Century later, a man from what is now Germany studied the strategies of Napoleon. He studied where and how Napoleon made mistakes in his campaign and started Operation Barbarossa. And the result is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................another documentary.
And that documentary is English dubbed, look at Soviet Storm: WW2 In the East. Same producer, also unbias as they expose both Russian and German war crimes in the easterm front.
Hey, less than 80 years after the man from Germany studied the strategies of Napoleon, a man from USA is studying the strategies of the man from Germany. Two questions: 1) the precise time of hostilities, and 2) will the Star Media documentary be better than this one or better than Soviet Storm?
This is the best documentary ever made on the subject. Congratulations to Star Media. Amazing photography, accurate history and balanced point of view. KUDOS RUSSIA
a very detail account by the Russian on the failed Napoleonic conquer of Russia. This documentary video is indeed very educational from both the historical and language perspectives ( as the video is accompanied with English subtitles). Thank you .
another brilliant triumph of the history of RUSSIA!! Well done Star Media!!Class,Objective, Informative. If Alexander Suvorov had lived those days would have been interesting see his military campaign.Same by Prince Vladimir,Tsar Ivan IV,Alexander Nevsky,Georgy Zukov,..What talented are the Russians.Never rely on anyone and learn from history.Take initiative better than reactive.
having studied the napoleonic wars, this was a great view into the most decisive defeat he suffered before waterloo. the russian soldiers fought bravely and stood up to the cream of the french army. Kutzakov was a very smart general to use his army so wisely. some of these posters who think that napoleon was in the right, really needs to study a little harder. both he and hitler started out as ravaging invaders against the common people. both lost because of that fact. napoleon had no food in front or in his retreat. the part where he was forced to retreat back over his dead littering the fields really drove this home. great series again. thank you star media for this one. Whats next? siberian army against japan. There is very little western history on that battle....
Not only is this doc incredibly informative of the events as is titled; the content in the latter parts are quite trippy with the outward pan shots of the Earth and cosmic atmosphere. This is time well spent watching!
@@pjohn19 nah they wone through sheer determination. Saying the one just because of the winter is making the enemy they fought look like incompetent fools which they weren't
The only problem is this series doesn't show it was mainly a Russian initiative to follow Napoleon back to Paris and defeat him there. Most people get the impression that the Russian army stopped at their border and left it to the other allies to defeat Boney.
@@georgevlavianos1401 Yes - in Russian with English subtitles? I think I've already watched it - the translated programs don't match the originals with subtitles. It almost seems as if the Russians themselves don't want to take credit for Napoleon's defeat - as though they want to keep it to themselves.
Certainly, when Napoleon still in Moscow, the attacks against Murat forces degenerated in a number of improvised, indecisive skirmishes. But all in all it was always for Russian gain. Such actions served beautifully to wear down the combat readiness of French troops, their moral..., their horses, carts and supplies were decimated, etc. Even Napoleon himself had to reprimand Murat for being engaged in tactically futile adventures but costly in resources. Meanwhile, Russian formations grew stronger... and unrelenting, time passed and Winter approached...
Our view of the Napoleonic wars is as skewed as our view of the Second World War. Most of the credit we give to Napoleon's defeat is with the British, but the army that took all of the land battles against the Grand Armee were the Russians. The British landed no more than 80,000 soldiers at any one time during the wars. At Waterloo, Wellington had 75,000 British, along with 25,000 Dutch and German soldiers.
That is totally true. It is time to set the record straight and to render unto caesar the things which are caesar's. In this case, all merit goes to the Russian army and people. Besides that, it is true that Napoleon and later Hitler both made mistakes in their invasion, much of it due to logistics, arrogance and ill planning.
funny fact is that Russians defeated Napoleon in Russia, then in Europe together with Austrians and Prussians who switched sides. And put Napoleon on an island where british should have guarded him. But he escaped from the brits formed small unprofessional army and lost 1 battle resulting him to be imprisoned again :D Thats not victory from the brits, they failed to guard prisoner, and then they captured him and proclaimed victory lol? :D
@@jayblack7166 They trusted Mr. Boney too much. They even allowed him a small army to go with him as "personal guards". Good thing they learned from that mistake.
Браво! Европа это как Волки -- нападают всей стаей на раненого... Но когда медведь разрывает на части двух трёх волков, то стая повизгивая драпает назад мочась и обсираясь от страха. А потом говорит какой злой медведь, и что он угрожает безопасности волкам) Медведь добр -- он ушёл домой заниматься своими делами. А волки только и ждут, чтобы напасть в удобный момент, чуть только медведь ослабнет -- 1941... Далее всё бесконечно по кругу, и вот уже на горизонте новая дата, волки уже достаточно обозлены и ждут когда медведь заболеет -- 202.. ...
So, we can safely conclude that Napoleon and Hitler were defeated by the Russians square and fair. They both had the same hate of Russia for not allowing them to complete their conquest of Europe, both perpetrated atrocities against the Russian people, both did not receive their due in kind from the Russians, who largely forsake revenge taking pity on their defeated adversary while exhibiting moral integrity, both grossly underestimated the spiritual and physical virility and resilience of Russians and both employed the "Russian Winter" excuse not realizing that by using this excuse they automatically proved, to the world at large, their intellectual weakness (in using such an argument) and that they should not have been there in the first place due to said physical weakness (in realizing Russians faced and endured identical weather). People even use all kinds of ideological stratagems to differentiate between the two, however the results of their actions, ideology notwithstanding, were identical: war, death, disease, hunger, desperation, handed out liberally on a massive scale to anyone daring to disagree with their Procrustean world view. Starting with the grand Terror of the French revolution and the Commune, moving on to Napoleon, the continuer of the French revolution against absolutism(!!), then to the Bolsheviks pursuing socialism through communism and global revolution, coming to the Nazis pursuing socialism through nationalism, and the modern EU-USA so called western alliance, with its classic unfriendly demeanor towards a reinvigorated Russia, a natural descendant of said obsolete ideologies, pursuing globalism (a unipolar world). It is uncanny that while everything changes everything remains unchanged, as far as the confrontational knee-jerk reactions of the west towards Russia and Russia's cool, restrained, well-deliberated and time-proven consistent pursuit of peace through diplomacy, instead of criminal behavior and actions, intimidation, subversion. An objective observer of European history would recognize, at the very least, that the Russians have never been the instigators and initiators of wars in Europe and that they always prevail, sooner or later. Even the Mongols and Turks from the east would readily attest to that. Great stuff by Star Media. Recommend all their series on Russian history.
Если бы Кутузов отпустил остатки армии Наполеона обратно, в Европу, то те бы уже не пошли в Россию, а пошли бы на Англию, Германию и т.д... А так, как обычно, все ресурсы потратили на эту войну, а спроси сейчас в мире, кто спас Европу от Наполеона? Что ответят? Американцы? )))
It is time to set the record straight and to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's. In this case, the merit should go straight to the Russian army and the Russian people. That being said, it is true that Napoleon and later Hitler both made mistakes in their invasion, but all of them had to do with arrogance, logistics and ill planning.
I didn't know about all these smaller battles after Bordino. Its always harder to fight someone on their homeland when they are unreachable and your supply lines are stretched and under attack. Napoleon should have withdrawn and bit off some Russian territory. He could have gone after St. Petersburg later. This is why the Russians always want control of territory around Russia proper. They have been attacked by Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler. The USA has not been seriously attacked since 1812. Peal Harbor and 911 were attacks but not sustained.
And yet Napoleon was not troubled at all and decided to invade Russia, just like Hitler did later in 1941. I am not denying the British contribution, but it was very minor compared to the Russian one. The narrator said that Britain could not defeat Napoleon alone, he never said the British did not contribute at all.
Valery Sinitsin, I think Napoleon was more than troubled in Spain. The Peninsula war lasted 7 years (1807-14) and tied a lot of resources from the French army. By the time Napoleon invaded Russia the spaniards had created and mastered the guerrilla war (a spanish word btw). The first defeat of a Napoleonic army in a battle was in Bailen 1808, no Russians, no Prussians, no Austrians and no British were to be seen, just a Spanish army. To each his own, Russians bravely defended their motherland but the documentary its a bit patriotic and fails to acknowledge the whole Napoleonic wars situation.
@@joseibanez227 Your opinion is patriotic and does not show the whole picture too. No one doubts the courage of the Spanish people or the help of Great Britain, Napoleon was defeated by a coalition,everyone helped, both the Russians, the Spaniards and others, but it must be admitted that in general, Russians made the greatest contribution and suffered the most losses. That is all Soviet, Russian historians are trying to achieve in their works. They do not try to belittle the contribution of other nations, but justly highlight the contribution of their own nation.
Come on in, Napoleon. Please march on. We will show you the way you have to go, by a series of bloody skirmishes and scorched earth under our blazing and relentless summer son. You can even have Moscow, but it will be nothing but an empty shell. And before you take that we will wear your army down in a bloody battle. And yes, by all means, waste precious time there. Meanwhile we will just wait untill you have no other choice but to retreat. And expect the coming of field marshall Winterow and his aid du camp general Hungerski, who will make our wolves fat.
Kutuzovs passivity in the late stages of the campaign had serious consequences for the Balkans.Specially Serbia. If Kutuzov have captured Napoleon by the end of 1812 Russia would have had a strong foothold in the Balkan peninsula. First Serbian uprising would have not been crushed by Ottoman empire in 1813.Instead British Empire took over the Balkans after second Serbian uprising.
+MarkoJagodinac Kutuzov was trying to save as many of Russian troops as possible and he did a great job. I'd do the same. he new Napoleon was beat and gave him time to retreat. Napoleon wasn't the only Russia's threat as Russians never new when the Turks would engage in the war again. never the less he did chase Napoleon OUT OF RUSSIA like a rabid dog. he also kept his word: "I'll make them eat horse meat like I did so and so". and to crush the Serbian uprising Turks didn't need but a fraction of what they would need to deploy against Russia. Serbia just was too little and the Turks were just so mighty at the time, kinda like the EU and USA, our new Turks of the modern day. I'm glad Russians survived as a nation as we (Serbs) do not have other allies. and I don't have no dearer nation in my heart, whether Russia help us or not.
Jovo Sedlar Он је спасао руске војнике тада.Мећутим кампања се није завршила 1812 год.Него се наставила још 2 године.И страдало је много више руских војника него што би страдало те 1812 да је заподенуо битку и заробио Наполоена. 1813 се одиграла највећа битка 19 века.битка код Лајпцига где је учествовало више од 600 хиљада војника са обе стране.А кампања се завршила у Паризу 1814 год.Дакле много више је страдало руских али и уопше више људи на свима странама због тактике Кутузова.Ја не критикујем његове мотиве.Само скрећем пажњу са ове дистанце да је та пасивност коштала много више људксих живота и имала несразмерне гео-стратешке последице по Европу.
MarkoJagodinac видиш, с тим нисам упознат. хвала на објашњењу. морам признати мени се све време чинило да је Кутузов најпасивнији јер је најстарији. журбу осталих генерала објашњавао сам себи тиме што их је већина била млађа. такође дивио сам се Кутузовљевом успеху јер је ситуација за Русију била врло критична и опстанак земље или народа био је под знаком питања. нисам на нивоу познавања историје на ком бих с тобом ово могао равноправно да расправим. ове филмове гледам као Словенофил. Хвала Поздрав :-)
Jovo Sedlar Котузов је био добар војсковођа.И он је радио оно што је мислио да је најбоље у датом тренутку.То је најбоље описао Толстој у свом епохалном роману "рат и мир". Али видиш за нас је тај поход Наполеона на Русију имао огромне последице.Јер нису нас руси зајебали како нам се сервира.Руси јесу потписали мир са Турцима у Букорешту.Али је први устанак сломљен тек 1813 год.Турци су мотрили ситуацију и напали Србију када су били сигурни да руси неће моћи да интервенишу.Да су се наполеонови ратови (1803-1815.) завршили 1812 год. Русија би била у стању да заштити Србију и настави ратне операције са Турском. Као што можеш да видиш први српски устанак се поклапа са почетком наполеонових ратова 1803-04. Други српски устанак се поклапа са крајем наполеонових ратова 1815. Са тим што се ситуација мења јер се британска обавештајна служба преко своји агената од утицаја убацује на ове просторе и постаје доминантна до дан данас. Карађорђе је био члан тајне организације "хетерија".Као и руски цар Александар. 1817 он долази у Србију са задатком да дигне све-Балкански устанак.Да буде вођа великог устанка који би синхронизовано био подигнут у Србији,Бугарској,Грчкој.Уз интервенцију Русије и заузимање Цариграда и протеривање Турске из Европе. Милош Обреновић убија Карађорђа.Постоје подаци о томе да је у убиство умешан енглески агент.Зна се и његова биографија.Чека се да се заврши истраживање у енглеским архивама и да историчари дају потврду.Та документа су сада декласификована.
So Britain was not involved in the war eh? Well let's see. She sank Napoleon's fleet at Trafalgar, she sank Napoleon's fleet at Aboukir bay. She defeated his army in North Italy, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, in France itself and finally Belgium, with her allies. You get carried away with yourselves.
copferthat fight against the rearguards every fool can. The fact that she drowned the French fleet is true, but after all, England was the mistress of the seas. England, Napoleon could not destroy, the fleet of which was strong, so he decided to block it, forcing everyone on the continent to stop trading with her. But then again, Russia did not obey this; this is the main goal of Napoleon’s invasion. The empire that the sun always stood over, so that you could make Napoleonic Grand army? Where have you been?
Для того чтобы быть освободителем нужно помнить что народ делится на 2 вида (военное и мирное население),участвуя за сторону освободителя нужно уметь защищать мирное население в общей системе,я пока что вижу Россию в прошлом как освободителя неумеющего защищать мирное население,в данной ситуации заявлю прямо-если бы мы разбили францию и германию к чертям собачьим то мы бы были на половину захватчиками но быть на половину захватчиком лучше чем освободителем неумеющим защищать мирное население своей страны.Это нормально когда деды идут с вилами на французов а потом когда окупировали францию не вырезали всех до последнего,по моему это ненормально,чувствуется как будто тебя использовали для своих целей а не для своего народа.
And the Emperor Alexander I was invited as a defeated man to Paris and was accompanied by the Russian army with its allies. "быстро, быстро мне еды" ))rapidement Learn the true history of the conquests of Napoleon, Hitler in Russia and you will have peace for the future. Otherwise, the world is in ashes. Russia's weapons are ready for a new European military intervention in Russia. Amen to that.
Century later, a man from what is now Germany studied the strategies of Napoleon. He studied where and how Napoleon made mistakes in his campaign and started Operation Barbarossa. And the result is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................another documentary.
And that documentary is English dubbed, look at Soviet Storm: WW2 In the East. Same producer, also unbias as they expose both Russian and German war crimes in the easterm front.
Well, I'd say it's not the only result of that invasion... ;-)
Hey, less than 80 years after the man from Germany studied the strategies of Napoleon, a man from USA is studying the strategies of the man from Germany. Two questions: 1) the precise time of hostilities, and 2) will the Star Media documentary be better than this one or better than Soviet Storm?
he was from what is now Austria :-)
2 actually
This is the best documentary ever made on the subject. Congratulations to Star Media. Amazing photography, accurate history and balanced point of view. KUDOS RUSSIA
a very detail account by the Russian on the failed Napoleonic conquer of Russia. This documentary video is indeed very educational from both the historical and language perspectives ( as the video is accompanied with English subtitles). Thank you .
poor horses. They need a monument too
another brilliant triumph of the history of RUSSIA!! Well done Star Media!!Class,Objective, Informative. If Alexander Suvorov had lived those days would have been interesting see his military campaign.Same by Prince Vladimir,Tsar Ivan IV,Alexander Nevsky,Georgy Zukov,..What talented are the Russians.Never rely on anyone and learn from history.Take initiative better than reactive.
Another magnificent production. "Star Media" is a gold mine for history students.
having studied the napoleonic wars, this was a great view into the most decisive defeat he suffered before waterloo. the russian soldiers fought bravely and stood up to the cream of the french army. Kutzakov was a very smart general to use his army so wisely. some of these posters who think that napoleon was in the right, really needs to study a little harder. both he and hitler started out as ravaging invaders against the common people. both lost because of that fact. napoleon had no food in front or in his retreat. the part where he was forced to retreat back over his dead littering the fields really drove this home. great series again. thank you star media for this one. Whats next? siberian army against japan. There is very little western history on that battle....
Not only is this doc incredibly informative of the events as is titled; the content in the latter parts are quite trippy with the outward pan shots of the Earth and cosmic atmosphere. This is time well spent watching!
Sometimes the right strategy is more important than perfect tactics.
+amarsven scorched earth :D
Great, thank you! I wish there's a series about Russia sending Navy support to the American revolution.
A must watch for world history
Such a rich, great history of Russia, I'm jealous of russians
Они очень добрые люди. c",)
There is nothing to envy ... My ancestors died for the liberation of Europe in 1812-15 and 1941-45
Excellent series. All military dictators take note: invading Russia is career suicide...
How ? They lost in ww1 and they jus won 2 times cuz of the winter
@@pjohn19 What great things has your country done?
@@pjohn19 nah they wone through sheer determination. Saying the one just because of the winter is making the enemy they fought look like incompetent fools which they weren't
The only problem is this series doesn't show it was mainly a Russian initiative to follow Napoleon back to Paris and defeat him there. Most people get the impression that the Russian army stopped at their border and left it to the other allies to defeat Boney.
"The War of the Sixth Coalition" by Star Media, w/ English subtitles is the sequel.
@@georgevlavianos1401 Yes - in Russian with English subtitles? I think I've already watched it - the translated programs don't match the originals with subtitles. It almost seems as if the Russians themselves don't want to take credit for Napoleon's defeat - as though they want to keep it to themselves.
Certainly, when Napoleon still in Moscow, the attacks against Murat forces degenerated in a number of improvised, indecisive skirmishes. But all in all it was always for Russian gain. Such actions served beautifully to wear down the combat readiness of French troops, their moral..., their horses, carts and supplies were decimated, etc. Even Napoleon himself had to reprimand Murat for being engaged in tactically futile adventures but costly in resources. Meanwhile, Russian formations grew stronger... and unrelenting, time passed and Winter approached...
One of the best documentaries which I've ever seen!
Our view of the Napoleonic wars is as skewed as our view of the Second World War. Most of the credit we give to Napoleon's defeat is with the British, but the army that took all of the land battles against the Grand Armee were the Russians. The British landed no more than 80,000 soldiers at any one time during the wars. At Waterloo, Wellington had 75,000 British, along with 25,000 Dutch and German soldiers.
That is totally true. It is time to set the record straight and to render unto caesar the things which are caesar's. In this case, all merit goes to the Russian army and people. Besides that, it is true that Napoleon and later Hitler both made mistakes in their invasion, much of it due to logistics, arrogance and ill planning.
funny fact is that Russians defeated Napoleon in Russia, then in Europe together with Austrians and Prussians who switched sides. And put Napoleon on an island where british should have guarded him. But he escaped from the brits formed small unprofessional army and lost 1 battle resulting him to be imprisoned again :D Thats not victory from the brits, they failed to guard prisoner, and then they captured him and proclaimed victory lol? :D
@@jayblack7166 They trusted Mr. Boney too much. They even allowed him a small army to go with him as "personal guards". Good thing they learned from that mistake.
Браво! Европа это как Волки -- нападают всей стаей на раненого... Но когда медведь разрывает на части двух трёх волков, то стая повизгивая драпает назад мочась и обсираясь от страха. А потом говорит какой злой медведь, и что он угрожает безопасности волкам) Медведь добр -- он ушёл домой заниматься своими делами. А волки только и ждут, чтобы напасть в удобный момент, чуть только медведь ослабнет -- 1941... Далее всё бесконечно по кругу, и вот уже на горизонте новая дата, волки уже достаточно обозлены и ждут когда медведь заболеет -- 202.. ...
Медведь в этот раз не будет так добр😏
You forgot what happend to Russia in 1914-1918?
The musical accompaniment is just perfect.
Good narration and interesting research.
Poor, poor Anrie...
Excellent documentary.
Riveting and the English commentary first class, well done.
So, we can safely conclude that Napoleon and Hitler were defeated by the Russians square and fair. They both had the same hate of Russia for not allowing them to complete their conquest of Europe, both perpetrated atrocities against the Russian people, both did not receive their due in kind from the Russians, who largely forsake revenge taking pity on their defeated adversary while exhibiting moral integrity, both grossly underestimated the spiritual and physical virility and resilience of Russians and both employed the "Russian Winter" excuse not realizing that by using this excuse they automatically proved, to the world at large, their intellectual weakness (in using such an argument) and that they should not have been there in the first place due to said physical weakness (in realizing Russians faced and endured identical weather).
People even use all kinds of ideological stratagems to differentiate between the two, however the results of their actions, ideology notwithstanding, were identical: war, death, disease, hunger, desperation, handed out liberally on a massive scale to anyone daring to disagree with their Procrustean world view.
Starting with the grand Terror of the French revolution and the Commune, moving on to Napoleon, the continuer of the French revolution against absolutism(!!), then to the Bolsheviks pursuing socialism through communism and global revolution, coming to the Nazis pursuing socialism through nationalism, and the modern EU-USA so called western alliance, with its classic unfriendly demeanor towards a reinvigorated Russia, a natural descendant of said obsolete ideologies, pursuing globalism (a unipolar world). It is uncanny that while everything changes everything remains unchanged, as far as the confrontational knee-jerk reactions of the west towards Russia and Russia's cool, restrained, well-deliberated and time-proven consistent pursuit of peace through diplomacy, instead of criminal behavior and actions, intimidation, subversion. An objective observer of European history would recognize, at the very least, that the Russians have never been the instigators and initiators of wars in Europe and that they always prevail, sooner or later. Even the Mongols and Turks from the east would readily attest to that.
Great stuff by Star Media. Recommend all their series on Russian history.
You are right. I am only RUSSIAN, but I am proud of it. Because we are just only RUSSIAN.
@Jimmy Rustling Your father gets F minus for his pathetic result.
полегче, брат. Мы так же должны быть скромными.
Every dictator is gangsta until they invade Russia
Best doc ever about the Great Patriotic War!
Thank you so much!
Plot twist: Napoleon hated Kutuzov because of his strong Russian accent when he spoke French
Bravo russia country known as to swallow most powerful armies in the history
Rip Henry
Если бы Кутузов отпустил остатки армии Наполеона обратно, в Европу, то те бы уже не пошли в Россию, а пошли бы на Англию, Германию и т.д... А так, как обычно, все ресурсы потратили на эту войну, а спроси сейчас в мире, кто спас Европу от Наполеона? Что ответят? Американцы? )))
can you give me the soundtracks? I think it is much better then soviet storm. Thanks, I really like star media.
I only know the main one, it's "Few Attacks" by Boris Kukoba.
Search it up on google.
It is time to set the record straight and to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's. In this case, the merit should go straight to the Russian army and the Russian people. That being said, it is true that Napoleon and later Hitler both made mistakes in their invasion, but all of them had to do with arrogance, logistics and ill planning.
and so with the fatalism of the Russian troops. Don't forget that. The motherland is above all
How is Samoylov related to Samokhin?
Did somebody tell this story to hitler???
Очевидно нет!
Los españoles también nos opusimos a los franceses...napoleón hubo de mantener un ejército de 300000 hombres en España entre 1808 y 1814...
Napoleón empezó a perder su imperio en España...
Хороший фильм но почему диктор ни разу не сказал великую фразу Кутузова "Пускай мы оставим им город но сохраним Армию"
Napoleon was successful dude ..In Russia he did not lose a single battle,but lost the company 100%.
да полно он проиграл
Good. film
I didn't know about all these smaller battles after Bordino. Its always harder to fight someone on their homeland when they are unreachable and your supply lines are stretched and under attack. Napoleon should have withdrawn and bit off some Russian territory. He could have gone after St. Petersburg later. This is why the Russians always want control of territory around Russia proper. They have been attacked by Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler. The USA has not been seriously attacked since 1812. Peal Harbor and 911 were attacks but not sustained.
Napoleon lost to Kutuzov’s experience
37:00. WHAT? I thought Brits had an entire army in spain. Fighting the peninsular war against 235 000 french with the spanish.
And yet Napoleon was not troubled at all and decided to invade Russia, just like Hitler did later in 1941. I am not denying the British contribution, but it was very minor compared to the Russian one. The narrator said that Britain could not defeat Napoleon alone, he never said the British did not contribute at all.
Valery Sinitsin, I think Napoleon was more than troubled in Spain. The Peninsula war lasted 7 years (1807-14) and tied a lot of resources from the French army. By the time Napoleon invaded Russia the spaniards had created and mastered the guerrilla war (a spanish word btw). The first defeat of a Napoleonic army in a battle was in Bailen 1808, no Russians, no Prussians, no Austrians and no British were to be seen, just a Spanish army. To each his own, Russians bravely defended their motherland but the documentary its a bit patriotic and fails to acknowledge the whole Napoleonic wars situation.
@@joseibanez227 Your opinion is patriotic and does not show the whole picture too. No one doubts the courage of the Spanish people or the help of Great Britain, Napoleon was defeated by a coalition,everyone helped, both the Russians, the Spaniards and others, but it must be admitted that in general, Russians made the greatest contribution and suffered the most losses. That is all Soviet, Russian historians are trying to achieve in their works. They do not try to belittle the contribution of other nations, but justly highlight the contribution of their own nation.
Was the comet still visible by fall 1812?
Come on in, Napoleon.
Please march on.
We will show you the way you have to go, by a series of bloody skirmishes and scorched earth under our blazing and relentless summer son. You can even have Moscow, but it will be nothing but an empty shell.
And before you take that we will wear your army down in a bloody battle.
And yes, by all means, waste precious time there.
Meanwhile we will just wait untill you have no other choice but to retreat.
And expect the coming of field marshall Winterow and his aid du camp general Hungerski, who will make our wolves fat.
The loss of yet another great library, wrenches my heart!
The Muslims in India, Herculaneum, Alexandra..........!
Lucky, lucky, lucky wolves!
I fell sorry for the men 42:13 up too there necks in freezing water
Kutuzovs passivity in the late stages of the campaign had serious consequences for the Balkans.Specially Serbia.
If Kutuzov have captured Napoleon by the end of 1812 Russia would have had a strong foothold in the Balkan peninsula.
First Serbian uprising would have not been crushed by Ottoman empire in 1813.Instead British Empire took over the Balkans after second Serbian uprising.
+MarkoJagodinac Kutuzov was trying to save as many of Russian troops as possible and he did a great job. I'd do the same. he new Napoleon was beat and gave him time to retreat. Napoleon wasn't the only Russia's threat as Russians never new when the Turks would engage in the war again.
never the less he did chase Napoleon OUT OF RUSSIA like a rabid dog. he also kept his word: "I'll make them eat horse meat like I did so and so".
and to crush the Serbian uprising Turks didn't need but a fraction of what they would need to deploy against Russia. Serbia just was too little and the Turks were just so mighty at the time, kinda like the EU and USA, our new Turks of the modern day.
I'm glad Russians survived as a nation as we (Serbs) do not have other allies. and I don't have no dearer nation in my heart, whether Russia help us or not.
Jovo Sedlar Он је спасао руске војнике тада.Мећутим кампања се није завршила 1812 год.Него се наставила још 2 године.И страдало је много више руских војника него што би страдало те 1812 да је заподенуо битку и заробио Наполоена.
1813 се одиграла највећа битка 19 века.битка код Лајпцига где је учествовало више од 600 хиљада војника са обе стране.А кампања се завршила у Паризу 1814 год.Дакле много више је страдало руских али и уопше више људи на свима странама због тактике Кутузова.Ја не критикујем његове мотиве.Само скрећем пажњу са ове дистанце да је та пасивност коштала много више људксих живота и имала несразмерне гео-стратешке последице по Европу.
видиш, с тим нисам упознат. хвала на објашњењу.
морам признати мени се све време чинило да је Кутузов најпасивнији јер је најстарији. журбу осталих генерала објашњавао сам себи тиме што их је већина била млађа. такође дивио сам се Кутузовљевом успеху јер је ситуација за Русију била врло критична и опстанак земље или народа био је под знаком питања.
нисам на нивоу познавања историје на ком бих с тобом ово могао равноправно да расправим. ове филмове гледам као Словенофил.
Хвала Поздрав :-)
Jovo Sedlar Котузов је био добар војсковођа.И он је радио оно што је мислио да је најбоље у датом тренутку.То је најбоље описао Толстој у свом епохалном роману "рат и мир".
Али видиш за нас је тај поход Наполеона на Русију имао огромне последице.Јер нису нас руси зајебали како нам се сервира.Руси јесу потписали мир са Турцима у Букорешту.Али је први устанак сломљен тек 1813 год.Турци су мотрили ситуацију и напали Србију када су били сигурни да руси неће моћи да интервенишу.Да су се наполеонови ратови (1803-1815.) завршили 1812 год. Русија би била у стању да заштити Србију и настави ратне операције са Турском.
Као што можеш да видиш први српски устанак се поклапа са почетком наполеонових ратова 1803-04.
Други српски устанак се поклапа са крајем наполеонових ратова 1815.
Са тим што се ситуација мења јер се британска обавештајна служба преко своји агената од утицаја убацује на ове просторе и постаје доминантна до дан данас.
Карађорђе је био члан тајне организације "хетерија".Као и руски цар Александар.
1817 он долази у Србију са задатком да дигне све-Балкански устанак.Да буде вођа великог устанка који би синхронизовано био подигнут у Србији,Бугарској,Грчкој.Уз интервенцију Русије и заузимање Цариграда и протеривање Турске из Европе.
Милош Обреновић убија Карађорђа.Постоје подаци о томе да је у убиство умешан енглески агент.Зна се и његова биографија.Чека се да се заврши истраживање у енглеским архивама и да историчари дају потврду.Та документа су сада декласификована.
хвала Марко.
Кутузов с Ларистаном разговаривают на французском🤔 и форма и погоны у них одинаковые🤔🤔
Since the days of Voltaire and Didro, the Russian nobility has been in fashion to know the French language perfectly.
I feel sorry for all poor horsies who had to die because of stupid people. Innocent animals, cute and harmless dying because of stupid humans
Your also part of the stupid humans to u know
El general ruso majail kutuvoz no le gustaba las estrategias el sólo confiaba en la madre Rusia
So Britain was not involved in the war eh? Well let's see. She sank Napoleon's fleet at Trafalgar, she sank Napoleon's fleet at Aboukir bay. She defeated his army in North Italy, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, in France itself and finally Belgium, with her allies. You get carried away with yourselves.
copferthat fight against the rearguards every fool can. The fact that she drowned the French fleet is true, but after all, England was the mistress of the seas. England, Napoleon could not destroy, the fleet of which was strong, so he decided to block it, forcing everyone on the continent to stop trading with her. But then again, Russia did not obey this; this is the main goal of Napoleon’s invasion. The empire that the sun always stood over, so that you could make Napoleonic Grand army? Where have you been?
It's about Napoleon's campaign in Russia in 1812 from Russian point of view.
Did the British and any soldiers to fight in Russia?
Жаль конечно что Наполеону не дали заслуженных люлей😥
He did. Russian style.
The first the napoleons win now Russians win
Сами себя в капкан загнали
Дебильное ведение боя того времени, столько народу погубило..
Wellcome to Russia!
Napoleaon too great the commentary is pro russian
he he,learn american how to fight
Though the documentary at points is clear Russian propaganda and a little bit unfactual and biased, it is good.
Though your comment is clear western denial and totally unfactual and biased, it isn't bad.
Wikipedia Russian Propaganda?
History chooses its Victors.
When people come against Russia, they better bring vodka and not guns.
Расскажи о пропаганде Запада против России? Она была всегда, во все времена. Так - что не надо ерунду говорить, мы не дети и всё прекрасно понимаем.
Для того чтобы быть освободителем нужно помнить что народ делится на 2 вида (военное и мирное население),участвуя за сторону освободителя нужно уметь защищать мирное население в общей системе,я пока что вижу Россию в прошлом как освободителя неумеющего защищать мирное население,в данной ситуации заявлю прямо-если бы мы разбили францию и германию к чертям собачьим то мы бы были на половину захватчиками но быть на половину захватчиком лучше чем освободителем неумеющим защищать мирное население своей страны.Это нормально когда деды идут с вилами на французов а потом когда окупировали францию не вырезали всех до последнего,по моему это ненормально,чувствуется как будто тебя использовали для своих целей а не для своего народа.
Entertaining, but historically incorrect. Russian propaganda, pleasant to watch tho. Vive l'Empire Vive la France
Wikipedia propaganda?
Of course this is propaganda! Napoleon defeated the Russians and became emperor of Russia. Glory to Great France from Lisbon to Vladivostok!
@@basargaloran7998 + :)
And the Emperor Alexander I was invited as a defeated man to Paris and was accompanied by the Russian army with its allies. "быстро, быстро мне еды" ))rapidement Learn the true history of the conquests of Napoleon, Hitler in Russia and you will have peace for the future.
Otherwise, the world is in ashes. Russia's weapons are ready for a new European military intervention in Russia. Amen to that.