Sad I missed this discussion... I agree with pretty much everything said. Overall I thought it's very a atmospheric, weird and original (at least it was at the time) idea, but it lacks an actual narrative, a story. The characters are weak/forgettable and the plot has a few too many holes in it. And it's another one I'm not sure I'd classify as science fiction. Fiction, sure. The science was a bit off towards the fantastic. Great imagery, though. I'd love to see it adapted to the screen.
Sad I missed this discussion... I agree with pretty much everything said. Overall I thought it's very a atmospheric, weird and original (at least it was at the time) idea, but it lacks an actual narrative, a story. The characters are weak/forgettable and the plot has a few too many holes in it. And it's another one I'm not sure I'd classify as science fiction. Fiction, sure. The science was a bit off towards the fantastic. Great imagery, though. I'd love to see it adapted to the screen.
@@denofthewyrd spot on! See you for the next one