It is an embarrassment for the government for such an attack to happen in not so far away from the capital city and particularly in own turf of Oromia region. The regional government should have reinforced the possible flash points( borders) against any attempt of attacks. It is generally the federal government’s duty to secure the security of its citizens and the regional government in particular.
You should also remember that there were horrible killings happened in many areas of Ethiopia like Shashemene when they killed a boy upside down and more. Who did it we all know. So we should teach peace in every angle in all areas and to all ethnic groups. The solution is peace not dig into any direction to point to anyone. Law and order should be in place as soon as possible.
With all do respect iam not Oromo, but I know Oromos are good people currently the media is playing a major role by depicting Oroms are different from the rest of ETHIOPIANS the same time Oromo politicians aren't helping the situation.
ፅንፈኛው ፋኖ በእግዚአብሔር ስም ሰውን ማረድ ጀመረ። እንዴት ዘግናኝ እና አረመኔነት ነው።🇪🇹🤲🇪🇹🤲😭🤲
FANO even fights for ur freedom also.
የማረካቸውን የዐብይ ታጣቂዎች እንኳን ይንከባከባል። ፋኖ አረመኔ ቢሆን አይተርፉም ነበር።
ዮምዩ አበበ እና አፈወርቅ
ውይይታችሁ በጣም ደስ ይለኛል ።
እናንተ የምትሰሩትን " ሚዲያ " " "በተግባርም ሆነ በሀሳብ መደገፍ ስለምፈልግ " እኔን እንድታገኙኝ ወይም "" ጥያቄ "" በእኔ ላይ ካላችሁ መጠየቅ እንደምትችሉ እኔ ፈቃዴን ለማሳወቅ ነው ።
ያለፈቃድ ሰው መጠየቅ ስለማይችል !
የገንዘብም ሆነ ቢያንስ ከገንዘብ የበለጠውን ጥሩ የመፍትሔ እና የወደፊት የሚሰራ " የሚያሳምን "
ጥሩ ሂሳብ አለኝ ብዬ አምናለሁ
" ሳያምኑ ማሳመን እና ሳያዉቁ ማስተማር ስለሚከብዱ ነው ! ! !"
3 አይነት ውግንና
እጅግ በጣም በሳል ትንታኔ። ተባረኩ።
It is an embarrassment for the government for such an attack to happen in not so far away from the capital city and particularly in own turf of Oromia region. The regional government should have reinforced the possible flash points( borders) against any attempt of attacks.
It is generally the federal government’s duty to secure the security of its citizens and the regional government in particular.
Fano eenyutu ijaaree hidhachiise? Sababi Haga ammaatti shororkessummaa irratti hin labsaminoo maali? Independent investigation maaf dhorkama ?? Ajjechaan biyya kanatti geggefamu yoom qoratamee dhugaan ifa baha ?
You should also remember that there were horrible killings happened in many areas of Ethiopia like Shashemene when they killed a boy upside down and more. Who did it we all know. So we should teach peace in every angle in all areas and to all ethnic groups. The solution is peace not dig into any direction to point to anyone. Law and order should be in place as soon as possible.
Yoomiyyuu abbabee 🎉
Afewerk OLA atibel Fano new iyarede yalew.ayigebam inde ?
With all do respect iam not Oromo, but I know Oromos are good people currently the media is playing a major role by depicting Oroms are different from the rest of ETHIOPIANS the same time Oromo politicians aren't helping the situation.
በጣም ጉበዝ ተንታኞች ፡ የገባችሁ ናችሁ ቢሆንም ግን ሴራዉን በጥልቀት ተረዱት
The government agent is responsible no doubt.
ዮምዩ አንቺ ብዙ ጊዜ በውይይታችሁ መንግስትን ለመከላከል ትሞክርያለሽ በዋናነት የመንግስት ስራ ምንድን ነው ብለሽ ነው የምታምኚው ?
The truth will come out soon.
ወንድሜ ኑሮ ተወዷል ዋሽተህም ቢሆን ሆድህን መሙላት ነው
እኔ እምለው ሸኔን ለምን የ ኦሮሞ ህዝብ አይቃወምም።
አፈወርቅ በባለፈው ውይይታችሁ አቶ ጀዋር መሐመድ ሶስተኛውን ዙር የOLAና መንግስት ድርድር ፍላጎት ያላሰየው መንግስት ነው ብሎ ሲናገር አንተ አሉባልታ ነው ብለሀል ምን ማለትህ ነው አሉባልታ ከሆነ ማነው እንቢተኝነት ያሳየው ?
You should not say the military as another force like the two. It’s the military to keep law and order. Correct Your way of saying.