In a place of my own, without any fear, doubt, worries, and i don’t have to be a part of your journey, life or anything else, you threaten me,, my wife and the rest of my family will death, and for that you lost the best thing that you ever had
You just want me back, but you can’t have me back, you didn’t understand what you once had and now you realize it, so it’s way too late to talk about anything else, you have never kept your word on anything
I have never felt weak and I never will, I’m intelligent and brave and I have had enough
Thank you ❤❤❤so much gratitude. ❤❤❤
I love you Father
And you have no hold of my life
I have already proven myself, but you have said so many things but none have ever come true
I’m not searching for any transformation of any kind,
You caused it
To late
There will never be joy, peace or happiness with you
Too late
I have played your game before for 9 years and nothing ever happened like you said it would
You don’t have any love in your heart, mind, body or soul
In a place of my own, without any fear, doubt, worries, and i don’t have to be a part of your journey, life or anything else, you threaten me,, my wife and the rest of my family will death, and for that you lost the best thing that you ever had
Your promises are not any good
Your promises are just as fake as your word
You just want me back, but you can’t have me back, you didn’t understand what you once had and now you realize it, so it’s way too late to talk about anything else, you have never kept your word on anything
Lies just like you have said
I face all challenges and I have no fear, but you on the other hand i don’t have any trust, believe, or faith in you anymore, because of your lying
You are lying because I know you
You are not god , you are just a script reader
Amen ❤❤❤
You showed me exactly who you are, and there is no more turning back
Your promises are like the wind
I’m not a damn fool, you have lost me, so goodbye
We’ll walk your on journey
Than you god
Amen amen
Amen amen
Amen amen