This episode shows Dee Tse is able to hold and lead a conversation. She makes the whole time enjoyable with YoYo. They can do a successful show without Poki’s annoying jokes
It’s really rude for the owners to ask Dee to wash dishes for over an hour and “congratulate” her. She’s clearly there to host a TV show, not be a real part time worker. Even if they needed help, give her more meaningful tasks for the camera. The other owners in previous episodes much more reasonable. Respect Dee for being a good sport.
Dee 姐真係可以自己一個人去 hold 一個節目都得~
This episode shows Dee Tse is able to hold and lead a conversation. She makes the whole time enjoyable with YoYo. They can do a successful show without Poki’s annoying jokes
dee 咀真係做得非常好,希望以後可以見多啲佢做嘅節目佢真係好有心
越來越鍾意Dee 姐 🤩
Oui Michelle and Kelvin加油啊!以前過嚟上樓sell你蛋糕。依家見到你哋喺日本做香港同日本特式菜!!努力💪🏼啊!
最近兩集,冇咗PK,真心聽多咗港人分享的內容。不用比啲白痴所謂「笑話」打斷。兩集港人case 都係兩公婆加寵物,冇小朋友就真係可以經常轉環境。有小朋友就冇可能做到呢度住下,嗰度住下。
你鍾意這種節目可以睇吓鏗鏘集或者經緯線 😊
@ why not both 😎
@@barrycheung6107 我本來都好鐘意Poki, 但佢不停同YoYo & Erica两個年長過佢的中年女士講同一個色情笑話. 第一次講係funny, 不停講dirty.
It’s really rude for the owners to ask Dee to wash dishes for over an hour and “congratulate” her. She’s clearly there to host a TV show, not be a real part time worker. Even if they needed help, give her more meaningful tasks for the camera. The other owners in previous episodes much more reasonable. Respect Dee for being a good sport.
睇咗呢兩集, 冇咗保錡,
我完全冇笑過, 我以為自己睇緊經緯線 😅
我不會太過睇外表, 因爲我唔想忽略咗人內心嘅美善。
Who even are you to judge? Grow up and move on!