I cant believe jizzie had fans, I mean come on Jon never loved her and he never wanted her no matter how many schemes she came up with. The only women Jon loved unconditionally was Tammy and Sara and it's sad that people wanted Lizzie with Jon when he did not love or want her.
I want to thank the person who put these on u tube
I miss this show I was working when these episodes were on thank you so so much
I cant believe jizzie had fans, I mean come on Jon never loved her and he never wanted her no matter how many schemes she came up with. The only women Jon loved unconditionally was Tammy and Sara and it's sad that people wanted Lizzie with Jon when he did not love or want her.
I bet the actress that plays Lizzie is a real rocker with that thing on her belly and the tattoo on her lower side.
I can't believe wat m hearing Johnathan n Tammy r cousin 4 crying out loud!!!!
tammy and jonathan was good together, when they kill tammy, they kill the show,jizzy sucks , jammy all the way
i agree wit u 100%