Pchle targi... Kopalnie złota dla kolekcjonerów i konserwatorów 😃 Spotkanie ze „starymi przyjaciółmi z dzieciństwa” i mnóstwo części zamiennych do przyszłych projektów. Z pewnością są ludzie, którzy nazywają to „złomem”; W przyszłości widzę projekty renowacji i niestandardowe. 👀 Świetne zakupy Paweł, jestem zachwycony. (A będę jeszcze bardziej podekscytowany, gdy zobaczę modele w dawnej świetności lub jako ciekawe konwersje 🤩) Dziękuję za udostępnienie (i za umożliwienie mi bycia tam, wirtualnie) 🙏🏼 Tak trzymaj kolego 😉 Oczywiście dostaje za to dwie łapki w górę 👍🏼 👍🏼 Życzę miłego tygodnia Tobie i Twojej rodzinie, bądźcie zdrowi i pogodni. Pozdrowienia z jesiennie chłodnego, ale słonecznego Morza Północnego. 👍🏼🇵🇱😎🍻🤠🇩🇪👍🏼 Flea markets... The gold mines for collectors and restorers 😃 A reunion with “old friends from childhood” and lots of spare parts for future projects. There are certainly people who call it “scrap metal”; I see restoration and custom projects in the future. 👀 Great purchases Paul, I'm thrilled. (And I'll be even more excited when I see the models back in their former glory or as interesting conversions 🤩) Thank you so much for sharing (and for allowing me to be there, virtually) 🙏🏼 Keep it up, mate 😉 Of course it gets both thumbs up for it 👍🏼 👍🏼 Have a nice week to you and your family and stay safe and sound. Greetings from the autumnally cool but sunny North Sea shore. 👍🏼🇵🇱😎🍻🤠🇩🇪👍🏼 Flohmärkte... Die Goldgruben für Sammler und Restauratoren 😃 Ein Wiedersehen mit "alten Freunden aus der Kindheit" und jede Menge Ersatzteile für zukünftige Projekte. Es gibt, bestimmt, Leute die nennen es "Altmetall"; Ich sehe Restaurations- und Customprojekte in der Zukunft. 👀 Tolle Einkäufe, Paul, ich bin begeistert. (Und ich werde noch begeisterter sein, wenn ich die Modelle wieder im alten Glanz oder als interessante Umbauten sehe 🤩) Vielen Dank fürs teilen (und daß ich, virtuell, dabeisein durfte) 🙏🏼 Mach weiter so, mein Freund 😉 Klar gibt's beide Daumen hoch dafür 👍🏼 👍🏼 Dir und Deiner Familie eine schöne Woche und bleibt gesund und munter. Gruß von der herbstlich kühlen aber sonnigen Nordsee. 👍🏼🇵🇱😎🍻🤠🇩🇪👍🏼
Merci pour cette vidéo montrant ces différents achats et surtout les futures belles restaurations. Un fidèle de la chaîne et collectionneur français de majorettes. Amitiés !
Witaj Pawle! Dziś piękne wspomnienie Lata! Mam wrażenie jakby te autka z tych pudeł i kartonów, te " zabawione na śmierć" krzyczały do Ciebie: Mnie! Mnie! Mnie wybierz! Tu jestem!. Dzięki za wspomnienie Słoneczka i zapowiedź przyszłych doznań! 👽🖖ps. O Kotach nie zapomniałem - pozdrów Je!🐱
Hi Paul, thanks for taking us along on your visit to the Krakow Markets. The variety of models was very impressive, there are not many markets like this in Australia and a lot of the models that you showed are not available here. If my health was better I would like to visit that market, but alas that will not happen. Anyway thanks again for the opportunity to share your visit to the market. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the models that you bought being restored. Regards from your friend in Australia 🇦🇺, Rob T
One of the best things of these videos is to see you pick up seemingley useless spare parts, and then try to imagine how you'll be using them in the future, either for amazing custom projects, or to complete some "junk" you already have at home with missing parts. Almost the very last car you show, the red one at 23:38 ... is that a Mebetoys Fiat 128? Looks really rough with both doors, grille, bumpers and a-pillars missing, roof bent and may even have some damage to the metal itself, but I love that model and it was one of the hardest ones for me to find back in 2010-13 when rebuilding by childhood collection. It was practically extinct already back then, and I can only imagine how it must be today... if you can bring that one back from the dead, that's going to be a favorite episode for certain! I also noticed there were a lot of Falck cars, primarliy Land Rovers and Ford Transits, but I also remember at least one Mercedes ambulance. I found this quite interesting, since Falck is danish and it was rather peculiar how so many Falck models had found their way to Poland, seemingly even sold by different sellers, unless your editing had me fooled. A shame you didn't get all of them, hehe. Nah, you'd modify them anyway, but would have been interesting to see them in detail at the beginning of their restoration videos. Most of them I know (Siku and Dinky), but some may have been code 3? Also nice to see the white Tekno/Kirk Mercedes-Benz 230/250/280 SL you got in a million pieces ( 14:14 ). That model was built for dismantling, but was quite tricky to put back together again, and it'll be interesting to see how much of it you found.
Awesome finds. I think it be cool if u did video, recasting a mold piece with real metal or aluminum I think it be really cool. Your talent in restoring these diecast vehicles is amazing.
Grazie ! Adoro questi video in cui mostri i mercatini e fai shopping... Ho notato alcune auto molto interessanti che spero di vedere presto restaurate da te....
Wow, was es alles auf dem Markt an Modellen zu kaufen gibt. Das kann man in Deutschland vergessen! Wahrscheinlich gehst du bei stöbern schon in Gedanken die einzelnen Schritte durch, wie du den Modellen wieder leben einhauchst! Ich wünschte, dass hätte ich auch drauf! Ich bin gespannt auf deine neuen Arbeiten!
Que maravilla este mundo de los coches de juguete y ver cómo los restauras. Intentando imitarte, quise restaurar un viejo Hot wheels y no me quedó nada bien 😅 Estuvo el modelo olvidado varios años hasta que por fin decidí pulirlo y dejarlo en metal brillante. Lo he montado y ha quedado de maravilla 😂
2:02 Sha'Wheet PORSCHE 911 Turbo/930. 3:38 No'Ice' 917 #25 Spyder.. 5:32 PORSCHE 910. 6:30 Is that a Red 911 Turbo/930 at the bottom of that box? 8:24 A White 935. That Blue 'Tin' (Friction?) one is Ke'Hul too. 8:26 A 928 Wide-Body! 8:32 I see a Red (plastic) 911. I'd break my bank on such a trip. 14:20 The Red and White Police 911, I need to get mine restored. It's missing a couple of the pieces. 18:34 The 910, another one that I have, and needs to be restored. 19:24 That's a (White) Corgi 911 I've not seen before. 21:16 I have recently found an example of that L&M 917. 22:56 Is that a 904 Slot Car? 23:20 I saw that 911 at the edge of the screen.
Hola Paul Me gusta tu canal, me devuelve a mi época de niño y mis juguetes de esa época eran los Majorette. Cada ves que puedo voy al Mercado de Pulgas de mi ciudad (Bogota) a buscar los que tuve cuando era niño Saludos Paul
Tanti belli modelli , io non trovo tanta scelta come da te. Io compro tante Siku mi piacciono molto ma ne trovo poche da 1/43 . Abbiamo da divertirci questo inverno 👍🇮🇹
What a surprise to see a lot of diecast west model car toys in ex east country as Poland ! We know now where your stuff is coming my friend ! ; ) as fellow in other comments, some models are pleasant to me....other makes me remember childhood period : Matchbox was popular in France as in all europ, a very good memeories of my blue/ white Kentworth with trailer (red coca, at 18.54 min in your movie ) "Charles gervais" ice cream for my french market version....good futur restoration buddy : )
Bonjour Paul, serait-il possible de connaître le lieu où se déroule ce marché aux puces. Pour ma part, je vais à Hala Targowa. Je vous remercie. Cordialement, un français de Krakow.😄
Que genial esos metcadillos, alli en Cracovia, aqui en Argentina es casi imposible, quienes colleccionamos tenemos que ir s los nuevos, al igual que Dioramas no se consigue, - al menos yo no se - , 👌✨️✨️
The modified Dinky Ford Transit Mk3 van that someone has converted, I did the same thing with an old one I had acquired years ago. I finally finished it during the Covid lockdown and scratch-built a non-working winch and drop down rear tailgate. Also I used some seating from Hongwell Cararma Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance model and the roof beacon from a Dinky police car I had years ago. Thanks for showing us your latest finds. I brought aload of old die-cast from the Enfield Pageant of Motoring, this year, some for just a £1 each. Best find was a bag of nearly 20 Matchbox first editions from the 1950's for just £2 from a local charity shop. Funny thing is I purchased a selection of different toy cars in 2 bags for £2, and took the terrible Chinese ones to charity nearby to sell on!
Paul, you are a true lover of die cast models!!! Congrats for new projects that you bought! And one question, please: i m so hard to find Lancia 037 from other producer than Hot Wheels. And from Solido is far too expensive. What do you recomand me? What producer also make this Lancia? Many thanks.
My favorite episode so far, thank you! Looking forward esp. to the Gerry Anderson gem. Please show more individual pieces, rather than hid them in a skip. On average, how much do you have to pay for these items?
I Envy you Paul..... I just wish there was something like this in my country too. Here the die-cast scale models are nothing more than a toys for the rich kids. Eagerly waiting for the reincarnation of the chosen ones 😌 🙏 Live Long N Prosper
Olá Paul! Rapaz, você esteve com um belo caminhão Dodge D700 (ou seria um GMC C60?) nas mãos e não o comprou... Seria um caminhão que eu compraria. Para referência, o caminhão aparece aos 9:58 do vídeo. E parabéns pelas belas aquisições!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 😎👍👍
Kurde czemu nigdy nie mogę trafić na takie okazy, np podwozia z 7 minuty te z liontoysa bym sam wziął do swojej kolekcji i renowacji, ogólnie widzę ze dużo 1:50 było, oby 8-9 listopada na Bytomiu był wysyp i abyśmy sobie nie podkupowali :P
Que bueno que a si viéramos esto en mexico normal mente llegan mercancías de juguetes a los tianguis o tiraderos i los acaparadores agarran lo mejor o en lo peor de los casos se llevan todo a precios bajos i venden muy caro lamentable mente a si es esto en mexico ..saludos desde México City..
Piekne. Wręcz zbyt piękne. Mnie nie wolno byłoby puścić na taki pchli targ. O ile rodzina nie byłaby gotowa posilać się widokiem samochodzików. Taki wybór. Nawet plastykowe Ferrari z drugiej serii Shella. Prześliczne Schuco. Oglądając dostawałem stanu przedzawałowego od tych wszystkich cudów. Jeśli to nie tajemnica to jak wyglądają ceny a takim pchlim targu? W Irlandii często są zabójczo wysokie. Nawet za puste, pogięte skorupy.
te modele Schuco były w cenie około 30 zł w zależności od rodzaju. modele stare do renowacji są w cenach od 5 do 40 zł za sztukę .im większy model tym cena rośnie , ale naprawdę można trafić świetne okazje. ten film zrobiłem na podstawie moich ośmiu wizyt na pchlim targu Pozdrawiam serdecznie
...A Long Time ago in a Galaxy far, far away! I love watching such footage, but it makes me extremely sad. Remnants of a happy childhood. Today, children are "happy" in displays and conflicts with each other. And these things, which have become obsolete, are enjoyed by the same children who once became ~"obsolete". 😁 So I'm very pleased to see models that are "Made in Bulgaria" ("Matchbox"). - That ended a long time ago! 😐 ...No more "Made in France", ...No more "Made in Italy", ...No more "Made in Germany" No more even "Made in Hong-Kong", that became to... ...only: "MADE IN CHINA" 😂 Greetings from an like-minded from Bulgaria! ✋😊
Благодаря ви, че повдигнахте този въпрос. Много се радвам, че най-накрая има коментар от България. Много добре си спомням моделите на българската кибритена фабрика и поздрави от Полша
Unfortunally, the nicedie cast spanish cars from Guisval, Joal, Pilén etc are still missing in your videos. Therefore, those models in scale 1/43 are very apreciatted in the second hand market.
picked 23 out myself, including, dinky war chariot and gerry anderson war car, which i code 3'd as investigator car, monkeemobile, 007 lotus and db5's. also sand cat buggy. and mk3 cortinas
Hallo. Bei Dir gibt es soviele fahrzeuge auf den Märkten, bei uns wenn man glück hat 1 Händler mit eine handvoll und die sind dann meiste aus Plastik. Toll solche Märkte. Wünsche dir viel Erfolg beim restaurieren. Gruss Markus
Vrai coup de cœur pour les modèles réduits suivant: l'auto de James Bond. Le rouleau compresseur. Le camion Pepsi cola.. L'auto n` 6. En attente de voir les restaurations.
Jesień 😊
Jedni idą do lasu na grzybobrane
A drudzy idą na targ na MODELOBRANIE ❤
Lots of really good finds, thay had a lot to choose from, glad you brought those blue boxes of spares ,enjoyed watching. All the best Martin
Pchle targi... Kopalnie złota dla kolekcjonerów i konserwatorów 😃
Spotkanie ze „starymi przyjaciółmi z dzieciństwa” i mnóstwo części zamiennych do przyszłych projektów.
Z pewnością są ludzie, którzy nazywają to „złomem”;
W przyszłości widzę projekty renowacji i niestandardowe. 👀
Świetne zakupy Paweł, jestem zachwycony.
(A będę jeszcze bardziej podekscytowany, gdy zobaczę modele w dawnej świetności lub jako ciekawe konwersje 🤩)
Dziękuję za udostępnienie (i za umożliwienie mi bycia tam, wirtualnie) 🙏🏼
Tak trzymaj kolego 😉 Oczywiście dostaje za to dwie łapki w górę 👍🏼 👍🏼
Życzę miłego tygodnia Tobie i Twojej rodzinie, bądźcie zdrowi i pogodni.
Pozdrowienia z jesiennie chłodnego, ale słonecznego Morza Północnego.
Flea markets... The gold mines for collectors and restorers 😃
A reunion with “old friends from childhood” and lots of spare parts for future projects.
There are certainly people who call it “scrap metal”;
I see restoration and custom projects in the future. 👀
Great purchases Paul, I'm thrilled.
(And I'll be even more excited when I see the models back in their former glory or as interesting conversions 🤩)
Thank you so much for sharing (and for allowing me to be there, virtually) 🙏🏼
Keep it up, mate 😉 Of course it gets both thumbs up for it 👍🏼 👍🏼
Have a nice week to you and your family and stay safe and sound.
Greetings from the autumnally cool but sunny North Sea shore.
Flohmärkte... Die Goldgruben für Sammler und Restauratoren 😃
Ein Wiedersehen mit "alten Freunden aus der Kindheit" und jede Menge Ersatzteile für zukünftige Projekte.
Es gibt, bestimmt, Leute die nennen es "Altmetall";
Ich sehe Restaurations- und Customprojekte in der Zukunft. 👀
Tolle Einkäufe, Paul, ich bin begeistert.
(Und ich werde noch begeisterter sein, wenn ich die Modelle wieder im alten Glanz oder als interessante Umbauten sehe 🤩)
Vielen Dank fürs teilen (und daß ich, virtuell, dabeisein durfte) 🙏🏼
Mach weiter so, mein Freund 😉 Klar gibt's beide Daumen hoch dafür 👍🏼 👍🏼
Dir und Deiner Familie eine schöne Woche und bleibt gesund und munter.
Gruß von der herbstlich kühlen aber sonnigen Nordsee.
Vielen Dank Paul
Thanks for that, very entertaining! Nice pickup on the Dinky Honest John missile, but appear to have left the launch truck behind...
Merci pour cette vidéo montrant ces différents achats et surtout les futures belles restaurations. Un fidèle de la chaîne et collectionneur français de majorettes. Amitiés !
That Coca Cola truck would be a great Christmas themed build!🎄☃️🎅🏼
Looking forward to these models bieng restored, especially the Monkee Mobile , thanks for taking us along Paul 👍👍
Witaj Pawle! Dziś piękne wspomnienie Lata! Mam wrażenie jakby te autka z tych pudeł i kartonów, te " zabawione na śmierć" krzyczały do Ciebie: Mnie! Mnie! Mnie wybierz! Tu jestem!. Dzięki za wspomnienie Słoneczka i zapowiedź przyszłych doznań! 👽🖖ps. O Kotach nie zapomniałem - pozdrów Je!🐱
Interesting selection, and I look forward to seeing what you do with them. Cheer Michael
Grande Paul ! Così si fa !!!
Hi Paul, thanks for taking us along on your visit to the Krakow Markets. The variety of models was very impressive, there are not many markets like this in Australia and a lot of the models that you showed are not available here. If my health was better I would like to visit that market, but alas that will not happen. Anyway thanks again for the opportunity to share your visit to the market. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the models that you bought being restored. Regards from your friend in Australia 🇦🇺, Rob T
One of the best things of these videos is to see you pick up seemingley useless spare parts, and then try to imagine how you'll be using them in the future, either for amazing custom projects, or to complete some "junk" you already have at home with missing parts.
Almost the very last car you show, the red one at 23:38 ... is that a Mebetoys Fiat 128? Looks really rough with both doors, grille, bumpers and a-pillars missing, roof bent and may even have some damage to the metal itself, but I love that model and it was one of the hardest ones for me to find back in 2010-13 when rebuilding by childhood collection. It was practically extinct already back then, and I can only imagine how it must be today... if you can bring that one back from the dead, that's going to be a favorite episode for certain!
I also noticed there were a lot of Falck cars, primarliy Land Rovers and Ford Transits, but I also remember at least one Mercedes ambulance. I found this quite interesting, since Falck is danish and it was rather peculiar how so many Falck models had found their way to Poland, seemingly even sold by different sellers, unless your editing had me fooled. A shame you didn't get all of them, hehe. Nah, you'd modify them anyway, but would have been interesting to see them in detail at the beginning of their restoration videos. Most of them I know (Siku and Dinky), but some may have been code 3?
Also nice to see the white Tekno/Kirk Mercedes-Benz 230/250/280 SL you got in a million pieces ( 14:14 ). That model was built for dismantling, but was quite tricky to put back together again, and it'll be interesting to see how much of it you found.
Amazing finds. Some of those I wish I could find here in the states, connecticut.
Awesome finds. I think it be cool if u did video, recasting a mold piece with real metal or aluminum I think it be really cool. Your talent in restoring these diecast vehicles is amazing.
Grazie !
Adoro questi video in cui mostri i mercatini e fai shopping...
Ho notato alcune auto molto interessanti che spero di vedere presto restaurate da te....
Wow, was es alles auf dem Markt an Modellen zu kaufen gibt. Das kann man in Deutschland vergessen! Wahrscheinlich gehst du bei stöbern schon in Gedanken die einzelnen Schritte durch, wie du den Modellen wieder leben einhauchst! Ich wünschte, dass hätte ich auch drauf! Ich bin gespannt auf deine neuen Arbeiten!
Que maravilla este mundo de los coches de juguete y ver cómo los restauras. Intentando imitarte, quise restaurar un viejo Hot wheels y no me quedó nada bien 😅
Estuvo el modelo olvidado varios años hasta que por fin decidí pulirlo y dejarlo en metal brillante. Lo he montado y ha quedado de maravilla 😂
Great selection... greetings from New Zealand
2:02 Sha'Wheet PORSCHE 911 Turbo/930. 3:38 No'Ice' 917 #25 Spyder.. 5:32 PORSCHE 910. 6:30 Is that a Red 911 Turbo/930 at the bottom of that box? 8:24 A White 935. That Blue 'Tin' (Friction?) one is Ke'Hul too. 8:26 A 928 Wide-Body! 8:32 I see a Red (plastic) 911. I'd break my bank on such a trip. 14:20 The Red and White Police 911, I need to get mine restored. It's missing a couple of the pieces. 18:34 The 910, another one that I have, and needs to be restored. 19:24 That's a (White) Corgi 911 I've not seen before. 21:16 I have recently found an example of that L&M 917. 22:56 Is that a 904 Slot Car? 23:20 I saw that 911 at the edge of the screen.
I can't believe how much vintage stuff is at that flea market!! Awesome!
Hola Paul
Me gusta tu canal, me devuelve a mi época de niño y mis juguetes de esa época eran los Majorette.
Cada ves que puedo voy al Mercado de Pulgas de mi ciudad (Bogota) a buscar los que tuve cuando era niño
Saludos Paul
Wow cool finds Paul...My wallet would be empty after that Market........😅
Wow, great catch Paul. Your flea markets are quite good unlike the ones we have in nothern Portugal. Looking foward to see your next videos.
Thank you very much
Hello Paul, I am a collector and I also do amateur restorations. I follow you with admiration and great interest. Greetings from Istanbul..
Excellent picking, Paul. Lots of good projects to work on.
💪wow,Kinderträume kommen wieder... Schöne alte Autos und LKWs
Parabéns Paul, teremos muitos projetos futuramente. Impressionante a quantidade e variedade de modêlos nesta feira.
Uaauu!!!! Vamos As Compras.....😎😎😎😎
Thank you very much
Винтажные модели это 😻😻😻😻
I love watching your flee market videos, I will watch this later after work and training with a nice cup of tea
My local collector fair was garbage, hardly any stalls, and nobody buying! That looked awesome Paul
I am so envious. My wife and I go all kinds of these markets in the US, and I’ve never seen this much diecast on display…
Lots of great finds! I really enjoy the hunt. Thank you for sharing this.
thank you very much
Отличное приобритение
Parabéns pelas conquistas! Vou assistir a todos os restauros desses modelos. 👍
Muito obrigado Mauricio
A lot to look through but some fantastic finds!
Yhank you very much Ron
Tanti belli modelli , io non trovo tanta scelta come da te. Io compro tante Siku mi piacciono molto ma ne trovo poche da 1/43 . Abbiamo da divertirci questo inverno 👍🇮🇹
🖐🙂👍👍👍👌👊 Udane zakupy to ja czekam na filmy pozdro.
È sempre bello venire con te ai mercatini !!!
Nice selection for future projects, I hope we will see your beautiful work soon too 👍🏻 good luck
Thank you very much
What a surprise to see a lot of diecast west model car toys in ex east country as Poland ! We know now where your stuff is coming my friend ! ; ) as fellow in other comments, some models are pleasant to me....other makes me remember childhood period : Matchbox was popular in France as in all europ, a very good memeories of my blue/ white Kentworth with trailer (red coca, at 18.54 min in your movie ) "Charles gervais" ice cream for my french market version....good futur restoration buddy : )
Mercatini sempre ricchi di fascino 😻 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟✨🚀👽🖖 Grazie Paul 💪💪💪🫶✌️
Всегда круто смотреть твои покупку бро✌
Bei dieser Auswahl an tollen Fahrzeugen, freue ich mich schon auf die vielen Restaurierungen. Absolute Auswahl !!
Lindo demais mesmo fantángo amei secasomal adore esse top espetacular
Muito obrigado Leonardo
Nice pickups Paul. I need to visit Poland one day, Although I am Polish I was born in America. My dad told me my grandfather is from Krakow.
You are now a Yank so please stay there. No offence meant
thank you very much
Relaxing video. I hope look soon fiat 128
👍богатая у вас барахолка.
So viele tolle Modelle, danke dir Paul! 👍💪✌
Thank you very much
Bonjour Paul, serait-il possible de connaître le lieu où se déroule ce marché aux puces. Pour ma part, je vais à Hala Targowa. Je vous remercie. Cordialement, un français de Krakow.😄
Que genial esos metcadillos, alli en Cracovia, aqui en Argentina es casi imposible, quienes colleccionamos tenemos que ir s los nuevos, al igual que Dioramas no se consigue, - al menos yo no se - , 👌✨️✨️
The modified Dinky Ford Transit Mk3 van that someone has converted, I did the same thing with an old one I had acquired years ago. I finally finished it during the Covid lockdown and scratch-built a non-working winch and drop down rear tailgate. Also I used some seating from Hongwell Cararma Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance model and the roof beacon from a Dinky police car I had years ago. Thanks for showing us your latest finds. I brought aload of old die-cast from the Enfield Pageant of Motoring, this year, some for just a £1 each. Best find was a bag of nearly 20 Matchbox first editions from the 1950's for just £2 from a local charity shop. Funny thing is I purchased a selection of different toy cars in 2 bags for £2, and took the terrible Chinese ones to charity nearby to sell on!
Parabéns meu amigo, você conseguiu ótimos modelos para restaurar. 👍
Saludos desde la CDMX México
Muchas gracias
Ilość samochodów, ciężarówek i akcesoriów oferowanych na tych rynkach jest imponująca, doskonała kolekcja!
You got a lot of stuff to work with. Have fun 😁
Servus Paul
Wow da waren ja richtige Schätze dabei😊👍
Der Flohmarkt hat sich bestimmt gelohnt.
Lg Michael
Vielen Dank Michael
That will keep you going.
Paul, you are a true lover of die cast models!!! Congrats for new projects that you bought! And one question, please: i m so hard to find Lancia 037 from other producer than Hot Wheels. And from Solido is far too expensive. What do you recomand me? What producer also make this Lancia? Many thanks.
My favorite episode so far, thank you! Looking forward esp. to the Gerry Anderson gem.
Please show more individual pieces, rather than hid them in a skip.
On average, how much do you have to pay for these items?
День добрый. шикарная барахолка я бы сказа кландайк
Wow , nice selection of cars and truck s . O yeah 👍
Thank you very much Mike
top merci
Merci beaucoup
That is an awesome market!
Thank you very much
I Envy you Paul..... I just wish there was something like this in my country too.
Here the die-cast scale models are nothing more than a toys for the rich kids.
Eagerly waiting for the reincarnation of the chosen ones
Live Long N Prosper
Grzegórzki i Balice :)
👍 Thx 🇧🇪.
Thank you very much
Olá Paul!
Rapaz, você esteve com um belo caminhão Dodge D700 (ou seria um GMC C60?) nas mãos e não o comprou...
Seria um caminhão que eu compraria.
Para referência, o caminhão aparece aos 9:58 do vídeo.
E parabéns pelas belas aquisições!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Impresionante trabajo maestro! Saludos desde México!
Muchas gracias
At 8:30 on this video. What kind of vehicle is that ? That’s interesting.
thank you very much
Nice finds!
Thank you very much
Ich freue mich auf den Lotus Europa! So einen hatte ich auch und fand das Design sehr gelungen
Kurde czemu nigdy nie mogę trafić na takie okazy, np podwozia z 7 minuty te z liontoysa bym sam wziął do swojej kolekcji i renowacji, ogólnie widzę ze dużo 1:50 było, oby 8-9 listopada na Bytomiu był wysyp i abyśmy sobie nie podkupowali :P
D lujo amigo se miraron muy buenas piezas y con el toque que les das se miraran muy bien 👍🏻
Muchas gracias
Como decimos en Latinoamérica!.. muy buena cacería 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Grazie mile
Thanks for the walk. What a number of models. 😳😳😳😳😵👌👌👌👌✌️. Greetings from Mexico.
Super są takie filmy :)
Dziękuję bardzo
Lots of great picks and future projects.
Thank you very much
You have some awesome diecast there... Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much
Новые приключения в игрушечном раю!😂🙃👍👍👍
Que bueno que a si viéramos esto en mexico normal mente llegan mercancías de juguetes a los tianguis o tiraderos i los acaparadores agarran lo mejor o en lo peor de los casos se llevan todo a precios bajos i venden muy caro lamentable mente a si es esto en mexico ..saludos desde México City..
Piekne. Wręcz zbyt piękne. Mnie nie wolno byłoby puścić na taki pchli targ. O ile rodzina nie byłaby gotowa posilać się widokiem samochodzików. Taki wybór. Nawet plastykowe Ferrari z drugiej serii Shella. Prześliczne Schuco. Oglądając dostawałem stanu przedzawałowego od tych wszystkich cudów. Jeśli to nie tajemnica to jak wyglądają ceny a takim pchlim targu? W Irlandii często są zabójczo wysokie. Nawet za puste, pogięte skorupy.
Dokładnie w Irlandii wszystko bezcenne😂Zbieramy z synem ale ceny tutaj to jakiś obłęd
@@patrykdziendziella3982 A co i w jakiej skali zbieracie? Pozdrawiam podobnych do mnie zapaleńców z Zielonej (i dorgiej) Wyspy. 👋
Średniej zaawansowanej😂
@@KrasnalDiecast-s1kśredniej zaawasowanej😂Głównie hot wheels i matchbox.Mamy dużo na wymiane
te modele Schuco były w cenie około 30 zł w zależności od rodzaju. modele stare do renowacji są w cenach od 5 do 40 zł za sztukę .im większy model tym cena rośnie , ale naprawdę można trafić świetne okazje. ten film zrobiłem na podstawie moich ośmiu wizyt na pchlim targu Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Pawle, ile odrestaurowanych modeli liczy obecnie twoja kolekcja?
I was just thinking that myself. 😂
前回 ポルシェに驚き またしても デロリアンも 驚きです ワクワクします( ´∀`)b
...A Long Time ago in a Galaxy far, far away!
I love watching such footage, but it makes me extremely sad.
Remnants of a happy childhood. Today, children are "happy" in displays and conflicts with each other. And these things, which have become obsolete, are enjoyed by the same children who once became ~"obsolete". 😁
So I'm very pleased to see models that are "Made in Bulgaria" ("Matchbox"). - That ended a long time ago! 😐
...No more "Made in France",
...No more "Made in Italy",
...No more "Made in Germany"
No more even "Made in Hong-Kong", that became to...
...only: "MADE IN CHINA"
Greetings from an like-minded
from Bulgaria! ✋😊
Благодаря ви, че повдигнахте този въпрос. Много се радвам, че най-накрая има коментар от България. Много добре си спомням моделите на българската кибритена фабрика и поздрави от Полша
Unfortunally, the nicedie cast spanish cars from Guisval, Joal, Pilén etc are still missing in your videos. Therefore, those models in scale 1/43 are very apreciatted in the second hand market.
Seat Malaga Guisval White and truck Pegaso Mira❤❤❤❤❤
I love these flea market videos !
Thanks Paul.
thank you very much
Boa noite Paul. Aqui no Brasil são 21.28. você deixou de pegar um De Tomaso Mangusta branco quando você pegou o lótus Spirit branco.
Muito obrigado
picked 23 out myself, including, dinky war chariot and gerry anderson war car, which i code 3'd as investigator car, monkeemobile, 007 lotus and db5's. also sand cat buggy. and mk3 cortinas
Hallo. Bei Dir gibt es soviele fahrzeuge auf den Märkten, bei uns wenn man glück hat 1 Händler mit eine handvoll und die sind dann meiste aus Plastik. Toll solche Märkte. Wünsche dir viel Erfolg beim restaurieren. Gruss Markus
Widzę kilka Transitów nabyłeś... Będzie seria???
Vrai coup de cœur pour les modèles réduits suivant: l'auto de James Bond.
Le rouleau compresseur.
Le camion Pepsi cola..
L'auto n` 6.
En attente de voir les restaurations.
Toy car Heaven! 👌🏻👍🏻👏🏻
Thank you very much
Ha! The Monkee Mobile stretch GTO!
Question how often do you repaint the Cars a different color ??? 😊😊😊
thank you very much
I would enjoy window shopping at these markets but wouldn’t have a clue what to buy.