Since i have heard Dapayk for the first time about 11 years ago, i have been a huge fan, but i haven't heard this particular set until Christmas this year and holy S.... This is hands down one of the best performances i have ever come across. We booked Dapayk for our own Event in Erlangen, Germany and Niklas was apart from the great performance a friendly and all around great guy.
87 likes und 2 Kommentare ^^ echt traurig wenn man sich anguckt was für Zahlen da so manch "Newcomer" hinlegt. Naja diese 87 und die Gäste der Veranstaltung habt ihr auf jeden Fall richtig glücklich gemacht. Chapeau
Since i have heard Dapayk for the first time about 11 years ago, i have been a huge fan, but i haven't heard this particular set until Christmas this year and holy S.... This is hands down one of the best performances i have ever come across. We booked Dapayk for our own Event in Erlangen, Germany and Niklas was apart from the great performance a friendly and all around great guy.
87 likes und 2 Kommentare ^^ echt traurig wenn man sich anguckt was für Zahlen da so manch "Newcomer" hinlegt. Naja diese 87 und die Gäste der Veranstaltung habt ihr auf jeden Fall richtig glücklich gemacht. Chapeau
Habter geil hinjekricht.... Fein Fein
Full track list?
+- 46:00??? Anyone? :/