If installed at an Owl location, will the installer glue the inside of the door? I've been considering a B2 classic with some mini-sherpas as it blocks less of the view out the rear windows, but the B2 with sherpas price is almost the same as a Pro so I might just go the Pro route. Decisions, decisions...
If a van has a vinyl wrap, can you set the VHB adhesive over it, or do you need to remove the wrap and adhere the plate to the original painted surface?
If installed at an Owl location, will the installer glue the inside of the door? I've been considering a B2 classic with some mini-sherpas as it blocks less of the view out the rear windows, but the B2 with sherpas price is almost the same as a Pro so I might just go the Pro route. Decisions, decisions...
Yes we can glue to door
Great prod update John. When is it coming to Transit platform? Just bought my 1up trays.
Hopefully soon. Got some catchup to do
If a van has a vinyl wrap, can you set the VHB adhesive over it, or do you need to remove the wrap and adhere the plate to the original painted surface?
You can go right over the wrap
Does it block the tail light?