Some horse's truly love having a purpose. My horse was happiest in training. Now I didn't train him the way these horses are trained. These horses are as well trained as the K9 Corp. It takes years to make a good police horse.They must be steady but have a noble heart. Some fire but the smarts to channel it.Amazing. I love greys.
I am Omar from Morocco, I am 30 years old. I am looking for a job in the field of horses, with multiple specialties. I have a certificate in riding and caring for horses in stables and cleaning them.
So I have been wondering why dont the horses wear boots instead of metal shoes with working on pavement. Research has shown how harmful metal shoes can be to a horse.
Many city horses wear hard rubber shoes. I am sure much thought is put into the shoeing of these horses. You don't sink all that time into prepping a horse to lose him to bad feet.
@@debrabiderman4275 I watched a show about the NY mounted patrol and they have them wearing metal shoes. Every mounted police horse ive seen have metal shoes. That is why I asked. I mean the horse boots just seem like a logical choice given the training etc that goes into them. That and the rubber boots wouldnt slip like metal shoes. Idk figure there must be a reason..just curious. A question I've had for a while.
@@angelac4094 and I read a book about them and was informed they wore hard rubber shoes. Otherwise they were likely to slip on pavement. Having marched my horse in a parade once I must say metal shoes on tarmac was a real problem. I canna believe in this day of specialized shoes for all horse sports they would risk the knees and feet of their beloved horses. I will have to Google this further.
@@rosemarydudley9954 New York City. That's the last place. Now I have to say that was 25 years ago. I haven't seen a horse shod or unshod since my horse passed 22 years ago. I only watch them on You tube etc now.
flow repins666 ...not only mushrooms! When I lost my horse (3 yrs ago) I kept his last dropping, bagged it up and took it home. As his stable colour was royal blue, I bought a shrub of that colour. I put it in his feed scoop with some soil and it just took off. Horse poo, lovely stuff.
So much training just to keep them calm in public with cars and mobs of people everywhere, it's nice to keep them active, but is it really necessary to ride a horse when you have to dismount anyways to fix any issues. Might as well ride a bicycle, eh? Spare the potential harm of the horse if something goes wrong. I wouldn't personally use a bit either, but pain methods must go on for control freaks...
breaks my heart to see this.... there honestly is no need for police horses. the long hours of walking on hard ground is so horrible for their feet. and especially with the people that throw bricks at horses during protests
Animals love having a purpose. The police have long employed animals in helping keep the peace and honestly, the risk of injury during their job is just as bad if they had been jumpers or eventers. Most police horses wear specialized rubber shoes to help their joints. I would love to be part of the mounted patrol.
@@DanishButterCookie as an equestrian I agree with you that some animals surely like having a purpose but certainly not all of them, and there's a difference between a good purpose and damaging their feet on a daily basis plus stressing them because of everything that they are going through, everybody can say things between the lines of that they are "trained" but 1. You can't be 100% trained 2. Their training is basically based on getting used to fear but at the start it was a stressful fear right? Sorry if I came of too aggressive I didn't mean to.
@@tallemeshkin1849 An eventer gets used to the fear of deep ditches, landing in water ponds, climbing unknown stretches at full speed. A jumper gets used to the sounds of applause, loud commentators, the feel of hitting a pole. A dressage horse gets used to the feel of being stared at, gets used to countless whispers and sudden applause, loud blaring music in sync with their steps. A police horse gets used to hearing gunshots being fired nearby, walking through thick crowds, traversing through traffic, to aggressors not accepting tickets. A police horse gets used to their jobs difficulties, just as a sporting horse gets used to theirs.
Some horse's truly love having a purpose. My horse was happiest in training. Now I didn't train him the way these horses are trained. These horses are as well trained as the K9 Corp. It takes years to make a good police horse.They must be steady but have a noble heart. Some fire but the smarts to channel it.Amazing. I love greys.
I can only imagine... I Don't have a horse I just love em lol
@@dominiquejenkins5495 lol
Police horses are trained to be rock-steady. I can't help but think the retired horses would be great for rehab programs with disabled children.
Im an equestrian myself and I didnt know what I wanted to be when I was older but knew it had to involve horses so I think I want to do this
the horses are adorable!
Would be nice to see more of them!
Our local police horses live near my house. When people speed past them and then realise they are actually police horses and get pulled over😂
What a creative way to use police horses
FEI making a video abt Adelaide??? dang never thought we were that cool
This is awesome!
I want to do that when im older
aw what a cute video - i've always loved police horses
It's not a car its a living being, so can you just go and pat it for a minute and then put the harness on.. that would be really great 🙏
So beautiful
I want their job
What about hoof care? Walking on asphalt must be tough, any special shoes?
I think I saw that they were shoed
Braveheart :)
Dream job
Забавно насколько по-разному в странах относятся к конной полиции и традициям...
That's what I kinda want to do!
I am Omar from Morocco, I am 30 years old. I am looking for a job in the field of horses, with multiple specialties. I have a certificate in riding and caring for horses in stables and cleaning them.
Siapa dari vlog bang raditya
😮😮😮 WOW
There's no sound.
Do These Horses Fight Crimes?!
Night riders
Hi. I m. Hameer fei. Groom 🤵♂️
So I have been wondering why dont the horses wear boots instead of metal shoes with working on pavement. Research has shown how harmful metal shoes can be to a horse.
Many city horses wear hard rubber shoes. I am sure much thought is put into the shoeing of these horses. You don't sink all that time into prepping a horse to lose him to bad feet.
@@debrabiderman4275 I watched a show about the NY mounted patrol and they have them wearing metal shoes. Every mounted police horse ive seen have metal shoes. That is why I asked. I mean the horse boots just seem like a logical choice given the training etc that goes into them. That and the rubber boots wouldnt slip like metal shoes. Idk figure there must be a reason..just curious. A question I've had for a while.
@@angelac4094 and I read a book about them and was informed they wore hard rubber shoes. Otherwise they were likely to slip on pavement. Having marched my horse in a parade once I must say metal shoes on tarmac was a real problem. I canna believe in this day of specialized shoes for all horse sports they would risk the knees and feet of their beloved horses. I will have to Google this further.
@@debrabiderman4275 Where have you seen rubber shod horses???
@@rosemarydudley9954 New York City. That's the last place. Now I have to say that was 25 years ago. I haven't seen a horse shod or unshod since my horse passed 22 years ago. I only watch them on You tube etc now.
they produce nice mushrooms when nature calls.
flow repins666 ...not only mushrooms! When I lost my horse (3 yrs ago) I kept his last dropping, bagged it up and took it home. As his stable colour was royal blue, I bought a shrub of that colour. I put it in his feed scoop with some soil and it just took off. Horse poo, lovely stuff.
Camera and action on your mobile I can hear you and I can see you
Who would win? A criminal on a motorcycle or a police horse?
So much training just to keep them calm in public with cars and mobs of people everywhere, it's nice to keep them active, but is it really necessary to ride a horse when you have to dismount anyways to fix any issues. Might as well ride a bicycle, eh? Spare the potential harm of the horse if something goes wrong. I wouldn't personally use a bit either, but pain methods must go on for control freaks...
in australia, where the sunshine is so brutal, this colour (white) is really not the best
breaks my heart to see this.... there honestly is no need for police horses. the long hours of walking on hard ground is so horrible for their feet. and especially with the people that throw bricks at horses during protests
Animals love having a purpose. The police have long employed animals in helping keep the peace and honestly, the risk of injury during their job is just as bad if they had been jumpers or eventers. Most police horses wear specialized rubber shoes to help their joints. I would love to be part of the mounted patrol.
Get a life and do some research into this...
@@DanishButterCookie as an equestrian I agree with you that some animals surely like having a purpose but certainly not all of them, and there's a difference between a good purpose and damaging their feet on a daily basis plus stressing them because of everything that they are going through, everybody can say things between the lines of that they are "trained" but 1. You can't be 100% trained 2. Their training is basically based on getting used to fear but at the start it was a stressful fear right? Sorry if I came of too aggressive I didn't mean to.
@@tallemeshkin1849 An eventer gets used to the fear of deep ditches, landing in water ponds, climbing unknown stretches at full speed.
A jumper gets used to the sounds of applause, loud commentators, the feel of hitting a pole.
A dressage horse gets used to the feel of being stared at, gets used to countless whispers and sudden applause, loud blaring music in sync with their steps.
A police horse gets used to hearing gunshots being fired nearby, walking through thick crowds, traversing through traffic, to aggressors not accepting tickets.
A police horse gets used to their jobs difficulties, just as a sporting horse gets used to theirs.
So it's more like a show off isn't it?
Showoff and making sure the peasants keep calm bu knowinh they cannot compete with a man that has a 800kg animal on his side.
Even they know it's fkd