It’s a Brussel Sprout! She loves them! I put apples on a rope and she loves them also!! Corn on the cob is a Favorite! That’s funny them two not eating ! 😂😂🫶❤️✌🏼
@@dnonya5208 Heck yeah!! That’s funny. I wish we were closer! They could have a play date!!! People that don’t have one just don’t know! Right?.! Thank you love talking with ya !💕🫶❤️✌🏼
@WendyO420 ....I know, none of my friends have parrots! I have a 2 years old cat also, she gets along with him. [She was a stray, just end up at our door!] We adopted her, she had stomatitis, we had to remove all her teeth...poor baby.
@@dnonya5208 Right same here ! I have a Cockatiel also! I love all animals! I have had several rescue birds.: But it’s just us 3 now!! Happy Life !!!🫶✌🏼❤️
I dont think he is actually eating it, its the satisfaction of the noise of the crunch and the destruction he likes....beautiful bird, such a character
So cute ❤
My Baby!! Thank you for watching!!!💕✌🏼🫶
Pretty bird 😊
Thank you!! Good to see you!💕💕🫶✌🏼❤️
That is an amazing bird. Very interesting to watch, thanks for the uploads.
Thank you Robert 💕✌🏼🫶
Crunch Crunch Crunch hahahah beautiful bird
Yes!! She enjoyed it! Thank you for watching!💕🫶✌🏼
Some of us should take some of this babies, advice, and eat salads instead of cheese burgers 😅😂
Right on! I love me some Cheese Burgers tho! Maybe a salad on the side of my 🍟!!😂✌🏼🫶❤️. Thank you for coming by!!!!🫶🔥
We turn the big bits into small bits and the small bits into tiny bits! 💜
She is a Salad Shredder!💕✌🏼🫶 Thank you for coming by!!!
mmmmmm, brussel sprout
.... I love the crunchy noises
Me 2! I love it! Thank You for stopping by!!!!!!
I don't have a bird so I find this "process" interesting. Going for the gold, the heart.
Indeed! She will tear up anything! Thank you for coming by!!!💕✌🏼🫶
Omgosh! Is she eating a broccoli?
Good Baby❤❤
Mine will throw it across the room!!! He won't eat anything green just like my husband!!!❤❤❤
It’s a Brussel Sprout! She loves them! I put apples on a rope and she loves them also!! Corn on the cob is a Favorite!
That’s funny them two not eating ! 😂😂🫶❤️✌🏼
@WendyO420 ...he will eat an apple, corn and sweet peas.
I think he imitates my husband. Junk eater.
Heck yeah!! That’s funny. I wish we were closer! They could have a play date!!! People that don’t have one just don’t know! Right?.! Thank you love talking with ya !💕🫶❤️✌🏼
@WendyO420 ....I know, none of my friends have parrots!
I have a 2 years old cat also, she gets along with him. [She was a stray, just end up at our door!] We adopted her, she had stomatitis, we had to remove all her teeth...poor baby.
Right same here ! I have a Cockatiel also! I love all animals! I have had several rescue birds.: But it’s just us 3 now!! Happy Life !!!🫶✌🏼❤️
I dont think he is actually eating it, its the satisfaction of the noise of the crunch and the destruction he likes....beautiful bird, such a character
Indeed! They love Tear things up! She can tear a piece of wood up like that also! Thank you for stopping by!!! Have a good day!✌🏼🫶
did that start out as a brussel sprout? 😂
Yes a Brussel sprout!😂
Hi Wendy first time watching
Hi Howie!!! I am honored that you stopped by! Thank you!!!
I like how it makes a little salad before eating it. 😂
😂😂2 Funny!😂😂 But so True! Thank you for coming by!✌🏼🫶💕
It is a toy for her; she did not eat a speck of it! Was waiting to find a prize in the center, but no such luck!
😂😂True Dat!! 😂😂 She can tear a large piece of wood up like that also! It’s Crazy! Thank you for coming by! 🫶
Munch munch 😊
Hi wiccanmoon!!! So GTSY! Thank you so Very Much for coming by!!! Means a lot!!!💕✌🏼🫶
*Does he eats or just cut them into pieces?*
Just cuts them up and throws them! It’s like a game!! Thank you for coming by!! I appreciate ur sub! I got you back ! Thank you!💕🫶✌🏼
@@WendyO420 *keep uploading his videos on a regular basis to gain more subscribers*
ok thank you!!!!!!!!
Is it really healthy to give them plant based food…
Yes it is!!! Thank you for coming by! ❤️🫶🦋✌🏼
I don't think this counts as consumption - it's more like reduction.
😂😂 FACTS!😂😂. Thank you for stopping by!!🫶