  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 54

  • @aniabargiel2175
    @aniabargiel2175 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Celem utworu było dodanie otuchy i nadziei dla walczących w całej Polsce żołnierzy. „Kolęda Warszawska 1939” to pewne przypomnienie okrutnych i bardzo ciężkich czasów i okresu świąt Bożego Narodzenia w trakcie II Wojny Światowej.

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +6

      dziękuję za historię

    • @yanepsevdonim
      @yanepsevdonim ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Sorry, that we didnt know about your histori before... they didn't want us know...

    • @karolinakuc4783
      @karolinakuc4783 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@yanepsevdonim NKWD w 90% nie było narodowości rosyjskiej. A jak się jakiś trafiał to był to wyrodek.

  • @LFC_PL
    @LFC_PL ปีที่แล้ว +23

    "Warsaw carol 1939" was written by the poet Stanisław Baliński, who at that time was with the literary active Skamander. "Warsaw caroll" was written on Christmas Eve in Paris, where Baliński was in exile. The piece was created to reflect the realities of life during the Nazi occupation.
    Initially, the poem "Warsaw 1939" was published anonymously in one of the underground magazines published in Warsaw during the war. The aim of the song was to give comfort and hope to soldiers fighting all over Poland. "Warsaw Carol 1939" is a reminder of the cruel and very hard times and the Christmas period during World War II. 😢

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      thank you for this information not only for myself to read

  • @olegmelnichuk-allen2723
    @olegmelnichuk-allen2723 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Great song very actual with what's going on in Ukraine.... love it.Thank you for bringing on... and your nice reaction . 💙💛

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      once again Oleg Respect Bro

    • @borowykanal
      @borowykanal ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sława Ukrainie! :)

    • @ragana5356
      @ragana5356 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@borowykanal ciekawe za co

  • @M3Izikill
    @M3Izikill ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Poland, 1939. Trapped between Nazis and Soviets, tear apart by both of them in most brutal way.
    MARGARET is 31, born in 1991
    O Mother, postpone the day of Nativity
    for another time
    Let not the eyes of Creation see,
    How they oppress us.
    Let the most beloved Son be born
    Among other stars
    But not here, not in the saddest
    Of all the cities.
    Because in our city you remember
    From distant days
    Crosses have grown, crosses and a cemetery,
    Fresh from the blood.
    Because our children under shrapnel
    They fell breathless.
    O Saint Mary, pray for us,
    But don't come here.
    And if you want to be born in the shadows
    war ruins,
    It's better right after birth
    Throw Him on the Cross.

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      i'm trying to find her on facebook hard work

    • @agatasobczak802
      @agatasobczak802 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      German,German not nazi do this.

    • @Baiami26
      @Baiami26 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@agatasobczak802 "not nazi do this" - so there weren't any Germans among Nazis? I know what you meant BUT your comment sounds strange because of the words that you used.
      There were OTHER nationalities among Nazis so it's not correct saying "Germans" instead of "Nazis".

    • @agatasobczak802
      @agatasobczak802 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Baiami26 German not nazi.Polacy od 1000 lat są mordowani przez Niemcy. Nic się nie zmieniło i nie zmieni.Ten naród to naród mordercow.1000 lat temu nie było nazistow a tak samo okrutnie nas mordowalu.German 1000 years mordered Polish people.

    • @piotrdebicki9043
      @piotrdebicki9043 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hmm? Who is nazi and soviets? We were traped between germans and russians.

  • @aniabargiel2175
    @aniabargiel2175 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    O Matko odłóż dzień narodzenia
    Na inny czas
    Niechaj nie widzą oczy stworzenia
    Jak gnębią nas
    Niechaj się rodzi Syn Najmilejszy
    Śród innych gwiazd
    Ale nie tutaj nie w najsmutniejszym
    Ze wszystkich miast
    Bo w naszym mieście które pamiętasz
    Z dalekich dni
    Krzyże wyrosły krzyże i cmentarz
    Świeży od krwi
    Bo nasze dzieci pod szrapnelami
    Padły bez tchu
    O Święta Mario módl się za nami
    Lecz nie chodź tu
    A jeśli chcesz już narodzić w cieniu
    Wojennych zgliszcz
    To lepiej zaraz po narodzeniu
    Rzuć go na krzyż

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      dziekuje bardzo za przetlumaczenie

  • @sergio-tachini
    @sergio-tachini ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It's sooo touching...😥

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      very touching

  • @Lidiya-Sun
    @Lidiya-Sun ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Пред рождественская песня в окупированной Польше 1939г.
    О, Мать, отложи день Рождения
    На другой раз
    Пусть не видят очи Творения
    Как они нас угнетают
    Пусть родится самый дорогой Сын
    Среди других звезд
    Но не здесь, не в самом печальном
    Из всех городов
    Потому что в нашем городе что ты помнишь
    Из далеких дней
    Кресты встали, кресты и кладбище
    Свежие от крови
    Потому что наши дети под осколками
    падали затаив дыхание
    О святая Мария, молись о нас
    Но не ходи сюда
    И если ты хочешь родить в тени
    Из развалин войны
    Тогда лучше сразу после рождения
    Брось Его на крест

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bardzo dziękuję za teksty

  • @puteau76
    @puteau76 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Your channel should carry this song to the world... we Poles already know it, it's time for other nations to know it... good luck 👍

  • @Ireksojkowski
    @Ireksojkowski ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Cześć, piękna reakcja na tok potężną smutną Kolendę, pozdrawiam

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      She was a amazing in this performance and I will react to Margaret soon

    • @Ireksojkowski
      @Ireksojkowski ปีที่แล้ว

      @@UNCLEMOMO 👍

  • @kkkikinoova1716
    @kkkikinoova1716 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    singer Małgorzata Jamroży pseudonym "Margaret" born on June 30, 1991. Warsaw Carol 1939” is a poem written by Stanisław Balińki during World War II. It also has a musical interpretation. The Warsaw Carol” was created on Christmas Eve night in Paris, where Baliński was in exile. The song refers to the realities of life during the Nazi occupation and is one of the most beautiful Polish Christmas carols. The aim of the song was to give comfort and hope to soldiers fighting all over Poland. "Warsaw Carol 1939" is a reminder of the cruel and very hard times and the Christmas period during World War II. ,during World War II, everyone participated. children, women, the elderly, anyone who could help in any way. I recommend the video on TH-cam "-The Unconquered"
    "Upsaring" . Pozdrawiam x

  • @meandme24
    @meandme24 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    She's young, but emphatic and wise.

  • @katarzynakolos5120
    @katarzynakolos5120 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    To kolęda wojny, powstała w 1939 r. Autor : Stanisław Baliński, Polski poeta. To kolęda inna niż dostojna kolęda ,, Bóg się rodzi"" Którą my Polacy śpiewamy podczas świąt uroczyście jak hymn. Kolęda Warszawska to wołanie de profundis, " Matko odłóż dzień narodzenia, jeśli Bóg ma się narodzić w takim miejscu jak wojenna Warszawa, to tylko po to, żeby jak najszybciej zbawić całe zło jakie tu się stało"
    W 1939 r Polskę napadli Niemcy i Rosja. Dziś Rosja morduje w Ukrainie. Pamiętajcie o Ukrainie. To oni dzisiaj cierpią i walczą. Tak jak my walczyliśmy

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      She sung the poet beautifully

  • @piotrkorzeniewski8539
    @piotrkorzeniewski8539 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Good reacktion ❤

  • @Hundhammer
    @Hundhammer ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @XxXxXXxXxX93-c8b
    @XxXxXXxXxX93-c8b 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Poles have very emotional and artistic souls 🇵🇱❤️ contrary to appearances. For Westerners we seem cold and closed. We do not smile artificially or falsely on the street, we look deep into each other's eyes to look into each other's souls, only then do we establish the first contact and openly communicate with the other person, offering our friendship, help and hospitality. People living in the big Western countries where there have never been such cruel and brutal wars and occupations will not understand this. As a nation, we have undergone many changes... We were not on the world map for 123 years and yet we managed to resurrect the Polish state (unfortunately, not as big as our previous power which included Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine...) after 20 years we were attacked again from both sides by the two largest armies in the world - Germany and Russia... The whole country was completely destroyed... our culture... art (everything was stolen and deported to Germany and Russia) Empowered Polish elites... Only to exterminate the Polish nation once and for all... After World War II, when the West was celebrating victory, freedom, democracy, development... Poland found itself under brutal control for 50 years Soviet Union... all our attempts at uprising and protests were brutally suppressed by the Russian army... For half a century, Russia robbed us... We paid for free as a "thank you" for the liberation from Germany with our blood... and our economy... by sending it as a "gift" "what we produced... There was nothing in our stores. people were starving... and Russia was getting rich off us and sending people into space... Fortunately, we have been free again for 30 years! And in 10 years we will finally catch up with Western Europe, and I hope that I will live to see (I am 30 years old) when we will overtake Western Europe.

      @UNCLEMOMO  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow I’ve still got way too much to learn thank you very much for the education much appreciated respect

  • @beatar1205
    @beatar1205 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    More a prayer than a carol...

  • @cristianzidaru4888
    @cristianzidaru4888 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nane feat Uzzi-- tututu .......power

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว

      thank i will check them out

  • @Basia1712
    @Basia1712 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @albertromanski4046
    @albertromanski4046 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This cannot be explained otherwise than by coming to Warsaw, you have to experience it, see the traces of bullets on the surviving buildings live, see the traces of blood on the staircases. And so it is terrifying for all people who visit this city, it is terrible because the scale of destruction and murder took on a new, completely different scale, what happened in this city during the uprising really exceeds the wildest expectations of people who are persistent, for example, I cried like I saw a picture of a bathtub in the courtyard of a tenement house with the ashes of burnt residents in which crosses made of sticks were stuck. All of us living today are not allowed to judge the legitimacy of this uprising, these people lived in total terror and life was in danger. Criticized more than once but we didn't live in those times it wasn't us living now who experienced terror everyday these people knew they were going to die but they preferred to feel free for a while and for that they deserve respect who knows when something like this will happen again you have to respect it what is now and the role of Poland and several other countries is to remind and guard that similar situations never happen, we, as people living now, can only regret why children had to die what led to the fact that even children wanted to fight this is a disgrace of the previous century and war, never, ever, such innocent beings should be involved in such situations. The example of Warsaw is really one of many, but here it took on a different scale than in the rest of other regions of Poland and Europe. To sum up, let's take care of peace and to make it better, secondly, we must not forget history because it likes to repeat itself, and thirdly, and I think the most important thing, let's respect ourselves and others, and diversity. Finally, I will add that I am from a family where my grandparents fought for freedom, grandfather near Monte Casino, grandmother in Poland, survived a concentration camp, my dad's uncle was murdered in a concentration camp, so I am asking everyone who will read this comment to think about the meaning of life and the effects of hatred. Ps. there is no point in applauding, it's terrible that it happened, silence and the lack of such reactions will be an eloquent answer to what happened, secondly, the melody is very old, it was created in 1939 after the German attack on Poland.

  • @esterax
    @esterax ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Dla mnie to jest bardzo smutna pieśń 😭

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      tak, mogę powiedzieć, że jest to bardzo smutna piosenka śpiewana przez niesamowitą kobietę

  • @jagodaj3033
    @jagodaj3033 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Zrób proszę reakcję na
    Zbigniew Preisner, Beata Rybotycka- Kolęda dla nieobecnych
    "Kolęda dla nieobecnych” to piosenka śpiewana w okresie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia z myślą o najbliższych osobach, których już nie ma z nami i pozostało po nich puste miejsce przy stole
    Ja jak słyszę tą kolędę to myślami jestem na Ukrainie to nie będą szczęśliwe święta dla nich

      @UNCLEMOMO  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i can't keep up with you lol

  • @magorzatagouchowska8995
    @magorzatagouchowska8995 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Polacy znają historię swojego kraju - śmieszy mnie reakcja tych pseudo znawców i ich komentarze, nigdy nie zrozumieją kontekstu piosenek i pieśni ,a wymandrzają się ze swoim znawstwem i udają , udają ,udaja . Milczenie byłoby tutaj najbardziej stosowne , a nie gadanie ple, ple ,ple.

  • @s.poland9764
    @s.poland9764 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This song ..to nie świąteczna piosenka to PAIN WARSZAWYw czasie gdy Hitlerowskie NIEMCY iCzerwone Ruskie robale nas mordowali jak dziśUkraińców to jestpieśń bólu nie Christmas song to PAIN sory:(((

  • @zbigniewbucaw3342
    @zbigniewbucaw3342 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    she islike 24 by know still young adult...WE OLDERS HAVE TO PROTECT URS FROM BAD.they dont know how much it cost us parents

  • @zbigniewbucaw3342
    @zbigniewbucaw3342 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    you staring to be educated human been.