It is not easy to survive a 25 weeks premature baby. In UK the propability is 7 in 10 survive. You went to hospital just in time. They should giive the first injection to support his lung, and the next day when you started the induced birth you should be taken the second injection. At St Thomas Hospital a woman gave birth of the two her daughters at 25 weeks , who weight only 650 gr. They are doing great. Those two injections will make the difference if you took before you started the inducing birth...
Emisjon shumprekes dhe me vlera njerzore ❤
Zoti ja mundesoft sherimin
Bravo ini te mbrekullushem
O zot ndimoje 🙏
Zemra e vogla sa te mir sherim te shpejt per vellan
Sherim të shpetë
Zoti e sheroft❤e ruajt
It is not easy to survive a 25 weeks premature baby. In UK the propability is 7 in 10 survive.
You went to hospital just in time. They should giive the first injection to support his lung, and the next day when you started the induced birth you should be taken the second injection. At St Thomas Hospital a woman gave birth of the two her daughters at 25 weeks , who weight only 650 gr. They are doing great.
Those two injections will make the difference if you took before you started the inducing birth...
Marina fisnike , e pergaditur dhe spontane ne percjelljen e emocioneve. It's not only the beauty of the outside your soul is beautiful too.!