Hamster in Waterpark! The Ultimate Maze Adventure *DIY Hacks and Gadgets for Pets

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2022
  • This poor little hamster was found on the street! The girl picks him up and builds house, maze, and playground for him! You might want to build one for your hamster too, so watch and find out how she does it!
    Timestamps :
    0:15 Maze, but colourful / Pop it
    1:13 Make a colourful path / Cardstock
    2:51 Draw a cute picture frame / Felt pen
    3:27 Create some hurdles / Drinking straw
    4:28 Stretch it out on the wall / Pop tube
    5:10 Makes a good hammock / Banana toy
    6:13 Cover up patches on the wall / 3D Pen
    7:05 It makes a good house foundation / Photo frame
    7:30 Cute furniture for the house / Lego
    7:45 Paint it with colors to make it more interesting / Wooden stick
    #hamster #gadgets #tiktok
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