Just out of interest, what time of day was this filmed? It looks as if a local urgent announcement was made by the Council, warning people to clear the streets, before a meteor hits the area.
I was wondering the same. It's the second saturday of Januari, after people have spent all their money on Christmas. Probably pretty early too, as there are no customers in the restaurants. Therefore not many people up and about. The abandoned shop fronts though, they are a result of internet shopping taking over.
Just out of interest, what time of day was this filmed?
It looks as if a local urgent announcement was made by the Council, warning people to clear the streets, before a meteor hits the area.
Hi Logan, thank you, date of recording: 13 January 2024 . I think this would sort the problem out 😂
It's so disappointing and depressing, to see it looking like that...
I was wondering the same. It's the second saturday of Januari, after people have spent all their money on Christmas. Probably pretty early too, as there are no customers in the restaurants. Therefore not many people up and about. The abandoned shop fronts though, they are a result of internet shopping taking over.