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Thanks for the information. My gf is on the last part of her teaching degree. And were working on waiting to wait till next year as right now... shes busy for the last semester. And your right 99.99% of people who have not met face to face should not give money. Ive already made a video on my situation. However i have not regreted giving financial support. Its been perfect in many circumstances in the last few years. If anyone is goona give for like a birthday or just for fun... send it but wait to check to see what she does with it. Does she spend it on herself? Does she buy family something? Does she buy someone homeless food? Does she save it and invest it? This will tell you everything. What do you think Fillipina Pea.
Honest girls are hard to find but when you find her she like a lottery win.... I found mine 12 yrs ago been happily married 9yrs ago she with me in Australia... still on my honeymoon...lol
Talking from experience, I did it the old fashion way... Joined the US Navy back in the day (1984) and eventually was stationed in the Philippines (1989-92), and found my little princess via an introduction from a cousin of hers in 1990. Almost thirty two years later we're planning on retiring back to the Philippines for our final happiness years of retirement. !!!-Mabuhay-!!!
I did it the old fashioned way, too. Got introduced to the love of my life by a cousin of hers. No Internet, no txt, no videochat - Handwritten letters and long-distance phone calls only. 22 Wedding Anniversaries later (and still counting...)
Yep, me too. We met and married in 1979, she came to the states in 1980, and we retired back here to the PI three years ago. Fairy tales CAN come true. ;-)
mmmm - honey is getting more expensive and risky every day - the Internet and social media has a lot to answer for. Thanks so much Pea for another of your awesome videos where you try to stop gullible westerners being scammed. God Bless.
I don't know about other countries, but she has approximately 0% chance of getting a visa to the United States. Unless she's extremely wealthy in which case she's not talking to you. For a marriage or a fiancé visa, it is impossible to get it unless you have visited in person with her first. In any event, you will be the one filing the application from your end. A tourist visa would require demonstration of a very good reason for her to return to her country. And you don't sponsor a tourist visa.
Best way to get into the USA is to fly to Mexico and walk across the border 2.5 million did it last year !!! Then u get a free flight to any city your heart desires
Very true. From personal experience in the States where my Filipina US Citizen spouse attempted 3 times unsuccessfully to get visitor visas for her sisters in Siquijor to visit, even contacting our US Senator (which has worked at times for others), it was virtually impossible. I have noticed that other females passed the interview at the US Embassy but they were employees of larger companies or owners of medium-sized businesses and MARRIED with kids and with bank accounts. And some males get the visas with none of these qualifications. It all seems very arbitrary with no escalation or appeal process since "foreigners" are not protected by US anti-discimination laws, even by US Embassy personnel. For unmarried females, there is very often discrimination even from Filipino interviewer employees at the US embassy, according to a US immigration attrorney we hired in NC but who could not help us get the visas issued in the Philippines.
that's not 100% true just fly her into South America they'll let her in no problem infact they will give her free money every month even though she's not a US Citizen
It's the same in Vietnam. Zero chance! My former wife and I tried to bring our 55 year old house keeper to the States for a visit - after three tries over three years we gave up.
This is pretty much why I don't plan on even bothering with online stuff or meeting a Filipina until I'm retired and have already moved over there. 10 more years to go (assuming that Russia and/or China haven't screwed something up by then).
That's a right thing to do in my opinion. I got here 31st of Dec 2021 and now i have found a gf here. I did chat with women online before I got here, but I gad no real intention to meet any of them.
I’m in a similar situation at least 10 to 12 years away from early retirement so I’m skeptical about a ldr since I got scammed before. Maybe I’m better to have a few holiday girlfriends while I’m waiting.
You are 'spot on' with your video Ms. Pea. I almost fell for this in 2016 but I finally came to my senses before she was able to carry out her plan. After getting rid of her, I met a Filipina who is the best thing that ever happened to me. We have been happily married here in the US for almost four years. Keep up the great work Ms. Pea!!!
Thanks Pea for breaking this down like a fraction. A lot of us guy's abroad aren't familiar with this finesse(scan). It's funny when men deal with women, their IQ drops by about 50% lol. Our critical thinking shuts down and we'll over look things only to hope for the best. No matter what you do, I think it's wise to hangout with your girl for a few months in the Philippines before flying to your place. Meet her and see if the two of you click first. Rent a place out there for six months and see what happens 👍
I didn't have any idea about this highly lucrative scam, or even think about meeting someone online and then flying them to visit me. You just made me a lot wiser, young lady!! Th♥️nk you.
Hi Pea, please find three new females to interview: Criteria is all in their 30's. 1st is solo mom provincial high school undergrad/dropout; 2nd is solo mom city college graduate; 3rd is spinster/virgin. Discuss dating and normal sex [no toys or perversion questions].
Unfortunately, this video mixes the US Visa process with Philippines immigration's policy of OFFLOADING. Most of what Pea has explained in this video is how to avoid being offloaded. The purpose of offloading is to protect vulnerable Filipinas from becoming a victim of human trafficking or illegal recruiting. Documents such as a passport, round trip ticket, visa, and itinerary will need to be presented to the Philippines immigration officer at the airport. They will also be asked if they have the means to travel. Simply having show money is not enough. They need to either show proof of employment or show proof of business income. If you (the foreigner) are financing her travel, you'll need to show proof of relationship (in order to convince the immigration officer that you are NOT the human trafficker or illegal recruiter). Your Filipina will have to answer a multitude of personal questions about you and your relationship to the satisfaction of the immigration officer or will risk being offloaded. As for the actual US Visa process, that is a lot different than what's needed to ensure not being offloaded. If she's already attained a US Visa, then she's already been significantly vetted and all of the above requirements will already have been met.
So far as far as I can tell mine has been honest with me. She is going through the visa process now I already sent her a letter of invite she already has her own passport and other documents and I already went to I believe it’s a local police type scenario for a background check
Great points for men who want to live in one of about 65 countries the ladies can get visas for that are nicer than the PH. But, with all the red tape, wouldn't it be better to just go the beach in one of those nicer countries without bringing sand? Peace.
I can only speak for Australia. But what the Pea talks about is necessary for the Australian visa. Offloading is a parallel hurdle. I understand that airlines overbook as a routine and if everyone shows up then the airline talks to Customs to fix the discrepancy by offloading. Corrupt? Inhumane ? PHILIPPINES??
Another great 'truth bomb' Pea. I'm glad you made the strong point that if you haven't met your heart's desire in person first, the US embassy in Manilla will automatically deny any Visa. Any documentation such as a letter of invitation, her employment status, educational enrollment, real estate holdings, or anything else that would indicate she's returning will not even be looked at in the interview. They view it as an attempt to get to the US and stay violating any Visa requirements. As mentioned in an earlier comment, 0% chance. Unfortunately, it's a sad reality that keeps genuine love interests apart. You may have forgotten the medical exam requirement. That's usually good for a hundred bucks with most scammers.
If you're chatting up a Filipina you have yet to meet, vet her thoroughly for as long as necessary and watch for congruency in her behavior vs what she's told you. Disregard or excuse any of her red flags and you will pay the price.....figuratively and literally. I anticipate more travel restrictions will be lifted later this year, so the savvy and patient man will play the long game and go visit her first when the time is right.
@@dougsmith9940 It's best to vet her on your own, private investigator doesn't know your standard. The west is also a lot different from south east Asia. Just open your eyes and be observant to the things that you know is right or wrong.
Thanks Pea! I'm thankful I found a wonderful and honest Filipina. We applied for a tourist visa for her to come to Australia which she paid for herself. I will be there next Saturday to visit her and her family for 3 weeks 😎🙏🏻
Nice outfit Pea. You look lovely as always. Good info you provided. Hopefully you will have prevented a few poor souls from being scammed. As for the plane ticket, make sure that it is only refundable to your credit card otherwise the scammer might be able to cancel it and pocket the money.
I believe you are talking mainly about the Fiance Visa process. I DID this in 2007 for my future exwife and all was handled by me through immigration here in 2007. It took about 6 months. One major requirement is that i had to show proof we had met such as pics and plane ticket there. ALSO i had to show i had sufficient income to provide for her. THE other option is a Tourist Visa which is virtually impossible to get these days for Filipinos!! Good INFO ON YOUR VIDS AS ALWAYS!!
Awesome video Pea. I have Filipina friends here in Dallas that know of girls that scam foreigners. And it is extremely common. They say there is no substitute for meeting in person, and never send money unless it's a small amount you can part with like gambling. Your vlogs are equally entertaining and informative, and you are a great person as well! Keep it up
Things haven't changed much. We we're married in the PI in 2005. I set up an appt at the embassy for my wife for a tourist visa to come back with me. Although she still had 2 young boys at home and owned her home it was denied. At the interview they said since she would be with me she did not have an incentive to come back. They just handed us a brochure and showed us the door. So it took about another 7 months to finally get to the US. And now here we are 16 years of marriage later living in the PI.
@@TheFilipinaPea My girl was denied tourist visa ..even though she is care-taker for her mom and auntie in their 80's...we had put $4000 + in her account but that didn't help..we want to try it again..The US sucks for Visa requirements..its like they don't want immigrants at all, ya think!! It's all about money..$2,500 to apply for a fiance visa ?? or more.. That's legalized extortion ..We are up in years..I'm 67..She is 54..I cant wait forever. I'm seriously thinking to sell my house and make the big move ..She doesn't want or need a green card, we just wanted to spend summers in Michigan and Winters in Philippines..I have been to Philippines 2 times and 9 months first time with her and 6 months the second time..What is so crazy that they cant understand that?? FRUSTRATED IN MICHIGAN ..ugh
@@TheFilipinaPea Filipina neighbor's brother denied 4 times in the last 35 years. I am trying to get his youngest daughter a visa. She's named in my Will as a joint tenant per my tax attorneys instructions. I have a Trust, plus Will. Will can be used to modify the Trust in the case something was overlooked.
I didn't think getting her a visa was that expensive. She doesn't appear to be a scammer at 44 years old and I've been chatting and videoing for 5 months but when I go visit her in person later this year to get to know her in person we need to discuss all this. Being lonely and in love is one thing but always make sure where the money is going.
Scammers comes on all sizes and ages you just need to watch what they do... not what they say.... if you find them lying to you once... leave them...I learnt if they lied to u once they probably lied before just u didn't catch them..good luck
That's a step by step replay of what happened to a friend of mine with a Chinese "girl" just add a few communist requirements...he sent her all he had, realized it was a scam, had no insurance, had a stroke, and died three days later :( The scam took his wealth, his health, and ultimately his life! Thanks, Pea, for continuing to tell it like it is! I'd be happy to share a mug of grog with Pirate Pea anytime! :)
Thank God for you and your channel. Because of your channel, many foreigners will learn the do's and don'ts of dealing with the local women there. Hell, some of your videos made look back and wonder about my ex's intentions, lucky I didn't break the bank like soooooo many other's.
@@hamiljohn excellent point. The worst I ever got burnt (at least not financially) was by an American whose only apparent purpose behind scamming was for her own amusement rather than any material gain. Between that and the fact that "age gap" relationships have become taboo in much of the West, especially the US, I won't even consider an American girl anymore. That said, if anyone is considering buying a lady an airline ticket, make certain it is refundable only to YOU.
Very Informative Video Ms. Pea My husband and I meet here in he’s country in Europe and nothing to be scam from him i remember the first time i meet him he told me i am not rich the only i can give to you is my love and maybe my liver to sell🤣🤣 we been married now for 6 years going to 7 years i pay for my own visa since i have my own work. i work hard to learn their language while working at the same time and just last year i got my citizenship here i feel so blessed that even my husband is not rich he is always there for me to support me for everything i wanted to achieved in life.🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hi Pea, another excellent topic.i am two from two with this experience twice I have been to the Philippines and twice I got scammed, but no real damage done because I was wise to it early in the relationship I had a gut feeling from the start that I was being scammed.i just went along with it to see how far the scammer would take it. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to scam me.. love the new drunken pirate she cracks me up every time.🤣
I guess we both got lucky in our process. Online wedding in October, first meeting Feb 13 in the Philippines, and currently still here enjoying our time together. I hope more can experience what we have. Always informative Pea 😃👍
If you're staying over there, then great and God bless! There's always that one more scam you have to watch out for which is the marriage/green card scam. A lot of foreigners will go as far as getting married to the first sucker that says yes, get to the states or other western country, wait until she has that green card, then call the police and claim they've been raped or physically abused by you. Then she gets a divorce, half your stuff, and permanent citizenship and you lose half your stuff, your gun rights, your freedom and the ability to ever travel outside the US ever again. Good luck and be safe. I got married in October as well.
@@keinlieb3818 YUP, they can be sitting there at the dinner table and call the police then claim battered spouse, and all the sudden your in deep piles of poo, i have seen it happen, then they get a order of protection against you and then your forced out of your won house, in illinois in the US it can take 6 to 7 years to get your gun rights back, the 5 year waiting period starts after the order of protection is dropped, and that could be a year long wait, even if you didnt do anything, some states have laws where they must make an arrest when called for any real or fake domestic call,
Another great video Pea. Good info. I like your new outro Captain Pea. You've been busy giving us updated outro's, keeping things fresh. I love it. Keep On Keeping On!
In order for anyone not to get scammed, you have to actually get to know that person before helping that person to get the visa. Be smart. And listen to Filipina Pea!! She's very wise and truthful to her words.
Usually, the first question U.S. Citizen men ask me when it comes to this topic is "How much does a Philippines passport cost"? And your correct pretty much always $100. and I tell them Whoaaa! that's not right and I start to smell something fishy. A good scammer will avoid that mistake as you mentioned because they are going for an even bigger score. 🤑 Anyway very well done tutorial, Pea...
We process ours for just 6 months.From October to March 7 fly home to U.S.My wife is awesome smart and put a lot of time and hardwork on her part and I did my best part.I've learned a lot when I'm in Philippines way back 2018. My wife is priceless. ❤ A piece of advice, its expensive so dont do it if you dont have enough 🤑 and IF you are not sure on your woman. Main point is Family oriented filipina's is most likely a genuine one.Time is more expensive. And I may say.We had the best Atty. who live in Ph and Thailand and knows deeply the process and culture, He is from (Newyork Jew) and fees is worth it (same as u.s standard fee) Its affordable if you have enough 💲 Great topic Ms. Pea! Godspeed.
Thank you for this video. I was thinking about bringing my pilipina girlfriend with me to the states. We were chatting for 3 months straight. Dang so many rules to meet the love of my life.
I personally think that I would definitely vet my Filipina girlfriend - or any other foreign girlfriend for that matter - before bringing her to America. One of the things that men should look out for is women who are preoccupied with thoughts about divorce. There are some females who would marry just to get to the next country and then leave the guy for their true boyfriend back in their own country. You have to vet your spouse very carefully these days.
I had a friend that was married to a Korean for 2 years in Korea, even had a kid together. They left for an assignment in Florida. She never even made it to Florida, she left him for a guy in Tennessee as soon as she stepped foot in the US. Got to keep your eyes open.
Very much salamat po pea this a excellent video I can share with my Filipina fiance , ..... pea you are truly a national treasure you worth your weight in gold. Cool new captain pea it was funny 😄. Thank you for keeping us up to date 📅 and giving a broader point of view.
It was a bumpy ride for two of my friends, this was a story where everything begins. They brought two girls here but then they both got jobs, guess what happened to both of those slobs. The girls soon moved away and took some extra cash, the men had good jobs and they lost some stash. The money is nothing if you find the right one, happy you'll be and you're looking days done. it's so hard to find the right one from the beginning, with lies and deceit and everyone sinning. (Ricky)===:::
I have to say that you are the best at what you do. I'm sure you have help hundreds of thousands of people .will 1 of them want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm afraid I found your video just days to late. But still on time before any more damage can be done. I wish there was away to make sure she couldn't do this to anyone else. You can not go through life and do people wrong an expect to live happily. It don't work that way. Anyway , Ms Pea you have all my respect thanks again for what you do
Ms Pea I could tell what happened but I kinda don't want to say for everyone and I don't mind if you tell everyone after I tell you. Just don't want my name out there to much more than it already is. I'm scared of vampire
If you would email me and I will tell you my long but short adventure and my bad experience with Filipino women. No matter how many times this happens to me I will always love the Filipino women I no that there is one Filipino woman that has been waiting on me I just have to find her.
Yep, hook line and sinker, however I realized after a few money transfers things were not as they seemed. I asked for photos of the documents on the grounds that I need them at my end as proof for sponsor ship. That seemed to have had an adverse reaction and chats went from several a day to a few a week. My spider sensors were telling me this is not turning out to what I wanted, so I asked for her email and address as I need it for said sponcership, I was surprised she gave it. Soooooooo when I get to Philippines I will stalk her and give her details to the local cops
Thanks Pea your advice is spot on.... personal rule if you never meet don't even try to organise a visa or passport..a friend told me his honey ko told him his passport and paperwork costing 10k pesos.. I warned him she's scamming him but didn't listen to me.. got rolled... funny thing after this she claimed she drop her phone in cr.. costing 20k... and again he paid up front... sadly she was caught out in the end bc my fillippina wife confronted her the costings and she left.... lesson learned........
Yeah you gotta wonder why you’re not allowed out of the country when they don’t want you anywhere in public either. Sounds more like control than anything else it could be.
Pea you are so funny. The scammers information is always a welcome tool in the fight for honesty. Great job. You also are looking good, as always. Pirate Pea is …..something else😜😜😜
Excellent video and advice! There are so many "little" steps that must be done with each an opportunity for her to scam but that bank account balance requirement and the fact that very few ever get approved for a visitor's visa to the USA make doing this a BIG mistake--much better for the guy to just go and meet her in her own country along with a "backup plan" if she doesn't show up.
No, never bring you Filipina girlfriend to the west. First of all when they get to the west they will start to eat our junk food and put on a lot of weight and then she will become accustomed to all of our "modern conveniences" that we have over here and become lazy, then last but not least women over here are like a pack of wild coyotes when they get together. They will begin to talk to your g.f., and if someday you happen to get married, if you two become friends with the wild coyote pack and you happen to have a little money, the pack will turn on you and tell your new wife about the best divorce lawyers around (divorce is no big deal in the U.S.) You don't even need to have a reason, you can just leave. Anyway, the wild coyote pack will gladly lead you new wife astray and help her take you to the cleaners. Do as I say and stay in the Philippines, the cost of living is a lot cheaper, your new filipina wife will be right at home and she can show you around and teach you the native customs, and I'm sure the food is much healthier than this greasy fat-filled salty food we have over here and I'm sure the divorce rate is not nearly as high.
In some ways I love my country to pieces but some aspects of it are horrible. I agree with everything you said. It's a shame. Feminism has destroyed dating and the American female.
I disagree ,i dont think you have experience with filipina ..... As a filipina here abroad what you are saying is not true or never happened to us ...🤣🤣🤣 dont be quick to judge ...if you guys dont know how to pick the right one then for sure ,you will live like a hell Oh by the way i never met a filipina that become lazy when they are living in country where their partners are..and i dont hear that filipina and foreigner divorce unless they are both fake their feelings in the beggining
@@CindysBisvlog I agree with this sentiment. If the person you love is tainted by her surroundings then she ain’t the one. On the other hand as westerner where do I find these like minded women?
I’m currently in the process of getting my future wife to US. I would advice that there is no need for a visa agency. The Immigration website is very informative as to the process.
I don't understand why men would spend all of this money for a women they have never even met. I was sure of my Filipina because I flew to Manila twice and also met her family in Palawan both times. I really scratch my head that men would fall for this; thanks FP and let's be careful!
Sorry Pea, but I have to strongly disagree with any insinuation that a Filipina Girlfriend can travel 'tourist' to the US. Especially, if she needs to get a passport. Better suggestion for all Americans that can't make the trip to the PI just yet, have your girl fly to Mexico. She can actually travel there. Then you can drive across the border and bring her back just like all the border crosses. Much higher rate of success and definitely exponentially cheaper for the guy as the Embassy can deny the visa app for any reason and you will lose all the fees. Best suggestion, save your money and time until you can go see her and while you are waiting don't send money either as it sets a bad precedent.
‘If’ you’ve met in person, she’s had a high-paying job for several years, she owns property here, and her bank account is topped off, it’s ‘possible’ she’d be approved for tourism. But if there’s any holes in her application, forget about it, yup 👍
@@TheFilipinaPea yes but a major whole in her application would be a lack of any international travel where she returned either early or on-time. The biggest negative for a Filipina trying to 'travel' to the US is either relatives or a boyfriend/fiance in the US because it immediately puts her into the High-risk category to overstay or return to the Philippines.
Incredible information. Thank you. As an American it's hard to get used to someone always getting into your private business, like all these personal questions.
Well..there is a saying in the UK "if it's sounds too good to be true, it often means it's 2 good to be true", i feel at times you have to be moronic to fall for romance scams of any type including this scam, now this is from a guy when he searched filipina cupid, and pinay love found a lot of scammers on there, but you could always tell them apart from genuine filipinas very easily. I have brought my Wife over to the UK (west) she don't really like it here and often said "if it wasn't for me and the kids, she would not stay here". Just gonna say this to the guys here...think with your brain and not your balls, make sure that no money changes hands until you meet her., if she disagrees then it's most liekly a scam, just saying. :-)
@@TheFilipinaPea People in the UK are too judgemental according to her and there is no sense of community here, the are also very judgemental about the age difference of 15 years, and even her being a filipina not from this country, and i have heard the term "mail-order bride" thrown around for which i stick up for my wife and tell them to sod off, i told her not to concern herself with such matters and i had a little convosation with the neighbours to tell them to mind there business in not such a nice way, and we will be moving in the future, but in 10 years time we are planning to move back to Cebu as i love it there and so does she, and also the kids love it there as well when i took them.
@@ryanthompson5761 Ryan, your neighbours are simply jelaous. Your man next doors stuck with a fat cow who watches loose woman, and spends her days calling him racist, a bigot & tells him he's got privilege. Even when they are giving your wife the evil eyes, it breaks their heart seeing her smile and continue on her way. Your wife is literally worlds apart from the scum next door, and so are you. My advice is to just laugh at them. When my girlfriend was here before the pandemic, my neighbours said some vile and racist nonsense to her. They said "what's for dinner, CHINESE? 🤣🤣🤣🤣" My girlfriend replies "the difference between you and him (me) is that you need to pay for Chinese food. 😉" I instantly dropped to the floor laughing uncontrollably. Her timing was impeccable man. His front door slammed shut, and he kept out of our way ever since. And hospitalising him also helped him keep silent. That's the part which happened between me on the floor laughing, and his door closing. 😉 the best part? When the police report was filed? I got away with it because he said I was with a Chinese woman. The judge knew it couldn't have been me, as I was with a filipina. The judge knew 💪💯😉 all the best dude
I have been talking to a chica there. I'm already planning a 3 moth stay in the Philippines. I'm going for myself, not for her. And I mentioned this channel and similar channels like this to her and that I've been watch many videos in preparing for visit. She's still talking to me. So ...guess it's so far so good....
Thx for more great info pea and look at you I remember when we were trying to get u monotized and 1000 viewers now look at you 120000 plus ! U go girl ! Let's get 200,000 plus. God speed and good luck old friend.
I wanted to bring my girlfriend here exactly one year ago. She told me that the passport fees were 1,000 pesos, plus 250 for the online appointment. She didn’t asked me for this money. But soon after she told me she couldn’t come here, because the Philippines would offload her since she doesn’t have a job (she is finishing college) and a bank account. Since then she is only waiting for me to go to the Philippines because to her is a lost cause to try to come here, she said my money will be wasted if she is offloaded. Now I have to wait until November when I can finally go there. Did I found a nice one, Pea?
Hmm, so that's why you never turned up at the airport then 😂😂 Seriously though great information for people who are considering this. I think directing potential scammers to this video is a great idea as it will certainly show them you're not just another idiot. Love the new Pirate Pea ending and I promise to keep my hands off your poop deck if you promise not to run any more flags up my flagpole 🤣
These guys think it’s worth the expense and trouble to bring a pretty one to the USA and all is well. Hahahaha. Promise you, a younger, Wealthy, sweet talking player will steal her away from you in a heartbeat! Have I stolen a couple? Maybe 🤔
Love your chubby cheeks...The Visa scam has been around for a long time and common sense and a polygraph exam are two ways to lessen the chances of it happening. I always tell the men I help find women there to use common sense or go to Japan where women are not poor but have the same qualities as Filipines
You are the BEST!!!! Thanks for all your advise...A friend of mine married a filipina and like you she gets soooo mad at other filipinas that try to scam. She says, "It makes it harder for the other filipinas who are sincere."
I’m 49 and I used to think about dating you but I’m a little intimidated by your intimidated by you intelligence lol I love you woman keep up the good work your a winner big time😎
Hi Pea, I have a different situation than the o you discussed. My Filipina is applying for a Widowers Visa since she was married to an American, and he passed away and she said that she has a privilege as a Widow of an American for 24 months if she want to come to the United States. I am paying a visa assistance company to help her with the visa process. This company is rated #: 1 by many watchdog agencies. I have from the very first did exactly what you said not to do. But fortunately for me I believe she is for real.
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I love watching you. It's always informative
Always love your videos!
Thanks for the information. My gf is on the last part of her teaching degree. And were working on waiting to wait till next year as right now... shes busy for the last semester. And your right 99.99% of people who have not met face to face should not give money. Ive already made a video on my situation. However i have not regreted giving financial support. Its been perfect in many circumstances in the last few years. If anyone is goona give for like a birthday or just for fun... send it but wait to check to see what she does with it. Does she spend it on herself? Does she buy family something? Does she buy someone homeless food? Does she save it and invest it? This will tell you everything. What do you think Fillipina Pea.
Someday you're going to have your own TV show
Would that include a marriage visa
“ I put her entire playbook right in your lap” We need more real women in the world like you. Thank you
You’re so welcome, Mackey 😊👍
@@TheFilipinaPea 😁
@@TheFilipinaPea I agree 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️
Honest girls are hard to find but when you find her she like a lottery win.... I found mine 12 yrs ago been happily married 9yrs ago she with me in Australia... still on my honeymoon...lol
How is the tyranny down under?
Talking from experience, I did it the old fashion way... Joined the US Navy back in the day (1984) and eventually was stationed in the Philippines (1989-92), and found my little princess via an introduction from a cousin of hers in 1990. Almost thirty two years later we're planning on retiring back to the Philippines for our final happiness years of retirement. !!!-Mabuhay-!!!
I did it the old fashioned way, too. Got introduced to the love of my life by a cousin of hers. No Internet, no txt, no videochat - Handwritten letters and long-distance phone calls only. 22 Wedding Anniversaries later (and still counting...)
@@CraigRodmellMusic That must have been hard, congrats
Yep, me too. We met and married in 1979, she came to the states in 1980, and we retired back here to the PI three years ago. Fairy tales CAN come true. ;-)
Congratulations to you guys who paved the way. Waiting on my wife now. Married 2 years ago yesterday. Waiting on US immigration now.
Wow, congratulations to both of you!
mmmm - honey is getting more expensive and risky every day - the Internet and social media has a lot to answer for. Thanks so much Pea for another of your awesome videos where you try to stop gullible westerners being scammed. God Bless.
And when you’re buying the whole pot, you can go broke! 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea 🤦♂️
@@TheFilipinaPea been there in the past. Lesson learned lol.
8k USD will get you one he'll of a party in SE Asia....
Pea, I waited all day at the airport for you 😂😂😂😂😂
I don't know about other countries, but she has approximately 0% chance of getting a visa to the United States. Unless she's extremely wealthy in which case she's not talking to you. For a marriage or a fiancé visa, it is impossible to get it unless you have visited in person with her first. In any event, you will be the one filing the application from your end. A tourist visa would require demonstration of a very good reason for her to return to her country. And you don't sponsor a tourist visa.
Best way to get into the USA is to fly to Mexico and walk across the border
2.5 million did it last year !!! Then u get a free flight to any city your heart desires
Very true. From personal experience in the States where my Filipina US Citizen spouse attempted 3 times unsuccessfully to get visitor visas for her sisters in Siquijor to visit, even contacting our US Senator (which has worked at times for others), it was virtually impossible. I have noticed that other females passed the interview at the US Embassy but they were employees of larger companies or owners of medium-sized businesses and MARRIED with kids and with bank accounts. And some males get the visas with none of these qualifications. It all seems very arbitrary with no escalation or appeal process since "foreigners" are not protected by US anti-discimination laws, even by US Embassy personnel. For unmarried females, there is very often discrimination even from Filipino interviewer employees at the US embassy, according to a US immigration attrorney we hired in NC but who could not help us get the visas issued in the Philippines.
that's not 100% true just fly her into South America they'll let her in no problem infact they will give her free money every month even though she's not a US Citizen
It's the same in Vietnam. Zero chance! My former wife and I tried to bring our 55 year old house keeper to the States for a visit - after three tries over three years we gave up.
This is pretty much why I don't plan on even bothering with online stuff or meeting a Filipina until I'm retired and have already moved over there. 10 more years to go (assuming that Russia and/or China haven't screwed something up by then).
I sure don’t blame you, Neilis 👍😊
That's a right thing to do in my opinion. I got here 31st of Dec 2021 and now i have found a gf here. I did chat with women online before I got here, but I gad no real intention to meet any of them.
It takes about 5 minutes to find a GF after you get here....why bother with all the nonsense before you arrive?
I’m in a similar situation at least 10 to 12 years away from early retirement so I’m skeptical about a ldr since I got scammed before. Maybe I’m better to have a few holiday girlfriends while I’m waiting.
Go get married and bring her to the US for 10 years so when you kick out she inherits your SSI. It costs $600 for the US.
Very good INFO for everyone and especially those just starting out. There are a lot of people that need to watch these videos. great advice again.
Thanks Kook - and your avatar is cool and colorful 👍😂
You are 'spot on' with your video Ms. Pea. I almost fell for this in 2016 but I finally came to my senses before she was able to carry out her plan. After getting rid of her, I met a Filipina who is the best thing that ever happened to me. We have been happily married here in the US for almost four years. Keep up the great work Ms. Pea!!!
Thanks Pea for breaking this down like a fraction. A lot of us guy's abroad aren't familiar with this finesse(scan). It's funny when men deal with women, their IQ drops by about 50% lol. Our critical thinking shuts down and we'll over look things only to hope for the best.
No matter what you do, I think it's wise to hangout with your girl for a few months in the Philippines before flying to your place. Meet her and see if the two of you click first. Rent a place out there for six months and see what happens 👍
good idea!
My policy is cohabitation is a must before significant commitment. Likelihood is it will not work out once they are in their day to day mode.
I didn't have any idea about this highly lucrative scam, or even think about meeting someone online and then flying them to visit me. You just made me a lot wiser, young lady!! Th♥️nk you.
Great information for the men that have no idea of how things work. Love your channel and your humor.
Thanks Bruce! And yes, unfortunately there are a lot of guys in that category 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea good job pea.
@@TheFilipinaPea sometimes, we listen to the little head instead of the big one😉😆
Hi Pea, please find three new females to interview: Criteria is all in their 30's. 1st is solo mom provincial high school undergrad/dropout; 2nd is solo mom city college graduate; 3rd is spinster/virgin. Discuss dating and normal sex [no toys or perversion questions].
Unfortunately, this video mixes the US Visa process with Philippines immigration's policy of OFFLOADING. Most of what Pea has explained in this video is how to avoid being offloaded. The purpose of offloading is to protect vulnerable Filipinas from becoming a victim of human trafficking or illegal recruiting. Documents such as a passport, round trip ticket, visa, and itinerary will need to be presented to the Philippines immigration officer at the airport. They will also be asked if they have the means to travel. Simply having show money is not enough. They need to either show proof of employment or show proof of business income. If you (the foreigner) are financing her travel, you'll need to show proof of relationship (in order to convince the immigration officer that you are NOT the human trafficker or illegal recruiter). Your Filipina will have to answer a multitude of personal questions about you and your relationship to the satisfaction of the immigration officer or will risk being offloaded. As for the actual US Visa process, that is a lot different than what's needed to ensure not being offloaded. If she's already attained a US Visa, then she's already been significantly vetted and all of the above requirements will already have been met.
Are you a immigration officer?
So far as far as I can tell mine has been honest with me. She is going through the visa process now I already sent her a letter of invite she already has her own passport and other documents and I already went to I believe it’s a local police type scenario for a background check
Great points for men who want to live in one of about 65 countries the ladies can get visas for that are nicer than the PH. But, with all the red tape, wouldn't it be better to just go the beach in one of those nicer countries without bringing sand? Peace.
I can only speak for Australia. But what the Pea talks about is necessary for the Australian visa. Offloading is a parallel hurdle.
I understand that airlines overbook as a routine and if everyone shows up then the airline talks to Customs to fix the discrepancy by offloading. Corrupt? Inhumane ? PHILIPPINES??
Another great 'truth bomb' Pea. I'm glad you made the strong point that if you haven't met your heart's desire in person first, the US embassy in Manilla will automatically deny any Visa. Any documentation such as a letter of invitation, her employment status, educational enrollment, real estate holdings, or anything else that would indicate she's returning will not even be looked at in the interview. They view it as an attempt to get to the US and stay violating any Visa requirements. As mentioned in an earlier comment, 0% chance. Unfortunately, it's a sad reality that keeps genuine love interests apart. You may have forgotten the medical exam requirement. That's usually good for a hundred bucks with most scammers.
Great insights and explanation on warning signs, thanks Pea.
Thanks, Brian! If I spot popping up again, I’ll warn you 👍😊
Nice; many are ignorant of the processes involved....well spoken.
If you're chatting up a Filipina you have yet to meet, vet her thoroughly for as long as necessary and watch for congruency in her behavior vs what she's told you. Disregard or excuse any of her red flags and you will pay the price.....figuratively and literally. I anticipate more travel restrictions will be lifted later this year, so the savvy and patient man will play the long game and go visit her first when the time is right.
All good advice, Juan 👍😊
@@TheFilipinaPea How do I vet her before I meet her? Do I need a private investigator in the Philippines haha?
@@dougsmith9940 it is actually a good idea yes
@@dougsmith9940 just go over there and meet her.
@@dougsmith9940 It's best to vet her on your own, private investigator doesn't know your standard. The west is also a lot different from south east Asia. Just open your eyes and be observant to the things that you know is right or wrong.
Thank you so much, Pea, for taking on issues that many of us in the West would not consider until the horrific has happened.
Someone once commented that I was your ‘canary in the coal mine’ 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea That was a great song by The Police. Look it up if you’ve not heard it
@@TheFilipinaPea That's actually VERY perfect. That fits you well.
Thanks Pea! I'm thankful I found a wonderful and honest Filipina. We applied for a tourist visa for her to come to Australia which she paid for herself. I will be there next Saturday to visit her and her family for 3 weeks 😎🙏🏻
YES! That’s fantastic ❤️👍❤️
Nice outfit Pea. You look lovely as always. Good info you provided. Hopefully you will have prevented a few poor souls from being scammed. As for the plane ticket, make sure that it is only refundable to your credit card otherwise the scammer might be able to cancel it and pocket the money.
I believe you are talking mainly about the Fiance Visa process. I DID this in 2007 for my future exwife and all was handled by me through immigration here in 2007. It took about 6 months. One major requirement is that i had to show proof we had met such as pics and plane ticket there. ALSO i had to show i had sufficient income to provide for her. THE other option is a Tourist Visa which is virtually impossible to get these days for Filipinos!! Good INFO ON YOUR VIDS AS ALWAYS!!
Thanks Don - I appreciate you sharing that info 👍😊
Very articulate, and great presentation style. Not to mention the valuable information she is providing. Very impressed!!!
Awesome video Pea. I have Filipina friends here in Dallas that know of girls that scam foreigners. And it is extremely common. They say there is no substitute for meeting in person, and never send money unless it's a small amount you can part with like gambling. Your vlogs are equally entertaining and informative, and you are a great person as well! Keep it up
Thanks Greg, and yes the threat is real 😳👍
i"m very glad I found your page over a year ago, you might of saved my butt from a scam
I love how our Pea’s honesty probably upsets scammers. Keep up the good work cowgirl. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️
Oh yes - they hate me 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea ❤️❤️❤️
Of course! For some people, their main livelihood was taken away from just this one video 😂😂
Good to know information. Great modification to your pirate skit :)
Things haven't changed much. We we're married in the PI in 2005. I set up an appt at the embassy for my wife for a tourist visa to come back with me. Although she still had 2 young boys at home and owned her home it was denied. At the interview they said since she would be with me she did not have an incentive to come back. They just handed us a brochure and showed us the door. So it took about another 7 months to finally get to the US. And now here we are 16 years of marriage later living in the PI.
The process is brutal and inconsistent - I was denied too, and I met all the requirements
@@TheFilipinaPea US is really hard; they can deny you even you met all requirements, and you are right, it’s brutal and inconsistent.
@@TheFilipinaPea My girl was denied tourist visa ..even though she is care-taker for her mom and auntie in their 80's...we had put $4000 + in her account but that didn't help..we want to try it again..The US sucks for Visa requirements..its like they don't want immigrants at all, ya think!! It's all about money..$2,500 to apply for a fiance visa ?? or more.. That's legalized extortion ..We are up in years..I'm 67..She is 54..I cant wait forever. I'm seriously thinking to sell my house and make the big move ..She doesn't want or need a green card, we just wanted to spend summers in Michigan and Winters in Philippines..I have been to Philippines 2 times and 9 months first time with her and 6 months the second time..What is so crazy that they cant understand that?? FRUSTRATED IN MICHIGAN ..ugh
@@TheFilipinaPea Filipina neighbor's brother denied 4 times in the last 35 years. I am trying to get his youngest daughter a visa. She's named in my Will as a joint tenant per my tax attorneys instructions. I have a Trust, plus Will. Will can be used to modify the Trust in the case something was overlooked.
@@TheFilipinaPea: I thought you had been to the US. No?
Thank you for informing guys about this. There are a lot of scammers out there.
I didn't think getting her a visa was that expensive. She doesn't appear to be a scammer at 44 years old and I've been chatting and videoing for 5 months but when I go visit her in person later this year to get to know her in person we need to discuss all this. Being lonely and in love is one thing but always make sure where the money is going.
Always! And best of luck to you both ❤️👍
Scammers comes on all sizes and ages you just need to watch what they do... not what they say.... if you find them lying to you once... leave them...I learnt if they lied to u once they probably lied before just u didn't catch them..good luck
don't be a sucker, remember, you are the winning ticket, just go there and claim it.
I have already been a victim of the visa scam a few years ago but Im a little wiser now BUT Im still looking for my Filipina great video
120k Subs! Good work, Pea! Keep up the good work!
Thanks - people like you make it possible 👍
Valuable info Pea much appreciated. You are wonderful for telling the truth
That's a step by step replay of what happened to a friend of mine with a Chinese "girl" just add a few communist requirements...he sent her all he had, realized it was a scam, had no insurance, had a stroke, and died three days later :(
The scam took his wealth, his health, and ultimately his life! Thanks, Pea, for continuing to tell it like it is!
I'd be happy to share a mug of grog with Pirate Pea anytime! :)
Oh … my … god! I wonder if the scam caused the stroke?
@@TheFilipinaPea Yes I believe it did! R.I.P. James!
He was used as an example so the next man doesn't go through it. He died broke and a hero
Omg that’s sad .. died of a broken heart
May the Brother rest in peace 🙏
Pea, you are always so thorough. I'm certain many people deeply appreciate this.
Thank God for you and your channel. Because of your channel, many foreigners will learn the do's and don'ts of dealing with the local women there. Hell, some of your videos made look back and wonder about my ex's intentions, lucky I didn't break the bank like soooooo many other's.
Good job mark.
What was suspicious about her behavior! I’m doing research 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea I'll send you a detailed message.
More good information Pea,. Nicely done.
Thank you, Pea.
Always with the great information to help us.
Any way I can, Jim 👍😊
Another awesome video. Thanks for all you do pea. Can't wait to visit again.
You really shouldn’t be sending money internationally to someone who you don’t know. Better you be there with her physically to make those decisions.
Absolutely 👍
Not just internationally, right here in the good old USA too.
@@hamiljohn excellent point. The worst I ever got burnt (at least not financially) was by an American whose only apparent purpose behind scamming was for her own amusement rather than any material gain. Between that and the fact that "age gap" relationships have become taboo in much of the West, especially the US, I won't even consider an American girl anymore.
That said, if anyone is considering buying a lady an airline ticket, make certain it is refundable only to YOU.
Very Informative Video Ms. Pea My husband and I meet here in he’s country in Europe and nothing to be scam from him i remember the first time i meet him he told me i am not rich the only i can give to you is my love and maybe my liver to sell🤣🤣 we been married now for 6 years going to 7 years i pay for my own visa since i have my own work. i work hard to learn their language while working at the same time and just last year i got my citizenship here i feel so blessed that even my husband is not rich he is always there for me to support me for everything i wanted to achieved in life.🥰🥰🥰🥰
Absolutely great eye opening info....love is blind!!.......the pirate sign off is absolutely the best ever!!🤣🤣
I’m really happy you liked Captain Pea 2.0 😂😊
Hi Pea, another excellent topic.i am two from two with this experience twice I have been to the Philippines and twice I got scammed, but no real damage done because I was wise to it early in the relationship I had a gut feeling from the start that I was being scammed.i just went along with it to see how far the scammer would take it. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to scam me.. love the new drunken pirate she cracks me up every time.🤣
I guess we both got lucky in our process. Online wedding in October, first meeting Feb 13 in the Philippines, and currently still here enjoying our time together. I hope more can experience what we have. Always informative Pea 😃👍
Sounds like you’re doing it the right way 👍❤️👍❤️👍
So that’s why she stopped chatting me 😂😂
If you're staying over there, then great and God bless! There's always that one more scam you have to watch out for which is the marriage/green card scam. A lot of foreigners will go as far as getting married to the first sucker that says yes, get to the states or other western country, wait until she has that green card, then call the police and claim they've been raped or physically abused by you. Then she gets a divorce, half your stuff, and permanent citizenship and you lose half your stuff, your gun rights, your freedom and the ability to ever travel outside the US ever again. Good luck and be safe. I got married in October as well.
@@keinlieb3818 YUP, they can be sitting there at the dinner table and call the police then claim battered spouse, and all the sudden your in deep piles of poo, i have seen it happen, then they get a order of protection against you and then your forced out of your won house, in illinois in the US it can take 6 to 7 years to get your gun rights back, the 5 year waiting period starts after the order of protection is dropped, and that could be a year long wait, even if you didnt do anything, some states have laws where they must make an arrest when called for any real or fake domestic call,
@@keinlieb3818 WOW!!! Did that happen to you??? I asked because how you ended your statement.
You are a smart woman! Oh and you're English is very good!!!
Another very informative and educational video. Definitely saving many men their money from the scammers. Great outro and excellent job as always. 👏👏👏
I wouldn’t ever want to disappoint you, my friend 👍😊
It was brilliant. Thank you Pea. You save our butts.
Another great video Pea. Good info. I like your new outro Captain Pea. You've been busy giving us updated outro's, keeping things fresh. I love it. Keep On Keeping On!
Gotta keep it fresh 👍😂
You are a true Princessa Pea!... Thank you for telling the whole truth.
In order for anyone not to get scammed, you have to actually get to know that person before helping that person to get the visa. Be smart. And listen to Filipina Pea!! She's very wise and truthful to her words.
Usually, the first question U.S. Citizen men ask me when it comes to this topic is "How much does a Philippines passport cost"? And your correct pretty much always $100. and I tell them Whoaaa! that's not right and I start to smell something fishy. A good scammer will avoid that mistake as you mentioned because they are going for an even bigger score. 🤑 Anyway very well done tutorial, Pea...
So extraordinary in virtue, not the least of which is kindness.
We process ours for just 6 months.From October to March 7 fly home to U.S.My wife is awesome smart and put a lot of time and hardwork on her part and I did my best part.I've learned a lot when I'm in Philippines way back 2018. My wife is priceless. ❤
A piece of advice, its expensive so dont do it if you dont have enough 🤑 and IF you are not sure on your woman. Main point is Family oriented filipina's is most likely a genuine one.Time is more expensive.
And I may say.We had the best Atty. who live in Ph and Thailand and knows deeply the process and culture, He is from (Newyork Jew) and fees is worth it (same as u.s standard fee) Its affordable if you have enough 💲
Great topic Ms. Pea! Godspeed.
@@koikoivison4753 🤣🤣🤣🤣 beat me to it
Hi do you know how many month is the visa process if you are married to filipina?
Thank you for this video. I was thinking about bringing my pilipina girlfriend with me to the states. We were chatting for 3 months straight. Dang so many rules to meet the love of my life.
I personally think that I would definitely vet my Filipina girlfriend - or any other foreign girlfriend for that matter - before bringing her to America.
One of the things that men should look out for is women who are preoccupied with thoughts about divorce. There are some females who would marry just to get to the next country and then leave the guy for their true boyfriend back in their own country.
You have to vet your spouse very carefully these days.
You sure better vet them - no ifs, ands, or butts (no matter what that butt looks like!) 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea The amazingly sexy butts that many Filipinos have, have trapped many western men
I had a friend that was married to a Korean for 2 years in Korea, even had a kid together. They left for an assignment in Florida. She never even made it to Florida, she left him for a guy in Tennessee as soon as she stepped foot in the US. Got to keep your eyes open.
@@iant8842 congrats on the creepiest, cringiest comment of the day
Yeah bring her here. I won’t flirt and take her away. Hahahaha. Gullible
Rofl the outro haha, thank you love you :)
The final piece that she won't tell you is that there is a back log of 600+ days to get an interview for a tourist visa to the US.
Looking good pea don’t stop being you.
Very much salamat po pea this a excellent video I can share with my Filipina fiance , ..... pea you are truly a national treasure you worth your weight in gold. Cool new captain pea it was funny 😄. Thank you for keeping us up to date 📅 and giving a broader point of view.
I’ll lead you to the booty 😂
The outro was funny! You could do stand-up comedy!
My mind is 50/50 on taking her to the west here... Usually they get homesick to the lifestyle there. The culture in the Philippines is very Social
Exactly! Some Filipinas weren’t made for life in the west 👍
(I fit in just fine)
@@TheFilipinaPea ...yeah😌
It was a bumpy ride for two of my friends, this was a story where everything begins.
They brought two girls here but then they both got jobs, guess what happened to both of those slobs.
The girls soon moved away and took some extra cash, the men had good jobs and they lost some stash.
The money is nothing if you find the right one, happy you'll be and you're looking days done.
it's so hard to find the right one from the beginning, with lies and deceit and everyone sinning. (Ricky)===:::
Okay, that bordered on brilliant, Ricky - I hope you’re saving these 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea Ricky is a poet apparently :) pretty good too.
I have to say that you are the best at what you do. I'm sure you have help hundreds of thousands of people .will 1 of them want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm afraid I found your video just days to late. But still on time before any more damage can be done. I wish there was away to make sure she couldn't do this to anyone else.
You can not go through life and do people wrong an expect to live happily. It don't work that way. Anyway , Ms Pea you have all my respect thanks again for what you do
Oh no, TJ - what happened??? Can you tell us?
Yes, I try to help as many as possible 👍😊
Ms Pea I could tell what happened but I kinda don't want to say for everyone and I don't mind if you tell everyone after I tell you. Just don't want my name out there to much more than it already is. I'm scared of vampire
If you would email me and I will tell you my long but short adventure and my bad experience with Filipino women. No matter how many times this happens to me I will always love the Filipino women I no that there is one Filipino woman that has been waiting on me I just have to find her.
Yep, hook line and sinker, however I realized after a few money transfers things were not as they seemed. I asked for photos of the documents on the grounds that I need them at my end as proof for sponsor ship. That seemed to have had an adverse reaction and chats went from several a day to a few a week. My spider sensors were telling me this is not turning out to what I wanted, so I asked for her email and address as I need it for said sponcership, I was surprised she gave it. Soooooooo when I get to Philippines I will stalk her and give her details to the local cops
Wow, you too Dean?? 😰
Thanks Pea your advice is spot on.... personal rule if you never meet don't even try to organise a visa or passport..a friend told me his honey ko told him his passport and paperwork costing 10k pesos.. I warned him she's scamming him but didn't listen to me.. got rolled... funny thing after this she claimed she drop her phone in cr.. costing 20k... and again he paid up front... sadly she was caught out in the end bc my fillippina wife confronted her the costings and she left.... lesson learned........
it sounds as like it takes a lot to leave the Philippines even if it's just a vacation, almost as if they don't want anyone to leave.
Exactly 😳👍
Yeah you gotta wonder why you’re not allowed out of the country when they don’t want you anywhere in public either. Sounds more like control than anything else it could be.
Helpful video! I'm sure you just saved a bunch of lonely guys from only thinking with the wrong head, and paying for it!
Take good care!
We love the Phillipine people!❤️❤️
Great information, as always. I'm still waiting on the Mary Ann ending though.
I almost had it ready! It should be this week ❤️
@@TheFilipinaPea The anticipation is killing me. I can't wait.
Pea you are so funny. The scammers information is always a welcome tool in the fight for honesty. Great job. You also are looking good, as always. Pirate Pea is …..something else😜😜😜
She’s … something, yes 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea I like the role play characters in your video. Some man is going to be lucky to experience the many faces of Pea 😍😍😂😂
Excellent video and advice! There are so many "little" steps that must be done with each an opportunity for her to scam but that bank account balance requirement and the fact that very few ever get approved for a visitor's visa to the USA make doing this a BIG mistake--much better for the guy to just go and meet her in her own country along with a "backup plan" if she doesn't show up.
No, never bring you Filipina girlfriend to the west. First of all when they get to the west they will start to eat our junk food and put on a lot of weight and then she will become accustomed to all of our "modern conveniences" that we have over here and become lazy, then last but not least women over here are like a pack of wild coyotes when they get together. They will begin to talk to your g.f., and if someday you happen to get married, if you two become friends with the wild coyote pack and you happen to have a little money, the pack will turn on you and tell your new wife about the best divorce lawyers around (divorce is no big deal in the U.S.) You don't even need to have a reason, you can just leave. Anyway, the wild coyote pack will gladly lead you new wife astray and help her take you to the cleaners. Do as I say and stay in the Philippines, the cost of living is a lot cheaper, your new filipina wife will be right at home and she can show you around and teach you the native customs, and I'm sure the food is much healthier than this greasy fat-filled salty food we have over here and I'm sure the divorce rate is not nearly as high.
Absolutly, never bring her to the West.......
In some ways I love my country to pieces but some aspects of it are horrible. I agree with everything you said. It's a shame. Feminism has destroyed dating and the American female.
I disagree ,i dont think you have experience with filipina .....
As a filipina here abroad what you are saying is not true or never happened to us ...🤣🤣🤣 dont be quick to judge ...if you guys dont know how to pick the right one then for sure ,you will live like a hell
Oh by the way i never met a filipina that become lazy when they are living in country where their partners are..and i dont hear that filipina and foreigner divorce unless they are both fake their feelings in the beggining
@@CindysBisvlog I agree with this sentiment. If the person you love is tainted by her surroundings then she ain’t the one. On the other hand as westerner where do I find these like minded women?
Divorce rate is 0, as it doesn't exist in here.
I’m currently in the process of getting my future wife to US. I would advice that there is no need for a visa agency. The Immigration website is very informative as to the process.
🥰🥰 where can I send your plane ticket? 🤣 I'm sure this will help a lot of folks
You can keep the plane ticket, but what I need first is that $6000 😂😂😂
💯❤ Your the Best .. 💯😉😇
Thank you for the great video. And I love your final part…risqué but very clever!
I try to keep it fairly clean with sneaky innuendo 😂
I don't understand why men would spend all of this money for a women they have never even met. I was sure of my Filipina because I flew to Manila twice and also met her family in Palawan both times. I really scratch my head that men would fall for this; thanks FP and let's be careful!
There are some really optimistic (and gullible) men 😳😔
@@TheFilipinaPea thinking with the wrong head !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres a lot of lonely men in this world with more money than sense
@@TheFilipinaPea or just plain desperate and starving for female attention
Another great video Pea. How about a video on a Filipina visiting abroad on vacation.
I’ll be making it, yes, when I get there next year (or sooner) 😊😁
@@TheFilipinaPea hopefully sooner. Do you have an American boyfriend?
Sorry Pea, but I have to strongly disagree with any insinuation that a Filipina Girlfriend can travel 'tourist' to the US. Especially, if she needs to get a passport. Better suggestion for all Americans that can't make the trip to the PI just yet, have your girl fly to Mexico. She can actually travel there. Then you can drive across the border and bring her back just like all the border crosses. Much higher rate of success and definitely exponentially cheaper for the guy as the Embassy can deny the visa app for any reason and you will lose all the fees. Best suggestion, save your money and time until you can go see her and while you are waiting don't send money either as it sets a bad precedent.
‘If’ you’ve met in person, she’s had a high-paying job for several years, she owns property here, and her bank account is topped off, it’s ‘possible’ she’d be approved for tourism. But if there’s any holes in her application, forget about it, yup 👍
@@TheFilipinaPea yes but a major whole in her application would be a lack of any international travel where she returned either early or on-time. The biggest negative for a Filipina trying to 'travel' to the US is either relatives or a boyfriend/fiance in the US because it immediately puts her into the High-risk category to overstay or return to the Philippines.
Incredible information. Thank you. As an American it's hard to get used to someone always getting into your private business, like all these personal questions.
Well..there is a saying in the UK "if it's sounds too good to be true, it often means it's 2 good to be true", i feel at times you have to be moronic to fall for romance scams of any type including this scam, now this is from a guy when he searched filipina cupid, and pinay love found a lot of scammers on there, but you could always tell them apart from genuine filipinas very easily.
I have brought my Wife over to the UK (west) she don't really like it here and often said "if it wasn't for me and the kids, she would not stay here".
Just gonna say this to the guys here...think with your brain and not your balls, make sure that no money changes hands until you meet her., if she disagrees then it's most liekly a scam, just saying. :-)
Good advice, Ryan - but why does you wife not like it?
@@TheFilipinaPea People in the UK are too judgemental according to her and there is no sense of community here, the are also very judgemental about the age difference of 15 years, and even her being a filipina not from this country, and i have heard the term "mail-order bride" thrown around for which i stick up for my wife and tell them to sod off, i told her not to concern herself with such matters and i had a little convosation with the neighbours to tell them to mind there business in not such a nice way, and we will be moving in the future, but in 10 years time we are planning to move back to Cebu as i love it there and so does she, and also the kids love it there as well when i took them.
@@ryanthompson5761 Ryan, your neighbours are simply jelaous. Your man next doors stuck with a fat cow who watches loose woman, and spends her days calling him racist, a bigot & tells him he's got privilege.
Even when they are giving your wife the evil eyes, it breaks their heart seeing her smile and continue on her way.
Your wife is literally worlds apart from the scum next door, and so are you. My advice is to just laugh at them.
When my girlfriend was here before the pandemic, my neighbours said some vile and racist nonsense to her. They said "what's for dinner, CHINESE? 🤣🤣🤣🤣"
My girlfriend replies "the difference between you and him (me) is that you need to pay for Chinese food. 😉"
I instantly dropped to the floor laughing uncontrollably. Her timing was impeccable man. His front door slammed shut, and he kept out of our way ever since.
And hospitalising him also helped him keep silent. That's the part which happened between me on the floor laughing, and his door closing. 😉 the best part? When the police report was filed? I got away with it because he said I was with a Chinese woman. The judge knew it couldn't have been me, as I was with a filipina.
The judge knew 💪💯😉 all the best dude
I have been talking to a chica there. I'm already planning a 3 moth stay in the Philippines. I'm going for myself, not for her. And I mentioned this channel and similar channels like this to her and that I've been watch many videos in preparing for visit.
She's still talking to me. So ...guess it's so far so good....
Excellent! Then she knows you’re aware of the tricks 👍🤣
Well done Pea. D scammers r clenching their fists ready to land a Manny Pacquiao undercut on u . There goes their shady deals and easy money 😂😠
Thx for more great info pea and look at you I remember when we were trying to get u monotized and 1000 viewers now look at you 120000 plus ! U go girl ! Let's get 200,000 plus. God speed and good luck old friend.
Yeshua! Yes, you were there from the start 👍
Good to see you again ❤️
I wanted to bring my girlfriend here exactly one year ago. She told me that the passport fees were 1,000 pesos, plus 250 for the online appointment. She didn’t asked me for this money. But soon after she told me she couldn’t come here, because the Philippines would offload her since she doesn’t have a job (she is finishing college) and a bank account. Since then she is only waiting for me to go to the Philippines because to her is a lost cause to try to come here, she said my money will be wasted if she is offloaded. Now I have to wait until November when I can finally go there.
Did I found a nice one, Pea?
I think you found a potential keeper, yes 👍😊❤️
The real test though will be when you see her in person! Peace BB
Yeah my favorite Pirate Pea and a new version lol. Great info and great show Pea
Hmm, so that's why you never turned up at the airport then 😂😂 Seriously though great information for people who are considering this. I think directing potential scammers to this video is a great idea as it will certainly show them you're not just another idiot.
Love the new Pirate Pea ending and I promise to keep my hands off your poop deck if you promise not to run any more flags up my flagpole 🤣
No promises … 😂
Oh hell yes Miss P I know I'm late I am super late. But at least I made it. And definitely with a big big fat thumbs up
These guys think it’s worth the expense and trouble to bring a pretty one to the USA and all is well. Hahahaha. Promise you, a younger, Wealthy, sweet talking player will steal her away from you in a heartbeat! Have I stolen a couple? Maybe 🤔
JAMES! Or should I say … Chad 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea Hahahahaha Not my fault Filipinas are so pretty. I can't help myself.
Love your chubby cheeks...The Visa scam has been around for a long time and common sense and a polygraph exam are two ways to lessen the chances of it happening. I always tell the men I help find women there to use common sense or go to Japan where women are not poor but have the same qualities as Filipines
spot on pea you are a godsend very well done my dear xx
Yaaaay!!!! The pirate is back
I love the pirate, my fave Pea character
Avast me hearties !
Wow this is amazing, such great information. I have no need of the actual information, but you tell it so well that I always listen. You are a gem.
You have a great sense of humor!! I don't know, I get it.
Smart advice, thank you
You are the BEST!!!! Thanks for all your advise...A friend of mine married a filipina and like you she gets soooo mad at other filipinas that try to scam. She says, "It makes it harder for the other filipinas who are sincere."
I sure does! One dead fish in the bowl kills all the others 👍
I’m 49 and I used to think about dating you but I’m a little intimidated by your intimidated by you intelligence lol I love you woman keep up the good work your a winner big time😎
You have gotten so good at making these videos three thumbs up to you
Thanks! (I would’ve settled for 2) 😂
Hi Pea, I have a different situation than the o you discussed. My Filipina is applying for a Widowers Visa since she was married to an American, and he passed away and she said that she has a privilege as a Widow of an American for 24 months if she want to come to the United States. I am paying a visa assistance company to help her with the visa process. This company is rated #: 1 by many watchdog agencies. I have from the very first did exactly what you said not to do. But fortunately for me I believe she is for real.
Thanks for the playbook pea. Muah 💋
I’ll make sure your copy of the playbook is signed 😂👍
Best advice ever, you should get the golden globe award for best vlog
Thanks Timothy, and maybe they’ll give me two (I need some globes) 😂
@@TheFilipinaPea I love ya pea, so if it was up ya fans , I think would have many