That is a lovely box, I'm happy there's a Robin stamp. I saw a Robin in my new garden just before Christmas. It's the 1st Robin I've seen in more than 10 years! Lovely box, thanks for doing the reveal x
What a gorgeous box. The papers and stamps will go beautifully with the latest Simply Cards and Papercraft magazine. I’m looking forward to this one. Thank you for sharing it. - Dawn 🌅🧡🧡🧡
Thanks Lou. Thank you for doing the reveal before the subscription payment is taken. This is the first box for a while that I haven’t paused my subscription for. It looks beautiful and I’m looking forward to receiving it.
Great video, CraftStash. Looking forward to your next upload! I tapped the thumbs up icon on your content. Keep up the fantastic work! The variety of items in this box is stunning-how do you think the new designs will influence future papercraft trends?
That is a lovely box, I'm happy there's a Robin stamp. I saw a Robin in my new garden just before Christmas. It's the 1st Robin I've seen in more than 10 years!
Lovely box, thanks for doing the reveal x
Thanks Lou 😊 the box looks amazing!!
Thanks Lou, really looking forward to this box!
What a gorgeous box. The papers and stamps will go beautifully with the latest Simply Cards and Papercraft magazine. I’m looking forward to this one. Thank you for sharing it. - Dawn 🌅🧡🧡🧡
Love that you are doing the reveals again! Great box.
Thanks for this Lou. Can’t wait for mine to be delivered. X❤
Thank you for sharing what’s in the box, it’s helpful to know ahead of time!
Thanks Lou. Looking forward to getting this one as 🐦
Wonderful kit xx
Thanks Lou. Thank you for doing the reveal before the subscription payment is taken. This is the first box for a while that I haven’t paused my subscription for. It looks beautiful and I’m looking forward to receiving it.
Lovely box! Thanks Lou.
Looks great! Look forward to receiving it ❤
Love it! ❤ birds 🐦 🐦⬛ and hares ❤
Great video, CraftStash. Looking forward to your next upload! I tapped the thumbs up icon on your content. Keep up the fantastic work! The variety of items in this box is stunning-how do you think the new designs will influence future papercraft trends?