20 Terrible Ideas from the New Testament (feat. CosmicSkeptic)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @garysmith2451
    @garysmith2451 3 ปีที่แล้ว +101

    I’m a clinical psychologist who earned his doctorate at a university that attempted to integrate psychology and Christianity. For so many years of my life I tried to find ways around the horrible messages people were getting both from the Bible and from people who used the Bible to manipulate others. A few months ago at age 73 I had enough of my own hypocrisy and began to listen to atheist utube programs debunking everything that I had known but overlooked. I am so relieved to have walked away from believing the Bible is the word of God and inherent. Thank you for taking the time to be a skeptic. I am enjoying becoming a skeptic myself.

    • @Empathiclistener
      @Empathiclistener 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That's a great achievement after so many years. As a clinical psychologist you know people can change, no so much aspects of their personality but their behaviour, thoughts, beliefs and to some extent their emotional responses. You have shown this regarding even long-indoctrinated and practised thinking habits. Well done.

    • @armourarmour1038
      @armourarmour1038 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you sir

    • @henrikrolfsen584
      @henrikrolfsen584 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @FXEyez
      @FXEyez ปีที่แล้ว

      But I hope you are not grossly missing the mark. Because You said atheist debunking everything.... But it doesn't take an Athiest to debunk anything. It takes someone with common sense, logical reasoning, mathematical law & natural law. Athiests are a bad example because they are far off the mark. Because athiests are subtly saying that they are spiritually dead and there is no core consciousness, which is just as insane as believing in a fictional being that says you should dash babies against boulders. So, if you are jumping on the atheist band-wagon -- what you are essentially doing is jumping from one $#!T-Pit to another. Because there is an ultimate highest power creator -- and if I were you, or anybody reading this comment, I would suggest that you really be careful in what ideals & ideas you entangle yourself with.

    • @barbararipani1331
      @barbararipani1331 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hear you. As a therapist also, i think its amazing how much pain is caused by religions, especially in the development of the self. For whatever reason I disliked the whole bullshit since i was 7. Keep in touch if you feel like it

  • @arturoreynajr7388
    @arturoreynajr7388 6 ปีที่แล้ว +395

    I read the Bible entirely, and I was amazed of how primitive this book is, I was disgusted by how much hate, brutality, violence, horror, pain, you name it, these people were butchers. Thanks to the Bible, I became an atheist.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      The point of the bible is to demonstrate the absolute evil and sinfulness of man. It is very much like a police report. If you actually read the bible and you missed that point, I don't know what to tell you.
      Adam and Eve sin, their kid kills his brother, folks are at war all the time, famine comes and folks just get worse. Folks steal, kill, lie, cheat, look for loop holes, rape etc.... Great leaders become selfish adulterers....The whole point is to help us see what absolute shits mankind is....That is the point.

    • @SirGaber
      @SirGaber 6 ปีที่แล้ว +50

      standwithfist806 When the bible instructs you how to do something (i.e. slavery, or murder, or war, or rape) it's not some story that has a moral. I seriously doubt you've actually read the entirety of the bible, probably just heard some priest give you the very few morally correct parts and say that's the whole thing.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Alex...well the bible instructed the Hebrew tribes in the OLD TESTAMENT
      .......Notice those rules are directed towards the Hebrews SOLELY...NOT their neighbors...not all of mankind.
      ..Remember in 2nd grade? The teacher asked..."children when we read, we should know , who is speaking and who is the intended audience....Reading comprehension..101

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      lol...I'm so old...Alex, I'm laughing at your.."you probably havent read the whole bible thang"...I've read it so many times I know how stupid MANY of these comments are....

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      over on LUTHERAN SATIRE'S channel is a great 7 minute video on Old Testament covenant law, who it was intended for and more importantly; those law's time limits...The vid is called :" Horus Reads the Internet"...it might REALLY clear up some stuff if folks think that the old testament is STILL instructing us to stone folks and slay giants etc....

  • @beaconrider
    @beaconrider 6 ปีที่แล้ว +127

    I find it interesting that a god, who loves us all with a love so deep, it is beyond human understanding, can yet think of so many lethal ways to punish us for any disobedience, or thoughts of disobedience, to his slightest command.

    • @redjirachi1
      @redjirachi1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      At least the followers of Yog-Sothoth don't claim so

    • @karyrodriguez6651
      @karyrodriguez6651 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      “Punish us”. God is light. God is love. Love by definition is freedom. You were born with free will to choose. God aligns with your choices. God allows every choice you make repeatedly. You are punishing yourself by choice.

    • @Szadek23
      @Szadek23 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@karyrodriguez6651 If you disobey a dictator and you get punished, you punished yourself!

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma is the ONLY TRUTH AND HAS THE ANSWERS FOR ALL OF MANKIND.
      I dont mean the modern day Hinduism when I say Sanatan Dharma. I mean the Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
      Vedic Sanatan Dharma
      * One formless Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God
      * No heaven, hell, satan or original sin.
      * No forced faith or belief in a personal God but God does justice via the natural laws of justice based on ones deeds
      * Recognises all mankind as one big family of HUMANS
      * Requires all mankind to remain as righteous humans in thoughts, words and deeds as per dharma.
      * No prophets, angels or messengers
      * No conversion and all are born as Sanatan (Eternal souls)
      * Salvation is guaranteed upon perfecting ones deeds and experiencing an eternity of bliss becoming one with God
      * Vedic scriptures have no history whatsoever and is just full of an eternity of knowledge as a kickoff point for mankind to know and prosper from.
      * God doesnt forgive Sins and one has to reap the fruits of ones deeds but gives an eternity of chances to perfect oneself by undergoing births and deaths until one perfects itself and worthy of salvation.
      * God doesnt have human like emotions of anger, jealousy, hate, revenge, discrimination etc etc and neither God gets affected by anyones acts. God remains in an eternity of Bliss
      * God doesnt do miracles
      * God doesnt change, bend or break his own laws or laws of nature for anyone.
      * Even God is bound by His own laws.
      That is the Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma in a nutshell in point form.
      Anyone who wishes to know more or discuss it in indepth then PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME AND DISCUSS.

    • @je_ster
      @je_ster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Did you consider that he also took the lethal punishment of death and crucifixion for you and me? He isn't just standing by like a dictator, he came and suffered for you, that you wouldn't have to go through those lethal punishments, God is not just love, He is also justice, the rules are simple, you live by him, you'll never suffer, if you'll do sin(which is clearly wrong) then you reap the consequences, you and me broke the law, we have sinned, if he didnt care he'd have already destroyed all of us, he wouldn't have to send his son for the sake of mankind, but he did. Because he loves you and wants everyone to do right

  • @scienceexplains302
    @scienceexplains302 5 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    The idea of eternal torture is the most immoral concept ever. I can think of worse ideas than the standard Christian Hell, but no idea in any religion I’m aware of is worse than Hell

    • @EliseDoomSlayer
      @EliseDoomSlayer 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The Bible never taught that. The Catholic church did because fear of eternal torture is an effective means of control.

    • @scienceexplains302
      @scienceexplains302 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Let's go over some of the torture quotes:
      Jude 1:7 Punishment of *eternal fire*
      Mark 9:453 In Hell, the fire never goes out.
      Matthew 13:42,50 blazing furnace with weeping and gnashing of teeth and
      *Matthew 25:46 Eternal (αἰώνιον) punishment
      2 Thesalonians 1:9 punished with eternal (αἰώνιον) destruction*
      Revelation 21:8 a fiery lake , second death. Doesn't say whether it's eternal or not.
      I am not saying there are no verses that contradict these, but eternal punishment is threatened in the Bible.

    • @strings-n-keys
      @strings-n-keys 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@EliseDoomSlayer no

    • @strings-n-keys
      @strings-n-keys 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not an idea, but a reality. Be very afraid!

    • @stubdo16
      @stubdo16 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The Norse hell is cool sounding, to me anyway. The place the chilled out oddballs go, away from wanna be bloodthirsty warriors in Valhalla. Always seemed a bit cold and clinical to me.

  • @looneycaster
    @looneycaster 4 ปีที่แล้ว +310

    The bible should actually be called "The Goat Herders Guide to the Universe"

    • @Bible33AD
      @Bible33AD 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Hey John. Tell em! Tell em the names of all the goat herders that wrote the bible! Tell em John!

    • @haharmageddontv6581
      @haharmageddontv6581 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Oh you're an atheist
      Name every goat herder

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma is the ONLY TRUTH AND HAS THE ANSWERS FOR ALL OF MANKIND.
      I dont mean the modern day Hinduism when I say Sanatan Dharma. I mean the Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
      Vedic Sanatan Dharma
      * One formless Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God
      * No heaven, hell, satan or original sin.
      * No forced faith or belief in a personal God but God does justice via the natural laws of justice based on ones deeds
      * Recognises all mankind as one big family of HUMANS
      * Requires all mankind to remain as righteous humans in thoughts, words and deeds as per dharma.
      * No prophets, angels or messengers
      * No conversion and all are born as Sanatan (Eternal souls)
      * Salvation is guaranteed upon perfecting ones deeds and experiencing an eternity of bliss becoming one with God
      * Vedic scriptures have no history whatsoever and is just full of an eternity of knowledge as a kickoff point for mankind to know and prosper from.
      * God doesnt forgive Sins and one has to reap the fruits of ones deeds but gives an eternity of chances to perfect oneself by undergoing births and deaths until one perfects itself and worthy of salvation.
      * God doesnt have human like emotions of anger, jealousy, hate, revenge, discrimination etc etc and neither God gets affected by anyones acts. God remains in an eternity of Bliss
      * God doesnt do miracles
      * God doesnt change, bend or break his own laws or laws of nature for anyone.
      * Even God is bound by His own laws.
      That is the Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma in a nutshell in point form.
      Anyone who wishes to know more or discuss it in indepth then PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME AND DISCUSS.

    • @mephistophelescountcaglios1489
      @mephistophelescountcaglios1489 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      God protect us from true believers

    • @misterauctor7353
      @misterauctor7353 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Name one writer of the Bible who happened to be a goat herder.

  • @ronslaughterandalice1018
    @ronslaughterandalice1018 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Every time I think about when God was invented, I picture a bunch of guys sitting around a campfire wearing animal skins saying stuff like , hey we"re loosing control of all these people what can we do ? one says perhaps we can take there focus off of us and put it on someone else that they might fear more then us and we will still have control without all the heat.

    • @dustygatrell-ru7tg
      @dustygatrell-ru7tg ปีที่แล้ว

      Who created the guys around the campfire? God is eternal he's always been.

  • @mrmattycake
    @mrmattycake 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I spent several years working in a state mental hospital and I worked with a woman who gouged out her right eye due to that verse in Matthew. She also had bit off one of her fingers, but it was never totally clear if that was also religiously motivated.
    Either way, I watched her for years fervently praying for her illness to be relieved.
    I also watched countless other patients doing the same (praying for relief). It was very sad to see them spinning into despair because all their lives, they've been told to pray for help and that God always answers prayer, yet they sink further as they feel a hopeless sense of abandonment.

    • @eclipsesolar8345
      @eclipsesolar8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You get a lot more that don't feel abandoned . So the point is ?
      A case is a case. You just told something, nothing more.

    • @ronnieturner1356
      @ronnieturner1356 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Religion is one thing, Truth is quite another. Jesus didn't say "Religion will set you free"

  • @QazwerDave
    @QazwerDave 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Never has an hour passed so quickly !!

  • @louisehaley5105
    @louisehaley5105 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    At last a video which exposes the real awfulness of the New Testament.
    I’m glad I’m not alone in finding this book, along with the Old one, utterly objectionable.

    • @misterauctor7353
      @misterauctor7353 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You mean the video is just cherry-picking?

    • @misterauctor7353
      @misterauctor7353 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Btw, someone did a response to it.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@misterauctor7353 Where’s the response do you know?

    • @josefernandocastro7375
      @josefernandocastro7375 ปีที่แล้ว

      well, if you listen to atheist haters and decide to believe them, that's your choice but if you really want to know what's the bible about i strongly recommend you The Naked Bible Bile Podcast with the scholar Dr. Michael Heiser or William Lain Craig's page Reasonable Faith.

  • @danielpack7675
    @danielpack7675 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    My parents are ultra-strict fundamentalist Baptists, my father a Baptist minister, in fact. This is the sort of thing that they justify and uphold as good things, rather than recognizing the pure malice of a moral code that shuns most forms of sexuality, but embraces genocide, torture, arson, abuse, slavery, and other forms of violence.

    • @danielpack7675
      @danielpack7675 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh, and human sacrifice, of course.

  • @rayrothermel4861
    @rayrothermel4861 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"
    ― Epicurus

    • @gocrazy3564
      @gocrazy3564 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Steve he has a point....

  • @saffronhammer7714
    @saffronhammer7714 6 ปีที่แล้ว +180

    Jesus plays Good Cop to Yaweh's Bad Cop, like a charming narcissist (only I could love someone as dirty, broken and worthless as you, and I love you so much I will kill you if you don't love and obey me no matter how absurd and contradictory my demands)--but the result is the same: a few are saved and the rest are damned / destroyed. So loving.

    • @jilliansmith7123
      @jilliansmith7123 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Abigail Parker: never thought about it quite that way, thanks! So god has his favorites as does jesus--like any other narcissist, having their golden child (children) and all the rest are just scapegoats, to denigrate and even destroy. Wow, that is a wonderful way to consider it! Well, wonderful in a horrible way...but insight is always wonderful.

    • @rashikkar7359
      @rashikkar7359 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Jillian Smith & Abigail Parker - Yes I agree, excellent point. I often think of the bible god as a psychopath. But you're right - he (also) fits the exact template of a narcissist. I guess that says a lot about the people who invented him.

    • @saffronhammer7714
      @saffronhammer7714 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Whatever the label, the god of the Bible sure isn't Love.

    • @rashikkar7359
      @rashikkar7359 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Agreed, he is definitely not Love.

    • @JustinVK
      @JustinVK 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You don't seem to understand the Christian worldview...Evil, rebellious, and wicked would be better words...And nowhere in the Bible does God call someone worthless, everyone has worth because they are made in his image...
      We are incapable of loving & obeying God in our sinful state, so it doesn't follow that he threatens us to love him...he simply rips out the believer's heart of stone and gives them a heart of flesh...No more desiring trite, sinful, selfish, absurd things that rebel against the Creator...The believer has joy in the Creator...the relationship restored.
      God is under no obligation to save anyone (remember evil, rebellious and wicked), and yet he does. So yes, laying down his life for the rebel sinner is very loving...That's why it's called "Amazing Grace." It saved a wretch like me...once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.
      If you're searching for God...Don't look beneath you. Look above.

  • @arrivagabry
    @arrivagabry 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Give your riches to the poor. Then again you can beat your slaves. Only the rich have slaves. So make up your mind. A god that confuses people.

    • @soriya011
      @soriya011 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      fuckin' bible = book of lies violence obscenities etc.

  • @richardmooney383
    @richardmooney383 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    "What is worse than death"? you ask. That's easy, eternal life!

    • @stevenlast2168
      @stevenlast2168 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry the scriptures offer no one eternal life.

    • @richardmooney383
      @richardmooney383 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stevenlast2168 John, 3, 16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".

    • @yonathank132
      @yonathank132 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Eternal life means your happiness and peace never end, and that you are part of Heaven forever and ever. Deep down in our hearts we all know that eternity exists, all of our thoughts and consciousness don’t die when our bodies do. We have souls that God back to God. Jesus loves you man, always will

    • @richardmooney383
      @richardmooney383 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@yonathank132 I always distrust people who claim to know what I think "deep down in my heart!"

    • @richardmooney383
      @richardmooney383 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry, Steven. Don't want it.

  • @jordanhalkier81
    @jordanhalkier81 6 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I have always thought that the bible was so against women, I would even go far to say that the bible is very sexist towards women. I feel like women especially in the congregation of Jehovah Witnesses are very limited to what they can do in the Kingdom Hall. Also I don’t quite understand why a Jehovah Witness woman has to wear a covering over their head when their husband does a prayer. My mum used to have to do it when my stepdad was saying a prayer even though she was going out on the field service more times than he was and she was a better Jehovah Witness than him.

    • @ElischebaTV
      @ElischebaTV 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In the book study (about 10 years ago) my husband was not allowed to read because he went too few hours from house to house. Then an older sister had to read with a headscarf. My husband sometimes had only three hours - that was too little for the elders.

    • @saffronhammer7714
      @saffronhammer7714 6 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      It is a command in the Bible that women cover their heads before men and to keep silent in church. If they have a question ask their hisbands later at home. It is a shitty book written by men for men.

    • @helixmoore7636
      @helixmoore7636 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The covering is Christ. People have uaed the Bible to demean women

    • @saffronhammer7714
      @saffronhammer7714 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@helixmoore7636 the entire bible demeans women, and only after death in heaven are they equal to men.
      Jesus never refuted all the horribly oppressive and disgsuting treatment in the OT under "god's perfect law" as he called it. He never took a few minutes to say women are men's equal. He chose 12 men and not one woman.

    • @saffronhammer7714
      @saffronhammer7714 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Chris Stols , oh my. That's hard pass. But thanks for the offer. haha!

  • @HollyOak
    @HollyOak 6 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    So this god dude, gets in a really snippy mood and decides to make people he can really hate on. He pre-plans their whole lif, they get no say in any of it. Then they live out this life according to the plan and when they die, it's like 'Hey, you didn't have a choice, but because you didn't choose to serve me, you have to be punished now.'
    And this is a 'loving' god.

    • @gabistef2799
      @gabistef2799 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes. If he exists sign me up for hell

    • @mpelite5527
      @mpelite5527 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      First of all, god does not hate anyone, he loves us all, second god gives free will to everyone, every choice you make, you choose that choice yourself he doesn’t force you to do anything or control your life, and he gives u a choice you can either be with him in happiness or you can choose to be on the side of the devil, but don’t get mad when you die and he invites you into his area of hell, how will you blame god for your torturing when you’re the one who chose to be tortured by the devil because in the after life there’s two sides, God’s side or devils side and in your life with your free will you decide which part you’ll be on. And my advice to you is pick the lords side because then you’ll truly feel happiness.

    • @jemts5586
      @jemts5586 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mpelite5527 Please. When Pharoah didn't let the Israelites go because God hardened his heart, was that him exercising free will? No. He was probably punished for it to. I don't understand the bending and twisting that religious people do to try to make contradictions align.

    • @dustygatrell-ru7tg
      @dustygatrell-ru7tg ปีที่แล้ว

      God doesn't send us to hell. We have our own free will we choose to sin an do unholy things. God is the judge ND he hates sin but lives us. That's why Jesus died for us so we can be saved.

    • @dustygatrell-ru7tg
      @dustygatrell-ru7tg ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jemts5586 pharaoh still had free will. God just hardened his heart because his heart was already against God. Kinda like a trial an tribulation thing

  • @Unicorns
    @Unicorns 6 ปีที่แล้ว +167

    This was like being at a book study meeting but this time it is really interesting for once :)
    Great vid guys

    • @derekmckinney5277
      @derekmckinney5277 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ex JW? LoL

    • @SevenPr1me
      @SevenPr1me 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You mean its like being at a bible study and the bible is actually being studied

    • @ILOVEYOU-ob8td
      @ILOVEYOU-ob8td 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mr. Unicorn look up Webster's 1828 for the definition of unicorn please and follow the evidence.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      ILOVE YOU...knows a thang or two about 1 and 2 horned rhinos........

    • @IvanAgram
      @IvanAgram 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you want, and I seriously doubt that, real Bible study, you should engage in it yourself. These scholars are taking verses out of context and even then they interpret it terribly wrong. Like torment... God wants the people to suffer with plague, war and food shortage. God wants people to repent and the authority is given according to their own choice not to respect the giver of peace, health and food. So basically people say to God you don't exist and we don't want you but sure we like peace, health and food. So yes, God is having enough but still is open for people to repent, which they don't. Rebellious lot is mankind. That is a fact.

  • @idisbrioso4645
    @idisbrioso4645 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for laying down all of these so clearly. I thought of all of these texts and ideas for years without being able to explain or defend them. I also thought "what kind of God is this?", and left.

    • @washedbytheblood
      @washedbytheblood 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you have a relationship with Jesus Christ?

  • @kevinlitton1399
    @kevinlitton1399 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I can imagine the "have no thought for the morrow" sermon being told right before the offering plate being passed around. With all these people wandering what to do with all this money they don't need for the future, the church answers "you may as well just give it to us."

  • @AAwildeone
    @AAwildeone 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    born sick but commanded to be well

  • @kandychapman5578
    @kandychapman5578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The turn the other cheek scripture always made my jw friends giggle as children. We used to say it was our butts, and “turn the other cheek”.

  • @miiimuu622
    @miiimuu622 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "Whosoever smite thee on the right cheek must work in mysterious ways"

  • @roycalderon6899
    @roycalderon6899 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Great job guys! Thank you for this.

  • @EG-ek8fi
    @EG-ek8fi 6 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    The Bible again and again Contradicts itself! Great Video!

    • @strings-n-keys
      @strings-n-keys 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      there are no contradictions in the Bible, only misinterpretations. The Bible is the true word of the living God. Be very afraid!

    • @joerusso7851
      @joerusso7851 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The bible is the book of confusion.

    • @Pupperino7773
      @Pupperino7773 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Julia Walker ooogaaahhh booogaaahhh woooogaaahhh

    • @ems7623
      @ems7623 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are only contradictions if you insist on seeing it as anything other than an anthology of the imperfect writings of a range of ancient writers. That's a problem for Christians - one which most deny even exists.
      At this point in life, I am more interested in what these writings tell us about those ancient peoples and the world they lived in. I really could care less about the religious arguments.

    • @farmercraig6080
      @farmercraig6080 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ems7623 what is a contradiction to you?

  • @greatdaneacdc
    @greatdaneacdc 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Your taking all of this out of context
    I don't believe this I just love saying it!😸

  • @endofscene
    @endofscene 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Isn't the OT punishment for adultery death? If so, why do you need to divorce a dead person?

  • @jensrobertson470
    @jensrobertson470 6 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Could you do a similar video about the "Quran"?
    Great video.

    • @auzdeee
      @auzdeee 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      They can't unless they lie about the Quran.

    • @auzdeee
      @auzdeee 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Jubei Yang oh how did you come to this conclusion? did you study it or just blindly believe what you hear from haters and ignorant people?
      I advice you to investigate it your self then judge it ..is that fair?
      The Quran is the only book on the face of the earth that offers true salvation.
      Only sincere truth seekers can understand its wisdom.

    • @jemts5586
      @jemts5586 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@auzdeee Why assume that a person who thinks the Quran is full of lies hasn't already read it? Are you here to watch a video about the bad parts of the Bible, thinking that you're own holy book is flawless?? The irony.

    • @levi7187
      @levi7187 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      No they are too scared.

    • @MrAlamri123456789
      @MrAlamri123456789 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      As a muslim I believe with bible revealed to Jesus peace be upon him but it have been changed over time by people in power to suite them

  • @wawuglio
    @wawuglio 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It's not about 'we have the answers and you don't,' it's about we have the answers and you aren't interested.'

  • @VibrantlyBrantly
    @VibrantlyBrantly 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Needs like six more camera angles including pov helmet cams

    • @GaudiaCertaminisGaming
      @GaudiaCertaminisGaming 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Brant Lafrenz And where are the drone overheads and fly-bys? Disappointed.

    • @VibrantlyBrantly
      @VibrantlyBrantly 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree, maybe next collaboration they can at least rent a highspeed camera as well

  • @janheard3826
    @janheard3826 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m loving Alex’s posh accent.
    Thank you Lloyd and Alex. This was very interesting. Years ago when I was a JW I read a lot of the bible and decided that women were generally considered to be utterly inferior and worthless. I remember I came across a scripture that said something like “[……] is like a menstruating woman, mere dirt”. I was quite frankly totally insulted. Unfortunately we have to menstruate in order to reproduce, but to essentially call us mere dirt is disgusting and demoralising. Also as Alex mentioned, I noticed there were many incidents of favouritism in the bible. In fact I thought the way god made it obvious he preferred Abel ‘s offering over Kane’s was not nice, I only have one child but if I had two and they both brought me a present I would never in a million years show that I preferred one present over the other. Why? Because if you truly love your children you would not want one to have hurt feelings. I’ve noticed that JW parents don’t have that fierce lioness protective instinct towards their children. Look at Lloyd’s parents...a total lack of love and compassion for him, letting him be bullied at school. Actually when I was a child I never told anyone at school my mother was a Witness and because my father was not a Witness my mother couldn’t insist we were excluded from morning assembly etc. and when I hear stories like Lloyd’s and other JW children who have been persecuted at school I’m relieved I didn’t have to experience bullying as I don’t think I could have coped with it. Anyway, back to the bible, I no longer believe this is the word of god. I think it was written by men, FOR men. I could write screeds on my opinion of the bible, for example why god found it necessary to punish the serpent who was used by Satan to tempt Eve, since the serpent itself did no wrong. That doesn’t sound like the actions of a loving god to me.

  • @snakejuce
    @snakejuce ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good stuff guys. Brilliant video. As a Muslim, these are often the exact points I and others bring up to Christians. It is truly astounding that not only do most not know about these verses, or care about their implications, but after being pointed out, they resort to "well you don't have the 'Holy Spirit'" i.e., apparently we cannot "see" the message because some spirit hasn't "touched" us.
    Ignorance, denial, and delusions are a helluvadrug.
    Thanks for the upload.

  • @speedy7040
    @speedy7040 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    no 14...
    Shinning dad with an axed just sliced his daughter. in little pieces
    Ppl came ( police ?), see the bloody crime scene and ask :
    - WTF did you do ????!!!
    - It's ok, I've just promised God I'll kill my daughter/ son for Him..so I keep my word."
    - Oh, why didn't you say so ... Carry on , my good man...
    Now picture this happening next door to you. Still a christian?

    • @gabistef2799
      @gabistef2799 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh no how dare you doubt the word of God !!!!
      when he only wants to test you to see if you would kill your own chilld. No big deal. He just puts your faith to test. That's all. He's not killing your child so don't blame him OK?!
      He's a psychopath. If he would exist and I'd convince myself of this I'd probably choose hell.

  • @vuk96zj
    @vuk96zj 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Worshipping and espousing primitive ignorance is always a terrible idea.

  • @ericjohnson6665
    @ericjohnson6665 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Re. #3, Jesus instructed the rich man to give up his money in order to follow him, because the rich man loved money more than he loved God. Folks who place the Divine Father above all else could have money so long as it didn’t interfere with their connection with God...

  • @starfield1874
    @starfield1874 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In line with #19 is the verse stating "Be not unequally yoked with an unbeliever". There is no allowance for interfaith couples. If one person in a marriage converts and the other doesn't, it implies they should be divorced. Furthermore, it contradicts the passage that says the only legitimate grounds for divorce is adultery. What a mess...

  • @doctorheadblog
    @doctorheadblog 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    On the sex topic, when I was getting married in 1993, the elders took me and my fiance into the back room at the hall to discuss with us what sort of sex was acceptable. They actually told us that oral and anal sex was a homosexual act. 😂 So ridiculous.

    • @lealmelisa
      @lealmelisa 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Wow 🤯🤯🤯 WTH?? 😅lol

  • @jwmmitch
    @jwmmitch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My understanding of "turn the other cheek" is that it's actually demanding respect.
    The gist: in the time right vs left hand was incredibly culturally important (sinister means left handed) so to strike someone's right cheek would be a right handed backhand, which is demeaning. An open hand strike from right hand to left cheek would have been seen as a challenge. To offer the left cheek is to stand defiant as an equal.

    • @carmensavu5122
      @carmensavu5122 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      What if you get hit with the left hand? As a left-handed person, I hate this bullshit.

  • @shilonel2284
    @shilonel2284 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What is this music you play at the end, I love it.

    • @LloydEvans
      @LloydEvans  6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      "Not Forever" by Martin Hall. :)

    • @shilonel2284
      @shilonel2284 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks Lloyd.

  • @serachylle6850
    @serachylle6850 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The "god hardened the heart of the Pharaoh and then punishing the Pharaoh for having a hardened heart" is pretty much me playing sims 3, turning on the cheats, changing some of a sim's traits (perhaps making them an asshole) and then proceed to torture them for being an asshole.

    • @dustygatrell-ru7tg
      @dustygatrell-ru7tg ปีที่แล้ว

      You misunderstand. Pharaos heart was already hardened against God. Read the Moses and ittl tell you. So God hardened it as a punishment to Egypt because the plagues wouldn't stop unless pharaoh freed Isreal from slavery. Since his he already wouldn't free them . God made it harder for Egypt to stop the plagues because he wouldn't free them. Hope this helps you understand. There's an explanation for every one of these things there talking about. Just gotta study up.

  • @tysphonicsjonas6994
    @tysphonicsjonas6994 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm surprised anyone gets past the first few verses of genesis before closing the book and sticking it back in the fairy tale section.

  • @sweetcomictwist2031
    @sweetcomictwist2031 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s crazy I was born and raised Christian , reading the Bible more made me lose my faith in god , very ironic

  • @southernsal3113
    @southernsal3113 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello 👋 👋 Howzit going. I just stumbled upon your channel, probably because I was watching CosmicSkeptic's channel.
    I know I'm late to the conversation, but I'm really enjoying these types of videos, even though I left the re-legion about 7 years ago now. I honestly didn't know that the re-legion was this level of terrible, until very recently.
    Thank you. Sometimes, we don't know WHAT WE NEED, until we come across it, and it seems this is the type of conversation I need, because, I don't really have someone to talk to, and only recently started recognizing HOW DEEPLY I was deceived and manipulated.
    Thanks. 👍 👍

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Jesus said “everyone who is of the Truth hears my voice.”

  • @ApPersonaNonGrata
    @ApPersonaNonGrata 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's not surprising that the NT is so similar to the OT.
    After all, early Christians only had the OT. There was not yet a NT to guide them,
    so all of their holy texts being the OT means that their ideas and values were taken primarily from there and secondarily from the new ideas coming from Christian leaders. And those leaders had the same problem. They were basing their beliefs on the OT and then building ideas from there.

  • @betterlifeexe4378
    @betterlifeexe4378 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I link to this video sooooo muuuuchhhh! Probably about 500 of those views are people following links I typed.

  • @HannahHäggAutisticTransWoman
    @HannahHäggAutisticTransWoman 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How Swedish 17:th century was with tourture and which burnings was rampant and endorsemed by the state and the state church at the time. Glad we got away from those things.

  • @byron2521
    @byron2521 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like how Matt Dillahunty responds to the Christians who try and claim that slavery in those days was really indentured servitude. He says "so what! Indentured servitude is immoral too!" But, this of course is BS. The archaeological evidence shows there are bones of slaves that were shown to have been severely beaten and were buried with shackles still on their hands and feet. Some actually might have been indentured servants. What a lot of people who don't know history well, is even indenture servants were often beaten and often kept in shackles. The difference was that they could be let go if they worked off their debt. But, this was at the discretion of the owner/debt holder (also depending on the the historical period). Not much was really good about the "Good Ole' Days".
    Footnote about indentured servants: I used to work at an historical replication of an 18th century fort in America. I loved to burst some people's bubble when they tried to talk about the bravery and sense of adventure of American settlers moving west. The real fact was, many of them were trying to escape indentured servitude or being imprisoned for their debts. These records are documented. So, debt really won the American west...lol.

    • @dma8657
      @dma8657 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      “ I like how Matt Dillahunty responds to the Christians who try and claim that slavery in those days was really indentured servitude. He says "so what! Indentured servitude is immoral too!” “ His answer is actually much stronger than that, referring to the rule that you can buy slaves from the surrounding nations and even bequeath them to your heirs.

  • @wawuglio
    @wawuglio 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    3. Matthew 6:34 is literally about worry. but you won't know that if you don't read the context from verse 25. Jesus was saying worrying about tomorrow will not add anything to your life except worry. If you don't know where your next meal is coming from, will pulling your hair out change anything? It will just make you hungry and bald. Matthew 19:21 Jesus was talking to a young man who valued his possessions more than he valued his salvation. Jesus wasn't saying that every rich man has to sell what they have and give it all away. He was merely dealing with that particular young man's issue. Luke 12: 16-21 is a parable about a guy who was trusting in his riches and didn't care about his soul. Jesus was pointing out that when you die, you leave all the things you accumulated here. Then you have to face the judgment. There's nothing wrong with having money and things but with all that your love for God must take precedence.

    • @josephmellor7641
      @josephmellor7641 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Matthew 19:23-24:
      23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
      I don't know where in the Bible it ever indicates that Jesus was "merely dealing with that particular young man's issue," but I do know that the next few verses (quoted above) say "It is hard for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Furthermore, if he was only talking to this one specific person about his one specific issue, why would anyone include it in their gospel and why would he then go on to say everything he said after sending the man away?
      Do you remember what specific person or source gave you the idea that Jesus was only talking to this one particular individual? I have a hunch that this "authority" didn't give any Biblical evidence to justify the claim that "it only applies to this one guy." I'm willing to bet people like money, and these verses would imply that you can't have too much money, so the people who have a lot of money made up some "context" that allows them to have a bunch of money.
      If it isn't in the text, then it's heresay. I could just as easily say that Jesus told the young man to sell everything because someone had bought things from him with stolen money and he would be tried as a thief. I could also say that Jesus told him to sell his possessions because the man owned something made of radioactive material that would have given him cancer. I could also say that Jesus knew that some thieves were coming to steal from the person in town with the most money and were going to kill him as they were making off with the money. I could also say that Jesus needed him to sell everything he owned so that he would meet his future wife through a long series of events, and their grandson would become an important early church father. All of the examples above allow people to still be rich and Jesus's words to only apply to the young man and all of thr examples above were made up in less than a few minutes. You see how easy it is to make stuff up and pretend like it was in the text the whole time? If God wanted us to know the context, he would have left it in. If God wanted us to know that these teachings only applied to this young man, don't you think be would have mentioned it. You would think that Jesus would have said something like, "The rich can enter into Heaven just as the poor can, so long as they both serve God first." Instead, he says, "it is hard for the rich to enter Heaven."
      In Luke 12:33, Jesus explicitly says to all his followers:
      "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys."
      I don't know how you guys can read "Sell your possessions and give to the poor" and think, "Oh, when Jesus says that, he must have meant, 'Don't do that.'"
      Nonstampcollector has a video called something like "Jesus and the Modern Day Interpreter," in which he goes through how Christians twist what Jesus said so that they don't have to do anything hard like "selling all their possessions." I recommend that you watch it.

    • @fricozoid1
      @fricozoid1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're just saying that because you don't want to give to charity.

    • @wawuglio
      @wawuglio 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Joseph Mellor 1. Verses 23-24 are still dealing with the problem that the young man had. Jesus is making it clear that anyone who puts riches ahead of God is going to miss out on the Kingdom of God. 2. It was included in this gospel so that people will learn a lesson from this young man. Do not put riches ahead of God. Jesus' message was always "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33. What are the "all these things?" Verse 31, What shall we eat, What shall we drink and what will we have to wear. 3. The context is there in verse 16. :And behold one came and said unto him, 'Good Master what good thing shall I do , that I may have eternal life." 4. Atheists will say anything to bring Christianity into disrepute. Nonstampcollector, first of all, has an agenda and second of all he's guilty of what he's accusing Christians of doing., He's the one who twists scripture for his own purpose. 5. Scripture speaks for itself. Acts 4: 34-37 and Acts 5:4 clearly shows that the apostles had the understanding that there was nothing wrong with being rich. In the 4th chapter, many of the saints had sold all their possessions and gave the money to the apostles to help the needy. In Acts 5 Ananias and Sapphira tried to make themselves look generous. Their scheme was to sell their land but keep part of the money for themselves. But they would lie to the apostles and say that they were bringing all their money for the needy. Peter said in verse 4. "Before you sold it, it was yours. After you sold it, it was still yours." They did not have to sell their property if they did not want to. But because they lied, they paid a price. Let's look at Philemon. He was a rich elder in the church who had a slave. Paul encouraged him to free his slave but said nothing about giving up his money. 3 John 1:1-8 Gaius was a rich man who took care of strangers. John commended him. 6. Let's look at he bible's teachings on giving. 1Corinthians 16:2 Paul tells the church that when they come to church on the first day of the week they are to give according to how GOD has prospered them. If God had a problem with rich people why would Paul a. Say that God prospered them and b. not tell them to bring all their money on the first day of the week, rather than just a portion. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 Again Paul talks about giving. He says that if you give a little you will reap a little. If you give a lot, you will reap a lot. Every man should give according to how he has purposed in his heart. 7. Not one of the Apostles required that rich people ought to sell all they had and give to the poor. It is not taught in any of the instructions to the church. So obviously, by the time they started the church, the apostles understood that being rich wasn't a problem, being greedy was. In conclusion, let's get down to the ultimate New Testament scripture. 1Timothy 6:10 "For the LOVE OF money is the root of all evil: which while SOME COVETED AFTER they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many arrows." That's the same thing Jesus was saying. Loving money more than God will exempt you from the kingdom of God.

    • @wawuglio
      @wawuglio 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol I make less than $500.00 per month. $90.00 goes in the offering plate and the fellas on the street look out for me to come to town, knowing that they have a chance at a handout.

    • @fricozoid1
      @fricozoid1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wawuglio Haha good man.

  • @robertdaniel6084
    @robertdaniel6084 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Lloyd you are too💕💕thanks for the good job

  • @wmgthilgen
    @wmgthilgen 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    In my years of research prior to my coming to the conclusion that I'm an Atheist. I found that Christian's only utilize the new testiment and if it fit's ones agenda, deliberately choosen, small pasages from the old testiment. I've always wondered as to why when they only utilize the new testiment that a Christian Publisher doesn't just print that portion. The Bible would be half its size and cost considerably less. Not to mention utilize less tree's.

  • @fredworthmn
    @fredworthmn 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Being a somewhat cynical person my thinking is that Jephthah's daughter was getting close to marriageable age and since Jephthah had been away at war he didn't have enough money for her dowry so he killed her so he and his wife could live a comfortable life. He then used his love of god as an justification for his actions. (Religious people like to justify things.)

  • @jerelull2619
    @jerelull2619 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I never knew many of these terrible ideas were in the New Testament, but they affected me as a child, nonetheless; They're enough to make anyone an atheist, or at least non-Christian. If ALL these teachings are true, it doesn't matter WHAT we do, individually, as G_D pre-determined what we were going to do and would punish us for doing what he forced us to do. I can't support such an arbitrary, capricious and spiteful god in good faith, as it's not as moral as I am most at peace being.

  • @TheKantele
    @TheKantele 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a Christian, I disbelieve the tenets of other world religions. After some study, I am convinced that they are inadequate. But I DO NOT spend time revisiting them. I DO NOT have to revisit them and spend an enormous amount of time disproving them. Why is that not the case with Bible Bashers? But over and over, dealing with hundreds and hundreds of scriptures, the BBs continue to spend countless hours "disproving" [in their minds] the Bible? Why do they have to repeat this ritual - almost religiously? Ironic.

  • @spadegarden8572
    @spadegarden8572 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    hey dudes, as a christian I am grateful to hear what you guys have to say, will be looking these up and dig deeper into scripture. Chow.

  • @Arkloyd
    @Arkloyd 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "yahweh couldn't abolish slavery"
    Yet it abolished eating shellfish.

    • @misterauctor7353
      @misterauctor7353 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Old testament law.

    • @Arkloyd
      @Arkloyd 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@misterauctor7353 Your idiot demigod that thought the heart does the brain's job said that all of the old laws are still in effect, and will stay in effect until the world ends.
      *matthew 5;18-19* _NIV_
      *18* _For truly I tell you, _*_until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished._* *19* _So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven._
      Do you still "sin"? Remember, "sin" includes having an involuntary hormonal response. Your idiot demigod said you must gouge out your eye if you see something that makes you horny.
      *1 john 3;6* _NIV_
      _No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him._
      *1 john 3;9* _NIV_
      *9* _No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God._

    • @gocrazy3564
      @gocrazy3564 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@misterauctor7353 the ten commandments are also apart of the Old Testament law.

  • @anoptimist7779
    @anoptimist7779 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What about this Bible scripture, at James Chapter 1 Verse 13 ?
    13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.

  • @quakers200
    @quakers200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know about Timothy but Corinthians verse quoted was probably a scribal addition but since it is still in the bible and still taught in churches so fair game. As for not thinking about tomorrow, or giving all to the poor even though biblical not believed.

  • @pinkbunny6272
    @pinkbunny6272 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've never heard of most of these, I'm confused!! I'm culturally Catholic, and didn't know about half of the rules and craziness!

  • @cameronwedits
    @cameronwedits 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    For 19, the Bible is saying that people will still have sin and you shouldn’t follow them because people sin and won’t always be right and that’s why you must follow God because he is always right and doesn’t sin Matthew 10:34-42

  • @ryeclansen7371
    @ryeclansen7371 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just came across this video recently a few years after it had been posted. I have watched a number of Alex's videos but regretfully had never come across any of Lloyd Evans'. If it is not too late I would like to make a comment. Regarding the second point of a blood sacrifice, I think that is the basis for the Christian concept of atonement. I think the whole concept of "substitutionary atonement" is irrational. How can one person die in the place of another? Does it make any sense to have a whipping boy and give him a bunch of lashes for some bad deed another person has done? Neither an animal, nor another person nor a god can die for the supposed "sin" of another person. If the president or head of state wanted to pardon a criminal he/she wouldn't make that pardon conditional on another person serving the sentence. I have seen no discussion on this topic by atheistic youtubers and I would really like to see this topic addressed. would love to hear from you on that issue.

  • @triumphgibbo7872
    @triumphgibbo7872 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is an outstanding deconstruction of some of the 'omnis'. brilliant.
    I've always struggled to bring minds round from 'old test god bad, but look how kind he is in new', but clearly these little snibbets show that he is the same pernicious child as he was before... Thanks chaps.

  • @noemiguerra24
    @noemiguerra24 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    My grandmother used matthew 5:39 to defend her hitting her grandchildren. So i totally get what you mean about the familial application of the verse

  • @skepticusmaximus184
    @skepticusmaximus184 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    LOL @ "...the natural use of the woman" As in: 'Thank you darling. That bonk was very useful' 😆

  • @Feriin
    @Feriin 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who wants to take a guess that these people have no idea what's actually being talked about in the passages they read?

  • @michaelginever732
    @michaelginever732 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This God character is very unpleasant. At times he sounds a bit like Ming the merciless; sadistic, malicious and narcissistic. Luckily both are fictitious.

  • @calonstanni
    @calonstanni 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    WHen I say something about the harm of christianity, everyone champions the New Testament as being all goodness and light and the way "Most" or "good" christians act...or SHOULD act. It pisses me off.

  • @reallydoe2052
    @reallydoe2052 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Most hate for woman or atleast a lot comes from this Bible

  • @1allstarman
    @1allstarman 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are you guys read the newspaper like that to you take one line from page 26 in one line from page 42 and combining to be a story?

    • @dma8657
      @dma8657 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      A story. Exactly.

  • @cameronwedits
    @cameronwedits 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    For 20, it makes since that you must love God because if you don’t then that makes perfect sense that you will go to Hell if you don’t

  • @annwilliams8850
    @annwilliams8850 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Radiocarbon-14 dating from the city of Rehov is now dictating a new Biblical timeline. Advanced methodology dates the year of Shishak's invasion specifically to 871 BCE, year 5 of Rehoboam and year 39 of Solomon. Turns out, David and Solomon were dated too early and archaeologists are claiming David and Solomon didn't exist and are myths. But in reality, they are just misdated -- dated to early using the wrong eclipse to date the Assyrian eponym, an eclipse occurring in "month 2" in 763 BCE. When the correct eclipse is used in 709 BCE, Shishak's invasion and the date for Shishak line up perfectly to 871 BCE.
    That in turn dates year 4 of Solomon to 906 BCE and the Exodus dates to 1386 BCE!!! That date we also get when we use 1947 as the beginning of the final jubilee. There are 70 jubilees of 49 years each, or 7 days of 490-year periods, beginning in 1435 BCE and ending in 1996. That is, 1947 ends the "gentile times" and represents the final 49 years of the covenant, which ends in 1996. 3430 years earlier begins the covenant in 1435 BCE. The Exodus is the first celebrated jubilee occurring 49 years later in 1386 BCE. So now RC14 from Rehov confirms year 39 of Solomon must occur in 871 BCE! The 709 BCE eclipse also dates Shishak's invasion the same year.
    But this requires lowering the Assyrian Period by 54 years, something archaeologists don't see how to do because of the strong dating of the Neo-Babylonian period. Ironically, a text like the VAT4956 is actually a "safety text." It is a diary with lots of references to the revised timeline, but it hides references to the original timeline. So the VAT4956 has two dates: 478 BCE and 511 BCE. 511 BCE, of course, is the original date for year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II, not 568 BCE. So we can lower the Neo-Babylonian period by 57 years, which cancels out lowering the Assyrian period by 54 years! It works!
    The return from Babylon also is a jubilee event. The return, after 70 years of desolation of the land is exactly 931 years (19 jubilees) after the Exodus. 1386 - 931 = 455 BCE. Thus 455 BCE is the actual year for the 1st of Cyrus. Of course, the VAT4956 gives you the same dating. When 511 BCE is assigned to year 37, then year 23 falls in 525 BCE, the year of the last deportation. 70 years later would date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE! That date is now confirmed by RC14 dating from Rehov!!
    The only problem is removing 82 fake years from the Persian Period (537 vs 455 BCE). But Martin Anstey in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" had always noted these fake 82 years, dating the 1st of Cyrus always to 455 BCE. Turns out, it is quite easy to remove the fake 82 years from the Persian period so that the timeline is back in sync by the beginning of the rule of Artaxerxes III in 358 BCE!! So now archaeologists claiming David and Solomon are "myths" have to take that back, date them to the correct time and remove the fake years from the Persian period as the Bible requires. Of course, the powers that be already know this, obviously. There is a push to try to claim the 70 years of "exile" refers to the Babylonian domination instead of the desolation of the land as 1 Chronicles 36 requires. So much dishonesty is in involved promoting 587/586 BCE as the true date for the fall of Jerusalem, which is a complete JOKE now. When 511 BCE is correctly applied to year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar, year 19 falls in 529 BCE and applying the "7 times" prophecy of 2520 years points to 1992 as the true year for the return of Christ. Not the end of the "gentile times," mind you, which occurs in 1947.
    So for more the end of chronology discussions about 607 BCE vs 587 BCE for the fall of Jerusalem. Turns out both dates are incorrect. Jerusalem actually fell in 529 BCE, now proved by 1947 dating as well as RC14 dating from Rehov!! The Bible's timeline has been confirmed by archaeology!

  • @tobi6359
    @tobi6359 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's why I translate between what is and what not

  • @clearwindowsministries1949
    @clearwindowsministries1949 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are 3 levels of understanding in scripture. Level 1= what the passage says, level 2= what the passage means, level 3= a message directly from God. These gentlemen are clearly level 1 with their understanding. They know no further than what the passage says. There is no context which is usually the main problem with properly understanding scripture. We all strive to understand what something said to us means. That's why we ask people to explain what they mean. Why is it that the Bible is the only book people never try to get an understanding of by asking someone, what the scripture actually means in context? For instance "Women should be silent" does not mean women can't speak in church. The Bible says women can pray and prophecy in church so obviously they can talk. Timothy 2:12 a woman cannot have authority over or teach a man. It means they can't preach or teach men. They CAN teach other women and children. It is about ORDER in the context of leadership in the church and home. Women are NOT lesser! Corinthians 14:34 supports this by saying women shall not speak but remain silent. It means women cannot preach or be pastors. The word "speak" means to preach. Women can lead the choir, run the finances, help with the upkeep of the church. This is a forbiddance of women to teach men.

  • @jeffmagers7182
    @jeffmagers7182 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    nice light fixture there on the hall ceiling! Who is your electrician? You guys have 220v system there, correct?

  • @lesliewinchester8225
    @lesliewinchester8225 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alex says you can’t choose who to love, but the fact is you do over time. I fell in love with a man who was recovered from heroin and went back to it and I dismissed him for bad behavior. You choose not to be lied to in a relationship. Advice on marriage date a full year no matter what to see who they are over time as well as their friends and family who will release information to you that is important to know.

  • @rmapcynan1039
    @rmapcynan1039 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm going to use these when I next see the JWs standing outside the local shopping centre.

  • @JTswansea
    @JTswansea 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Women silent? Context my friends!! The geographical context in Timothy is Ephesus . The centre of the female superiority cult of Artemis/Diana. The most shocking part of that section is ‘let the women learn’.... the women were not allowed to teach because they hadn’t learned ....... if they did learn then obviously they could teach . The women to be ‘quiet not silent .... calm if you like . In the same letter Paul says that women could pray and prophesy so total silence wasn’t the issue .

  • @BlessedPatricio
    @BlessedPatricio หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is the 10 commandments a good rule to follow? Just by itself.

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You should not rely too much on the mercy of God. Think at His Son, incarnated as Jesus Christ, how awful suffering (torture, mockery...) had to endure, before leaving this world, for us to have a chance to be forgiven, if we will always strive to follow His wisdom / advises / commandments. How will God spare us? While He did not spare His Son, Jesus (and Jesus was 100% innocent).

  • @sandyhodge1936
    @sandyhodge1936 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve heard of stories of women who married and after the wedding day the new husband started beating his wife. And yet according to God she’s suppose to stay with that partner but if he cheats on her then she’s free to break away from that living Hell. Not right in my eyes and heart God!

  • @gusjeazer
    @gusjeazer 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nr 3: you both got that one completely wrong. He is talking about worry specifically, and he never said the world was going to end soon. You got that all out of context. He didn't say THIS generation will not pass away before the coming of the son of man, refering to the people standing in front of him, if you look at the whole verse he literally says: I am speaking of a distant generation. And he gives a list of prophecies (which have come true or are coming true today) and says the generation that sees all these things (all not some) will see the second coming.
    No cult of the world ending soon being twisted.

  • @oluwolechaviro9937
    @oluwolechaviro9937 ปีที่แล้ว

    @30:39 I couldn’t keep a straight face too😂. “The natural use of the woman” lmao. The Bible out here dropping bars better than Future🔥😹.

  • @marksadventures3889
    @marksadventures3889 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    That bookcase behind you - does remind me of the horrors of said "faith", it still creaps me out seeing those KH buildings in town! Although Hell is not taught as in other churches, there's is the tale of Gehenna and being throw therein for certain sins. My enlightenment came from experiences in life that led me to leave that path. It was the point that all pay offs whichever faith you follow is after death and so conveniently an act of "faith".


    What could be worse than death for a person is watching the death of a loved one especially your children...In my opinion you have to be a sick piece of crap to partake in any of it!✌🏻

  • @onenanathreekids5662
    @onenanathreekids5662 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As much as I could respect anyone for thinking outside the box as Jesus did (if in fact he actually existed), it is evident that religion as a whole and culture with it, keeps us from logical conclusions. Even Jesus was influenced by the religion of his family and culture in his beliefs about divorce and adultery and so on. Religion gives us illogical ideas that we are then to not question, and culture passes on illogical ideas which, also, we are to pass on as tradition. Combined, the two slow our psychological development to a crawl. Add to that the traumatizing principles like predestination, hell and damnation (which, due to predestination, you might not be able to avoid even if you tried to follow the Bible) women as lesser beings, and a God/Father image without any conscience against eternal torture of his own "children" or creation, and you have very messed up minds. As an individual, I am trying to reconcile my personal spiritual experiences, with a lifetime of Biblical irrationality. Religion. has literally destroyed my peace of mind, and scarred my soul. I feel I am a victim of the Creator.

  • @niconestra
    @niconestra 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    A sad indictment of our species that this nonsense, which is openly on display, has survived so long without ridicule by the masses.

  • @WyattCayer
    @WyattCayer 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    You would think god would say, "if you steal some shit, you gotta do community service, or do labor, but bloodshed is a negative action and just puts more evil into the world where you would think he would use a good action like community service to offset the bad" That's just one way I'm a better "god" that god. And so is our government, at least to a certain extent.

  • @PierreaSweedieCat
    @PierreaSweedieCat 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cruel evil people invented a cruel evil deity. And there you go.

  • @janepellegrino8144
    @janepellegrino8144 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The first one has to do with the place and what was happening in the secular world. It was not silencing women in any way. Unfortunately, many in the church use this to place the female in a submissive role in the church. That's a major spiritual and intellectual drain for our churches.
    Jesus wasn't saying the world was coming to an end. He was speaking of the death of the ego not the body.
    I could go on.
    Much of what you spoke of, especially an angry, punishing God, helped me to decide to walk away from organized religion. My God is one of love and light.

  • @carrstone01
    @carrstone01 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1123

    I've always maintained that the bible is the best recruitment tool atheism has.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      I maintain that poor reading comprehension is the best tool atheism has...lol...can these guys read?...they interpret Acts 5 to say that GOD killed Anais and Saphira!!..lol.....please go read Acts 5...and Patreon the little frail one some money. He needs a hot meal.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Let me correct myself, SIN is the best recruitment tool for atheism....The ONLY folks I personally know that left Christianity left because they began engaging in a behavior that was un-biblical. Not because they did some 3 year apologetics study
      ..basically either they shacked up with someone(un-biblical stuff) or they just wanted to live an intoxicated life(un-biblical)...oh sure afterwards they did a little google study to "disprove" christianity but in truth their ACTIONS and lifestyle choices were their primary motivation...I'd rather just say, " hey I just don't wanna follow this God's rules" that'd at least be honest...

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I've never met a man Big enough to just say...."I don't care if your God is real or not, I don't like Him and I won't follow His rules, tell Him to come get me"...nope they just argue his existence..lol..

    • @carrstone01
      @carrstone01 6 ปีที่แล้ว +60

      'Scuse me, but your fear is showing.
      It's my experience that, in this context, the loudest are the most fearful of the wrath of a supernatural entity for which they have no proof. The noise doesn't hide the envy you feel at those escapees from the thrall of religion you mention who are now having a great time.
      And even if you judge their escape a failure, at least they've 'done it their way' while you are waiting on your submissive knees for a nod from your master.
      Hint - it'll never come unless you remove your foil beanie first.

    • @standswithfist806
      @standswithfist806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Fear of the Lord IS the beginning of wisdom....(I realize that the word "fear" in this case is also "AWE from the observation of Greatness"...so I hope I always maintain a good dose of my own personal fear of YHWH. and I hope you and everyone are having a great time. Happy Passover, resurection Day!!.
      ..and there ya go...another hateful comment about my aluminum head-gear that I hafta wear because of the brain damage I incurred at AthiestFest2014....tis surely the end of the world....

  • @danh.8261
    @danh.8261 6 ปีที่แล้ว +723

    "Natural use of a Woman". Alex had me cracking up. The best way to debunk the bible is to just read the damn thing.

    • @saffronhammer7714
      @saffronhammer7714 6 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Amen! haha

    • @mellonlord4616
      @mellonlord4616 6 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      That's absolutely true. That's how I ended up leaving. I had doubts and then I sat down and allowed myself to really read it. It was ten years after leaving when my uncle died due to the blood issue that I looked at the organization itself. Not what they say about apostates.

    • @emilydavid3104
      @emilydavid3104 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      So true! That’s part of why I don’t believe anymore.

    • @emmerich10
      @emmerich10 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      If only it was that easy. I've come across a lot of believers that regularly go to bible study. I'm pretty sure they are reading from it during these sessions but, for whatever reason, they continue to subscribe.

    • @abelcainsbrother
      @abelcainsbrother 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dan H. His mind is in the gutter.

  • @KrwiomoczBogurodzicy
    @KrwiomoczBogurodzicy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +246

    [02:06] 1. Women should be silent
    [03:56] 2. No forgiveness without bloodshed
    [05:10] 3. Don’t save money; give up belongings
    [07:15] 4. Confusion over divine teachings is OK
    [08:55] 5. Predestination
    [12:07] 6. God endorses torture
    [15:15] 7. Punishment can be eternal
    [17:31] 8. Don’t defend yourself
    [20:24] 9. Slavery is acceptable
    [23:07] 10. Divorce = adultery
    [27:28] 11. Self-mutilation better than sinning
    [30:22] 12. Homosexuality is obscene
    [33:59] 13. Wives should be in subjection
    [35:59] 14. Jephthah was a hero
    [39:05] 15. God allows people to be deluded
    [40:01] 16. Thought crime is a thing
    [41:38] 17. Death for withholding money
    [43:47] 18. Death for disobeying parents
    [46:55] 19. Religion should break apart families
    [49:07] 20. Love can be compulsory

    • @dan9521
      @dan9521 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      1) Eve decieved Adam, and lost the spiritual authority if you like
      2)No forgivness without bloodshed is obvious when you think. Adam was killed by his own action, thats if adam is to live he shouldnt do that action. Its justice. Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.
      Thats the first two, you better read the bible in its right context and then make the critique

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma is the ONLY TRUTH AND HAS THE ANSWERS FOR ALL OF MANKIND.
      I dont mean the modern day Hinduism when I say Sanatan Dharma. I mean the Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
      Vedic Sanatan Dharma
      * One formless Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God
      * No heaven, hell, satan or original sin.
      * No forced faith or belief in a personal God but God does justice via the natural laws of justice based on ones deeds
      * Recognises all mankind as one big family of HUMANS
      * Requires all mankind to remain as righteous humans in thoughts, words and deeds as per dharma.
      * No prophets, angels or messengers
      * No conversion and all are born as Sanatan (Eternal souls)
      * Salvation is guaranteed upon perfecting ones deeds and experiencing an eternity of bliss becoming one with God
      * Vedic scriptures have no history whatsoever and is just full of an eternity of knowledge as a kickoff point for mankind to know and prosper from.
      * God doesnt forgive Sins and one has to reap the fruits of ones deeds but gives an eternity of chances to perfect oneself by undergoing births and deaths until one perfects itself and worthy of salvation.
      * God doesnt have human like emotions of anger, jealousy, hate, revenge, discrimination etc etc and neither God gets affected by anyones acts. God remains in an eternity of Bliss
      * God doesnt do miracles
      * God doesnt change, bend or break his own laws or laws of nature for anyone.
      * Even God is bound by His own laws.
      That is the Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma in a nutshell in point form.
      Anyone who wishes to know more or discuss it in indepth then PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME AND DISCUSS.

    • @dan9521
      @dan9521 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@pitamahbhism5766 if there was no fall, how come evil exists?

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dan9521 Thank you for asking my friend. It is a very simple thing to explain why evil or sin exists had it not been for the original sin.
      As I type now I am at work and will be going off in the next 6 hours.
      I will be explaining everything in detail with logical point to ponder upon as well.
      Catch up with you in a short while.
      God Bless

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dan9521 My brother I had typed a reply but it is long and not going through so I am sending it to you in 2 parts. You can read them both 1 after the other. I hope that is ok with you and since i just touched on Christianity so far my other reply would be similar in nature but from the Vedic point of view.
      God bless and enjoy the read.

  • @didineanatol5949
    @didineanatol5949 6 ปีที่แล้ว +448

    I'm going to let God, Jesus, Satan, Adam and Eve find a solution to their made up problem *Sin*, I have nothing to do with their dysfunctional family issues, leave me out of it. Lol

    • @didineanatol5949
      @didineanatol5949 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Gicu Doru First of all, Do you not know that the next level heaven you talked about is in your mind? I was in heaven (my mother's womb) and I'm going back to heaven again. I am not perfect, no one is, I was born to make mistakes, but a sinner I am not!

    • @saffronhammer7714
      @saffronhammer7714 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Level up! haha!

    • @mrsbrownandhercat
      @mrsbrownandhercat 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Where is heaven?

    • @elliegotfredson3712
      @elliegotfredson3712 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@mrsbrownandhercat heaven is jammed full of "christians", come on over to Limbo, lots more fun.

    • @Feriin
      @Feriin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Didine Anatol - Enjoy burning in hell then.

  • @ElischebaTV
    @ElischebaTV 6 ปีที่แล้ว +285

    Even as a small child, I have wondered, whether the God who created the world so beautifully, is the same, who often described as so cruel in the Bible. Example: drowning babies in the Deluge. My English is not perfect - I am German, but I understand a lot from your videos. You speak very clearly. Thank you for your great work.

    • @phataton8206
      @phataton8206 5 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Your English is better than most Americans your age.

    • @curtisclary9911
      @curtisclary9911 5 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      Simple thought. If water covered all the land, where did it drain off to? Why would God destroy all the animals and plants that had only been doing as he designed. Not a very well thought out plan from someone that could do anything

    • @strings-n-keys
      @strings-n-keys 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@curtisclary9911 Are you actually questioning God, fool? Does a worm question the actions of a human? You are a worm!

    • @tamradawn1732
      @tamradawn1732 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@strings-n-keys u are a judgemental hypocrite. Making God proud I see, with your kindness and reasoning - not.

    • @strings-n-keys
      @strings-n-keys 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tamradawn1732 I`m not judging, just stating the truth and truth always hurts as we know. Reasoning doesn`t work with your kind, the stupid kind. Oh believe me I`m doing you a favour. Telling the truth as it is IS kindness!

  • @doctorheadblog
    @doctorheadblog 4 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I was horribly bullied in school because of that ridiculous teaching. It was so bad that I started hiding on the roof of the school during every recess break. The mental/emotional damage from that has lasted well into my adult life. It is a disgusting thing to indoctrinate children with "turn the other cheek."

    • @lesliewinchester8225
      @lesliewinchester8225 ปีที่แล้ว

      I taught my son to make fun of his tormentor and get people to laugh.

    • @sethhatfield6293
      @sethhatfield6293 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      So true. The only kids that end up obeying that command are the most sensitive, vulnerable, helpless ones, the ones who have the right to fight back, and need to fight back the most. Turn the other cheek is the most worthless teaching in the entire new testament.

  • @guxt65
    @guxt65 4 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    What I find totally unbelievable it is the fact that after watching this video, some believers continue to defend their bibles. It is a perfect brainwashed job in their heads.

    • @jeffsuede5413
      @jeffsuede5413 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'd suggest watching people of education. Scholars debates if God is real. Not ignorant pompous people who think because they have an opinion they should let everyone know it.

    • @TheRealDarth_Vader
      @TheRealDarth_Vader 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jeffsuede5413 Can you list me some debates you have seen

    • @SeekingVirtueA
      @SeekingVirtueA 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am wrestling with these issues. Two of the best for theism would be Trent Horn and William Lane Craig. For atheism, Alex, Sam Harris, and I quite like Genetically Modified Skeptic.

    • @steveandpreciousrhea5531
      @steveandpreciousrhea5531 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Go beyond the Greek.
      When I obtained an Aaramic and also Hebrew Version, all of a sudden it all started making sense.

    • @josefernandocastro7375
      @josefernandocastro7375 ปีที่แล้ว

      have you ever read the bible or you have just been brainwashed by another atheist?

  • @RockinAtheist
    @RockinAtheist 6 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    #9. Slavery. You forgot to mention that Jesus instructed slave owners not to take food with their slaves, rather to make the slaves wait to be fed. And how about "the angels of the Lord casting tares (weeds - unbelievers) on the flames of hell"? And then there are the horrors of Revelations. You could do another twenty on that chapter alone.

    • @guthrie_the_wizard
      @guthrie_the_wizard 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Could you please cite the verse?

    • @lfidarraga
      @lfidarraga 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@guthrie_the_wizard He cannot obviously.

    • @SeekingVirtueA
      @SeekingVirtueA 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      As a Catholic who is questioning their faith, I think that’s a good example of where understanding the context is important. Since it’s part of a parable, that line is simply meant to be descriptive rather than prescriptive. I absolutely feel there are problematic verses in the Bible, but don’t think that constitutes a fantastic example.

    • @michaelpond813
      @michaelpond813 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Revelation is pure crap.

    • @jeffreylehman1159
      @jeffreylehman1159 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Revelations is the most misunderstood book in the Bible. It’s author is a Jewish follower of Christ, and this book is an attack on two things, the Roman Empire( the beast is Nero) and was widely seen as such when it began to circulate, and the non-Jewish followers of Christ, thus the screed against “peoples who say they are Jews but are not”.

  • @dolnick7
    @dolnick7 6 ปีที่แล้ว +252

    Thank you for slogging through this rubbish. People generally think all the crapola is confined to the Old Testament. Wrong.

    • @phataton8206
      @phataton8206 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Riff McClavin destroys the “New Covenant” argument.

    • @strings-n-keys
      @strings-n-keys 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @AM-6030
      @AM-6030 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I would be very careful with your words. Especially calling the New Testament "crapola", and calling New Testament scriptures "rubbish."

    • @42apostate
      @42apostate 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      WHY be careful??
      The NT has been PROVEN to be *crapola" AND "rubbish".
      By their FRUITS shall they be known!!
      Look no further than the atrocities of the Inquisition and Crusades...the burning of witches and the current persecution of gays....ALL OF IT based on the N.T. Bible...correctly or incorrectly, the result is the SAME!!

    • @AM-6030
      @AM-6030 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@42apostate This is an arguement that is commonly used. I would equate this argument to saying that all athiests will end up like Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, etc.
      And you and I know that this is obviously not true..

  • @porscheamartin
    @porscheamartin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +83

    Predestination was always my issue as a Christian. How could a loving God create and earth full of defective people and then punish them for being that way when he knew all along that they would be that way. The loving thing to do would be to not create them.

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma is the ONLY TRUTH AND HAS THE ANSWERS FOR ALL OF MANKIND.
      I dont mean the modern day Hinduism when I say Sanatan Dharma. I mean the Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
      Vedic Sanatan Dharma
      * One formless Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God
      * No heaven, hell, satan or original sin.
      * No forced faith or belief in a personal God but God does justice via the natural laws of justice based on ones deeds
      * Recognises all mankind as one big family of HUMANS
      * Requires all mankind to remain as righteous humans in thoughts, words and deeds as per dharma.
      * No prophets, angels or messengers
      * No conversion and all are born as Sanatan (Eternal souls)
      * Salvation is guaranteed upon perfecting ones deeds and experiencing an eternity of bliss becoming one with God
      * Vedic scriptures have no history whatsoever and is just full of an eternity of knowledge as a kickoff point for mankind to know and prosper from.
      * God doesnt forgive Sins and one has to reap the fruits of ones deeds but gives an eternity of chances to perfect oneself by undergoing births and deaths until one perfects itself and worthy of salvation.
      * God doesnt have human like emotions of anger, jealousy, hate, revenge, discrimination etc etc and neither God gets affected by anyones acts. God remains in an eternity of Bliss
      * God doesnt do miracles
      * God doesnt change, bend or break his own laws or laws of nature for anyone.
      * Even God is bound by His own laws.
      That is the Vedic Satya Sanatan Dharma in a nutshell in point form.
      Anyone who wishes to know more or discuss it in indepth then PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME AND DISCUSS.

    • @moo.7643
      @moo.7643 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      well predestination is a lesser held (by population of those who ascribe to that belief) view by calvinists and has very little scriptural support.

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@moo.7643 Could you elaborate a little more and explain your stance on predestination my friend?
      I believe you are saying that just a little percentage hold the belief of predestination and not all. Well what would be your stance on the same and isnt the ORIGINAL SIN concept of the Bible an act of Predestination.
      Doesnt the Bible say that God sent his only begotten son for others to be saved. Wasnt that predestined?
      I mean I am not a Christian but have been reading and reasearching the 3 major religions of the world for the past 12 years.
      Let me know of your beliefs my friend and if we could discuss our belief system against each other.

    • @zombieblood1675
      @zombieblood1675 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pitamahbhism5766 it's a bot. It just posts this exact comment everywhere

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@zombieblood1675 Thats what I think my friend. Such people are quick to make claims as if they have the ultimate Truth and answers to everything but when challenged to a debate or asked to prove their claim, all one gets is an eternity of silence.

  • @PassiveSmoking
    @PassiveSmoking 6 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Why are all the anti religion videos just now getting spammed with religious propaganda ads?
    Also, vessels of wrath? Awesome name for a thrash metal band!

    • @kapnkerf2532
      @kapnkerf2532 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The beauty is that the money paid for them go into Alex and John's pocket.

    • @micsaul7542
      @micsaul7542 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I like “righteous satan”, though “vessels of wrath” is nice too. All the satans of the bib’el get a bad name for just doing their jobs.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      All this religious spam indicates how desperate religions are to hold on to their control and income.
      They are not blind. They can see their control slipping away...
      IOW...It's a GOOD sign!

    • @micsaul7542
      @micsaul7542 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Davey Jones , shallow sign that symbolizes deception. Your vision misses a global reality that the religious procreate prolific like as the educated west doesn’t. The religious WILL inherit.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      What they "inherit" won't be the beautiful thing you delusionally THINK it will be.
      Hopefully, the only thing that will be hurt by the crash of the corporate religious scam will be the tender feelings of the followers of these spiritually based frauds. AND. The clerics will be forced to find new jobs. (aw.w.w. poor widdo booboos!)
      Hopefully jobs that will be more *productive* this time.

  • @ttrev007
    @ttrev007 6 ปีที่แล้ว +173

    Bible. the users manual for abusive relationships.

    • @Tarotlynx
      @Tarotlynx 6 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Oh come now. That's not all it's good for. It's great for those who wish to start genocide, too . . .

    • @jonsnuhhhhhhhhh5497
      @jonsnuhhhhhhhhh5497 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      ttrev007 the word 'love' is mentioned nearly 200 times in the new testament.

    • @Tarotlynx
      @Tarotlynx 6 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Love said, but without actions, is meaningless.

    • @ttrev007
      @ttrev007 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      JonSnuhhhhhhhhh abusive partners also use the word love too, doesn't mean they do not abuse. It is not even that it is wholly bad it is that it is worshiped like it is perfect when in reality it is a old collection of books written by many flawed men. I personally like parts of the book the shows a proto-humanist Jesus. But, other parts are just abusive and evil.

    • @jonsnuhhhhhhhhh5497
      @jonsnuhhhhhhhhh5497 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      ttrev007 nope. maybe read the new testament. there's nothing abusive in there. it's all love.