Terminus is a rush item on Kaisa. Before boots. The mix of powerful offensive and defensive stats makes it too strong for hyper carries, and can really get Kaisa going strong earlier into the game. I typically run defensive second item so my boots are the berserkers to increase attack speed even more for the terminus passive.
Terminus is a rush item on Kaisa. Before boots. The mix of powerful offensive and defensive stats makes it too strong for hyper carries, and can really get Kaisa going strong earlier into the game. I typically run defensive second item so my boots are the berserkers to increase attack speed even more for the terminus passive.
Is lethal tempo and vampirism better than conq and the atk speed rune (not lethal ofc, the other instead of vampirism 😅)? I will have to try it
I’d suggest going for atk spd boots and bloodline tbh.
Terminus has been buffed not nerfed....
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