That was truly the most painful experience ever has been saying about his own little dearest sister had already been choosing the most easy short way. She doesn't can handle any other pain anymore. It was already too much for any other person to be involved with on the same experience. being suicidal her own life.
i don't understand this trial. he already admitted numerous times that he killed his friend - what else is there to argue? and how come the witnesses are not getting protection from the police? the media should have destroyed him!
Yes😘mss. Ling well done💯👍
That was truly the most painful experience ever has been saying about his own little dearest sister had already been choosing the most easy short way. She doesn't can handle any other pain anymore.
It was already too much for any other person to be involved with on the same experience. being suicidal her own life.
39:43 蓝结英演技绝了。
恐惧和绝望的哭,恨老天爷为啥帮丁家,后绝望疯狂的大哭笑。多种性格表情一个Camera pan拍过。一个camera cut切换都没有。一个镜头拍完全没有切换很靠演员演技的。
That white MR.2 … classic
笑到碌地!蟹從一支樹枝,雙節棍,拐扙…. 他黏線
其實蟹哥可能智商高達250! 所以我們常人無法理解他的理念🤣🤣🤣! 奇才奇才!
i don't understand this trial. he already admitted numerous times that he killed his friend - what else is there to argue? and how come the witnesses are not getting protection from the police? the media should have destroyed him!
藍潔瑛演技同同劇幾位男演員不相伯仲, 甚至好過當時嘅劉青雲, 但好似冇乜人提到
Of course. What has he expected.
He killed someone so he had to be got to pay back for his bigest mistake of his stupid life.
到现在26集为止丁蟹都不完全是个坏蛋 但他固执妒忌造成了错事 并令方家不能原谅他