I think AI Pepper almost get the right strategy just fail to keep it up. They seemed to get nervous when the opponent started to catch up. And once got caught up, their confidence went down the drain. Too many losses can do that to players. Anyway. Keep fighting. Im sure Pepper get a win soon.
외국 선수들의 경기를 보고 우리 선수들을 보면 볼에 힘이 없고 넘기기에만 사력을 다해 점수를 올리는 초딩 경기로만 보인다.
제발 코치들도 외국 선수 강파워 경기력을 보고 집중 훈련을 시켰으면 한다.
I think AI Pepper almost get the right strategy just fail to keep it up. They seemed to get nervous when the opponent started to catch up. And once got caught up, their confidence went down the drain. Too many losses can do that to players. Anyway. Keep fighting. Im sure Pepper get a win soon.
박정아 7천7백5십만원도 아깝다 퇴출이 답이다 왜 ? 2세트 8번 연속 공격해도 결정 못지우고 패했으니까