladno | Azovstal | Азовсталь Hard
Surface Tension - Добро (ENG Subs) / Good
Mariinka used to be a city. Now it's a graveyard. Because of the russian army and the war they brought to Ukraine.
Hi. Let me explain something to you because you might have missed some details.
04:21 Translation of these lines in English: "There are those who rejoice in launching Shahed into the children's room. Just a mistake of God, an unfinished code." Shahed refers to Iran's drones, which Iran sells to russia. russia has sent hundreds of them to civilian buildings for over two years. Many kids were killed by these Shaheds.
05:26 These are Ukrainian fields for grain. russia is destroying cities and fields that have fed 30% of the Earth.
07:07 Yeah, these black dots are from bombs and artillery shells. russia sends over 10,000 artillery shells alone (plus bombs, drones, missiles) every day during these three years on Ukrainian land.
08:25 Here is one of hundreds of the cities that russia wiped off the land.
12:40 There was a city here before. russia totally destroyed it.
12:51 "Beyond the spoil heaps (these are mountains in the Donbass region in Ukraine. These mountains are formed by miners and are typical only of Donbass), the sun rises. The world lets the convinced take" You are able to see them at 13:10 on the horizon.
15:02 It was one of the cities which russia wiped - Mariinka.
15:11 Guys, thank you for the support. But prayers are not enough, and if Ukrainians do not stop this evil, you will face the same fate. So everybody can help, and a lot of UK guys are helping (cars,drones,medical stuff), and you can too, at least continue to show this kind of truth. Check my channel. We do a lot. Glory to Ukraine!
i.m ua /senks
"launching Shahed into a child's room" means launching the explosive kamikaze drone called " Shahed ". Orcs literally doing this and celebrate in media of a successfully destroyed building.
This is the Ukrainian city of Marinka, military operations were carried out here in the city itself, in fact, it no longer exists, it was destroyed by Russian troops, Yaramak himself. In the ZSU, he and his brigade conducted military operations in this direction, according to Yarmak, he conveyed in this wonderful song everything that he felt over these years, this is only just short shots of what is happening in Ukraine; this is just one city burned to the ground. These are not only traces of air bombs exploding, there was real HELL, the Russians shelled the city every day, killed all the children, old people, and so on, they shot at schools, kindergartens, yellow houses. These are not people! YARMAK'S COMMENT UNDER THE VIDEO!
Watch this video from the first to the last second! This is the Mariana direction, on which we are. This is what the horde of darkness is carrying, this is what will happen to the world if they are not stopped!
These black things - are holes from bombs and artillery strikes. Why they are horrible? Such an ammo must be high presicion and such ammo is very expensive. But Russia have so much of them, that they hit not the precise targets, but just kilometers of fields just to hit everybody and everything. Thats why this image is horrible and unhuman
In this video the city of Marinka
"During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the city was largely destroyed as a result of fighting, with no civilians living in the city since November 2022" Wiki (C)
the privilege of not knowing what SHAHED is... it's a type of drone, russians use to terrorise civilians and military alike. Also yes, the black marks are from bombs and there are also destroyed houses too by the river. What you see WAS a city and rather beautiful one BEFORE russia came annd destroyed it.
Of course, he's lines are pure pain and on point - he had seen it firsthand due to being in the military himself
It was a city. And it's only one of the thousands destroyed Ukrainian and villages by rusia
Мова йде про беспілотник "Шахед" якими росія закидає невинних людей, без розбору.
there is blacksoil grain fields what are not produce food and no life there at all
that's not metaphorical, they are saying literally, that's what the war has brought, ruzzia brought it all
Don’t come armed