@KissSlowlyLoveDeeply-pm2je no. I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps and 4 years in law enforcement and I’m larger than 99% of people on the planet. I could absolutely eat Kuihman.
@@counterfireaway You're right, but this isn't the UFC, it's an internet debate panel and he absolutely destroyed you... Ironically you had no counterpoint and had to retreat to the tough guy routine.
@@RotheraPoint the counterpoint was the actual definition of “predator” which he immediately scurried away from as fast as he could. So kind of just points to you being dumb rather than any level of correctness. Y
Non-consensually filming a sexual partner can be considered sexual battery in Florida. Sex offender status is not limited to pdf crimes. Being convicted of sexual battery in Florida may indeed, get you on the sex offender list. Just saying.
@@counterfireaway So yeah, the circumstances would of course matter, and we don't know all of those yet. So legally it's a coin flip that this situation could lead to having to register, but it is a possibility. Morally, do I think people should be warned about someone who may be filming them in a sexual situation without their knowledge, and that this person may also share those images without consent. Yes. I think that's fair. I would want to know if the person I'm about to have sex with could end up putting me in a situation where my life is ruined.
@ Also, I posted the source and how to get there, but it's not showing up here. Let me know if there's an easier way to send it to you, or if you received it and YT is just holding the comment. I know the UX sucks, in YT comments.
@ So it would be, Florida Statutes Section 784.049(3), that would address the offense of what we colloquially call 'revenge porn'. This statute makes it a sex offense. Florida Statute 775.21(3)(B)5(c) addresses how the registry is tied to sex offenses. So there's that plus the other link I tried to send. But as always I could be wrong.
She’s accurately describing the situation instead of pretending life in the streaming word is normal or the people in this space are normal. It’s an adult conversation with adults.
The best part is you didnt even get the law right. Florida law 810.145(8) which is digital voyeurism can be grounds to make you an offender. And digital voyeurism is recording a persons "privates" without their knowledge.
@@redreaper3065 I love how confident you are while being incapable of reading. In Pxies case, the recording was made with consent. It doesn’t violate this statute. In Chaeiry’s case there was no image generated only audio and this statute covers video. How does it feel to be so confident, and so wrong?
@@counterfireaway "Ah yes, I can deboonk two cases out of the 6! So everything you say is wrong!" God I really pity your wife. Sound like the type of guy that beat her head in for winning an argument
Conor has so much more smoke for people who haven't done anything as bad as Destiny. Such an infinite well of good faith for him, but not for anyone else. Total lack of integrity.
Dude why are y'all acting like he 🍇d someone?! What he did 3 years ago was VERY BAD but it might as well be nothing compared to what a lot of the people on the internet do and get away with on the daily. Hell we literally have a serial criminal as a president! So stop the peal clutching!
Replace Destiny with Trump in this situation and tell me how you would be discussing this. Imagine Destiny talking about this if it were Trump instead of him. That will tell me where your values are.
@@nahguacm Never heard anyone claim that ever. You just made it up. On the other hand, Tiny constantly claims to be morally superior as an argument, when in fact, Tiny doesn't have any morals whatsoever.
@counterfireaway It's not leaking just nudes though. Its also leaking sex tapes and secretly recording multiple people. Why does it keep being truncated to "leaking nudes"
@ Destiny doing this removes his perceived sense of moral and intellectual superiority, something he’s very concerned with, and undermines any moral claims he makes about Trump and his supporters, schizo. Try to keep up
@@counterfireawaythe point is, if it’s your team, you will cover it up. You have no moral high ground. You better hope online politics doesn’t matter, or you guys are gonna tank whatever dem org you are being paid by next time with your head guys “loli horse” and “nude leaker”
@57:03 You guys realize the context right? Or am i slow? Lauren Southern ( *A previously married woman while sleeping with Destiny* ) was confirmed in the Rose leaks and Pxie ( *A "normal" female friend orbitter who swore she didn't sleep with Destiny* ) was also confirmed. The arguments used by all female orbitters when assumed to be sleeping with Destiny are the ones you are using now, but from the audience's perspective, it has been proven false again, agian, and again. If you watch Turkey Tom's interview it looks like Erin (Straighterade) also slept with him I'm not saying kyla is sleeping with him, but citing marriage or just being a female friend isn't a good counter argument.
Here's something crazy that Destiny said. He dated Straighterade when she was 15. Swear to God. It's from his 2022 or 2023 streams. Destiny said he doesn't like talking about it because it's weird.
@@ryanevans8323 Not true, Straighterade shares a name with his ex, Erin. Destiny didn't meet Straighterade until he went to her college, UT, to debate. So that's impossible
Married ppl have less sxual partners on average than single ppl. So it actually is an argument(on average). But her main point was that you just can’t assert sxual contact just because of a male/female relationship. That it is a bad form to ignore agency of women. Arguments without evidence can be dismissed without evidence nevertheless.
It's just Brianna. So thin skinned she can't track the conversation cos she's constantly triggered by chat. What's the point of having her on? She has nothing interesting to say.
I think everyone was frustrated with the 20 minutes (or more) of glazing before actually getting to a fucking point. Brianna snapping at chat for this was hysterical
Connor, serious question: How many more people would destiny have to do this to to be shown as enough repeat offenses for you to qualify him for SOME sort of registration or at LEAST a penalty of some sort in SOME form. Follow up question: What would your penalty be?
I think he should be civilly liable to anyone he spread corn of which could cost a ton of money. Also for the no consensual recording statute those can stack and add up to jail time. That being said, considering our justice system, I think that’s appropriate. Not what Kuihman is asking for.
@@counterfireaway how do we inform future partners that he is a repeat offender of this type of thing? Lav had a good point that it truly is so easy not to do these things, and that it is most likely a pathology at this point; That he will seek this type of thing out as more of a fetish that he gets off to? It seems like he has endless recordings of people based on what has come out so far, so now we have potentially all of these people who are suddenly nervous that their stuff has been spread without their consent
@3:07:02 100% disingenuous. Don't know or care what Lav is saying buy Kuihman and Jstlk are just asking that future victims have a chance to be notified in advance of the risk. I haven't heard either even demand a month in jail. To claim they are asking for the maximum punishment given to rapists and the like is a bull**** reframing.
@@Bartokomous this is so bad, Steven should be sequestered to a place with other offenders for life. But he doesn’t deserve incarceration? You know that’s insane right?
Small bit of defensive feedback: The justified (from Brianna's perspective) but extreme rant about audience assumptions about Kyla's sex life has one small flaw. Steven's lifestyle is the variable. He's been very open about his non-monogamy perspective. While it may be wrong to make assumptions about the outspoken women, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities because Steven is smart, charismatic, persuasive. People shouldn't assume it's a 100% fact, but people also aren't wrong for considering it as a possibility.
Additionally, as a bi-guy in Texas who grew up with Matthew Shepherd in the news during formative years, I find the abuse of the word "faggot" to be wholly unnecessary and detracting from the quality of intellectual engagement these discussions COULD be.
Nick (Kyla’s husband) has also talked about how they have experimented with open relationships from time to which is why there was the fight where Lav was holding “how much more Nick loved me than you” over Kyla’s head on jstlks last year
Why are Lav and Kuihman even here??? Lav saying she doesn’t make everything about her is bullshit. She has been inactive in these spaces for over a year because the topics didn’t involve her. But once the Destiny leaks came out a few weeks ago she starts coming out of the woodwork to claim she’s been vindicated. All she cares about is herself. And Kuihman is such a walking contradiction. His entire streaming model is “it’s content for its own sake and nothing really matters so I’ll cover nothing but drama”-the model he copies from Chud-but at the same time demands everyone to make moral judgments??? Yeah, no. You can’t have it both ways, moron. He’s the bottom of the drama barrel. All we can do is wait to see what happens with the civil suit Pxie is bringing against Destiny.
In the end I use this and tinys content as entertainment and news. So much is made of community around this situation but in the end a lot of viewers are just here for the memes. I don’t think it’s horrible to just want your content back. While acknowledging tiny is a selfish degen and has numerous personal faults. At least Connor is honest to these intuitions.
On behalf of most DGG'rs, I think it's fair to say that we are upset, frustrated, disappointment, and absolutely feel let down by destiny's destructive unprofessional behavior, and will come to our own conclusions and condemn him accordingly. However, if there is ANYONE who's opinions and takes matter the least, I think we can all agree it's lav and Mr Girl. Feel free to disagree but for those who've been there for the orbiter war, we know exactly what those two psychopaths want out of this, and hold no regard for pxie or the situation at hand.
You people are completely blind. Destiny is a total ps*cho. A deranged manipulative lunatic and genuinely evil person.This was obvious even as early as back during his Starcraft 2 days. I've known it for at least 15 years(way before any of this political stuff he's been doing) and you people who watch ALL his content still can't see it even now. It's unreal. That lav or Mr Girl are horrible as well is completely irrelevant - of course they are. Everyone that surrounds him are horrible including most if not all of the victims. That's why they were drawn to him in the first place. That doesn't excuse Tiny though, now does it?
@gregmata3132 i think if u are a DGGer... that was a fair statement. I feel bad for you. But as an enemy of destiny.... Lav and Mr girl are the perfect people to be speaking right now. It's so kino and cathartic. No better people to be the ones to escort destiny down to hell where he belongs
At this point I don't believe anything Destiny has said about anyone's character in the past. Destiny is a world class DARVO practitioner. Everyone he's ever accused of lying, manipulating, what have you, needs to be reevaluated completely separate from him. MrGirl has his own set of independent weird behavior on his own channel, but everything Destiny has said about him should be thrown out. I haven't really seen anything from Lav that would inpune her credibility other than what Destiny has said. There are bucketloads of people that Destiny has unequivocally lied about (Ana, Melina, Lauren D) and even more people where being victims of Destiny's character assassination would warrant a completely clean slate on. For example, I have no idea if Bob7 was a manipulator or not. Everything Destiny has ever said about another person is garbage as far as I'm concerned.
@@Mort4zo Wow, I've never heard of the term DARVO before so I googled it and the description fits Tiny perfectly. Thanks for the tip. I'll start using that term. The people you listed are horrible though, regardless of what Tiny has said about them, but even horrible people are right sometimes, and in the case of Tiny they definitely are right.
@ So the first person I had actually heard that term from was Destiny himself, I think he was accusing Melina or Lav of using it, lol. One of Destiny's most hilarious tactics is using accusations of DARVO as a form of DARVO. Very meta. I'm open to seeing evidence that any of these people are terrible, but as of right now I haven't. I don't know most of them outside of a DGG context. MrGirl is the exception, because I actually used to watch his channel occasionally pre-Cuties and saw how much of a narcissist he was a long time ago.
I feel like everyone mentions non-consensual recording a lot, but the recording itself wasn't non-consensual, only the distribution. And if we're going with the idea that it was revenge porn, you'd probably need to prove some intent to distribute on Destiny's part. And there probably wasn't. Sounds more like some type of reckless handling of others sensitive, personal material. There was also some unrelated politics shoved into the police report that can imply an ulterior motive. Because his politics really isn't relevant to the case.
During the end of the Roman republic many senators ran into scandals and their political allies would simp for them no matter their crimes. Caesar is a good example. Destiny is useful and we live in the time of the “Orange Snakeoil Man” and he’s winning. We need to take all we can get. Destiny is a tool to be used when needed and discarded when carrying him is more of a burden. Idk who pixie is and I could care less. At the same time what Steven did will have consequences. . . When he deemed to be not worth our time.
Don't listen to the haters man. The fact that even after all these you're still rational about what he did while also being charitable towards him speaks volumes about how big of a person you are!
Dude what are you talking about Conor literally had Destiny's back for the majority of the episode despite of all the stuffs he did and the insane amount of hate Conor's gonna get for this!
Just so everyone knows, the girl consented to making a video with destiny, the idea that he hid a camera is an accusation made up by people who hate him. His only sin was sending that video to someone else, both he and Pixie agreed to have consensual S and to record it.
The hidden recording isn't Pixies allegation, it's Chaeiry's. Seems to be legit so far but we'll see as things unfold. If he recorded without consent that makes this situation 100x worse than it already is. I don't see him coming back from this without bleeding over half his fan base. Not looking good for Tiny
@@BlancoFlaco91 Chaeiry has a history of making at least one spurious accusation of sexual misconduct that she walked back on in the past. So no: without seeing the recording itself for obvious reasons - I'd take evidence/substantiation as strong as those backing pxie's claim for me to consider chaeiry's claim 'legit'. Generally I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that amount of substantiation by default, considering the severity of the claims.
I mean she's filed a police report which will be public so I'd say she probably is telling the truth also again destiny has admitted to recording people @@monadic_monastic69
@@monadic_monastic69 No we have Destiny admitting before that he would secretly record grindr meet-ups, we also have Delaguna, nearly a year before this all came to light, talk about how Destiny has recording devices all over his apartment and secretly records people, now we have Chaeiry coming forward and saying she's heard a recording that she did not consent to. There is multiple pieces of evidence that back up Chaeiry's claim, and it's important to note that not even Destiny has denied Chaeiry's allegation.
2:27:07 Lav and Kuhiman and relying on Cherie thing about “being recorded without knowing”; from what we can tell with any video or pictures those were taken with the person fully knowing so they knew the risks involved with letting another person have them. It sucks but if you send a guy your nudes or take nudes with him you are giving up a level of control over that media that’s the inherent risk involved thus why the law center “distribution” and “intent” because showing to a singular person outside the dynamic while morally bankrupt as it lacks all parties consent does not meet threshold of harm necessary for state intervention
Destiny also shared an audio of a guy he was having sex with and that guy didn't know. We know this because he admitted to that Rose chick that the audio is scuffed because his phone was in his pocket.
@ audio recording from pocket would be different than the other guy there is video of sex with. Audio recordings of sex acts is definitely a moral gray area cause you can fake a “sex audio” by just rubbing your hands together and making wet noises with your mouth.
He was literally trying to guilt trip Nicholas Deorio into going public with the accusations while saying he couldn't do it because of the apparent risk of Pxie killing herself if it was made public. All that he wanted was Destiny's reputation to take a hit, even when it could've potentially cost Nick's credibility and Pxie's life. He's a complete piece of shit.
I just wanted to say that you and Brianna do good work. 2025 has already been a rollercoaster and it helps to have reasonable voices to keep things grounded
@@warrenburger9907 You are joking, but they should do that. I mean it is clear that the message these left wing creators doesn't resonate with the majority of americans. All their debates and their "activism" like PV, Cenk's candidacy and so on did not work. At this point they should retire and go work at McDonalds. But of course they won't because its better to be an armchair streamer preaching the truth and making millions of dollars. And I feel sorry for Connor because unlike the rest of Destiny's orbiters he is truly motivated by idealism and not just influence / money.
@@warrenburger9907 You are joking, but they should do that. I mean it is clear that the message these left wing creators doesn't resonate with the majority of americans. All their debates and their "activism" like PV, Cenk's candidacy and so on did not work. At this point they should retire and go work at McDonalds. But of course they won't because its better to be an armchair streamer preaching the truth and making millions of dollars. And I feel sorry for Connor because unlike the rest of Destiny's orbiters he is truly motivated by idealism and not just influence / money.
Connor is such a slimy, pathetic guy. Were I him, I couldn;'t live with my self.
@@Jomi91 you’re a Pepe avatar on TH-cam. You shouldn’t be living with yourself now.
@counterfireaway you should report me to Southern poverty law you slug.
@@counterfireaway you're a slug owned by a tr©©n.
Connor is a great example of an internet tough guy.
@KissSlowlyLoveDeeply-pm2je no. I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps and 4 years in law enforcement and I’m larger than 99% of people on the planet. I could absolutely eat Kuihman.
@@counterfireaway You're right, but this isn't the UFC, it's an internet debate panel and he absolutely destroyed you... Ironically you had no counterpoint and had to retreat to the tough guy routine.
@@counterfireawayI’m glad someone as mentally stable as you was allowed to have authority over civilians.
@@counterfireaway you threaten violence when you fumble while defending destiny. pathetic is not sufficient to describe you.
@@RotheraPoint the counterpoint was the actual definition of “predator” which he immediately scurried away from as fast as he could. So kind of just points to you being dumb rather than any level of correctness. Y
sorry connor but your just wrong and sweeping. very gay
Pending new revelations, the crusaders are going to be very disappointed
@@counterfireaway what revelations would that be?
@@paulares292 something worse than we know now. I’m not saying it exists, I’m saying unless they do, the crusaders will be disappointed
How that sweeping? Did he say destiny did none thing wrong? I am not sure you know what sweeping is mate
Just compare how they talk about destiny and how they talk about pres sunday...
chaeiry situation not withstanding. sunday is actually worse than destiny in this. like unironically.
Why pretend that sex offender lists are only for child predators? its such a weird hill to die on
Non-consensually filming a sexual partner can be considered sexual battery in Florida. Sex offender status is not limited to pdf crimes. Being convicted of sexual battery in Florida may indeed, get you on the sex offender list. Just saying.
Thank god that didnt hapoen
@@counterfireaway So yeah, the circumstances would of course matter, and we don't know all of those yet. So legally it's a coin flip that this situation could lead to having to register, but it is a possibility.
Morally, do I think people should be warned about someone who may be filming them in a sexual situation without their knowledge, and that this person may also share those images without consent.
Yes. I think that's fair. I would want to know if the person I'm about to have sex with could end up putting me in a situation where my life is ruined.
@ Also, I posted the source and how to get there, but it's not showing up here. Let me know if there's an easier way to send it to you, or if you received it and YT is just holding the comment.
I know the UX sucks, in YT comments.
@ So it would be, Florida Statutes Section 784.049(3), that would address the offense of what we colloquially call 'revenge porn'. This statute makes it a sex offense.
Florida Statute 775.21(3)(B)5(c) addresses how the registry is tied to sex offenses.
So there's that plus the other link I tried to send.
But as always I could be wrong.
1:00:35 great. When he is being accused of sex crimes is a perfect time to start talking about how cute you find him Brianna. jesus fucking christ
She’s accurately describing the situation instead of pretending life in the streaming word is normal or the people in this space are normal. It’s an adult conversation with adults.
The best part is you didnt even get the law right.
Florida law 810.145(8) which is digital voyeurism can be grounds to make you an offender.
And digital voyeurism is recording a persons "privates" without their knowledge.
So congrats! Your midlife crisis rage was wrong!
@@redreaper3065 I love how confident you are while being incapable of reading.
In Pxies case, the recording was made with consent. It doesn’t violate this statute.
In Chaeiry’s case there was no image generated only audio and this statute covers video.
How does it feel to be so confident, and so wrong?
@@redreaper3065 you didn’t even list the proper subsection. You’re actually a moron.
"Ah yes, I can deboonk two cases out of the 6! So everything you say is wrong!"
God I really pity your wife. Sound like the type of guy that beat her head in for winning an argument
"Ah yes i can deboonk two things so I'm right!"
You sweeping so hard I'm honestly scared what you have on that hard drive.
Yikes, this was a poor showing from Connor. Kuiman had him so tilted he was talking about cannibalizing him. Embarrassing.
Conor has so much more smoke for people who haven't done anything as bad as Destiny. Such an infinite well of good faith for him, but not for anyone else. Total lack of integrity.
Like who? (Genuine question)
@@mrguermo1literally Kuihman, who he literally threatened because he got his little feelings hurt.
@@chrisbartolini1508 2:21:43 If that's what you all are referring to I can safely assume you're not serious.
I'm old enough to remember Destiny dunking on red pillers only for him to do this. The orbiters don't really need him.
Dunking for what, slaying hoes? He didn't dunk them for slaying, he dunked on them for pretending to be family men.
You either die a blue piller or live long enough to see yourself become a red piller.
Dude why are y'all acting like he 🍇d someone?! What he did 3 years ago was VERY BAD but it might as well be nothing compared to what a lot of the people on the internet do and get away with on the daily. Hell we literally have a serial criminal as a president! So stop the peal clutching!
They do. Except for Connor, most of the orbiters have no leg to stand on without Destiny.
@bolmeteussteeldragon47 I find most of these people on debate Whick panels on interesting topics. Most of these don't have Destiny on them.
Replace Destiny with Trump in this situation and tell me how you would be discussing this. Imagine Destiny talking about this if it were Trump instead of him. That will tell me where your values are.
One was president, the other was a streamer. Different expectations.
@@tm4csons tell me you would care AT all if Trump leaked someone’s nudes
Nobody is claiming Destiny is a restoration of good Christian morals though, whereas that's a common talking point among MAGA
@@nahguacm Never heard anyone claim that ever. You just made it up. On the other hand, Tiny constantly claims to be morally superior as an argument, when in fact, Tiny doesn't have any morals whatsoever.
@counterfireaway It's not leaking just nudes though. Its also leaking sex tapes and secretly recording multiple people. Why does it keep being truncated to "leaking nudes"
It’s good to know our moral and intellectual superiors are doing well. Just remember this next time you grandstand over Trump and his supporters
Destiny doing this doesn’t vindicate trump schizo
@ Destiny doing this removes his perceived sense of moral and intellectual superiority, something he’s very concerned with, and undermines any moral claims he makes about Trump and his supporters, schizo. Try to keep up
What we expect in an internet personality, is dif that what we expect in a president.
You are moronic.
@@counterfireawaythe point is, if it’s your team, you will cover it up. You have no moral high ground. You better hope online politics doesn’t matter, or you guys are gonna tank whatever dem org you are being paid by next time with your head guys “loli horse” and “nude leaker”
@@shockwavesyndrome6433 who is covering this up? You’re commenting this on a stream covering the incident? Were you in an accident?
@57:03 You guys realize the context right? Or am i slow? Lauren Southern ( *A previously married woman while sleeping with Destiny* ) was confirmed in the Rose leaks and Pxie ( *A "normal" female friend orbitter who swore she didn't sleep with Destiny* ) was also confirmed. The arguments used by all female orbitters when assumed to be sleeping with Destiny are the ones you are using now, but from the audience's perspective, it has been proven false again, agian, and again.
If you watch Turkey Tom's interview it looks like Erin (Straighterade) also slept with him
I'm not saying kyla is sleeping with him, but citing marriage or just being a female friend isn't a good counter argument.
Ofc she is
They do, just gotta sweep.
Here's something crazy that Destiny said. He dated Straighterade when she was 15. Swear to God. It's from his 2022 or 2023 streams. Destiny said he doesn't like talking about it because it's weird.
@@ryanevans8323 Not true, Straighterade shares a name with his ex, Erin. Destiny didn't meet Straighterade until he went to her college, UT, to debate. So that's impossible
Married ppl have less sxual partners on average than single ppl. So it actually is an argument(on average). But her main point was that you just can’t assert sxual contact just because of a male/female relationship. That it is a bad form to ignore agency of women. Arguments without evidence can be dismissed without evidence nevertheless.
Chat putting hosts on tilt. So good. Love this new arc 🍿
It's just Brianna. So thin skinned she can't track the conversation cos she's constantly triggered by chat. What's the point of having her on? She has nothing interesting to say.
I think everyone was frustrated with the 20 minutes (or more) of glazing before actually getting to a fucking point. Brianna snapping at chat for this was hysterical
Connor, serious question:
How many more people would destiny have to do this to to be shown as enough repeat offenses for you to qualify him for SOME sort of registration or at LEAST a penalty of some sort in SOME form.
Follow up question:
What would your penalty be?
I think he should be civilly liable to anyone he spread corn of which could cost a ton of money. Also for the no consensual recording statute those can stack and add up to jail time.
That being said, considering our justice system, I think that’s appropriate. Not what Kuihman is asking for.
@@counterfireaway how do we inform future partners that he is a repeat offender of this type of thing?
Lav had a good point that it truly is so easy not to do these things, and that it is most likely a pathology at this point; That he will seek this type of thing out as more of a fetish that he gets off to? It seems like he has endless recordings of people based on what has come out so far, so now we have potentially all of these people who are suddenly nervous that their stuff has been spread without their consent
@3:07:02 100% disingenuous. Don't know or care what Lav is saying buy Kuihman and Jstlk are just asking that future victims have a chance to be notified in advance of the risk. I haven't heard either even demand a month in jail. To claim they are asking for the maximum punishment given to rapists and the like is a bull**** reframing.
@@Bartokomous this is so bad, Steven should be sequestered to a place with other offenders for life. But he doesn’t deserve incarceration?
You know that’s insane right?
@@counterfireaway Evidently, you think all sex offenders live in that one trailer park.
Youre the one strawmanning a "pdf island" for him to live on.
You are an unhinged lunatic. My condolences to your wife.
Small bit of defensive feedback: The justified (from Brianna's perspective) but extreme rant about audience assumptions about Kyla's sex life has one small flaw. Steven's lifestyle is the variable. He's been very open about his non-monogamy perspective. While it may be wrong to make assumptions about the outspoken women, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities because Steven is smart, charismatic, persuasive. People shouldn't assume it's a 100% fact, but people also aren't wrong for considering it as a possibility.
Additionally, as a bi-guy in Texas who grew up with Matthew Shepherd in the news during formative years, I find the abuse of the word "faggot" to be wholly unnecessary and detracting from the quality of intellectual engagement these discussions COULD be.
Nick (Kyla’s husband) has also talked about how they have experimented with open relationships from time to which is why there was the fight where Lav was holding “how much more Nick loved me than you” over Kyla’s head on jstlks last year
Why are Lav and Kuihman even here???
Lav saying she doesn’t make everything about her is bullshit. She has been inactive in these spaces for over a year because the topics didn’t involve her. But once the Destiny leaks came out a few weeks ago she starts coming out of the woodwork to claim she’s been vindicated. All she cares about is herself.
And Kuihman is such a walking contradiction. His entire streaming model is “it’s content for its own sake and nothing really matters so I’ll cover nothing but drama”-the model he copies from Chud-but at the same time demands everyone to make moral judgments??? Yeah, no. You can’t have it both ways, moron. He’s the bottom of the drama barrel.
All we can do is wait to see what happens with the civil suit Pxie is bringing against Destiny.
In the end I use this and tinys content as entertainment and news. So much is made of community around this situation but in the end a lot of viewers are just here for the memes. I don’t think it’s horrible to just want your content back. While acknowledging tiny is a selfish degen and has numerous personal faults. At least Connor is honest to these intuitions.
I agree. I’m sick of people pretending we aren’t all degenerate meth addicts looking for our next fix.
On behalf of most DGG'rs, I think it's fair to say that we are upset, frustrated, disappointment, and absolutely feel let down by destiny's destructive unprofessional behavior, and will come to our own conclusions and condemn him accordingly. However, if there is ANYONE who's opinions and takes matter the least, I think we can all agree it's lav and Mr Girl. Feel free to disagree but for those who've been there for the orbiter war, we know exactly what those two psychopaths want out of this, and hold no regard for pxie or the situation at hand.
You people are completely blind. Destiny is a total ps*cho. A deranged manipulative lunatic and genuinely evil person.This was obvious even as early as back during his Starcraft 2 days. I've known it for at least 15 years(way before any of this political stuff he's been doing) and you people who watch ALL his content still can't see it even now. It's unreal. That lav or Mr Girl are horrible as well is completely irrelevant - of course they are. Everyone that surrounds him are horrible including most if not all of the victims. That's why they were drawn to him in the first place. That doesn't excuse Tiny though, now does it?
@gregmata3132 i think if u are a DGGer... that was a fair statement. I feel bad for you.
But as an enemy of destiny.... Lav and Mr girl are the perfect people to be speaking right now. It's so kino and cathartic.
No better people to be the ones to escort destiny down to hell where he belongs
At this point I don't believe anything Destiny has said about anyone's character in the past. Destiny is a world class DARVO practitioner. Everyone he's ever accused of lying, manipulating, what have you, needs to be reevaluated completely separate from him. MrGirl has his own set of independent weird behavior on his own channel, but everything Destiny has said about him should be thrown out. I haven't really seen anything from Lav that would inpune her credibility other than what Destiny has said. There are bucketloads of people that Destiny has unequivocally lied about (Ana, Melina, Lauren D) and even more people where being victims of Destiny's character assassination would warrant a completely clean slate on. For example, I have no idea if Bob7 was a manipulator or not. Everything Destiny has ever said about another person is garbage as far as I'm concerned.
@@Mort4zo Wow, I've never heard of the term DARVO before so I googled it and the description fits Tiny perfectly. Thanks for the tip. I'll start using that term. The people you listed are horrible though, regardless of what Tiny has said about them, but even horrible people are right sometimes, and in the case of Tiny they definitely are right.
@ So the first person I had actually heard that term from was Destiny himself, I think he was accusing Melina or Lav of using it, lol. One of Destiny's most hilarious tactics is using accusations of DARVO as a form of DARVO. Very meta. I'm open to seeing evidence that any of these people are terrible, but as of right now I haven't. I don't know most of them outside of a DGG context. MrGirl is the exception, because I actually used to watch his channel occasionally pre-Cuties and saw how much of a narcissist he was a long time ago.
I feel like everyone mentions non-consensual recording a lot, but the recording itself wasn't non-consensual, only the distribution. And if we're going with the idea that it was revenge porn, you'd probably need to prove some intent to distribute on Destiny's part. And there probably wasn't. Sounds more like some type of reckless handling of others sensitive, personal material.
There was also some unrelated politics shoved into the police report that can imply an ulterior motive. Because his politics really isn't relevant to the case.
Never let facts get in the way of a good story.
Everyone in the stream was crap. We has extreme condemnations and sweeping.
During the end of the Roman republic many senators ran into scandals and their political allies would simp for them no matter their crimes. Caesar is a good example.
Destiny is useful and we live in the time of the “Orange Snakeoil Man” and he’s winning. We need to take all we can get. Destiny is a tool to be used when needed and discarded when carrying him is more of a burden. Idk who pixie is and I could care less. At the same time what Steven did will have consequences. . . When he deemed to be not worth our time.
Leaking DMs for criminal behavior is just whistleblowing, if it’s for personal drama then who cares, that’s your bad friends
Don't listen to the haters man. The fact that even after all these you're still rational about what he did while also being charitable towards him speaks volumes about how big of a person you are!
Charitable to the guy who filmed without consent great people
president sunday was right i fear
Bro this is just accusation and guess work without justification. I couldn't watch past 25 mins what is this clown show.
@@wesomek wat
Yeah well with the left its guilty until proven innocent... not innocent until proven guilty
Dude what are you talking about Conor literally had Destiny's back for the majority of the episode despite of all the stuffs he did and the insane amount of hate Conor's gonna get for this!
This is what an adult conversation looks like.
Just so everyone knows, the girl consented to making a video with destiny, the idea that he hid a camera is an accusation made up by people who hate him. His only sin was sending that video to someone else, both he and Pixie agreed to have consensual S and to record it.
The hidden recording isn't Pixies allegation, it's Chaeiry's. Seems to be legit so far but we'll see as things unfold. If he recorded without consent that makes this situation 100x worse than it already is. I don't see him coming back from this without bleeding over half his fan base. Not looking good for Tiny
@@BlancoFlaco91 Chaeiry has a history of making at least one spurious accusation of sexual misconduct that she walked back on in the past. So no: without seeing the recording itself for obvious reasons - I'd take evidence/substantiation as strong as those backing pxie's claim for me to consider chaeiry's claim 'legit'.
Generally I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that amount of substantiation by default, considering the severity of the claims.
I mean she's filed a police report which will be public so I'd say she probably is telling the truth also again destiny has admitted to recording people @@monadic_monastic69
@@monadic_monastic69 No we have Destiny admitting before that he would secretly record grindr meet-ups, we also have Delaguna, nearly a year before this all came to light, talk about how Destiny has recording devices all over his apartment and secretly records people, now we have Chaeiry coming forward and saying she's heard a recording that she did not consent to. There is multiple pieces of evidence that back up Chaeiry's claim, and it's important to note that not even Destiny has denied Chaeiry's allegation.
Maybe half his stream viewers, but not casual youtube viewers. Only terminally online people think this is career ending.
2:27:07 Lav and Kuhiman and relying on Cherie thing about “being recorded without knowing”; from what we can tell with any video or pictures those were taken with the person fully knowing so they knew the risks involved with letting another person have them. It sucks but if you send a guy your nudes or take nudes with him you are giving up a level of control over that media that’s the inherent risk involved thus why the law center “distribution” and “intent” because showing to a singular person outside the dynamic while morally bankrupt as it lacks all parties consent does not meet threshold of harm necessary for state intervention
Destiny also shared an audio of a guy he was having sex with and that guy didn't know. We know this because he admitted to that Rose chick that the audio is scuffed because his phone was in his pocket.
@ audio recording from pocket would be different than the other guy there is video of sex with. Audio recordings of sex acts is definitely a moral gray area cause you can fake a “sex audio” by just rubbing your hands together and making wet noises with your mouth.
President Shitstain is a degenerate who fucked over Pixe to stay in the game.
He was literally trying to guilt trip Nicholas Deorio into going public with the accusations while saying he couldn't do it because of the apparent risk of Pxie killing herself if it was made public. All that he wanted was Destiny's reputation to take a hit, even when it could've potentially cost Nick's credibility and Pxie's life. He's a complete piece of shit.
What the hell is that hook on his shoulder?
Halfway through, but gucci approach so far :p
Really enjoy the host using my sexuality as an insult to the Brit! Why would anyone take anything Lav says as genuine or fact? Fail!
I agree with most of what was said here!
This was a very good and fair conversation.
You're too sane for this scene Connor! Glad you're in it though :)
bigotry is good when your e-daddy does it?
How about the defend a sex perv card
Poor orbiters, they will starve without Tiny, not Connor if he sticks with Warhammer instead of politics.
I just wanted to say that you and Brianna do good work. 2025 has already been a rollercoaster and it helps to have reasonable voices to keep things grounded
Good work? What result came with the whole Progressive Victory stuff? The country is more right wing than ever.
@bolmeteussteeldragon47 😨 it is?? I guess you're right, we should just give up now. It's all over and there's no more work to be done
@@warrenburger9907 You are joking, but they should do that. I mean it is clear that the message these left wing creators doesn't resonate with the majority of americans. All their debates and their "activism" like PV, Cenk's candidacy and so on did not work. At this point they should retire and go work at McDonalds. But of course they won't because its better to be an armchair streamer preaching the truth and making millions of dollars.
And I feel sorry for Connor because unlike the rest of Destiny's orbiters he is truly motivated by idealism and not just influence / money.
@@warrenburger9907 You are joking, but they should do that. I mean it is clear that the message these left wing creators doesn't resonate with the majority of americans. All their debates and their "activism" like PV, Cenk's candidacy and so on did not work. At this point they should retire and go work at McDonalds. But of course they won't because its better to be an armchair streamer preaching the truth and making millions of dollars.
And I feel sorry for Connor because unlike the rest of Destiny's orbiters he is truly motivated by idealism and not just influence / money.
@@bolmeteussteeldragon47 I hope they don't give up on Cenk's candidacy, he could be the Trump of the Left with how hilarious his debates would be! 😂
2:43:06 holy shit 😂😂😂 BASEDDDD
I hope Conor grows large. Love his way and steady hand.
"steady" lol, he threatened violence when he lost the debate and used slurs. he's an internet tough guy.