I bought three products: a stopwatch, a scoreboard, and a stop plate. However, I'm having trouble linking these three items together. I tried adjusting the Bluetooth frequency in the stopwatch's system settings, but they are still not connecting. Could you please let me know how to connect them?
Yes, sure, please make sure that these three devices share the same RF ID. You can contact us by email at market@special314.com or WhatsApp at 0086-134 2442 5927 for further guidance.
Hello Gilbert, thanks for your interet, you can buy the airsoft timing system here, www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003251657670.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7a685664pvKjNu&algo_pvid=cb826ef2-3440-453e-b5c9-72a141e7e3b6&algo_exp_id=cb826ef2-3440-453e-b5c9-72a141e7e3b6-1&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000024862898998%22%7D
I bought three products: a stopwatch, a scoreboard, and a stop plate. However, I'm having trouble linking these three items together. I tried adjusting the Bluetooth frequency in the stopwatch's system settings, but they are still not connecting. Could you please let me know how to connect them?
Yes, sure, please make sure that these three devices share the same RF ID. You can contact us by email at market@special314.com or WhatsApp at 0086-134 2442 5927 for further guidance.
how much
Hello Gilbert, thanks for your interet, you can buy the airsoft timing system here, www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003251657670.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7a685664pvKjNu&algo_pvid=cb826ef2-3440-453e-b5c9-72a141e7e3b6&algo_exp_id=cb826ef2-3440-453e-b5c9-72a141e7e3b6-1&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000024862898998%22%7D