I dont know what it is about you but you seem so friendly and endearing. When i see you and hear you i just feel so comfortable. I hope everything is going well in japan!
As someone that watches a lot of asmr and is currently learning japanese, i've been hoping to stumble across a video/channel like this for ages! Brb off to binge all your content 😁
I am Japanese and use a translator. Your Japanese pronunciation is very good. I couldn't understand what you said, but it sounded very good. Thank you for a good nap. 😊💤
Fun video! I’m currently learning Japanese on Duolingo and I’m almost done with unit 1. No shocker that “neko” was the only word that I could guess correctly haha. Definitely do more of these when you get the chance to!
Definitely be careful with Duo lingo. Since learning Japanese, I’ve realized that a lot of it is very unnatural and even incorrect. Japanese friends have also confirmed this. Their teaching of kanji, tones and grammar is very poor. I don’t recommend it as a learning source at all unfortunately. I’ve found apps like Mochimochi, Bunpo, Kanji Garden and Wanikani very helpful! :)
Yeah it's vocabulary for the JLPT3, not easy haha but if you don't study to pass the JLPT, I would suggest you to choose vocabulary useful for you, about theme that you want to talk about instead of learning words that you won't use anyway
I learn a lot of Japanese, and now as a senior in highschool in his 4th year learning Japanese, i really love watching stuff like this to calm my anxiety and help me sleep, thx so much for the content you're pretty good at it, your voice is perfect for ASMR ;)
Yay! This is so fun. I've tried over and over to learn Japanese and although I still know some from previous self-taught learning activities, I wish I could pick it up well and keep it. ❤️ My husband and I hope to eventually visit Japan.
that's the very difficult point of Kanii. there are many meanings on one letter... However I really surprised that she try to understand the meanings of each letter in one word!! great
This was productive AND relaxing, I have a list of words that I don't know that I add slowly to Anki every week, and I added almost all of this! (I'm beginner N3 atm and まぶた it's like N1/N2 but I guess I know that now lol) I hope you do more videos like this, that was fun. 👍
14:55 To me, the first kanji looks like a tree and the second looks like a tree that grew. The tree will grow in the future so I guess that's a good way of remembering what it means lol.
Although this is an older video, you got this ma'am! I am currently learning Japanese, and I cannot wait to use it if I ever get to travel to Japan. I could watch anime without sub, and experience what's it like. We love you, and the work you do. Keep this up! May the Lord God bless you, amen😊
These are literally my favorite videos that you do I love anything about learning about Japanese language or culture🖤💜can't wait for more of these type of videos 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜 even if the videos are about your experiences there in Japan I'd love to listen.
btw 留守番電話(るすばんでんわ)'s 留守番(るすばん) doesn't only mean "staying at home alone" but it also means "house sitting". so we say like 「今、家族みんな出かけてるから1人で留守番してる」- "Right now all my family is out, so I'm home alone and house sitting." 留守番's 番 means like "on duty" or "one's turn".
The kyouryoku kanji sememed at first that it had to be something strong and/or though so I guessed thoughness. When you said the first option I knew it had to be cooperation. Love kanji
I learnt about 留守番 last year while I was watching Kimetsu no Yaiba haha, 1st episode at the beginning Hanako wanted to follow Tanjirō and he answered "今日はお留守番だ" meaning she stay at home (watching for it in a way)
"Neko means cat". Yes, I should know, there's a character in Monster Hunter who is technically named "Neko", but he's always labeled at "Neko (Means Cat)".
協力 (きょうりょく)
酸っぱい (すっぱい)
知識 (ちしき)
瞼 ww (まぶた)
未来 (みらい)
速度 (そくど)
偽物 (にせもの) ー 偽る (いつわる)
解く (ほどく)
留守番電話 (るすばんでんわ)
温める (あたためる)
記念日 (きねんび) ー 誕生日 (たんじょうび)B-day
I'm Japanese, but it's very easy to hear! I will do my best to study English, so please do your best to study Japanese too! Thank you for good ASMR!
I from china shanghai.but my english is badly.日语、嗯英语我四级考试都没过。
@@beautifulcountryis6126 your not to bad considering its a new language
@Logan J I will do my best!
My heart always melt when you talk
That voice
Same! By the way, I am Japanese .
I like this series. Your voice is so soothing.
I dont know what it is about you but you seem so friendly and endearing. When i see you and hear you i just feel so comfortable. I hope everything is going well in japan!
As someone that watches a lot of asmr and is currently learning japanese, i've been hoping to stumble across a video/channel like this for ages! Brb off to binge all your content 😁
You’re so quiet yet so clear. Your voice is very relaxing
I am Japanese and use a translator. Your Japanese pronunciation is very good. I couldn't understand what you said, but it sounded very good. Thank you for a good nap. 😊💤
YESS, I’ve been waiting for another of these Japanese lessons!!
Please never stop making japanese lessons!
Fun video! I’m currently learning Japanese on Duolingo and I’m almost done with unit 1. No shocker that “neko” was the only word that I could guess correctly haha. Definitely do more of these when you get the chance to!
Definitely be careful with Duo lingo. Since learning Japanese, I’ve realized that a lot of it is very unnatural and even incorrect. Japanese friends have also confirmed this. Their teaching of kanji, tones and grammar is very poor. I don’t recommend it as a learning source at all unfortunately. I’ve found apps like Mochimochi, Bunpo, Kanji Garden and Wanikani very helpful! :)
@@Alice-ib4cz Aw man, that sucks to hear. Thanks for letting me know. Of the four apps that you’ve mentioned, which one would you say is the best?
Yeah it's vocabulary for the JLPT3, not easy haha but if you don't study to pass the JLPT, I would suggest you to choose vocabulary useful for you, about theme that you want to talk about instead of learning words that you won't use anyway
Your handwriting is sooo good!
I learn a lot of Japanese, and now as a senior in highschool in his 4th year learning Japanese, i really love watching stuff like this to calm my anxiety and help me sleep, thx so much for the content you're pretty good at it, your voice is perfect for ASMR ;)
I think you speak Japanese well!
I'm so glad you chose N3 words. I'm having my jlpt for N3 this Dec and I love some practice
Sometimes it feels like you make these videos while tuning into what Im going through. I have so much love and appreciation for what you do.
this was by far one of the most enjoyable japanese + asmr style videos i've ever seen, i'd love to see a part 2!
MORE CONTENT LET'S GOOOOO! Thank you for more content, Alise! I'm excited for tonight's sleep.
Some of the best ASMR on TH-cam right now
I’m Japanese.Your Japanese pronunciation is very good and wonderful. I will also do my best to study English.
Thank you for your wonderful video.✨✨
Yay! This is so fun. I've tried over and over to learn Japanese and although I still know some from previous self-taught learning activities, I wish I could pick it up well and keep it. ❤️ My husband and I hope to eventually visit Japan.
I love learning Japanese. It is an amazing language. (:
"番" in 留守番 means watching, or guarding and so on. Another example 番犬 means watchdog. Therefor 留守番 means house-sitting.
that's the very difficult point of Kanii. there are many meanings on one letter... However I really surprised that she try to understand the meanings of each letter in one word!! great
I've been waiting for Japanese ASMR! I love your video.
you don't know how much i got tingles in this video than other asmr video i usually watch
This was productive AND relaxing, I have a list of words that I don't know that I add slowly to Anki every week, and I added almost all of this! (I'm beginner N3 atm and まぶた it's like N1/N2 but I guess I know that now lol) I hope you do more videos like this, that was fun. 👍
14:55 To me, the first kanji looks like a tree and the second looks like a tree that grew. The tree will grow in the future so I guess that's a good way of remembering what it means lol.
You’re so beautiful Alise! The videos with Japanese are always my favorite.
Although this is an older video, you got this ma'am! I am currently learning Japanese, and I cannot wait to use it if I ever get to travel to Japan. I could watch anime without sub, and experience what's it like.
We love you, and the work you do. Keep this up!
May the Lord God bless you, amen😊
What a nice video!
I couldn't hear good English ASMR like this till now.
I'm Japanese.Good luck!
Thank you TH-cam for recommending this to me. Thais is awesome so I can easily sleep tonight
really love this game i feel lke its a more interesting way to help me with growing my Japanese vocabulary 🙏 please 🙏 make more like this
Your video made me sleep immediately yesterday.
These are literally my favorite videos that you do I love anything about learning about Japanese language or culture🖤💜can't wait for more of these type of videos 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜 even if the videos are about your experiences there in Japan I'd love to listen.
Wooo I love your video!!!
I’m Japanese and I think your handwriting and pronunciation is very very very good!! It’s the same as people in Japan.
Got them all correct with the exception of まぶた. Surprisingly, I never heard of this word before. 😅
this was so fun to watch, i didn’t even want to sleep cuz i wanted to keep guessing haha thank you for the great lesson Alise-sensei :)
I love how knowledge looks like a teacher
As a Chinese I know nothing about Japanese, but as long as you write it down in Kanji I knew everything😃. And your voice is so cute and soft🥰
Your voice is so soothing!
Loooove Asmr + learning Japanese, I hope you continue to do these
ハマって何個も見てますˆˆ とっても癒されます大好き♥
Keep up the great work, glad to see you. Love your voice and positive attitude 🥰
0:26 I’m dead 😂
I could play this for hours
Love this! Awesome video 😄
Hi just discovered you're channel really helps
i’d love to see some whisper videos!
btw 留守番電話(るすばんでんわ)'s 留守番(るすばん) doesn't only mean "staying at home alone" but it also means "house sitting". so we say like 「今、家族みんな出かけてるから1人で留守番してる」- "Right now all my family is out, so I'm home alone and house sitting."
留守番's 番 means like "on duty" or "one's turn".
I am officially in love with your rice cooker
A gaijin teaching me Japanese?? Can’t get any better ^^
Hi love your videos x Thankyou 💕 feeling relaxed ☺️
Maybe this is a sign for me to continue learning nihongo 😆
The kyouryoku kanji sememed at first that it had to be something strong and/or though so I guessed thoughness. When you said the first option I knew it had to be cooperation. Love kanji
Yessir ‘nother video for me to fall asleep too:)
Amazing video as always 🥰
Praise God, thank you very much for this. Hope you doin well. ありがと、アリサさん。
Wow you perfect👏👏
I love listening to Japanese
I also want to hear korean😆😆💜💜💛
You speak Japanese very well! I'm cheering from Japan!
Didn't know that mirai means "Future"! Does that mean that Toyota Mirai means Toyota Future??
Thank you for the soothing ambulance sounds, Alise.
I learnt about 留守番 last year while I was watching Kimetsu no Yaiba haha, 1st episode at the beginning Hanako wanted to follow Tanjirō and he answered "今日はお留守番だ" meaning she stay at home (watching for it in a way)
love this
22:48 Narou hodou ~ Become untied => I understand now.
am so glad I found your channel🙏😎
subarashii.. i actually know more japanese than i thought, thank you weeaboo gods
Great video!!!
Just in time for bed!
so cute voice!!
Thank you, I especially enjoyed the ambulance 😉
"Neko means cat". Yes, I should know, there's a character in Monster Hunter who is technically named "Neko", but he's always labeled at "Neko (Means Cat)".
I got 11 correct and 2 incorrect
This video was really useful!¡
love your vids
As a Chinese, get huge hint from the kanji.
please do more of these 🖤
Was able to cheat with knowing Chinese to guess the meaning hahaha. I know the characters by a different pronunciation but same meaning!
Do you live in Japan! ?
The sound of the ambulance made me feel a little closer.
welcome to Japan
Do you purposely make your voice higher? I got nothing against it, just curious.