My only real issue with the helmet is that It's about 10% bigger than the actual prop helmets used on the show, which doesn't sound like much of a difference, but is quite noticeably larger when compared. Looks fine while wearing normal clothing, but from other I've seen wear it as a cosplay with the skin tight spandex suits, they ended up looking like pop figures; small bodies with giant heads.
After listening to your review, I guess I lucked out. I found this helmet for the first time yesterday and was able to get it while using a coupon, so it only cost me $75.00. It really is a nice helmet and, although my first impression was I wish that it were glossier, but I still love it. I had wanted to pick up a custom Ranger helmet or years and whether this one is made as nice and heavy as those, at least it's an official Power Ranger helmet. I wonder how many they plan to make? ^_^
I met Steve Cardenas last weekend and I had him sign my legacy helmet. It was a great experience to meet him. I'm hoping that Austin St John will make a return to my local comic con so I can have both autographs on it.
My only real issue with the helmet is that It's about 10% bigger than the actual prop helmets used on the show, which doesn't sound like much of a difference, but is quite noticeably larger when compared. Looks fine while wearing normal clothing, but from other I've seen wear it as a cosplay with the skin tight spandex suits, they ended up looking like pop figures; small bodies with giant heads.
$80 would be a fair price for this helmet.
After listening to your review, I guess I lucked out.
I found this helmet for the first time yesterday and
was able to get it while using a coupon, so it only
cost me $75.00. It really is a nice helmet and, although
my first impression was I wish that it were glossier, but
I still love it. I had wanted to pick up a custom Ranger
helmet or years and whether this one is made as nice
and heavy as those, at least it's an official Power Ranger
helmet. I wonder how many they plan to make? ^_^
I met Steve Cardenas last weekend and I had him sign my legacy helmet. It was a great experience to meet him. I'm hoping that Austin St John will make a return to my local comic con so I can have both autographs on it.
It looks amazing, love it.
Being very light is accurate to the shows, though. The helmets used on-set (even in Super Sentai) were incredibly light.
Why would someone want JUST the helmet and not the full suit?
Otaking Mikohani display purposes
So im new to "wanting to" collect helmets. Which brand are considered the most accurate and best out of all the makers?
totally agree with you.. legacy stuff is way over priced!!!
yours seems to have black detailing in the lines.. did you add that? ive seen some without it
awesome review man im so excited for this finally we got a helmet
how are the len's do you see out clearly or like some sunglasses ?
Best subtitle ever.
Would make a cool motorcycle helmet.
I wonder if they'll make a black ranger helmet
Swicked review as usual man! Love the channel!
May order one later, yes its a hundred quid but itl be worth it
love the review and yes I heard you
Agh, I really wish Kamen Rider had things like this, I want a Kiva helmet, but I ain't got the $ to buy or make my own. ;~;
5:40 my life is complete
I would buy this but I have a massive head and I probably wouldn't be able to wear it.
No one can tell you straight wether it will work on XXL-heads like mine or not. Only way is to have a try (order & send back if it doesn´t fit).
love your videos but you should have mentioned the vent holes around the eyes
M3TR01DFANBOY He did at around 2:18
not the visor vents the eyes of the trex
M3TR01DFANBOY oh, that makes sense, sorry, my bad
I wish I could get it for 100$, in Canada it's 159.99.
$180 with tax, just got mine today and that price was a kick in the nuts
i want one of each and 2 pink so i can play with one bahaha
legacy red ranger helmet very nice
Seriously, Power Ranger are so 90s
Super sentai is better