Hello Chris and Willa, one of the things you’ve mentioned in your tape is right, you are at the mercy of your landlord with regards to how much they want to increase the rent. With the current economic situation in the UK, the high inflation number will remain and therefore it is unlikely the central bank will have too much room to cut interest rates, my guess is 0.25 (b4 election) and 0.25 before the end of this year. The mortgage rates of 4.09 fixed two years are shown in your chart is for no less than 60% mortgage and 40% deposit; for a deposit of 10%, I believe the current rate is 5.89%. You also need to look at the details about what rates the bank will apply to your mortgage after the two-year fixing and whether there is a penalty for you to change to another mortgage provider during the lifetime of your mortgage. My advice/suggestion to you with regard to buying a house are: 1) whether you are considering having children in the future or not, always buy at a good state school catchment area, this will always be a value-added point for re-sell, 2) try to avoid new build property because you always pay a premium for new houses and you will not make much money when you want to re-sell. Besides most of the newly built areas are not convenient for public transport, doctors, etc, and they are unlikely in the catchment of good schools. It is better to redecorate an old property slowly by yourself or make sure you use workers that is recommended. There is one possible good news for the UK if labour wins the election, they want to allow young Europeans (ages between 18-35) to seek jobs in the UK with immediate temporary resident visas for two years and visa versa for British to be able to seek jobs in Europe. If this goes ahead, it will improve the UK's economic prospects including housing prices. Good luck to both of you. Sorry, my written Chinese is just simply not good.😂
We bought our first house in England in 1999. We paid off our mortgage early last year. Now we have no monthly mortgage payment. The sooner you buy with mortgage, the sooner you are debt free.
I live in Seattle where has a very high real estate price. My though is as long as supply is always less than demand, the housing market won't crash too much as long as you live there for long term. Also, you can refinance with lower rate in the future.
Be careful of buying anywhere so close to the River Thames. The maintenance of the river wall could be a problem when the wall starts to erode and also if the Uber boats use that part of the river as the tide and high wind can cause eroding of the river bed. There’s a development near Greenwich which is very close to the River Thames and leaseholders have now been informed the council will no fund the upkeep of the river wall and will be up to leaseholders to pay. Will be very expensive and running into half a million pounds to be shared by 11 blocks
(my opinion) In the long run (if you guys vision this is a long term stay in UK, I mean you will become UK citizens), you need to buy. (I won't wait 3 years long.) Renting is no doubt helping your landlords to gain profit. Of course, there are many different economical/political/government factors to affect the housing price at all time. Who knows?
Hackney 地區比較雜. 住的地方一定location 好 ,所以買前耍做research想去那一區. 買House 或 flats ?Flats就耍付每年£3000 管理費... 耍計清楚,同resell 能力(即日後想再换屋). If you want more infornation related to UK properties, pls feel free to contact me as i watch your videos often and can help as very experienced about UK .
如果经济許可,应该及早買屋,因为你們是自住而不是投资。不应再猶疑,我当年賣了北愛的三房獨立新屋,在倫敦外圍買了一間三房很舊的ex council 屋150千,很多人勸我不要買,但我告訢自己,我是買来自住,不是投资,屋价长远来说,只会升值。買屋头三年,我連去cafe 飲咖啡也没錢,節衣缩食,终于涯过来,现在才有能力帮助我兩个兒女置業。
@@eruketo3969 租$715, 管理費£190, 加租和管理費有上限,Council Tax Band D, 2房680尺,市價同屋苑私人單位租金£2,000+, 管理費£230, Council Tax Band E. Share ownership 適合靚地段,同區樓價較高地方,其他人話唔抵是因為地點較不理想。用香港做例子就是找太古城,灣仔,香港半山Share ownership, 不要找天水圍Share ownership
買来自住,不是投资. not always 升值. but it would be a piece of mind, home sweet home. But I would suggest to buy a cosy small house in a good location, it does not need to be in the city, suburban is better. but not apartment, not row house. and you can budget some money to go to different city to live short term (may be days or weeks) for travel vlog, or news reporting. here I also have another two examples for keeping a house but need to frequent away home : my friend job offer and work in Thailand for ?? term. They rent their USA houses to a couple , they are teachers. The rental agreement is only ten months, and the house needed to be available back for them in summer. another one is: my relative live in vancouver, who rent out the walk out basement for a family, and the rental agreement stated that they have to look after the yard and garbage collection especially when she is away a couple of months to to USA and Hong kong to visit their children and grandchildren.
You forgot ZoniJai does real estate too. No meaning to advertise him. You met him before. He might of a help. Also pay attention UK does these city plan developments near London areas too affect home values and demographics
二:有地但冇工人起樓,供應少(所有new build 都因為唔夠工人而delay)
四:英國都多BB 出世,人口結構良好(眼見成街成個超市好多 BB)
個人認為樓價如海鮮價,有時太多顧慮未必係好,只要兩位覺得時機啱,又睇啱自己喜歡嘅單位和可以負擔得到嘅, 買樓自住就最好。
多謝Willa and Chris, 祝福找到自己喜歡又優良的一個家! 香港人加油!
恭祝龍年搵到好盤 😚
Thank you 芷靈~
買邊區首先要計算一下你的工作年期 及職業, 如果超過20年尚未到退休年齡, 而工作不屬於手作工業, 需要跟隨時代脈搏走的, 貴啲都要買倫敦! 就好似喺中環工作, 冇理由住天水圍!
我都一樣, 重有兩箱嘢未開, 又唔係好敢買嘢, 驚要搬既時候麻煩.
對的,是時候要做决定了。個人來看,如買freehold property, service charge 平,物業進可攻,退可守。如長住,比交租化算。祝早日找到心儀物業。🎉❤
買屋住好, 鎖定上車價錢, 有花園可以有更多空間, 春夏季的英國特別舒適!提高生活質素是很重要的!💐🌈🏡🦋
Once rate really starts going down, house price will significantly go up. I think now is a good time
不過買樓的話,盡量唔好考慮leasehold apartment, 加埋每個月/年要俾管理費,可以有好多手尾。 本地人都怕。
Leasehold 好多恐怖故事,如果一定要拺 leasehold, 起碼睇過往三年 management accounts , 仔細 lun , 仲要考慮將來 management fee 加價. 盡量避免 new build apartments
不過而家起嘅new build free hold, 全部都有management fee, 只係冇leasehold apartment 食水咁深同冇王管就真
@@whmok 對, freehold property 的management fee 非常低, 在大倫敦區都只是4-500鎊一年, 因為只管理communal area 的花草樹木及街燈.
買同租好唔同。買既話除咗mortgage,仲有好多必要洗費,例如Tax, utilities (gas, electricity, water & drain, waste),insurance etc. 你要計過哂依啲野都供得起既話就gogogo。
另外你買得既大多數都一定aim house(三房)(倫敦除外),相反,租既話兩公婆一個(一房一廳)既flat都夠做。咁既狀況底下,買既洗費一定高過租。
至於insterest rate升跌,你除非個down payment好大,否則會有好大分別,供款可以差好遠。
同意! 英國係一個好值得買樓嘅地方,買樓抵過租好多,因為租金一日比一日貴,租客要比埋council tax,負擔頗重
我做建築業,好老實,寧願住遠啲都一定會買House, 因為Apartment service charge 一年就3000-6000£,未計utility council tax and ground fee,皮費好重….
重有唔可以隨便轉utility provider ..
完全同意! 呢度租樓租十幾年(倫敦以外)都已經可以買到間屋。
置業第一考慮location 。
住遠"少少' 倫敦就可以平D, 另外Town 仔又再平過city,如不須好校網又再平D,找一些有direct train to London 的Town 仔, 例如 Old Basing 😊, 只係45分鐘去Waterloo, 等如元朗去銅鑼灣,但不用轉車!
事實英國樓價唔會受樓齡 (百幾二百年等閒事)、市區定郊區(郊區仲貴)影響,係睇物業類型、幾多間房,detached house最貴,bungalow一層過買少見少,更貴!
當然 London City係另計,買個apartment已經夠係鄰近城市買間semi detached
自住樓,揀到鐘意嘅就買,吾同投資,買自己嘅巢,好嘅屋真係祖屋嚟,安心摭風擋雨,定海神針,全家人無論有乜風雨,去到幾遠,返到嚟都有個安樂窩,D財富有個聚居嘅地方,呢D時候買最好,可以買到好屋,家係無價㗎,好多年青人將家同投資mixed up。好大唔同㗎 。
Well said
現在買樓的議價空間高 所以有能力應該把握機會買樓 英國樓宇供應還是不足 所以就算不大升 也不會大跌 大家也說李嘉誠也在這邊買樓就沒錯了😂😂😂
英國人嘅講法: Location, Location, Location. 地區最重要
Add oil Chris and Willa, hope you can find a lovely property in the UK 💛💛
有個英國YT-er叫 MattBrighton, 以前在倫敦做銀行業在市內買過leasehold apartment, 依家自己出去買house攪flip projects起家,佢有分享市場分析同點睇樓/裝修,可以參考下。
people so get used to low interest rate. If you check the interest rate, it was up to 14% in 80's in Canada.
Full Pay 或供樓,生活硬系安定輕鬆好多
支持Chris Willa Vlog 咪節目👍👏自置物業是比較安心🥰🙏
可以終極開箱未呀, 拖咗咁耐...
你地兩個年青. 捱辛苦D買 London la. 你地一定唔會後悔
Apartments 又看, houses 又看,好作比較,再看財政安排。不要理摸頂否,因你們會住很多年,自己住就不要考慮這點,而且多年後會升到阿媽都不認得,到時又點計呢?
如果有計劃生小朋友,建議睇返Sutton, SM2/3 環境較你以前租住的位置好, 近車站附近出倫敦做嘢都好方便
買定租,其中一個重要考慮指標係租值(rental yield)。英國樓租值一般有5%或以上,比銀行利息更高;錢放在銀行賺利息要交income tax,自住樓唔使交稅,如果手頭有錢,一定買好過租。
ISA 20000鎊內唔計稅 自已物業定租樓基本每個月都要交市政稅
Hello Chris and Willa, one of the things you’ve mentioned in your tape is right, you are at the mercy of your landlord with regards to how much they want to increase the rent. With the current economic situation in the UK, the high inflation number will remain and therefore it is unlikely the central bank will have too much room to cut interest rates, my guess is 0.25 (b4 election) and 0.25 before the end of this year. The mortgage rates of 4.09 fixed two years are shown in your chart is for no less than 60% mortgage and 40% deposit; for a deposit of 10%, I believe the current rate is 5.89%. You also need to look at the details about what rates the bank will apply to your mortgage after the two-year fixing and whether there is a penalty for you to change to another mortgage provider during the lifetime of your mortgage.
My advice/suggestion to you with regard to buying a house are:
1) whether you are considering having children in the future or not, always buy at a good state school catchment area, this will always be a value-added point for re-sell,
2) try to avoid new build property because you always pay a premium for new houses and you will not make much money when you want to re-sell. Besides most of the newly built areas are not convenient for public transport, doctors, etc, and they are unlikely in the catchment of good schools. It is better to redecorate an old property slowly by yourself or make sure you use workers that is recommended.
There is one possible good news for the UK if labour wins the election, they want to allow young Europeans (ages between 18-35) to seek jobs in the UK with immediate temporary resident visas for two years and visa versa for British to be able to seek jobs in Europe. If this goes ahead, it will improve the UK's economic prospects including housing prices.
Good luck to both of you.
Sorry, my written Chinese is just simply not good.😂
My experience; Bromley (District 5) median house in 2014 around £400K, in 2024 probably £800K⋯⋯definitely get your house if you could afford it.
自住點都係要買.有瓦遮頭心都定的, 不過要衡量選擇
We bought our first house in England in 1999. We paid off our mortgage early last year. Now we have no monthly mortgage payment. The sooner you buy with mortgage, the sooner you are debt free.
其實真係好似你咁講首要係睇餸食飯, 有小朋友同無小朋友揀區揀樓又會有唔同. 係人都知或者係人都想揀好學校區或者揀London, 但負擔唔起, 最後辛苦自己. 好可能住係 London 或者有好學校好貴既地方, 但層樓好殘住得又唔舒服咁又無晒錢剩, 咁係咪叫做為小朋友好為自己好呢. 咁點解唔搬遠d, 住得靚d舒服d又可以多個錢係身, 令自己無咁多壓力. 至於住得遠就係鄉下仔, 住得近但又唔出去, 又慳住洗, 咁又代表唔鄉下仔喇咩. 哩度返學咁多一兩星期假期, 咪揸架車去遠或者去大城市玩下囉. Anyway, 每個人選擇唔同, 心態真係好緊要, 但離鄉別井咁遠, 唔好令自己唔開心. 香港人加油啦.
@@ABCD-ye3gl 所以硬性話買屋位置最重要,首先要買得起先囉。
I live in Seattle where has a very high real estate price. My though is as long as supply is always less than demand, the housing market won't crash too much as long as you live there for long term. Also, you can refinance with lower rate in the future.
我住在加州大都會…. 這里的房屋最小$120 萬美元起…. 獨立房屋$180-$250萬美元起跳….. 租住的二房公寓沒有$3 千美元以下的…. 所以這儿買房屋的话… 二夫婦年薪起码要有$40-$50 萬美元!
Keep up strong positive vlog mic Chris with willa 😊
想避險就唔好買4大城市,之前升咁多,pk時嘔番出黎。其他地方好多new build都係200k 有semi detached
Be careful of buying anywhere so close to the River Thames. The maintenance of the river wall could be a problem when the wall starts to erode and also if the Uber boats use that part of the river as the tide and high wind can cause eroding of the river bed. There’s a development near Greenwich which is very close to the River Thames and leaseholders have now been informed the council will no fund the upkeep of the river wall and will be up to leaseholders to pay. Will be very expensive and running into half a million pounds to be shared by 11 blocks
有圖有數, 好睇有用 多謝
(my opinion) In the long run (if you guys vision this is a long term stay in UK, I mean you will become UK citizens), you need to buy. (I won't wait 3 years long.) Renting is no doubt helping your landlords to gain profit. Of course, there are many different economical/political/government factors to affect the housing price at all time. Who knows?
倫敦核心地段永遠都企係最高位 今年吾買明年只會更貴 呢個城市處於國際舞台 其需求好難向下行
試吓Santander bank . 有親友近日取得供樓年利率4.1% mortgage offer
Hackney 地區比較雜. 住的地方一定location 好 ,所以買前耍做research想去那一區. 買House 或 flats ?Flats就耍付每年£3000 管理費... 耍計清楚,同resell 能力(即日後想再换屋). If you want more infornation related to UK properties, pls feel free to contact me as i watch your videos often and can help as very experienced about UK .
如果经济許可,应该及早買屋,因为你們是自住而不是投资。不应再猶疑,我当年賣了北愛的三房獨立新屋,在倫敦外圍買了一間三房很舊的ex council 屋150千,很多人勸我不要買,但我告訢自己,我是買来自住,不是投资,屋价长远来说,只会升值。買屋头三年,我連去cafe 飲咖啡也没錢,節衣缩食,终于涯过来,现在才有能力帮助我兩个兒女置業。
都好想跟你地去睇樓盆呀😍👍 Good luck !
同意,apartment 雖較便宜但屬 leasehold,不可自由裝修,又要交ground rent 同 service fee定時起價,又唔易賣出
Apartment日後換 boiler 無得揀,因為局限咗款式和型號
有時連 broadband internet 也有限。我先前倫敦只有 optify供應。硬食。
咩setting唔重要,Willa good good good
英國長期供不應求,所以買樓係真冇死。我自己都準備創業做developer ,如果需要sourcing 可以同我講
創業做developer? 犀利犀利!
其實我會話做real estate 會比做其他更易,因為會有好多人肯借錢俾你,所以冇想像中要好似李嘉誠咁有錢😂
可以留意share ownership, London 東南邊嘅Bexleyheath, welling, sidcup, 治安好,樓價較平
Share ownership都幾唔抵
@@vvvwong22 share ownership不一定不好,要留心找,London 有部份share ownership是抵買,離開倫敦就唔好用share ownership, 我有朋友買近River Thame, 10年左右樓,治安好,Zone 2, £180k 30% share, rent £7xx
30% share, 再個個月交租,交管理費?
@@eruketo3969 租$715, 管理費£190, 加租和管理費有上限,Council Tax Band D, 2房680尺,市價同屋苑私人單位租金£2,000+, 管理費£230, Council Tax Band E. Share ownership 適合靚地段,同區樓價較高地方,其他人話唔抵是因為地點較不理想。用香港做例子就是找太古城,灣仔,香港半山Share ownership, 不要找天水圍Share ownership
樓價已經比22年下調 所以唔算最瘋癲時刻
香港人不單只是BNO人? 包括李氏郭氏等各大家族成員 ? 亦包括很多富裕及中產 ? 在過去幾十年來已買下的物業 ? 是嗎?
買来自住,不是投资. not always 升值. but it would be a piece of mind, home sweet home. But I would suggest to buy a cosy small house in a good location, it does not need to be in the city, suburban is better. but not apartment, not row house. and you can budget some money to go to different city to live short term (may be days or weeks) for travel vlog, or news reporting. here I also have another two examples for keeping a house but need to frequent away home : my friend job offer and work in Thailand for ?? term. They rent their USA houses to a couple , they are teachers. The rental agreement is only ten months, and the house needed to be available back for them in summer. another one is: my relative live in vancouver, who rent out the walk out basement for a family, and the rental agreement stated that they have to look after the yard and garbage collection especially when she is away a couple of months to to USA and Hong kong to visit their children and grandchildren.
Compare to NZ, the CPI in UK is not that much. 😆😆
買, 看樓
Chris & Willa🤗
You forgot ZoniJai does real estate too. No meaning to advertise him. You met him before. He might of a help. Also pay attention UK does these city plan developments near London areas too affect home values and demographics