octopusk studio I got this one from a place called fineartstore. From their website. I don’t know if they have already sold out. I contacted Schmincke directly through their website. I did not see them update the empties but you could probably contact them through the website and ask about when they are releasing the empty version online.
Vikesh Kapoor bad news.. I actually just talked to a rep from Schmincke as they said they are not going to be releasing them again. Sorry! I saw Holbein has one now in Japan you can find on eBay. Winsor Newton still has some floating around. There is always the unbranded loxley and whiskey painters too which I think are matched in quality though I’ve never held them side by side.
Oh wow! It was meant for you!! I have the plain Loxley version and it's sooooo pretty. Though the Schmincke version you found is pretty amazing. Your sketch is awesome and thanks for the tips about going with larger shapes first, then going smaller and smaller. It's so easy to get caught up in the details... And thanks for the shout out! (I'm sorry I'm an enabler, hahaha!)
Eve Bolt - Bolt's Vault haha thanks :) I’m always happy to see you post. Plus your voice is so soothing. You should do talk radio or books on tape haha :)
Such a lovely painting. Loved the explanation about the transitions from cool to warm shades! That box was a Christmas special, therefore the gold pan. Schmincke bring out special editions every year but they don't seem to repeat themselves and offer the same boxes more often. They've been promoting tin boxes with colourful designs in the last couple of years instead of those sturdy heavy weight boxes. That's a shame because those boxes are more beautiful imho. I was lucky enough to get an old jumbo box with 48 triple pans at a garage sale. The design is similar to this one but the box is HUGE. I got in touch with Schmincke and they told me it was a special edition for some anniversary in the 80ies.
Teoh Yi Chie You’re sort of the reason I have the box! A long while ago I saw one of your videos where you were using it and paused it and was like “what is that box?!” I could never find the WN box of the half pan version. I finally stumbled across the Schmincke and I love it. I built a travel easel that has a magnetic base that it clicks into.
I have a schmincke heavy metal 8 color box, with the water reservoir inside and water cup attached. I 💜 it! Great for my travel bag. I also just ordered the 48 pallet in Schmincke which I’m soooooo excited to get!
Jared Loves to Draw I have a apologize...I meant to compliment your painting in my original comment! I was way too excited about the Schmincke! 😊. Very nice job! ✌️.
I know the history why this set came with a gold half pan in it. It was originally launch in a few years ago (2014) as the Christmas special, that's why they put the Gold in this set, its such a festival colour. And the owl logo of Schmincke on the inner mixing flip was also screen printed on GOLD, just the same as the cover. Now all the boxes were standard version box, with a black owl ok the inner lid. And the recent popular 3row * 6half pan box (the box for 18 pearlmetalic colour special) will also can be buy as empty box from Q3 of 2018, also the Schmincke 135 Years special edition with a ceramic insert/holder edition.
gecko2255 I love it. I had a full pan version from Winsor Newton but I wanted one smaller. It’s a handy box. I haven’t fooled around with putting full pans down the middle but I may at some point.
I just discovered this channel. That Schmincke set is really nice looking. I like the how the Winsor & Newton version looks too but they say at that large size that it is really heavy.
Hi Jared, here in the Republic of Ireland, this box can be found at a local art shop in Dublin. Here is the link: kennedyart.com/shop/products/studio-equipment/painting-boxes-studio-equipment/watercolour-bos-empty-12-half-pan/
Okay, first, I just love the painting. Really enjoy your approach and the decisions you make when you paint. Second, the palette is sweet! I have a lovely Schmincke tin, but admit the sides can be a bit sharp at times. Still, it serves me well! Lastly, as for keeping a palette on you at all times, I keep a Portable Painter palette (filled with DS paint) and a Sakura Koi field kit on me wherever I go. They are both great for my needs and allow for quick set up/clean up. Anyhow, thank you sharing and hope all is well! :)
I taped mine with the black plastic (?) electric wiring tape, soon I’ll use a lighter to tighten in so it won’t be peeling in places of the cut off, which worked for stickers when I tried so I know it won’t ruin the palette
@@JaredCullum I'll get a whiskey painters one probably... Best quality but best wallet killer too, the bijou box comes relatively as expensive as the loxley one of this box... And by these quarantine times I can't order anything via Amazon and some others so... I'll be just waiting and do lots of practice...
Like "gecko2255", i also find the Whiskey Painters pallette that is identical to this one (less the owl!) to be the best palette I ever had (and there has been many!) - so when I saw your post last weekend (a couple of days after you posted it), i thought i should try to get this one (as I was looking to get a spare Whiskey Painters anyway, just dreading the $60 for the EMPTY palette!). I followed your Amazon link and Amazon said there were 6 available - so I thought, no need to hurry, I will do it sometime during the weekend. On saturday I placed the order and the thing shipped immediately, I mean in a matter of a couple of hours of placing the order! Anyway, I clicked on the item again from the Amazon email and when the item came up, it said "currently Unavailable" - we are talking about one moment there are 6 (or at least it said that!) and 3 hours later there were none. I arrived yesterday (super fast shipping too) - i must have gotten the LAST one they had.... You really cannot beat this price if you like the palette and Schimnke paints because if you compare with the empty Whiskey Painters palette, you are getting 16 schminke paint half-pans for $68! (plus $60 for the palette itself - and even if you subtract the GOLD pan, it is still a bargain, lol) - thank you so much for the review and link!
Yvonne Carpenter nice!!! Haha cool. I didn’t think about it that way but you’re totally right! Schmincke talked to me and told me they’re going to start offering the emptys of this in July. I bet it’s still a better value with the paints. (I still have no idea what one would do with gold unless you’re doing a study of Gustav Klimt’s “the kiss” 😂)
I am a box addict! Love this and guess the middle row will take more pans if wanted. And the deep wells are cool. I might have to pursue the empty version....
That sturdy box is made by Fome, in Italy. Currently, Maimeri (Italian manufacturer of art materials and paints) packs their sets of watercolour pans in those sturdy boxes by Fome. All others (W&N, Schminke, etc.) now use supercheap flimsy, tin, lightweight boxes that are good for nothing. Those boxes break easily, the coating of mixing areas is thin, semi-transparent and terrible. So, yes, check out Maimeri sets.
You may have already mentioned this in the past, but I have a question about your drafting table. Isn't it better to work on a flat surface rather than an angled one because the water doesn't pool on the bottom? What's the advantage to working on an angle?
Simon Reese I suppose it’s whatever works best for you. I illustrate kids books and spend a great deal of time at my desk so I like the tilt to sit straight up better. I also have done it long enough that I am used to controlling the drip and pull of the water by the direction of the tilt. I can anticipate color changes better that way. A lot of the painters I study paint at a tilt too. Zbukvic, Castagnet, David Curtis, james fletcher Watson. All my heroes. All paint at a tilt. But there’s nothing wrong with painting flat if you prefer it.
Thanks so much for the shout out!! I think this video has me looking at "buying things I don't need."😁 Great review and look at painting the crocodile. Do you have a link for the box? I can't find it anywhere. 😳😂😂😂
DrPhilologist I’ll keep an eye out and contact you if I see it. Check European shops online. I had every intention of sharing the link but it literally disappeared after I got it. Try the amazon link in my description? It says they have 13 in stock(?) Also- Birgit at Schmincke told me they have empty versions available. The pans are mostly the same as every other Schmincke box. Contact Schmincke directly and ask for it. They are super kind and helpful. You could get the empty and then buy the pans half off through Jackson’s in the UK. Hope that helps!
DrPhilologist by the way- if you’re not comfortable contacting Schmincke- I don’t mind asking them directly for you about getting an empty version of it. Just let me know how I can help.
DrPhilologist hey hey hey- the link is back! Maybe they have a couple more. You should snag it if you can: www.fineartstore.com/p-12686-schmincke-horadam-aquarell-half-pan-metal-paint-set-of-16.aspx
Jared Loves to Draw Damn, you are awesome! I am just glad I checked the comments without getting a notification or anything... Thank you so much!!!! I've been trying to find one of those for ages!!!!
Thanks for the video. There are Tony Schmücke palettes called the whiskey painter, that look similar to this one. But they all are more extensive (empty) than the regular ones on amazon, sadly. The crocodile is amazing! It was a pleasure to watch you paint it. ☺
bastet469 yea- I thought about that half way through the demo. I never think to do swatches and forgot people usually do them in this sort of video. I learned to paint by temperature so I’ve never been interested in what the individual color looked like. I totally forgot! It’s basically a standard schmincke 12 plus indigo and gold. If you want to watch the swatches eve bolt had a couple Schmincke reviews that cover the standard 12 or most of them. I think parkablog does too.
My sister - who is not into watercolours or Schmincke - also likes owls and likes the Schmincke logo just because of the owl 😂. There seems to be a niche of owl lovers out there 😂.
I never heard anythign about negative feedback. I talked to Schmincke about them and they told me it was a limited run as a special one year. You can still get the box with lots of other different brands and some companies even sell it empty.
I think the watercolour gods just decided that "Hey, Jared worked hard, he deserves a treat." And so Jared found a website and bought a box for his watercolours. HAHAHA But hey! Looking at Art supplies is super fun but my wallet always feels threatened. I bet it will hit me if it had hands.
Congrats on your new Schmincke palette! Seems you got the last one! You can buy the empty box from here: www.artsupplies.co.uk/item-loxley-empty-heavyweight-metal-box.htm
Hey everyone! I just heard from Schmincke that they will be releasing this as an empty box starting in July!
wow.. really?
you buy those box directly to schmincke? they are accept paypal payment for those?
octopusk studio I got this one from a place called fineartstore. From their website. I don’t know if they have already sold out. I contacted Schmincke directly through their website. I did not see them update the empties but you could probably contact them through the website and ask about when they are releasing the empty version online.
@@JaredCullum Jared - did they ever release this last July? Can't find any info on it!
Vikesh Kapoor bad news.. I actually just talked to a rep from Schmincke as they said they are not going to be releasing them again. Sorry! I saw Holbein has one now in Japan you can find on eBay. Winsor Newton still has some floating around. There is always the unbranded loxley and whiskey painters too which I think are matched in quality though I’ve never held them side by side.
Oh wow! It was meant for you!! I have the plain Loxley version and it's sooooo pretty. Though the Schmincke version you found is pretty amazing. Your sketch is awesome and thanks for the tips about going with larger shapes first, then going smaller and smaller. It's so easy to get caught up in the details... And thanks for the shout out! (I'm sorry I'm an enabler, hahaha!)
Eve Bolt - Bolt's Vault haha thanks :) I’m always happy to see you post. Plus your voice is so soothing. You should do talk radio or books on tape haha :)
Oh, and the owl logo, lol. LOVE that owl logo!
Such a lovely painting. Loved the explanation about the transitions from cool to warm shades!
That box was a Christmas special, therefore the gold pan. Schmincke bring out special editions every year but they don't seem to repeat themselves and offer the same boxes more often. They've been promoting tin boxes with colourful designs in the last couple of years instead of those sturdy heavy weight boxes. That's a shame because those boxes are more beautiful imho. I was lucky enough to get an old jumbo box with 48 triple pans at a garage sale. The design is similar to this one but the box is HUGE. I got in touch with Schmincke and they told me it was a special edition for some anniversary in the 80ies.
good video. I would buy that palette. like the 3 deep water mixer
Eve sent me here for something else but I just wanted to say how much I love your approach. This croc is so lovely!
Thank you so much! I'm honored to have you watch. I'm an avid watcher of your stuff. I appreciate it. :) Eve is terrific. Love her channel as well.
Aw thank you so much! I've been going through your channel and am only sad that I didn't know about it sooner!
I've the same box too, but from Winsor and Newton. It's a great box. Really sturdy
Teoh Yi Chie You’re sort of the reason I have the box! A long while ago I saw one of your videos where you were using it and paused it and was like “what is that box?!” I could never find the WN box of the half pan version. I finally stumbled across the Schmincke and I love it. I built a travel easel that has a magnetic base that it clicks into.
I have a schmincke heavy metal 8 color box, with the water reservoir inside and water cup attached. I 💜 it! Great for my travel bag. I also just ordered the 48 pallet in Schmincke which I’m soooooo excited to get!
Eja Moon cool! Yea those little ones are beautiful boxes. That’s awesome!
Jared Loves to Draw I have a apologize...I meant to compliment your painting in my original comment! I was way too excited about the Schmincke! 😊. Very nice job! ✌️.
Eja Moon haha Well thank you! Schmincke is a great brand. I agree.
I do have the twelve half pan set. Love the size on the go.
This was such an informative helpful video
I know the history why this set came with a gold half pan in it. It was originally launch in a few years ago (2014) as the Christmas special, that's why they put the Gold in this set, its such a festival colour. And the owl logo of Schmincke on the inner mixing flip was also screen printed on GOLD, just the same as the cover. Now all the boxes were standard version box, with a black owl ok the inner lid.
And the recent popular 3row * 6half pan box (the box for 18 pearlmetalic colour special) will also can be buy as empty box from Q3 of 2018, also the Schmincke 135 Years special edition with a ceramic insert/holder edition.
Winifred So holy moly haha you know your stuff. :) thank you so much. That was really informative. I appreciate it.
I have that same box, empty, from whiskey painters! Best, heavy watercolor palette. Love it.
gecko2255 I love it. I had a full pan version from Winsor Newton but I wanted one smaller. It’s a handy box. I haven’t fooled around with putting full pans down the middle but I may at some point.
I just discovered this channel. That Schmincke set is really nice looking. I like the how the Winsor & Newton version looks too but they say at that large size that it is really heavy.
orkid box I’ve seen the large size. It’s heavier but it’s really not that bad. I like a heavy box because it feels more sturdy.
Hi Jared, here in the Republic of Ireland, this box can be found at a local art shop in Dublin. Here is the link:
Okay, first, I just love the painting. Really enjoy your approach and the decisions you make when you paint. Second, the palette is sweet! I have a lovely Schmincke tin, but admit the sides can be a bit sharp at times. Still, it serves me well! Lastly, as for keeping a palette on you at all times, I keep a Portable Painter palette (filled with DS paint) and a Sakura Koi field kit on me wherever I go. They are both great for my needs and allow for quick set up/clean up. Anyhow, thank you sharing and hope all is well! :)
M.D. Campbell awesome! I’ve seen a lot of chatter about those portable palettes. I’ll have to look at one sometime. Thanks for the kind words :)
I taped mine with the black plastic (?) electric wiring tape, soon I’ll use a lighter to tighten in so it won’t be peeling in places of the cut off, which worked for stickers when I tried so I know it won’t ruin the palette
I want to watercolour a crocodile too now...
Greta Patrignani haha thank you :)
I really need one of these boxes...
Bozmund Os they’re out there. I saw Holbein had some now. They’re kinda to find but they’re out there.
@@JaredCullum I'll get a whiskey painters one probably... Best quality but best wallet killer too, the bijou box comes relatively as expensive as the loxley one of this box... And by these quarantine times I can't order anything via Amazon and some others so...
I'll be just waiting and do lots of practice...
Like "gecko2255", i also find the Whiskey Painters pallette that is identical to this one (less the owl!) to be the best palette I ever had (and there has been many!) - so when I saw your post last weekend (a couple of days after you posted it), i thought i should try to get this one (as I was looking to get a spare Whiskey Painters anyway, just dreading the $60 for the EMPTY palette!). I followed your Amazon link and Amazon said there were 6 available - so I thought, no need to hurry, I will do it sometime during the weekend. On saturday I placed the order and the thing shipped immediately, I mean in a matter of a couple of hours of placing the order! Anyway, I clicked on the item again from the Amazon email and when the item came up, it said "currently Unavailable" - we are talking about one moment there are 6 (or at least it said that!) and 3 hours later there were none. I arrived yesterday (super fast shipping too) - i must have gotten the LAST one they had.... You really cannot beat this price if you like the palette and Schimnke paints because if you compare with the empty Whiskey Painters palette, you are getting 16 schminke paint half-pans for $68! (plus $60 for the palette itself - and even if you subtract the GOLD pan, it is still a bargain, lol) - thank you so much for the review and link!
Yvonne Carpenter nice!!! Haha cool. I didn’t think about it that way but you’re totally right! Schmincke talked to me and told me they’re going to start offering the emptys of this in July. I bet it’s still a better value with the paints. (I still have no idea what one would do with gold unless you’re doing a study of Gustav Klimt’s “the kiss” 😂)
Great video, thanks for sharing. Too bad this palette is getting hard to find. Beautiful painting!
sandrinesgallery yea! I didn’t know it was when I made the video. It want until I was putting together the voice over. It’s a handy box
It was waiting for you to buy it when you were doing your research. It was meant to be. Enjoy!
I am a box addict! Love this and guess the middle row will take more pans if wanted. And the deep wells are cool. I might have to pursue the empty version....
Ha...one of the biggest temptations for me to get a small Schmincke box(set) besides the quality....is that Owl logo :)
Mitchell Scott haha I love it.
That sturdy box is made by Fome, in Italy. Currently, Maimeri (Italian manufacturer of art materials and paints) packs their sets of watercolour pans in those sturdy boxes by Fome. All others (W&N, Schminke, etc.) now use supercheap flimsy, tin, lightweight boxes that are good for nothing. Those boxes break easily, the coating of mixing areas is thin, semi-transparent and terrible. So, yes, check out Maimeri sets.
Cool- thank you for sharing that
Great Work! What camera do you use to video tape your work? Thanks
Faisal Tariq hi! Thanks for watching! It’s a canon elph360 power shot
You may have already mentioned this in the past, but I have a question about your drafting table. Isn't it better to work on a flat surface rather than an angled one because the water doesn't pool on the bottom? What's the advantage to working on an angle?
Simon Reese I suppose it’s whatever works best for you. I illustrate kids books and spend a great deal of time at my desk so I like the tilt to sit straight up better. I also have done it long enough that I am used to controlling the drip and pull of the water by the direction of the tilt. I can anticipate color changes better that way. A lot of the painters I study paint at a tilt too. Zbukvic, Castagnet, David Curtis, james fletcher Watson. All my heroes. All paint at a tilt. But there’s nothing wrong with painting flat if you prefer it.
Thanks so much for the shout out!! I think this video has me looking at "buying things I don't need."😁 Great review and look at painting the crocodile. Do you have a link for the box? I can't find it anywhere. 😳😂😂😂
Brian Ashmore Studio hahaha
*Sees video thumbnail and title
*Rejoices that somebody discovered a seller for his dream palette
*Watches video and reads description box
DrPhilologist I’ll keep an eye out and contact you if I see it. Check European shops online. I had every intention of sharing the link but it literally disappeared after I got it. Try the amazon link in my description? It says they have 13 in stock(?)
Also- Birgit at Schmincke told me they have empty versions available. The pans are mostly the same as every other Schmincke box. Contact Schmincke directly and ask for it. They are super kind and helpful. You could get the empty and then buy the pans half off through Jackson’s in the UK. Hope that helps!
DrPhilologist by the way- if you’re not comfortable contacting Schmincke- I don’t mind asking them directly for you about getting an empty version of it. Just let me know how I can help.
DrPhilologist hey hey hey- the link is back! Maybe they have a couple more. You should snag it if you can: www.fineartstore.com/p-12686-schmincke-horadam-aquarell-half-pan-metal-paint-set-of-16.aspx
Jared Loves to Draw Damn, you are awesome! I am just glad I checked the comments without getting a notification or anything... Thank you so much!!!! I've been trying to find one of those for ages!!!!
@@JaredCullum and of course it's gone again...
Thanks for the video. There are Tony Schmücke palettes called the whiskey painter, that look similar to this one. But they all are more extensive (empty) than the regular ones on amazon, sadly. The crocodile is amazing! It was a pleasure to watch you paint it. ☺
LanaGoesArt thank you! Cool! Good to know
No swatches?
bastet469 yea- I thought about that half way through the demo. I never think to do swatches and forgot people usually do them in this sort of video. I learned to paint by temperature so I’ve never been interested in what the individual color looked like. I totally forgot! It’s basically a standard schmincke 12 plus indigo and gold. If you want to watch the swatches eve bolt had a couple Schmincke reviews that cover the standard 12 or most of them. I think parkablog does too.
Jared Loves to Draw Thanks. ☺️ I've seen them. I'm always curious when they come out with collections. I like to see what colors they choose to use.
My sister - who is not into watercolours or Schmincke - also likes owls and likes the Schmincke logo just because of the owl 😂. There seems to be a niche of owl lovers out there 😂.
Haha it’s a really cool logo :)
@@JaredCullum Indeed it is!
they discontinued due to negative feedback it seems...now the market is ALL flat lid metal boxes.
I kinda like this one, pity they discontinued...
I never heard anythign about negative feedback. I talked to Schmincke about them and they told me it was a limited run as a special one year. You can still get the box with lots of other different brands and some companies even sell it empty.
@@JaredCullum / THATS great news.
I searched and searched but
seems like I must be using the wrong term.
Where do you still find them?
@@maximme www.jerrysartarama.com/empty-half-pan-box?gclid=CjwKCAjw7diEBhB-EiwAskVi15zzYOM4MOpn40QSffk1DpAjKWxCUwVJb7lZ4-AjwGGk1KZLgEp7nhoC5ZwQAvD_BwE
I think the watercolour gods just decided that "Hey, Jared worked hard, he deserves a treat." And so Jared found a website and bought a box for his watercolours. HAHAHA
But hey! Looking at Art supplies is super fun but my wallet always feels threatened. I bet it will hit me if it had hands.
ugotjams? Haha and yay, the internet clouds parted and, low, there was much rejoicing. :)
Congrats on your new Schmincke palette! Seems you got the last one! You can buy the empty box from here: www.artsupplies.co.uk/item-loxley-empty-heavyweight-metal-box.htm
Jacqueline Mendoza yea! they are great. :)
Tyler Edgar ?
Those heavy weight boxes are made by an Italian company named Fome.
HgoArt ah cool- good to know. I just found out from Schmincke they’re offering it as an empty box starting in July.