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  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • I didn’t want to make this video, but it was New Year’s Day and I was feeling overindulged and under slept so I was tired, stiff, sore and cranky
    Feeling this way is a good way to test a workout meant for people who are new or returning to exercise so I started with a Squat+Push Up Ladder:
    -1 Squat followed by 1 Push Up
    -2 Squats followed by 2 Push Ups
    -3 Squats followed by 3 Push Ups
    etc. up to 10 Squats and 10 Push Ups
    The first Squat I did was tight and sore and my right knee did not allow me to go deep, so I didn’t.
    The following Push Up was also clunky and my busted left wrist didn’t want me to go deep, so I didn’t.
    1 repetitions is logically the only place to start, so it’s not asking too much of yourself to start with that.
    It’s also a good time to set the “attitude” of the workout.
    Only work in a range of motion that is comfortable and easy.
    Keep in mind that the goal is not to crush the biggest number you can.
    The goal is to gently and gradually introduce training and movement to your body in a small, easy dose that does not leave you tired or sore during or after the workout.
    If at 3 Squats and 3 Push Ups you’re tired and shaking, then STOP there, set your alarm for same time next day, then come back and sensibly climb the ladder again tomorrow.
    Don’t make the beginner mistake of trying to make every workout harder than the last one.
    If you do that, very soon you’ll be so sore your mind and body will start coming up with many reasons why you can’t workout today.
    Don’t worry about how hard or effective ONE workout session is.
    The only effective workout is the one you’ve made the habit of making time to do every single day.
    It would be unsustainable for a farmer to try to outwork or out-harvest themselves every day they go out into their fields.
    They get paid when the reasonable and and reproducible efforts they put forth every day result in a bumper crop.
    If you’re new to strength training then do the basics like Squats and Push Ups on a consistent basis and grow your crop.
    Once that’s in place, we can take it to market in another video.
    Happy New year🌽

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