You could not find a good story to make money. As a journalist you could have wrote good stories. Currently Ethiopia has lots of problem to tell. Instead you are collecting stories that is far from the truth. How sad !!! Good jornalists wrote stories that gives them respect. God be with you
HS was a king, 5:46 not a priest. After all he was not married since the death of his beloved wife. Why is it a big deal? The Bible tells us King Solomon has 300 wives & 700 concubines, much less than his father David. King David got 3000 wives. Teferi is not trinity but a flesh like you & me. We humans are sinners & fall short from the glory of God. Please read: Romans 3:23. Everyone makes mistakes and commits sin. That's why we need Jesus to come to our lives to be saved & reconciled with the loving God. Jesus' death & resurrection defeated sin & the devil. Let's stop condemning others. Let's receive Christ & be a new creation. God bless us!
ይህ ጉዳይ እያተራመሠነ ያለ ከእግዚአብሔር መንገድ በማፈንገጣችን ነው።
ሌላው ያልበሠለ ክርስትናችን ነው። ይህም ሲባል በብሉይ ኪዳን የነበሩትን የእሥራኤል ነገሥታት የሠሩት ተግባር ዕውነተኛ አማኝ መስሏቸው ነው።
ዕውነቱ ግን ከጥንት ከአዳም አንድ ለአንድ ነው እግዚአብሔር ያዘዘው። ቀጥሎም ጌታ እየሱስ ክርስቶስ ያስተማረንም አንድ ለአንድ ነው። ሚስት መቀየር የሚቻለው አንድም በሞት ከሁለት አንዱ ሲሞት አለያም በሴሰኝነት ያፈነገጠ ከሁለት አንዱ ወይም አንዷ ከሴሰኑ ሚስት መቀየር ተፈቅዷል። ዕውነቱ ይህ ነው።
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን።
Wushet Hailesellasie was a religious descent leader.
Dr. Abiy Ahmed is a once in a generation leader who works tirelessly to improve the lives of the people of Ethiopia
Fesam wotafe nekay get lost
ከሆነም እሰዬው ምን ክፋት አለው??እኛ ጥሩ መንግሥት ይጠላልናል???
@awotabera637 ante yetebedah. Ye set lij. Dedeb chinkilat.
አዎ የበለ አንጀት ይመስክራል
Character assignation.a little knowledge is dangerous!!
ኧረ ጃንሆይ ከእንግሊዟ ንግስት ኤላሳቤጥ ጋር ነበራቸው ይባላል
እንግሊዞች የጥቁር ጫፍ አይደርሱም::
ታዲያ ለምንድን ነው የኔ ግዜ አራት እና አምስት ሴት ጋር ያውም ተደብቄ ለሄድኩት እምትጨቀጭቁኝ።
መተኪያ ያላገኘንላቸው ኢትዮጲያና ህዝቧን ከፍተኛ እርከን ላይ ያስቀመጡ ሀገራችንን ያስከበሩና ህዝቧንም አስተምረው ያስለጠኑ በዓለምም ሆነ በአፍሪካ እጅግ የተከበሩና የተደነቁ ከሳቸውም በህዋላ ሀገር ህዝብ የውርደት የድህነት የዝቅጠት ደረጃን እያስተናገደ የሚገኘው በልቶ መጥገብን ያስተማሩን የአባታችንን የንጉስ ሀይለስላሴን ስም ለማጥፉት የተቀነባበረ በደርግ ዘመን የተስራ ሴራ ነው ቢያደርጉም እንኳብኢትዮጲያ ህዝቧም ወደፊትም የማያዩትን ክብር እድገት ስላም የስጡ ታላቅ ንጉስ ናቸው ተዋቸው ብንመኝም አናገኛቸውም ምደረ ጨቦ ጋላ እየቀጣን ነው
Eshi, charesk .
Ajirew, " do you know that " Belay zeleken esachew ba sikilet endasgedalu ?
እንዳንተና እንደ ኣባትህ ለእንደዚህ ያለ. እርኩስ
ተግባር ጊዜ የላቸዉም ነበር
This is false propaganda by Derg about Hailesellasie.
ጠቃሚ ሃሳብ የማቅረብ ችሎታህን ለማዳበር ሞክር ከፍ ብለህ ብረር፡፡
የአብይ አህመድስ? አንተ በቀቀን ህዝብ እያለቀ ድምፅ ብትሆን በድሮን ለሚያልቁቶ።
ከኛ ጋር ታመሳስለዋለ ሌሺቲም ቆምጬ ፎቶዉን ቀይረው አገር አታሰድብ
ታድያ ምን ይጠበስ?
እንቁላል በሥጋ ላንቺ🎉
Shameful video!!!! Why dont you work on some productive issues??????
Government power can be achieved only through the ballot box. Not by force
ሥራ ፈቶች ናችሁ
The Galla propaganda against Amhara and respected leaders
@@YohannesChekol-l5n fano banda. Finish chikilat. Uncivilized.
@@YohannesChekol-l5n dekama chikilat. Uneducated fano banda
You could not find a good story to make money. As a journalist you could have wrote good stories.
Currently Ethiopia has lots of problem to tell. Instead you are collecting stories that is far from the truth. How sad !!! Good jornalists wrote stories that gives them respect. God be with you
ክክክክክ ዲቃሎች ተመቸኝ😂
ምነው ምን ላውራ አልክ ዶማስ
Aere wende wend shetet weshela yehonke saw
😮እነየሚለው አሁን ምን ያደርግልናል እንድህ ዓይነት ዜና የሚትነግሬን ለመሆኑ ዕምነት ትወዷዋለህ ታክብረዋለህ ለዕምነትህ ታማኝ ነህ እኔ በበኩሌ በጣም ነው የደበረኝ ከቻልክ ለራስህና ለበቤተስብህ ህይወት የሚቀይር አልፎ ተርፎ ሥራ አጥ እህት ወንድም በሀቅ ውሽት ሣይጨመሪቤትና ማጨበርበር የለለው ሥራ ፍጠርና ትባረካለህ ዕድመህን ሙሉ የሠው ገበና በማጋለጥ ፈጣር ይቅር አይልህም
Tarik Atefi Tuletula Nehe Balega
ኤድስ የለም በዛ ዘመን ያለ ኮንደም
You are totally wrong. Even if he did as you rambled, he's a wise person that he cannot let all to have off springs. Paradox
Betam weshtam tshafi new 80 shi kestu ye addis abeba fokoch yesetoche becha yehon Neber semachewen lemagudefe yetaseb guday new
Private issues
የህች ዳር ዳር በዚህ ወቅት
የምታወራው አጣህ እንዴ
Ere twu Janhoy kiss Ayakum neber 😂
Ante woshetam kbatari afehen yezgwo dnkoro baria nguso endndante kletam dureye agenn yemru chewa meri na chow sera fete nge dgmo Abyen endzhe leba gem afe
ገጽታ የማጠልሸት ሙከራ ይመስላል።
HS was a king, 5:46 not a priest. After all he was not married since the death of his beloved wife. Why is it a big deal? The Bible tells us King Solomon has 300 wives & 700 concubines, much less than his father David. King David got 3000 wives. Teferi is not trinity but a flesh like you & me. We humans are sinners & fall short from the glory of God. Please read: Romans 3:23. Everyone makes mistakes and commits sin. That's why we need Jesus to come to our lives to be saved & reconciled with the loving God. Jesus' death & resurrection defeated sin & the devil. Let's stop condemning others. Let's receive Christ &
be a new creation.
God bless us!
Unfortunately this is very bad creativity
People normally don't care good creativity,
So why not ?😂
wechetanm, botrafa. abet mekeded
Fano hides in the bush and attacks innocent civilians
Please stop following these obnoxious liar clickbaits.
የሀሰት ትርክት ይመስላል።
Liba weshetam
👎👎👎👎👎👎👎😷😷😷😷😷😷Agdim adeg‼️
ይሄ ሰውዬ ጤነኛ ነው fiction መፅሐፍ እንደ እውነት የሚጠቅሰው
Fesam leba ketafi neh