Sir sa social syllabus topics wise academics books loni lesson wise explains videos chesi uploaded pdf kuda mee materials study chesevindanga undetatu cheyandi sir please
Sir classes start cheyyandi mee classes dwaara chalamandi students life lo settle avutaru because meeru text book lo vunde prati line gurinchi chala clariti ga cheptunnaru with reasons plzz sir classes start cheppandi
Sir meeru ika classes start cheyandi mee classes students ki okkate kadu teachers ku kooda use avutunadi teachers kooda vaallla students ki kooda interest teppistaru ante okok thank u sir
Sir mi vedios chala use full ga chala ardhavantham ga unnayi Sir
Thank you sie suppar sir
Classs supero సూపర్ 💐💐💐🙏
Sir Mee class super super
Meeru cheppina lesson vinte life lo marachipolemu thank u sir.
Sir, social intha clear ga explain chestharu ani me teaching vinnakane thelusindii. Really great sir and thank you very much sir for these lessons.
Thank you sir me class chala usefull ga chepparu🙏🙏🙏
Sir nenu maths student .but mee class vinttuntte naki social meedha unna bhayam poendhi.tq sir .very interesting mee classes
Sir... Your teaching super
Marinni vedios cheyyandi sir..
Nice sar challa baga cepparu tq🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Excellent teaching 👌👌sir
Mi class Chala adubuthamuga undi sir
Bagundi mee Class sir
Your way of teaching method is very nice. I understood easily
Hai sir Mee classes superb sir migara classes kooda videos pettendi sir meeru chala naga chestunnaru thank u sir
Chala baga chepparu sir thank you very much
Sir meeru chaalaa baaga chepputunnaru👌👌👌
Your way of teaching is 👌👌👌👌. very interesting to non social students me...plz continue....👏👍👍
Ple sir me classes kosam eduru chustunamu ple continue...
sir plz class continue cheyandi plz plz plz Sir
Your teaching is very nice sir can understand very well please you can also continue history classes no sir😊😊
Hello sir మీ class కోసం చూస్తున్నాం దయచేసి classes చెయ్యండి సార్ plzzz..... 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sir superb cheptunnaru plz tvaraga migata topics kuda cheppanfi dscki
సర్ నీట్ ఎక్సప్లోనేషన్ సర్
Super sir👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sir your explanation is very good
Excellent teaching sir,keep going for us
Exllent teaching sir
Lesson chala baga explain chesthunaru sir
8th class social lesson important anni video cheyandi sir
Guruvu gariki vandanamulu Teaching super sir
Sir sa social syllabus topics wise academics books loni lesson wise explains videos chesi uploaded pdf kuda mee materials study chesevindanga undetatu cheyandi sir please
Super sir
please continues the clasess sir way of teaching super sir
Anni lessons vedioes cheyyandi sir, me classes baga artham avuthai
Excellent sir. Thank you so much sir
Expecting more videos from you
Sir, your video is very marvelous
Your way of teaching is excellent sir 👌👍
Excellent teaching and super sir
Super sir. Mee expansion vinnaka chadava valasina avasaram Ledu sir . Thank you
Excellent sir thank you sir
Excellent sir,remaining topics twaraga upload cheyandi sir
Super sir super👏👏👌👌👌👌
Very clear explanation sir
TQ sir u are doing very useful videos to us
❤nice teaching sir
Super sir.. we are all waiting for ur next videos...
Very good teaching👍👍👍👍👍
Reallu tomorrow I have demo in our scl ur class is very well usefully for me sir
Excellent sir,,, pls carry-on,,
Regular ga update cheyandi
Explained very well tnq sir
Sir ur teaching excellent
🙏🙏🙏 v nice sir
Thank u so much sir. 👌
Where are you sir
Classes yenduku cheyadam ledu
Plz 8th9th 10th
Classes Anni explained cheyandi sir plz
Excellent teaching sir.. thank you sir
9th social topics videos cheyandi sir
Please 9th class videos pettandi sir
Danyavadalu sir entha chakkaga chepparo anni lessons meeku veelaite explaine cheyandi sir
Sir elage anni lesson కూడా cheppandi sir for tet and dsc tq so much sir
Superb explanation Sir 🙏
Sir me classes chala bagunnaye sir ts dsc sa social total content upload cheyandi sir please..🙏
Your teaching way is excellent sir please 10th class social lessons kuda pettandisir
Radha ramesh sir super master.
Excellent teaching tq sir
Great hard work sir
Superb good explanation
Sir excellent teaching
Chalaga baga chepparu tq u sir
Sir next part tvaraga upload cheyyandi please
Plz continue the classes sir.... 🙏🙏
Super explanation sir thank you so much🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sir Baga chaypparu tq
Super sir pls continue sir
My request to ask tell me about lithosphere from 9th cls plz...sir
Me classes dsc prepare avvadaniki chala chala use avutaye......please new class lu upload cheyandhi.....reply ivandhi
Thank you sir, very useful
Excellent teaching sir
Clear explanation sir thankyou
MI teaching Chala baguntundi sir
Superb sir
Thank you sir for your teaching
Sir please sir miru classes start cheyandi sir your teaching excellent sir
Sir hi
lately wishes to you sir
Wish you a happy new year sir
Sir jathiyodyamam 8th history class upload cheyandi plz chalabaga cheptunnaru sir
Sir sgt class anni cheyandi plz sir
Sir u r very excellent
sir meeru syllabus lo classes anni tvaraga pettandi sir.
Sir classes start cheyyandi mee classes dwaara chalamandi students life lo settle avutaru because meeru text book lo vunde prati line gurinchi chala clariti ga cheptunnaru with reasons plzz sir classes start cheppandi
sir class bagundhi mugul empire lession chepaandi sir
Tq సర్
Sir meeru ika classes start cheyandi mee classes students ki okkate kadu teachers ku kooda use avutunadi teachers kooda vaallla students ki kooda interest teppistaru ante okok thank u sir
సూపర్ సార్
Sir mee classes చాలా super గా చెప్తున్నారు sir
Excellent sir.
Sir namaste miru malli classes enduku conduct cheyyatledu sir
Super super sir
Geography ki best book yedo yevarina cheppandi plz
Good explanation sir
Supr sir
Sri pradhan pkruthi shidha mandal upload cheyandi
Sir super
Super teaching
Sir classes cheyandi please
Sir classes continue cheyandi please sir