The art is very hectic in this time, I believe in the era we’re leaving there are plenty of distracted children are reaching their youth and it’s showing off in the areas where you and I don’t relate. However it’s rare to take notice as it’s described or played in the movie a bit differently than expected, just as much as you aim to also make us laugh, this can not make me lough. I am a victim of child abuse, and child molestation back when I was growing up in Ethiopia. if this is supposed to bring an awareness, we appreciate your efforts. We hope to see a better outcome and an educated and responsible youth in our nation ERITREA Over all this is an eye opening message to all concerned that the community needs to open our eyes, to take notice our error, help us lord.
ናይ ወዲ ጣባስ ቅንኢ ያ እንበር ከምቲ ኖርማል ኩሉ ሰብ ኮፍ ድብሎ ቦታ እዮም ደለዉ
ቶማኣስ ጌይ ኢዩ ስለዚ ወይ ክሕነቅ ኣለዉ ወይ ካብ ሃገር ክስጎግ ኣለዎ
Abraham great man 100/100 Ata jegna
The art is very hectic in this time, I believe in the era we’re leaving there are plenty of distracted children are reaching their youth and it’s showing off in the areas where you and I don’t relate. However it’s rare to take notice as it’s described or played in the movie a bit differently than expected, just as much as you aim to also make us laugh, this can not make me lough. I am a victim of child abuse, and child molestation back when I was growing up in Ethiopia. if this is supposed to bring an awareness, we appreciate your efforts. We hope to see a better outcome and an educated and responsible youth in our nation ERITREA Over all this is an eye opening message to all concerned that the community needs to open our eyes, to take notice our error, help us lord.
ክንደይ ጉድዩ ፄርኪ ኤሬ
ብሓቂ ስለምንታይ እቲ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ከምዚ ዓይነት ዝዝርጋሕ ዝነበረ ዓገብ ዘይተባህለ
ፍቅየ ዋውው you well came
ስቅ በል ደጋል ናይ ካተድራለ እንታይ ገሮም ኣብ ጥቅኡ ኮፍ ኣይትበሉ ዱ ንሕና ንብል ዘለና ግብረ ሰዶም ከይኣቱ ኣብታ ክብርቲ ሃገርና እዩ እቲ ቀንዲ ተቃውመና so politica ኣይኮነን ኣዛሪቡና ቀርጭፍ ኣድጊ እንታይ ታሪኽ ኣለካ ንባዕልኻ ሓሳኽ ጥዙ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ወንጌል ስለዝሰበኩ ሰባት እንዳተኣሰሩ እዚ ፊልም እዚ ምፍቃዱ zeteHasasb እዩ
Cathedral arma nai ketema Asmara eya sleazy ab ketema Asmera koinom kale meteik yekaydu kem zelowu nmnxbrak daa ember kaly kikewn aykiln eyu shigara ykun kaly kaa ayranan......bzaaba kof mbal kaa ashnquaydo ezom kilte hagerawyan kaly keman k of zblo afdege eyu wishty atoyom kikdsu ayrakan .....haymanotawy milky ketethzo aygbaan haymanotat ab Eritrea 🇪🇷 ety zkebere eyu
ሎቅማጽ ብዛዕባ ታፊልም ተዛረብ አብ ሃይማኖትን ፖለቲካን አቲኻ ኣይትዘባርቅ ካቴድራለ ድአ ኩሉ አብ ኣፍደጊአ ኮይኑ ሽጋራ ዘትክኽ ኣበይ ኔርካ ሕጂ መመኽነይታ ጌርካ ቅንእኻ አውጺኻያ
Try elka
ትግራዋይ እንተኮይኑ ንትግራዩ ይጎሓፍ
ስቕ በል ለዛዪ
እዚ ክኹነን ዘለዎ ፊልም እዩ ኩሉ ህዝቢ ክላዓል ኣለዎ
Anbesa haqeki
ኣብ ውሽጢ ኮይኖም እሞ ማአስ ኢንተርቭው ጌሮም ኣብ ኣፍደገ ኮይኖም ኖርማል ዩ ሰባባት ኣይትኮኑ ብዝእባ ቶማስ ኣምላክ ምውጺኦ ይፍጠረሉ ካብዚ ሕማቕ መንፈስ ቶማስ ኤርትራ አንተትውሊዱ ኤርትራዊ ዩ ኣከለ ድሃር ኩላትና ጽሎት ንግበር ጌዜ ኣኪሉ ዩ አዚ ንውርምና እንዲዩ ኩሎም ግን ክሕተቱ እለዎም ዋላ አቲ ዝሓለፈ ቪዶታትት ከሙኡ ዘሎ ኩሉ ክእለ ኣልዎ !!
Atum hzbi ageb belo zezkefa kea tgraway ayu aytblu ageb belu l🇪🇷
በብቑሩብ እዮም zelamdwo
Yeah buzuh alo gn nayzi bezihu eyu kidmi hji ab derfi gal koynu mexiyu neru eyu hji kea dgame eyu mexiyu zelo dahar kea etom kalie tewasati ab nay reality kemzi aykonun ✅
Ya xebuk aleka nayzi kea zeyada nhezbi zqoteo eko wala nay behaqi hiwetu kemu mekanu e u
ሓቂ ብእግራ እንተ ቀበርካያ ብርእሳ ትቅልቀል እዩ ዝብሃ🎉🎉❤❤❤ ግን
ቅድሚ ሕጂ ጊጋ ኣይተኣረምን ኢልካ ጌጋ ትም ኢልካ ኣይራይን ስለዚ ኩሉ ዘዝግባእ ክወስድ ኣለዎ ንጌጋ ካብ ዘርከብካዮ ኢካ ትእርሞ
Deki tigrnja huserite scharmuta dawrdena ab ize Hager Eritrea
ካብ እዝጊ ሲ እምበር ብዕድመን ተመኩሮን ዓባይ ኢያ:: ምስ ከመይ ዝኣመሰሉ ዓበይቲ ሙሁራት ደረስቲ ሃገርና ከም ኢሰያስ ጸጋይ: ሰሎሙን ድራር: ደበሳይ ወልዱ ሰሪሓ ሲ: ኣብዚ ቀንጠመንጢ እዚ ብእልፊ በጋሚንዶ ዝተደርሰ እሞ ንእሽተይ role ተዋሂቡዋ ክትሰርሕ ነቲ image ናታ ከማን ኣይትሕሉን:: ቱሩፋ ዝኮነት ፍጥረት
ሱቅ... ምባል... ይሕሸካ.... ስሓበይ..... ፋሕ... ኢላትካ..... ገዛ... ዓጺኻ ዘረባ ተላመድ..... ብድሕሪኡ... ትምድር.
Tomas malet even kaliayy shimu u (kemzi sagua aynet u)ayqeren shimu hasottt ND hadsh adi kea aykonen gezawtu
atum hzbi hji entay amxeyo ertrawi aykonen gele mbal bajakum bkemzi dawn ayngber seb endegena tomas gey aykonen etom nsu zabena xubuk gierna nefelto ena bhafesh kebzi aynet fillm ayserah tedelna zeynbl
Suk bel agame natka gber kondaf tark albo😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
ትግራዋይ ዩ ኤሪትራዊ ዩ እንታይ እቲ ዕላማ ብዛዕባ እዚ ዘሎ ኩነታት ኣክንዲ ዓገብ ንብል ኣበይ ድዩ ዓብዩን ኣበይ ድዩ ተሰአሪሑ እዚ ፊልም መን ድዩ ደሪስዎ ተጋሩ ድዮም ደሪሶም ሂቦም
ኣገዳሲ ኣይኮነን ከምዚ እና በልካ ዘረባ ዘይንቡር ስራሕ ዩ ከላስ ንኮንኖ ትዘየ ክዝሕለካን ቢኢድካ ክውእየካን ብማንካ ኣይንግበሮ
ከለማምዱና እዮም ዝገብሩ ዘለዉ እዚ ድማ ኣጀንዳ ናይ LGTB እዩ
እቲ መንግስቲ ከመይ ኢሉ እዩ ሱቕ ኢሉ
LGTB ዝምውልዎ ፊልም ክኸውን ዝካኣል እዩ ኡኡኡኡኡኡ..... ይ
Wala Ed yhlweka nska hasawi
So sad
Nazi wedi bitami bezihu
Kela suq bel nska kea hataw kab hate tew tbel mehari srah gday dey tserh
Tigreway 😂😂😂😂😂😂
እንታይ እኻ ትብል ዘለኻ ኣብ ጥቃ ካተድራለ ኮፍ ኣይቲበሉ እልካ ኣለ ክላእ ትብል በጃኻ ነቶም ዝሓምዩ እኻ መልእኽቲ ተመሓላልፍ ዘለኻ
ኣንበሳ💪ርድእቲ ሓሳብ።
ኪድ ሐሳድ ቆፍቃፍ😂😂😂
ፍቅየ ካኣ ኣጆካ በርትዕ ኣብጎድንካ ኣለና
ተጠዊኩም በቃ ናብ ትግራይ
ኤርትራ ተወሊዱ ዛዓበየ ወዲስ ትግራዋይ እዩያ😅😅
ቅኑዓት እንተኮይንኩም ካብ ኣርእስታ ክሳብ ተዋሳእታ ካብ እምነት ክርስትና ሕኸኽዎም.
Ayedlyenan eyu 6 ykun 7,9 kulu ayndelyn
ብራቮ። መዓት ሓቂ ደርጒሕካ ኣለኻ። ክክክክክ ኣንታ ከመይ ዝበለት ድህልቲ ኢያ፡ እቶም ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝውለዱ ተጋሩስ ክግፈፉ ሳዋ ክወርዱ ከለዉ ኤርትራውያን ይኾኑ፡ ገለ ዘሕትት ነጥቢ እንተመጺኡ ከኣ ትግረዎት ይኾኑ። ናይ ሰብ ኣስመራ ብጣዕሚ ኢዩ ዝገርመኒ፡ እቶም ቢንያም ምስ ተዓወተ ትግረዋይ ኢዪ ትብሉ ዝነበርኩም ከኣ ሃየ ነዚ ውን ገለ በልዎ፡ ናይ ብሓቂ ብመበቆል ትግደሱ እንተኮንኩም።
Kela suq bel nska kea hataw kab hate tew tbel mehari srah gday dey tserh